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Everything posted by Subversive

  1. Is anyone else scared?! *Looks frantically left and right* *Runs off screaming* Well off to watch some SNL :naughty:
  2. Actually yes I spent [i] alot [/i]of time on it. Time that I found was wasted when I saw photoshops abilities. But thanx ^^ now I will never spend that much time for nothing again. I would like to thank all the good people at Adobe ^^
  3. Yes I did, most of it on MS Paint. But I I just added a graphic through PS. Heres the new, its cool now that I added wolf wood. Yes and well the drawing was done in MS Paint but I copied to layers in PS, when I want to I can do Pixel art.
  4. Mostly MS Paint x.x but I have Photoshop now, I can't use that well though. I'm a pretty good artist, I just don't know how to use it yet.
  5. I need some graphix! I got a new computer and have nothing... Help Me!
  6. This is typical, get some money for freak accident that is no ones fault but our own. I feel sorry for the girl, to have such bad parents.
  7. Yes, but you see to him, he has no problem. He sees that it is the rest of the world that has the problem and his is the normal.
  8. Without stupid music we wouldn't have any to ignore. LOL, but seriously while I dislike most one hit wonders, they do shape the music scene.
  9. uuuuhhh, I just came back to the board a couple days ago. My Bad...but I've heard of Curve. I'll go to the tweaker site to night, thanks for the link ^^
  10. [quote][b]Still though, from what I'm hearing the voice chat is MUCH better than using the controller to chat. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, sadly Nintendo skipped out on the keyboard. My question is why? WTF were they thinking?!
  11. OK this is a complete dilema for me. Personally, my anime watching has still been held to minimal amount (well compared to you people) so I enjoy dubbed. But I also can "feel" more of a character in the voice acting in Japanese, so subbed is fun, but a challenge.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=10]HE CAN DANCE! MAN, HE CAN DANCE![/SIZE] [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] w3rd! Thats all I give him, the dancing, don't get me started on the rest!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Orien_Xel [/i] [B]YAHHHHH!! MATRIX!!!!!:) [/B][/QUOTE] I think you've summed up our excitement in two words and an emoticon! I applaud you.
  14. AFI ownz all! Awsome and no one knows about them (well maybe here). My school is full of people who listen to whatever someone claims is the next great song, and some make fun of me for still listening to ACDC, Motley Crue, and Nirvana.
  15. Subversive


    OK, with your egotistical comments, I think just about everyone that high up in the Celebrity ladder is a little egotistical. Unless someone has some religious explination for their talents (which I do) they're completely egotistical and the ones with religious reasons still are too. We're humans man, we're all selfish to some point. Well, yes he is more to the extreme then most, but thats what sells his records. Hey, you gotta do what ya gotta do, and your opinion is a valid as the next. I see where you going, but to me, atleast right now, I don't see that being a downside to his success.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]Punk might never have come into being without the 80's. [/B][/QUOTE] True, so very true. Did you see that special on MTV2 on the progression of Punk?
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [B]I think the dancing law only applies to London though.. I've never seen any "no dancing" signs around here.. [/B][/QUOTE] You should organize a rave right outside the city! Invite everyone, that would be soo coool and rebelous! :wigout:
  18. Mussstttt seeeee Matrixxx Moviesss *Pulls self up* These movies will own all, they and the LOTR's will always be my favorite movies, along with Almost Famous ofcourse.
  19. 80's was good music, it was ruined by those annoying one-hit wonders. Think Nirvana, ACDC, Beastie Boys, Motley Crue, Guns and Roses, Metallica, etc.
  20. I want to go to your schools :bawl: My school blows. Where do you live? I'll be there by Sunday :naughty:
  21. I would have to say beating Olga Flow on Very Hard mode on Phantasy Star Online, has been my best moment soo far.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GotenksSSJ343 [/i] [B]Well one thing is true that except SSB:M Gamecube's controller is not all that good for fighting. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't understand this claim everyone makes. Maybe its just me, but I can handle the GCN's controller much better than any other. PS2 blisters my forefingers, XBOX's is a friggin lunch box with buttons, yet GameCube is perfectly curved with a nice button layout. I want a GCN controller adapter for other systems!
  23. RPG's are the best online games anyway, I'll pay the fee gladly for good service on a great game.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taikaru [/i] [B]I saw some stuff on it...looked kinda' crappy to me... [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks for the indepth words of advice:rolleyes: I will get this game when I find it (Stupid Wallmart) I'm probably going to get it @ gamestop or EB. My friend already has, and had the DC version, and says it is greatly improved. Its actually taking him away *some* from PSO. If you have any intrests in the Role Playing Game genre, get the game, truly a masterpiece!
  25. GET THE ADAPTER AT ALL COSTS! It is well worth whatever it takes. This is a game, that hasn't even been taken out of my GameCube to put another in. My Animal Crossing town probably has 600 weeds in it. My RA is now up to 63 even though I hardly ever get to play, stupid baseball practice. Oh yeah and if you want, you can be in my (and level 94 friends) guild! Just PM me!
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