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Everything posted by Subversive

  1. Would I get a tattoo...maybe. For you see, the question is, what is the effect of getting one. The pain is no big deal, not at all, its the fact that there is this thing on your arm, that now is part of your arm (or wherever you get it) so make it count, don't put some pointless, meaningless, fad on your skin.
  2. OMG...at first I thought this was a bad joke, but with all the support and facts and all, WOW! The British Law Enforcement is quite funny, Maybe Monty Python's Flying Circus was formerly law enforcement. :D This is completely stupid, and goes back to those people who file a law suit (or however you spell it) on nothing but a half-baked toddler of an idea. How I loathe them...
  3. My school is sooo small it has nothing. We (in Texas) have to have two languages credits (if not on the minimum program) to graduate. That would be no big deal if it weren't for the fact we only have one language, Spanish! I would love to have taken Japanese. We have like one club, no wait two, Enviromental Club and Math Club. Math Club is really just an honors achievment not a club. I HATE MY SCHOOL... :bawl: :mad:
  4. *Dyes hair red* Hahahaha Mine's better! *runs off laughing* No, seriously, I've seen a few animes very often and I'd have to say I love the character design soooo much. BTW find the site with the glasses...must have...
  5. Who am I in my own mind? I'm a good kid who likes to have fun. I'm a good person, with my own flaws and foibles, who's pretty funny and fun to hang around with. I'm smart, really smart, and still not as smart as I would like to be. I'm the average physical guy, but not the average in anything else, infact noone is average its just a concept. How do others see you? You know that kid, no you don't, no one knows ME but everyone knows of me. I'm the geek, smartkid, freak, loser, who's in Athletics. I'm completely oblivious to what most think, beyond their thoughts which they show right to everyone. I'm semi-funny, really smart, and pretty annoying (if you're not one of my closer friends). I'm well liked, yet greatly hated, but if it came down to it you'ld help me out because I'm a good guy. How would I rather others see me? How they do now, who cares, aslong as my close friends see me for who I am (and still accept me) does it matter?
  6. Hmmmm...well I've seen some on the Action Channel, Cartoon Network, Nick shows Speed Racer...gotta love your Speed Racer =)
  7. Thats good. More people to have online fun with! Tedious, Ha!, have you ever played a GTA game, now thats tedious. All games are a little tedious, but this game took tedious and made it... tedious...LOL! Really with all the items, adventures, and online personalities coming right through your outdated TV screen, this game is worth it for even the casual RPG player (they won't be after playing this) GET IT!
  8. If its Red and Black I'll wear it. Screw what people think, wear what you like, and my school has uniform its not that bad...
  9. Hmmmmm...I might get one tattoo a symbol I created representing my life and how I should live it. Its kindof hard to explain...
  10. I suggest creating character personalities, not images. I can never get something if I want it to look a certain way, just draw!
  11. Yay finally glad I skipped out on the GBA due to my small money amount. :D
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B][color=darkblue] A fun game though. Tell us your experiences...are you online or off?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]Yes, yes it is a fun game! And so many experiences I got online for Christmas, and experianced one of the three bad instances of the game, File Corruption! My lv. 42 was completely wiped due to the fact it was on a third party memory card, so I advise you if you are ever considering online play put it on a Memory Card59. So I started over and although I was a wee-bit dissapointed, I continued to play the game I loved. And I'm glad I did so, I worked my way back up and higher, until that night I reached level 70, I was once again corrupted :bawl: Now I know what you may be thinking I'll never play online thats terrible, but you'ld be making a huge mistake! I figured out the problem, my connection data was on a seperate third party memory card! So all is fixed now and I'm going again, this game is by far the best console game I have ever read about, played, or dreamed of...well not dreamed of :D But the madness I love it I now have around a lv 50 HUmar, lv 36 RAmar, and a lv 20 FOmar. You must get this game, you must play it online, you must let it consume everypart of your being. Well, I gtg off to my Shrink [/COLOR]:drunk: :D
  13. How it consumes me! I love this game anyone one else spend countless hours destroying badies on Ragol???
  14. Joe Ownz all...well not really but I beat everyone with him :naughty: I play with Joe, Kyo, and Terry in their spiffy black and red threads! Yuri occasionally and I can easily beat anyone except for Shin Akuma, how I loathe him!
  15. I've always enjoyed the great detail and design of the clothing of all of the Trigun cast. Vash's red coat is soooo cool, I wish I had one :naughty:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by treton_noir [/i] [B]girls just cause trouble. but their a habit i cant kick. [/B][/QUOTE] Its not the worst habit one could have my friend:therock:
  17. Hold on My first games were F1 Racer and World Cup Soccer.
  18. Well of course...(as SD makes his not so triamphunt and too longly delayed return to OB)...Whats her name for Excel Saga the female civil servant who makes her appearance in the fan service ep? She is so hot, well I guess.
  19. Yes I love Kirby. Probably more than anyone, I used to have a kirby avatar and sig. I always pick him on SSB and SSBM. In fact I just might make a Kirby fan club...must get game *drools*
  20. XInfernos WrathX: have you seen CB ElCrazyWhiteBoy: CB? XInfernos WrathX: Cowboy Bebop ElCrazyWhiteBoy: don't like it XInfernos WrathX: what XInfernos WrathX: did you see the whole first DVD ElCrazyWhiteBoy: nope XInfernos WrathX: like session 5 ElCrazyWhiteBoy: eh, I'll check it out. gotta go. and then he left yes he is crazy indeed, Well atleast he's giving it another chance.
  21. well the simpsons keeps my Rolling on the floor, they'll stay around aslong as theres people to watch it, or Groenings not dead.
  22. Sounds very interesting, can't wait to see the outcome.
  23. exactly fanfics don't have to be exact copies with new names, just come up with some new stuff, that would make this story great.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]My old Text & Information management teacher always used to go on at me to use the home keys. She said stuff like 'Connor, don't press G with the F finger' and all this other crap that I just barely listened to. I don't care. I type with both my Index fingers, that's it. Sure, it's wierd, and the teacher moaned a whole lot, but then when I got 85 words per minute in the typing test... Ha. Showed her. [/B][/QUOTE] you type that fast with 2 fingers, Whaattt!!!! :eek:
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