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Everything posted by Subversive

  1. I like the Red Eyes Black Dragon...And the Lord of D. because with all my Dragons it ownz due to its power
  2. Actually I've never had A nightmare either and I have color, interaction, can read, etc. WeiRd
  3. I find it interesting how differant people see dreams :D
  4. Subversive


    Now I've seen the sixth, the madness. Wolfwood just keeps getting better.
  5. I always loved this movie, but recently I've discovered its alot of people I knows favorite...Whats up with that???
  6. arrrrgh...the two extremes I rarely remember, but when I do I jot them down, they do seem to come true or have a meaning in the future. Maybe dreams are a lesson for the future from a higher calling...*hint,hint the Man Upstairs* :D
  7. everyones posted videogame songs in that case I love the start to Madden 2000 j/k :naughty:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]You mean like Classical music? My cousin (she's 19) used to study listening to a Classical music station. She owns a Beethoven (or however it's spelled) symphany on CD and told me who Yo-Yo Ma was. Plus her little brother likes Vanessa Mae. (if you know who any of these people are, good for you) [/B][/QUOTE] I know who they are, and I like classical music, infact I'll listen to any music [B][I]EXCEPT[/I][/B] pop!
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B]actually i heard it was 30-50seconds at the most, not 3-5. But ya, u cant really remember all of your dreams because you have hundreds maybe even thousands each night. [/B][/QUOTE] :D Oooops, maybe I'm a little off, but it still stays true to the cause
  10. A dream technically at the most lasts like 3-5 secs. Its also very hard to remember dreams because there quick glitches in brain waves, and are created by a random assortment of thoughts you've stored in your brain...
  11. Subversive


    God, I loved Family Guy too. Why do all my fav shows get cancelled...well other than the Simpsons and Friends...Speaking of FRIENDS its on, g2g watch it :naughty:
  12. Trigun opening! Tank! (CB openning) Green Bird (The Fall Scene in CB)
  13. I'm trying to start drawin it, but I've never tried to draw a full sketch mostly just practice. I wan't my first sketch to be incredible!!! :naughty:
  14. I just saw the first DVD today! I love it, the vampire action is amazing, Its a must see! What do you think about it, I must watch more...
  15. Zelgaudes or howeva the hell you spell it is awsome!!! Hes so cool, hes an awsome swordsman and spell caster!!! :naughty:
  16. Subversive


    I love his cross :naughty: I want that soooo badddd! That is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. BTW I just finished DVD 5 today!
  17. Alright A New chapter to throwup over... whats next Monmon come up with some original names (NinjaMon, SpriteMon, StarMon). On a scale of 1-10 I give this a 10... . . . 10 being the worst, bah! [edit]:naughty: BTW OTREB this is just supposed to be for a good laugh, althogh I truly back up my StarMon thing. Keep doin what you love. [/edit]
  18. Arrrggh me sattelites messed up but S to the B is so sweeeziiit
  19. yeah but for GCN its Capcom vs SNK: EO
  20. Subversive


    no must get everyone to watch, even though its not the simpsons: "I'm gonna eat mayoniase now" :D
  21. Subversive


    Wolfwood owns you, I love when Gods so In your face. Hes the greatest anime char of all time *not really, I wasn't thinkning* but hes great.
  22. Kinetica looks so smooth and fun, I don't know how good its replay would be though. The shininess looks like God in a can!
  23. *Thinks* Theres so many The Simpsons Arcade Game: Killing all those Zombies with a green skateboard. :naughty: Baseball Stars: When your create a team starts to own the Best teams Super Mario Bros. 3: Giant World, need I say more... Pokemon: Defeating A friends Venasaur with your Blastoise DWM: Destroying the MMT when no one else even knows who he is. And your first Boss Monster. DW3: Becoming Loto Madden 2002: Being NFL E on All madden and defeating the Rams :devil: ...more to come...
  24. :devil: BaseballStars for the NES, I love SNK. Speaking of SNK when does Capcom vs. SNK come out for GCN
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