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Everything posted by masterfork

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]I am perfectly fine with my DSL connection, on my p3, and XP You just dont get better than a 1.5 up and down connection, thats cheap. Its almost a T3. [/B][/QUOTE] Um - a T3 goes up to 45 mbps (that's megabits, not megabytes... just to clarify, since most people are ignorant to this anyway =P) and costs about 15,000 a month or so. A T1 is 1.5 up/down. I still kick myself for getting a P4 when I did (last july) - I'll probably never buy another Intel processor =]. I remember using AOL 2.0 (yes, I should be killed for touching this retarded ISP) on a 2.4 kbps modem =]... Hmm.. yeah..
  2. Hmm 40 gigs and broadband don't mix =]. Everytime after formatting, I max out my hard drive in 2 days. I have a burner, but I get lazy - and so the burning goes on rarely... Like when I acquire a new piece of.. ahem.. software. That's a nice system - what flavor of the GeForce 4 do you have? MX420, 440? Ti 4200, 4400, or 4600?
  3. Definitely a great game - has been screwing with my study time for AP exams =].. But those are over so all I have left to do is lots of music and morrowind! I bought this game May 2nd and play it in all my free time! I restarted it with at least 10 different characters - currently I'm a Breton that's a fighter/mage. Let's see.. It's incredibly open ended. For example, since I first found out what the main quest was, I haven't touched it. All I've been working on is side quests and exploring dungeons. Really cool when you go through a dungeon and find great armor or a cool weapon. As you level up, the fights get very easy. Joining different guilds is great, too - there's just so much depth here, it's incredible. Bah.. it'll never cut into my gym time... So I must leave for the gym! (A gime? what's a gime? Oooh! A giiiiiime!)
  4. Coming up on the 12th year of piano, 7 years on violin. Picked up a guitar recently because it's so easy to learn the chords (helps me for my composition). Yeah, ultimately I want to either be a network systems administrator or a film/game score composer =].
  5. Hrm.. It's a performing arts high school - me goes for piano and violin... [url]http://www.laguardiahs.org[/url]
  6. Erm.. Let's see - recently it was my 11th year of piano (mostly classical, but I do some of my own improvisation and composition)... 6 years on violin... When in elementary, I tried some instruments but didn't enjoy them - so that's it =]. I have juries and recitals coming up.. fun fun! [edit] I'll add two classical pieces for yee to listen to (they're both new, from a recital I played recently) Black Key Etude by Chopin - [url]http://www.total3d.com/etude.mp3[/url] Shcerzo by Muczynski - [url]http://www.total3d.com/scherzo.mp3[/url]
  7. just gonna put up a pic to prove my rating (3)
  8. hrm, out of all the people that replied so far... I'll be first to say I'm ugly and actually live up to it =] so .. um.. 3 for me
  9. expressionism is more of a general style of music that began at the start of the 20th century, all that inner artistic stuff. serialism is a style of music developed in the same time which uses a definite order of notes that are the thematic basis for a musical composition.. basically what I'm trying to say is they're different =]
  10. hell yah, he's an awesome composer. The one that invented serialism (the 12 tone system)
  11. You mean AMD is the company =].. At the current moment, if you were to ask me what the best chip is, I'd say the AMD Athlod XP 1900+. It's clocked at 1.6 GHz - and no, don't tell me "the pentium 4 is clocked at 2 GHz and over, now!" It makes no difference anymore, at least not between these two different companies. AMD used to suck (with the k6-2 line they had), but they drastically improved, so make sure you get that new computer with their processor.
  12. Since SSJ5 Vegeta summed up practically everything I could've said I'll just comment on the video part... Oh yeah, and I'd get an Abit or Epox motherboard... Anyway, yeah double data rate (DDR) ram would be the best type you can get right now, as long as the mobo supports it =]... OK well for the video cards: Right now, Nvidia and ATI are the only true competitors in making top of the line chips, and the two best cards available on the market now are the GeForce3 Ti-500 and Radeon 8500. These are for regular users, others who focus on graphics work in applications should get an Oxygen card.. but anyway dont' get voodoos, they're not in production and 3dfx has been dead since the beginning of this year (bought their technology, yet hasn't really been using it). Getting outdated technology would be the worst part in a new computer =]. But since you really don't care about the video in your computer, jus you could always get a GeForce2 MX or Ti-200. The kyro2 chipset is alright, or you can settle for one of ATI's lower end cards. [edit]note I didn't say who bought their technology - it was Nvidia... dunno why I didn't say it... hmm.. oh well[/edit]
  13. NO MESS WITH RUSSIANS, OR ME THROW ADAM LIKE FOOTBALL! Anyway... I've converted the file to mp3 format, so everybody can hear the insanity... [url]http://www.total3d.com/carnage.mp3[/url]
  14. heh thanks.. oh about that...... yeah just expanding further on the persona adam created for me =].
  15. Well, let's see now... Where to begin. A friend and I wrote this crazy piece at school - believe me if you're not an open minded person there's a definite chance you won't like this. OK let me rephrase that, no matter who you are, you probably won't like this =]. I just wanted to share it with some people to get some crazy opinions! Oh, be warned it's .wma format meaning you gotta have windows media player... I don't feel like converting it now to other formats =]... Alrighty, here 'tis: [url]http://www.total3d.com/carnage3.wma[/url]
  16. If ya don't mind, I'll just post it here... you can always add a veteran from the good old days =]. Just a senior pic proof that I scanned in.. has like a name tag at the bottom.. eh doesn't matter =]
  17. Thought I might post since you all seem to have some confusion =]. I'm guessing if what you're getting is better than a P4 (which is practically anything) is an Athlon XP. Abit makes motherboards, AMD is making your processor =]. I would go for an Gigabyte motherboard myself, but that's me... With your specs, everything is fine except the video card (the sound card too). Any card with the Kyro chipset is outdated. If you plan to play games, you might as well get a Radeon 8500 or a GeForce 3 Ti-500.
  18. I was teaching myself guitar for a while (it's one of those instruments that is simple enough to learn without any instruction), but realized it wasn't my instrument.. So as of now, I'm a pianist... I play mostly classical and compose stuff usually by improvisation. At school I compose scores for different instruments on computers that sound insane.. not like they're great, but they're crazy pieces of music. 11 year of piano now.. it's my instrument for life =]
  19. Um... after a certain point, there would be no reason to continue, and that point is right there... Given (1) X = Y Multiply both sides by X (2) X^2 = XY Subtract Y^2 from both sides (3) X^2 - Y^2 = XY - Y^2 ------ [b]LOOK: if they equaled each other, X^2 - Y^2 would equal 0, and the same for the other side. Therefore you would have no reason to continue past this point.[/b] Factor both sides (4) (X+Y)(X-Y) = Y(X-Y) Cancel out common factors (5) (X+Y) = Y Substitute in from line (1) (6) Y+Y = Y Collect the Y's (7) 2Y = Y Divide both sides by Y (8) 2 = 1 [edit] I just saw something else. I don't see how (X+Y)(X-Y) would equal X^2 - Y^2... That makes no sense either.
  20. Never trash an old computer =] If anything, just take out everything and store it. But before you go and get a new one, format! Why not, you know? Back up all your important crap (borrow an external hard drive, or if you have a cd burner...). Plus, it's just so much better. It gives you a fresh start - feels like a new computer in itself.. You'll notice a speed difference too, since you're "starting over" =].
  21. Technically these are the least popular of the forums I visit =].. The readers on the other forums are older and more mature than these, and I can actually get some useful information from those boards (many of them are either proficient in or have degrees in computer-related subjects.. I like to read what they write since I'm going to major in computer science). The first is [url]www.hardforums.com[/url] - The forums for [H]ard|OCP (Hard Over-Clockers Page). Then I visit the forums at brighthand.com - mostly the pocket pc forums. And that's all =]
  22. Hey that means I have to miss my Yankee parade this year! Not like I go.. I just don't go to school and spend the day at a friend's house... Frankly I'm indifferent on the whole matter =]..
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