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Everything posted by Sasami-san

  1. Well, yes, that is their belief, but don't get me wrong or anything, I LOVE the Middle East, it's my favorite part of the world, and I believe they have a beautiful religion, people, and all, but I believe what they did was wrong although they believed it was oki, because we do not share the same religion as them, and we do not believe the same things as them, and they know that, so if it's and honor to die, then they should have flewn one of their planes with their people into one of their buildings instead. They knew what they were doing, and they were wanting to just bring our economy down, kill our people, and make us mad, but they didn't care, because in their religion, they are going to heaven.
  2. I like a cup of coffee with three spoon-fulls of sugar, and three spoon-fulls of creamour.....very bad for you, but OH-so-good!
  3. If I could live anywhere, it would have to be Corner, Alabama, hehe, I practically live there (just about a mile or two away). It's just nice, it's what I call "cow county", because between every house, there is a pasture with many many cows in it :D I LOVE the country. But if I had to live somewhere else out of the U.S., it would be Tokyo, Japan.....OF COURSE!:love:
  4. Hiya! Welcome back! Sorry that happened to you:(
  5. *Cheers*>>>>>>>"Jackets can do it! GO! GO!" I think that I have a pretty good bit of school spirit, although this is my first year at this school, but hey!.....This is my first year to be a cheerleader also, so I'm enjoying it as much as possible, and have/show and show as much school spirit as possible;)
  6. Geez-Weez!!! I would go CRAAAZY if Japan got blown off the face of this earth or anything like that! It would be aboslutely horrible, but I voted for rebuilding Japan.....but hold on, it just wouldn't be the same, not the same people, a LOT of the history would be lost, the temples would be gone....AWE the BEAUTIFUL temples!!!!!:mad: And the old religions, they would more than likely be lost too......AWE, that would be an awful thing :( Wow, and I think that losing Japan would be bad, IF ANYONE TOUCHED MY EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS, I WOULD GO AFTER WHOEVER DID IT!!!!!!!:flaming: :mad: :flaming: :devil: :mad: That just better not happen!:flaming: .....:angel:
  7. I LOVE that you bring this question up considering that my TRUE LOVE is travel, my favorite places are: Egypt (This is my number one place :love: ) India Japan Sweden Saudi Arabia Africa Amazon Thailand Bali Malaysia Scottland Ireland And any place where there are deserts, jungles, or animals:love: :cool: :D
  8. Rice, but I can't eat my rice without my chopsticks.....chopsticks are a MUST! :D :tasty:
  9. I'm from the second one :D
  10. I love anything by Bosson!:D But my favorites are "Something to Believe in" and "I Believe" the remix, and "It's Over Now", I cried at that one :(
  11. Well, I am known for being quiet and to myself.....that is until people get to really know me:D I'm kind of smart, but not REALLY smart, there are just some things that I am good at and I know a lot about, you know what I mean? I'm known for being the "Good Little Girl" because I'm well, good, I don't like doing bad or wrong things. I'm nice:D I'm known for always having a smile on my face and being happy and giggly (giggles is a nickname) And I'm known for being an "Egyptian Lover" because I LOOOOOVE Egypt! So my reputations good!:D
  12. *Claps*, nice drawing! Too bad that I still can't draw anime really well considering that my goal for the summer was to learn how to draw anime:( O well, but that reminds me, have you seen my Sasami drawing on my binder? If not, I want to show you and I want you to tell me what you think, oki? :)
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zaku II [/i] [B]Are first game was great. It was pre season, but we beat our biggest rival big time. It looked bad at first but then in the fourth our guys kicked it into butt kicking mode. [/B][/QUOTE] *Cries* and I wasn't there to see it!!!!!!! WHAAAH!:( Geez that bites :(
  14. Omigosh, that is just horrible:( I haven't even heard anything about it until now :( She was an awsome singer, and will be missed by many :(
  15. WOO-HOO! Thanks a lot for sending those pictures, I always enjoy watching the ending credits because of the song and seeing the pictures, so now I can see the pictures whenever I want! This may sound stupid, but what do those pictures have to do with Outlaw star? Or does anyone know? I mean, I don't think that I've ever seen any of those girls in those pictures in any of the shows?? But I always wonder what those pictures have to do with the show.....if anyone knows, please inform me :)
  16. I hope that you get to the doctor and get to feeling better:)
  17. I like Band-Aid ;) It's just different.
  18. I just registered :cool: I'll be looking forward to seeing it ;)
  19. I think that I'd have to say Cookie Dough, Mint Chocolate Chip, and at this little rinki-dink burger place near me ( Dip's-N-Dogs) they make the greatest milkshake with Peach flavored icecream.....:tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty: :tasty:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roxy89 [/i] [B]Awesome your a cheerleader!! YAY I'm not alone!!!:rolleyes::D:D....I thought I was the only one.... Oh and why do you not like :babble:?.... ~:devil:~ [/B][/QUOTE] I'm a cheerleader too!!:D :D I get to cheer at my first pep rally this Thursday, and our first game is September 4.....I'm soooo excited!:D :D :D
  21. Woo-hoo! Yippie-skippie! Please send them to me at: [email]cutie41879@aol.com[/email] Thanks a lot! ;)
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][B] My name's 'Abdul Jalaal, and it's arabic 4 'Servant of the Majestic' so, I [I]really[/I] like my name, and I think it's cool. I would never change my name, but if I had to then mebbe I'd change it ta 'Abdul Baasit,...mosta u's won't understand.... :) [/B] [/B][/QUOTE] WOW!!!! I really like your name! So I take it that you must be an Arab?:cool: I really like the name, but it's cool because your name is different, most Arabic guys are named Muhammed:)
  23. Wow!!! Soooo many dreams and nightmares. Well, if you read my signature, you can tell that I am a dreamer, in more ways than one, but I really can't think of any at the moment that stick out in my mind. But I do have a problem with dreams sometimes..... I sometimes get my dreams mixed up with reality. For example, I thought that my best friend's brother was going to grow up to be a preacher, because I "dreamed" about it, but I would still be thinking to this day that her brother was going to be a preacher if I wouldn't have said anything to my friend's mummy about it, and then she laughed at me, lol. Does that happen to anyone else here? Because it happens to me a lot, maybe I'm just weird, OR there's just something special about me:D
  24. Hmmmmmmm, well, my name is Alyssa, and although I wouldn't want to change it, if I absolutely HAD to change my name, I'd change it to India, Tapanga, Sakuya, Bahmani, Asia, or Seong. Seong is Korean for the name Niki, I just thought that it was pretty.
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