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Everything posted by Sasami-san

  1. Awwwwwe! You're so cute!:D You got to go to Germany????? Wow! There are some German exchange students (guys) at my new school, and they are HOT might I add! Well, anyways, everyone's been putting their pics up here, I want to put mine up..... thought I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't get all good comments:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  2. Hiya!:D I remeber you! I'm formerly known as SailorSasami *points to signature*. I don't know if you remeber me or not, but I remeber you!:cool:
  3. Awe:( Did you have a bad day?:( Well, I either write or tell somebody about my day, turn music up super-duper-mega-turbo LOUD and sing as loud as I can, or if you can find some place away from the house like a big field or woods..... I like to go there and just scream until all of my anger, frustration, or sadness is gone :D If you want somebody to write to, to let it all out about, feel free to write me. I hope your day gets better:) .
  4. My favorite is Tenchi in Tokyo. For about the past 6 months or so, I've still been wonering what happened between Tenchi and Sakuya, I think that they got hooked up from what I heard, but I missed many of the Tokyo series shows, so I want the whole series for Christmas :D
  5. Rush Hour 2 was the greatest! Well, considering that I LOVE Jackie Chan, why wouldn't I like the movie?? But anyways. I like at the funnies when Chris Tucker gets a phone call while they are filming and the person that calls wants to talk to Jackie Chan!! HAHAHA, um, oki, hehe, I thought that was hilarious! :D
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