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Everything posted by BlackShadowmon
I explain what anime is to my parents the way I explain it to every other person who doesn't know what anime is. Although anime shows are cartoons, they are created for a teen/adult audience, meaning there could be some bad language, gore, and occassionally nudity. But that doesn't make them bad shows. I tell them that it's similar to the Simpsons: even though it's a cartoon, you probably wouldn't want your ten-year-old watching it. And my parents are OK with me watching anime. Although they "don't get it," they trust me enough to let me watch what I want to.
Request Will someone please make me a banner?
BlackShadowmon replied to BlackShadowmon's topic in Creative Works
Thank you so much! I really like it, so you won't have to change anything. I'm glad you understood my confusing description. Sometimes, what I have to say soesn't always come out right. >_< -
First of all, the description I'm about to give isn't as hard as it sounds. Also, I'd do this myself, but the only picture-editing program I have is Paint. >_< I would like a banner that has 3 pictures in it: one of Balmung from .hack//sign, one of Koga from InuYasha, and one of Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin. (the pictures should be in this order from left to right: Balmung pic, Koga pic, Kenshin pic) Also, I would like the words "Loyalty... Honesty... Purity... " in the banner. The word "Loyalty..." should be navy in color and should be at the bottom of the Balmung pic, the word "Honesty..." should be dark green and should be at the top of the Koga pic, and the word "Purity..." should be white, or silver, or maybe pearl colored and should be at the bottom of the Kenshin pic. Does any of this make sense? If you have questions, feel free to ask.
[QUOTE=dark kitsune] btw - do you think the rpg will be an unlockable feature? something you only get after completing the game in collosium mode?[/QUOTE] After you beat the game, purify all 48 Shadow Pokemon, and beat the Mt. Battle 100 trainers in Colloseum Mode, then a Level 70 Ho-Oh will appear in your PC.
Here's mine: November 13, 1986. This should be interesting, since it appears to be so accurate. :therock:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by angelaanime [/i] [B]I don't think that neopets can die.......... Or can They? .................................*GASP* [/B][/QUOTE] No, they can't die. I once left mine without food for about 8-9 months, and they're still fine. They were kinda mad at me, though. ^^ My username there is blackshadowmon
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] We went to Disney World as our band trips my Sophomore and Senior years. Best experiences of my life so far, I must say. I can't wait to go back again, hopefully sometime this summer. ^_^[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I went last year during Spring Break. Our band marched in the Disney World Parade. We got to stay for 3 days. It was so much fun. But some of the people watching us march were talking bad to us and insulting us as we marched. But one of the people in charge of the bands that were marching said that our band was one of the few bands that didn't talk back to the people that were insulting us. And right before we even started marching, it started raining, so our marching was delayed for about 15-30 minutes. -_- And even though I play flute, I've never been to band camp. :sleep: Our school's band is so big that it is split into 3 smaller bands, so that we don't all have band the same period. 1st band is all the really good people, 2nd is for the people who are goood but not quite enough for 1st band, and 3rd is for the people who......can't quite play as good. I am currently 1st chair in the 2nd band.
Will you do mine please? My name is Laura.
This might not belong here since I don't know if it's an anime or not (I've only read the manga). Has anyone else even heard of it? I'd really like to see it as anime. And I was wondering if someone else could tell me a basic outline (spoilers possible) of what happens, as I only read volume 1 of the manga.
Anime What Kind of player would you Be?
BlackShadowmon replied to Heavyblade's topic in Otaku Central
I'd be a Wave Master, 'cause I kinda suck at fighting, however my defense is very high while my attack is practically non-existent. I'd have to rely on my defense, my speed, and my wits to get out of a fight. I can be pretty tricky at times... :p -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]Well personally I would recommend Brain Powered the story is more mature, the action is better, and the story is as well. Pilot Candidate story is rather horrible...its a very short series only 13 episodes in all and the ending...if you can even really call it an ending just isn't worth paying full price for it. Rick Hunter's recommendation go with Brain Powered. [/B][/QUOTE] I personally like Pilot Candidate a lot. The reason there are only 13 episodes is because for some unknown reason the anime was suddenly cancelled in Japan. So technically the 13th episode wasn't a crappy ending...there was more to the story but unfortunately we can't see it. There have been rumors (just rumors) that a new company was going to finish the series, but I doubt it will actually happen.
Anime What are some of your favorite anime songs?
BlackShadowmon replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B] [color=blue]I like When The Cherry Blossom Starts To Bloom too. Wasn't that in the last ep of Tenchi Muyo, or was it Universe? I found some more songs that I like. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm pretty sure it was the last episode of Universe. -
:love: There are so many good ones out there! I'll list my ultimate favs: (not in order) 1.DBZ :love: 2.Yu-Gi-Oh :excited: 3.Digimon :wigout: 4.Pilot Candidate :angel: 5.YuYu Hakusho :box: 6.Cowboy Bebop :smoke: 7.Tenchi :2women:
DBZ led me to start karate. :) I started about 1 1/2 years ago, and now I'm soon going to take my blue belt test. ^^ It also reminds me that no matter how bad things are, it'll never be as bad as when Frieza, Cell, Buu, and all the other baddies are trying to do evil while the "Z Fighters" are fighting for their lives. Hopefully none of us will have to do that.
Strong points: 1. I'm really, really quiet and shy. 2. I'm very good with computers and video games. Hopefully my career will be designing video games. ^^ 3. I'm more of a defensive person; when I fight, I prefer to defend instead of attack. Weak points: 1. I can be very stubborn. ^^ 2. Since I'm defensive, my strength is extremely low. 3. I'm usually slow to do things and going from one place to another. I [i]can[/i] be fast, but only when I want to. ^^
People should use my advice more often. :lecture: *starts to lecture for 5 hours*
Actually, I did create a Pokemon, it's the evolution of Eevee when a Leaf stone is used. Its body looks like Jolteon. It is light green in color. A vine that has thorns on it is wrapped around its body and legs. The thorns are dark green, and the vine itself is slightly darker than the Pokemon. I don't have a name for it. Maybe....Vineon, for the vine around it?
Gaming Anybody catch any alternate-color Pokemon?
BlackShadowmon replied to Imp's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ifm2181 [/i] [B]Although I rarely ever play my Silver anymore (I used to be a huge Pokemon Otaku) but I got the sparkly/shiny Suicune, Entei, Raikou and Skarmory, plus the red Gyarados. [/B][/QUOTE] The only shiny pkmn I caught w/o cheating was Oddish, and that was a long time ago, so I don't remember what it looked like. Ones I've gotten from Sharking: (What?! I got bored) Charizard-blue Vaporeon-silver --It looks really cool Moltres-orangeish Articuno-very light blue Slugma-gray Meowth--white parts are now tan, brown parts are now pink Drowzee--purpleish Houndour- black parts of fur now have hints of blue in them Girafarig-not much change--black parts have hints of blue Donphan-purple Quagsire-purple Sentret-lighter in color Charmander-light orange Skarmory-green Stantler-hooves, nose, and the ball parts of the antlers are red Igglybuff-brighter pink Flareon-lighter on color Gyrados-red--one I got from the lake Dratini-purple--looks cool Rapidash--flames are now purple--looks really cool Lapras-purple-looks cool again Raikou-orange--take this one to pkmn Stadium 2--makes it look like a real tiger Quilava-lighter in color Growlithe-lighter in color -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark_Apocalyps [/i] [B]I dont know if I can, but id like to make piccies from people too, because there is noone here to do it. Or at least, as far as I know. [/B][/QUOTE] Would you, please? I'd really be thankful.... :wave:
Anime What are some of your favorite anime songs?
BlackShadowmon replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B][color=blue]I've come to like a few songs, but I can't remember the names of all of them, but here are some: My Heart Iidasenai Your Heart Tashikametai [i]-Opening theme from Oh, My Goddess![/i] Speed Racer theme (Don't ask) Hiru no Tsuki [i]-1st ending theme from Outlaw Star[/i] Tsuki no Ie [i]-2nd ending theme from Outlaw Star[/i] Hohoemi no Bakudan [i]-Opening theme from Yuu Yuu Hakusho[/i] Tank! [i]-Opening theme from Cowboy Bebop[/i] Zion [i]Opening theme for Candiate for Goddess (Love that song soooooo much!)[/i] Chance [i]-Ending theme from Candidate for Goddess [/i][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I really like all of those except for the Speed Racer song and the Oh My Goddess song. I also like: The Real Folk Blues (CB) Talent For Love (Tenchi) When The Cherry Blossoms Start To Bloom (Tenchi) Pioneer (Tenchi) I like a lot more; I just don't know the names of them... -
1.BlackShadowmon 2.Spike 3.Honky Tonk Women 4.Tank
Not in any order: Monsters: 1.Sanga of the Thunder 2.BEWD (I have 2) 3.Dark Magician 4.Prevent Rat (good for defense--it tricks the opponent into thinking that you put a weak monster out---meaning when they attack they lose life points) 5.Flame Cerebrus Magic & Trap: 1.Black Hole 2.Soul exchange 3.Ancient Telescope 4.De-Spell--hehehe---this card really comes in handy--- 5.Flute of Summoning Dragon----Does wonders with Lord of D. on the field & 2 BEWDs in your hand---
Sorry for double posting... But it seems that this thread is dying.... Is anyone even the least bit interested in drawing me in anime style?
Can someone draw me anime style please? I'd like 2 pics: one with color and the other without color. Description of me: (I'm a girl) My hair is long, almost to the middle of my back. It is very, very thick, and it goes out in just about every direction. I have lots of curls in my hair. The color is mostly light brown, but it sometimes looks like it is a dark blond color. I have no bangs. My hair is pulled back into a ponytail; the hair scrunchie is silver. My eyes are hazel. (hazel means dark green but with hints of a golden brown color--like the golden brown color of a tiger's eyes) My pants are jeans-dark blue. I wear either a very dark blue or a black T-shirt. I'd attach a pic but I don't have a scanner, plus my mom wouldn't let me post a pic of me anyway.