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Everything posted by tabmow
I like the Nadesico Christmas song.
Anime Somebody's suing Cartoon Network (FLCL related)
tabmow replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Otaku Central
AH yes the old argument against too much violence on TV fear not young viewers when I was but a wee lad my parents did not want me to watch Hawaii 5 -0 and Barnaby Jones because people got shot and there was too much violence, but we did sit arouind the TV at dinner and watch reruns of Gunsmoke (The first american TV show to show some one being shot on TV) and I also have vague recollections of watching some Vietnam coverage on the evening news. Parents do what they think is right for their children, but manytimes the message is confusing. THis parent lets her children stay up late , in my judgement this is not a good thing, but she also monitors what her children watch ( this is a good thing) I see too many parents that don't pay attention to what their children do or even worse make excuses for or even support their bad behavior ( I one saw a mother attempting to show her child how to get "free toys from WALMART, - a little tip to a clerk stopped that escapade, but how many times is it not stopped). On channel one there was a report about an 18 year old who modified a computer virus and did severe damage to many people computers, Whan I posed the question about what should be done with him many students gave him almost heroic reverence instead of acknowledgement that what he did was a crime and may have cost people thousands or even millions of dollars..... before I go too far off topic This woman is trying to protect -in her eyes- her children. This is to be commended in this day and age, but.......she is also infringing on other peoples entertainment and pastimes to do it. What give here and for that matter people with children to supercede the rights of people not raising children. Just because she can't control what comes into her house buy setting a child lock on the TV or buy putting the little buggers to bed WHY should I have to pay the price of not being able to see my cartoons GIve me FLCL or give me death must we succum to the tyranny of the families with children ? Our society is so Victorian Prim and propper on the outside but full of deviaty and lust within. It is into this world that this woman is trying to raise her children. Shenhas everyright to bring the case to court, just as long as we don't have to pay for her moral cause.........I wonder if cable or direct TV rates will increase to pay for the defense against this lawsuit , but that is a topic for another rant -
It is nice to look at things in hindsight. At the time we knew the bomb was powerful, but there was a lot about it we did not know. So remember in justifying the dropping of the bomb the powers that were did not have all of our current knowledge that we have now. In scanning through the responses I see that another reason for ending the war quoickly was not addressed. We were not just in competition with the Japanese ,but also with the Russians. Seeing that things were going badly for the Japanese they began to grab as much land as they could before the Japanese surrender. The argument to drop the second bomb was just as much to help contain Russian gains against the faltering Japanese Army by getting the Japanese to surrender ASAP. Had there been an American invasion of Japan from the South there was the Threat of Soviet invasion from the north. We had East and West Germany for years, luckily we did not have North and South Japan. The Korean People might have hoped the war might have ended a little earlier.
I used to have a risk based wargame called nuke. It was like risk ,but with ICBMs You could win a limited nuclear war but if you weren't carefull you could destroy the world. I also have played Axis and Allies and other similar games. When I was in Jr. HIgh and High school I used to have several hex grid based game based on several WWII battles and campaigns.I even at one time had a set of generalized rules to use with 1/72 scale soldiers so that groups from different time periods could fight each other. (e.g. a squad of Roman soldiers assaulting a German Panzer collumn) I have from time to time used these types of games in history classes I have taught. In a lot of ways table top games are superior to games on computers,
The show with the best opening and closing themes is Nadesico. You Get To Burning- opening Watashi Rashiku - closing TV series Dearest - movie closing( THe Prince of Darkness)
After bounceing reviews, the signs point to two " thumbs" up. This game should have large bountiful rewards to those fans of serious fighting games. I'm looking foward to it. I would like to find a copy of the old Japanese Sega DOA for the Saturn. I hope that they release DOA for years to come 'caus no matter how many times they re-hash it i will never be "flat" Still waiting for the DOA movie. Why would you want to shoot yourself in the foot after posting in the x-box area its the best system next to game cube with the Zelda Wind walker game.
Vegeta ROcker just gave me an Idea. We don't need to find actors or actresses to play the parts. Square Soft has that multi million dollar studio to make movies it could be an animated file or better yet Pixar could do it....... DOA The Movie....Finding Hayate or DOA The Movie........ A Shinobi's Life , or possible an extension of the Toy Story Series where Woody and Buzz find Lefang and Kasumi Action figures ( Maybe not ?...... are we ready for Adult Toy Story III ? Woody and Buzz in Adult toy story Hmmmmmm..... I don't want to be banned so I'll stop now)
Has anyone out there seen or heard anything about a movie based on the "Dead or Alive " video games ?
The Ending song for Nia under 7 was about the worst thing I have ever heard. I has gone as far as to make me lose interest in the entire series
quote:--------------------------------------------------------------- Originall posted by vegeta rocker The worst anime couple ever would have to be Galaxy Fraulein Yuna and Paulina..... --------------------------------------------------------------------- only in Hawaii and a few other progressive states. In my judgement bad anime couples include Ine Yasha and Kaede ( Just kidding) While they were together Rick Hunter and Lyn Minmei Ryo Oki and Ken Oki
Law and Order is airing its 300th episode tonight. This show has been around a long time and is still in my opinion able to keep up with more modern and recent offerings on broadcast TV. What is your favorite Law and Order Series and Why ? Why do youu like or dislike the show ?
Anime What songs remind you of anime/manga things?
tabmow replied to wiccansamurai's topic in Otaku Central
of course vegeta rocker would have "read" MARS 10 I personally would never read something like that..... Hmmmmm... maybe a MARS10-Pokeman crossover "Pica-Pica" As for music reminding you of Anime things "Crazy about you" for Yurika's persuit of Akito in Nadesico. Any of the Micheal Jackson stuff for Subaru in Tokyo Babylon ( I'm sorry Subaru reminds me of Micheal Jackson- sorry vegeta rocker) "California Girls" for Love Hina "Don't Worry Be Happy" for Boogie Pop Phantom ?????? -
NO ! Don't worry this is just a hypothetical question. Suppose there was a shifting of the Great Will of the Macrocosm and all Anime and Manga disappeared. What would you do to fill the void ?
Gaming What is your favourite Xbox game of all time?
tabmow replied to Tommy Vercetti's topic in Noosphere
DoA Extreme Beach Volleyball. Think about it the intense sports gameplay. That is just enough to hook me on a game. The only thing that I didn't like was they didn't have Bass Armstrong in a string bikini But seriously DoA III and Desert Storm are probably my favorite games on X-box -
Has anyone played the Inu Yasha PS one game ? I bought a copy of it a few days ago. I had forgotten how far PS graphics had advanced from I to II. It wasn't until I got into playing the game a few times and realized how they had gotten the charachter's personalities into the game that I decided that I like it. It was a little disconcerting that Inu Yasha kind of laughed after he had beaten Kikyo. I would be interesting in hearing other comments about this game.
if you remember the story Richard was the crowned king of england. Robin was one of richard's men. Robin was simply trying to destabalize the regiem that john had put in place in england. He was not a terrorist, but a covert operative of the legitimate authority. trying to tempere the current authority until the legitimate governmewnt came back. " If you remember he was always talking about the return of the king" Example: During WWII the Germans had occupied several european countries. Their legitimate governments had been overthrown. Resistance fighters in these countries harried the governments put in place by the Germans until the legitimite governments were restored (or the communist took over).
I feel That the Thrawn Trilogy was the best of the Post ROTJ books I think If Lucas were to make a movie post ROTJ these books should be adapted to film. No I don't think it will happen , but you can wish can't you.
I'm sure none of the upstanding Otakuboard members do this, but as I was watching Channel One News at school the other day there was a report about the recording industry again attempting to stop the downloading and free exchange of music through the internet. What do you feel about this ? Should the dirty thieving masses have to pay for the fruits of the hardworking artist who produce their offerings of lyrical bliss ? or Should the dirty money hungry music industry get of the backs of the hard working people who want to just share music with their extended internet family ? or Do you have another take on this topic ?
I'll confess I was a big SW fan before I got into Anime and I still like SW, but I don't think I'll stay in Line for 6 hours for a seat Like I did for the release of EP I. Han Solo was a member of the Imperial Military , but he refused to execute a certain unruly wookie - instead he freed him thus explaining the life debt this certain wookie owed Han Solo. It also explains Han Solo's departure from the Empire's service. The Traitor !!! ( This was from one of the Han Solo Novels ) We all know how HS finally joined the evil Rebellion. He had dealings with them before but tried to stay out of the conflict entirely until he was literally sucked up into it by the first Death Star after chartering a trip with an old man , a kid , and two droids.
So as to not give away any spoilers, just type in the name of a certain co pilot of the Millenium Falcon under any news search engine and you will see that a certain 200 year old charachter will be making an appearence in Ep III. I agree it would be hard to pull off having Han Solo in EpIII unless he was about 10 years old. In my opinion we don't need to see any more child versions of Adult SW charachters in the prequals ( maybe a baby cameo of Luke and Leia if even that)
I assume more than a few of you got into anime because of the art style and form. Outside of the anime world who is you favorite artist and why ? I personally like Renoir becaus of the livelyness of his painting and the soft compassion of his portrait's faces
I just read that [spoiler]Chewbacca[/spoiler] is going to be in Star Wars Episode III. What other Charachters from the original Trilogy Would you like to see make an appearence in the New Star Wars Movie and why. Personally I'd like to see Admiral Piett,Grand Moff Tarkin and a few of the other Imperial Officers . Of course they would not be Admiral or Grand Moff,but it might add some interesting Back story. [color=green]--EDIT-- Please use a spoiler tag in the future. Some members don't want to know very specific details. -Endymion[/color]
im shipwrecked on a desert island. where did this CD player come from?
tabmow replied to treton_noir's topic in Noosphere
I am stranded on an island these are the songs I would have to have with me. Silent Night The Imperial March from Star Wars The Star Spangeled Banner The Hymn of the Soviet Union Watashi Rashiku ( ending song from Nadesico series) Dearest ( ending song from Nadesico Movie) A couple of tracks from George Carlin or Robin Williams) In the Mood (Glen Miller) Fly me to the Moon -Sinatra There is this on Eminem song I like, but I'm not sure what the name is. ( I'd want to be careful about depressing or angry stuff though if I were shipwrecked happy and uplifting would be better) Chobits opening theme Galexy Frauline Yuna Closing Theme -
I really enjoy the inu-yasha series, but my connection for getting the episodes has dried up. It was better than Ranma 1/2 in that the charachters stayed closer to their same nature and background.
Let me counter your question your question with an observation about anime in general. THere are no traditional villians in anime. (unless you mean an antagonist against the main charachter) One of the interesting aspects of most "good" anime is that it has a deep story line and charachters in anime usually have a deep back story. In many cases the so called villians have just reacted to what others have done to them in some cases even the main charachters of the anime in question. so just watch how you throw the word villian around