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Grave of the fireflies is a very good statement about the effects of war on civilians. It does not try to place the blame or accept the blam of the war. It is simply showing what war does to innocents and is a good reminder of what can and does happen in a war. It is a kind of Civilian anime version of Alls Quiet on the Western Front.
WIth the war,the economy, and all the other things going on in the news. What do you all think about the issue of Gun Control and the Second Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. I am also interested in the views of members of the boards that are not from the United States.
1) What do you collect? 2) How much of the item(s) do you have? 3) What is your favorite out of all the items? 4) How long have you been collecting it/them? I have Several collections. militaria ( mostly helmets, hats etc. My best piece in ths collection is an N.S.K.K. Leather motorcycle helmet( The NSKK was the organization that Hitler's storm troopers became after the S.S. became the official secret police of Nazi Germany. I also have a oilskin Luftwaffe map of England and Northern France.My favorite piece is probably a 1943 model Walther P-38 German Officer's Pistol. It is in good condition and still shoots well I have been collecting this stuff since the Late 70's When I was in Jr. High. I have a collection of prehistoric animal bones etc. Some of them are real some are castings. My favorite of these is a little tooth from a saurornithilestes a small therapod dinosaur My biggest collection is my toy collection. I have been working on this one for over 25 years since I was in grade school.It includes all the original Star Wars figures most of their ships. The first Series of Mego Star Trek Action figures. Not the rare ones. Plus a lot of other stuff. It has not expanded in to a fairly large anime collection. (over 500 action figure alone at last count five years ago) What is my favorite piece ? Probably a little C-3po that my mom bought me.)
For practical purposes Saddam is dead unless he surfaces within the next few days and leads or commands an attack on Bagdad. Even if he is physically alive he is dead to the world because his people are reveling in their freedom. Saddam is figurativly dead if not physically. Osama on the other hand is very much alive. Even if he is physically deceased his organization can keep the persona alive mainly due to the fact that it is not linked to any specific location. To prove Osama dead we need a body. Saddam has lost his seat of power if we can relieve the Iraqis of the fear of his reign we have effectivly killed him.
people who think they are better than anyone else purely negative people mindgames that are played just to be cruel (not just jokeing around)
Ahh spring the time of year when the palm trees start to come back from the lovely shade of brown they turn in the winter, the wind turns from the north west to the south east. The electricity bill start to rise. and then you have to move the stupid clock foward and lose an hour of sleep.
I remember way back in the old days when we used to draw cartoons on rocks and move them around............ well maybe not quite back that far. I guess my first impact with anime really came in the early to mid 80's after Return of the Jedi began to wind down I fell into an entertainment void until I caught 2 episode of this wierd cartoon will big eyes and wierd hair calld Robotech. (Its funny to think of this now because there wasn't that much weird hair or big eyes as in current anime) Well I was hooked after two episodes and then it was taken off the air. I needed to find more Robotech. I found a comic shop that carried the manga and a few toys were produced, but after I got serious about finishing college I kind of let the entertainment thing slip. Working in a bakery from 11 PM to 7 AM and then going to school kind of wears you down. I knew anime was still there, but it was not a prioroty (hangs head in shame)Well , a few years after I started teaching, I was told by my superiors that I was going to start a debate team. Somehow that first year we made it to State competition in Austin. Well on the trip a couple of the students brought a vcr and some giant fighting robot movies. They asked me to watch one , I think it was the third or fourth Eva episode. I didn't have a clue as to what was going on and promptly fell asleep. After we got back from State the same students approached me about starting an Anime club at Our school. I remembered my happy Robotech days and almost said sure, why not.....,but I remembered that not all anime is appropriate onderage children, yes even high school kids ( wouldn't your be ashamed if your mother knew you were watching Perverted Japanese Cartoons >;) ) I asked them just exactly what kind of anime they wanted to show, Their little crestfallen faces realized that I was not completely ignorent about these show (I wonder what they wanted to see Hmm...) Well they suggested Evangelion and Ranma 1/2. I went to the video store and picked up Eva 1, a Ranma tape, plus another tape from the Anime section of the store. I watched Ranma first. It was very funny but with so miuch casual nudity it would not have made the cut as to what we could show in school. Then I put in the tape I had grabbed at random.( I was just a blank box not the package the video originally came in) Lets just say we almost never had an anime club in our school. La Blue Girl I don't thionk would be appropriate and our principal would't have bought it a a cross between cultural studies and sex education. Needless to say I was a little hesitent about watching the last tape, but I finally did. At first I remembered big fighting robots and this was the show that put me to sleep, but.... When I watched it from the beginning I realized there was a story and very indepth charachters and a lot of good cultural and other Ideas could be exchanged. ThE second anime impact had occured. Needly to say we started the club, with definite restriction approved by the principal no excessive violence (Fist of the North Star), no nudity(thats about 30 % of the rest), and no or minimal profanity (This on snuck up on me--Nadesico - probably my Favorite series). I am still going strong on anime--- hey I even post a few things on websites from timto time
The feeling of lets support the palestinians today to chic. How many of you out there are just saying that to go against the mainstreme view of the unconditional support of Isreal. How many of you are making these statement just to go against traditional morals? There are many post here that say I fully suppor tht e Palistinians , but don't condone their suicide bombings. This might be the correct view. The nation of Isreal was legally created by a United Nations vote. The4 United States gave the succesful vote for its creation. So therefore the nation of Isreal has a ligitament basis for existence. There are non Jewish residents of Isreal most of which are law abiding citizens who work for a living and try to get along just as the rest of the world does. Then you come to those who do not support the Isralie State. These groups cry that we should help and support the Palestinians and these group support anti Isralie groups in and out of Isreal. To some they promis power to the poor of the Palestinians they promise $25,000 and martyerdom. The Palestinian people are the victims here. They are trapped between a legitimet country and the forces that do not want an Isralie state. Many claim to support the palestinians , but for what , TO FURTHER THEIR OWN ENDS !!!!!!!. SO be careful if you are playing lipservice to defense of Palestine and the Palestinians. Personally I think they had a good thing going with the Palestinian Authority, but these external busybodies just couldn't give peace a chance. There are those on both sides Islamic militents that can't stand a Jewish State and Isralie Hawks who can't see anything beyond atricities that have been aimed at the Jews. the truth is if there was no conflict these people would not have any power. The nations that support anti -isralie terrorist just want to have a diversion to keep their populations focused on something beyond their own domewstic problems. and focusing on the real problems the Palestinians face is a perfect solution. The Isralies attack the settlements where the terrorist hide out. Every palestinian death is one score for the terrorist and they know this. The suicide bombings began again after there was a hope for peace on the horizion. Thse people began to lose their cause and needed to stir up the pot again. They knew Isreal would retaliate after an attack. The Isralies would do what they thought they had to to defend their land and People. There was hope and promise for peace, but these forces would not have it. Innocents on both sides are being killed , but I think that the question should not be who do you support, because the people of Isreal and the Palestinians should be supported equally. They should also be left alone by external forces who want to disrupt the region. If Iran wants to give money to help build the Palestinian Authority go for it. If the US wants to give Isreal money help its defense against foreign Attackes let them, but if Saudi Arabia is giving $25,000 to start stuff in a Jewish Shoppping Center i.e. a suicide bomber or the US sends in people to disrupt the Palestinian Authority then the line is crossed and that type of intervention is not needed.
One of the most disgusting things I have ever seen was a mother slap her child for asking simple child questions. I was riding a city bus in Corpus Christi and heard a little kid asking questions like how does the bus work mommy and simple things like that nothing out of the ordinary. The mother did not know the answer to the questions and apparently took her lack of knowledge out on the child. I still remember what she said. "I don't know , why do you ask such stupid questions ? quit bothering me" and the SLAP ! I can understand if she was having a bad day and her not wanting to answer a bunch of questions, but to hit the kid ?????? I can also understand corporal punishment( Mr dad had a ping pong paddle, mom had a tree branch), bnut this child was not be unruly auctually quite the contrary. It was just a example of the disgusting disdane for knowledge. Oh one other disgusting thing Bass Armstrong in Dead or Alive Beach Vollyball wearing a tube top and a thong.
I personally like the following Anime Songs 5) Cruel Angels Thesis 4) The ending song for Blue Seed I'm not sure what the name is. 3) The opening theam for Nadesico You get to Burning 2) Dearest- the ending theme for the Nadesico Movie and number 1) Watashi Rashiku - the ending theme for the nadesico episodes. All of these songs a calming and soothing after a hard days work and the words just seem to flow. I am learning a little Japanese ,but I still don't understand most of the songs. I like the music and the lyrics are not distracting they are auctually a plus to the music.
I saw the first excel saga dvd. I didn't like it that much, but the songs were very enjoyable. so I might give it a try again. When I first saw nadesico i hated it but liked the songs I now own the entire VHS Series and the dvds, plus a lot of nadesico toys, comics , etc...
LOve Hina was a good end to a large anime dry spell. After Nadesico I haden't seen any real appealing anime, at leasnt not many (anya0 charachters that I could have any interest in their stories. Love hina was handed to me on div-x after I had asked around about it . I was hooked before the first eyecatch between the episodes. I sat in front of my computer watching 8 of the 13 episodes on the cd-rom. Needles to say I have bought the entires dvd series including the christmas and spring specials. The spring Special was ok, but not as good as the other episodes. I still liked it and it stayed true to the series, but for anyone looking to watch this series I would start with the TV episodes before watching the movies.
A lot of uninformed people refer to Anime as dirty Japanese cartoons or cartoon pornography. There is more nudity in Anime than in the American cartoon counterparts. I would like to hear responses to this topic and maybe some explainations for this. Is nudity really necessary in Anime ? Why is there such emphasis on certain anatomical parts. It can't be just to attract American fan-boys can it ?
General Are you male or female? Male How long has your longest relationship lasted? 18 months What was the worst ending to a relationship you have been in? The girl got "lost" at the beach during spring break . I found her in a car with two guys and no good explainations. I was 17 at the time she was 16. I found out she was in her 2nd eightth grade year and I was starting my 2nd year of college ( No I didn't and don't go cruising for Jr. High girls I met her through my Father's girlfried she was here granddaughter. We had only gone out a couple of times) Also one other sad "sob sob " note The first time I went on a date the girl i was with got caught shoplifting. That is a bad way to break up a relationship. I have always been too busy to have a real serious relationship and most of my experiences with them have been bad. What is the one thing you hope to find in your perfect mate? That they can cary on an intelligent conversation and can put up with me. (and they don't get arrested) what is your pet peve about the people you date? they don't act all high and mighty and think they are better than everone else. Also thet they accept me for who I am and don't try to improve me. Have you ever used a pick up line? " Do you want to see my 13 inch furry wookie " ;) ( ref chewbacca action figure) no I never have used that line or any other at least not intentionally -if so, did it work? never used one so how could it have worked. Have you ever had a pick up line used on you? no -if so, did it work? no Guys only What do you think women want? 13 inch furry wookies ?? ;) just kidding I think women want to have a stable relationship and some one to count on to help and support them as they help and support their mate. ( this is my point of view it could be and probably is wrong) In your opinion, what is the general behavior of women? It depends on the person
how do you get out of the 2nd mine level mine level. I've stopped the radioactive bug zapper thing that cleans out the mine carts. where do i go from there ? Help I'm trapped in a mine
Another attempt at an anime /star wars topic. We all thought that darth vader was talking to boba fett when he was ordering the hunt for the millinium falcon
The perfect tabmow woman hmmmm If we were to be just superficial in looking at physical charachteristics and some personality traits. Not more than 2 years older than me or they must be old enough to have developed their personality on the other end of the spectrum (also must be legal) Short to medium height dark hair. length not important ( no female buzz cuts- like demi moore) natural color no funky dye jobs no tatoos or piercings (ear lobes ok i guess) body type small to average in the chest area (original material not enhanced) not to skinny , but not jabbett the huttess either ( hey I'm being superficial here) no smokers,booze hounds, or druggies must have interest in differenet things , but be willing to learn new things and teach new things ( its your turn to wear the leash dear - woof woof ) If i ever meet the right person they may or may not have all these charachteristics. This list would not necesserally cause me to reject the right person but........ see below most important of all must be willing to put up with me ( that shouldn't be too hard should it ......);)
I like the Godzilla movies, but I recently saw a japanese romantic comedy (I forget the name) but the plot was basically this. A guy who drives for a car service crashes in a yakuza group's car, the mobsters take him to a book making operation ( gambeling not reading) The office accidently blows up and while being transported to a hospital he get a briefcase full of money, at the hospital he meets a nurse and they run off with the money with the mobsters folloing them. It was a very good movies not the typical anime , karate, or giant monster fare. While not strictly a Japanese Production ,but a joint U.S. Japanese Movie "Tora Tora Tora" is still on of the best WWII movies ever made. There is another movie called "Zero" that tell about WWII from the point of view of some Japanese Pilots and aircrew.
I am going to try to repost this picture the last time i did it only the top part showed up maybe it will work this time It is of Yurika and Ruri two nadesico charachters posing a imperial star destroyer officers, I bet the rebellion is still shaking in their boots. the other is a study from a wall scroll of Ruri
There is less age difference between 19 and 30 than there is between 14 and 19. Legalities aside( I don't need to remind you 16 will get you 20). It is more important that both people understand the nature of the relationship and that they can tolerate each others differences and well as enjoy their common interest. Relationships are about getting along and ggrowing together. A 14 year old has too much independent growing to do to worry about adult hangups and problems. They are also developing their own personality and will probably be different when they reach adult hood. From the other point of view I don't see what an adult would see in a young kid. By the time some one has reached adult hood 18-19-20 most of their personality is set and they have a handel on their path. No relationship no matter what age shold be jumped into. Above all the partners should be able to talk about anything and trust each other to have the others interest at heart. THis goes true no matter what the ages of either partner.
Liberals or Conservatives: Who is the bigger threat?
tabmow replied to Harry's topic in General Discussion
I don't doubt we have tha capability to beat Iraq an North Korea, but what concerns me it the post war world. The war is winnable, but will the peace break us. No military power beat the USSR. It destroyed itself by trying to keep up with the United States's economy. We were able to outspend them by threating them with the loss of their posessions. The terrorist and nations we face now have little to lose and a great possibility for vengefull action. Losses to this powers will be in our personal freedoms and economic difficulties are mor probable than a military loss on the battle field. What if Saddam tells his officers to use the WMD he doesn't have( Clearence to use them has been issued to his field commanders) What happen is the US decides to grow a few mushroom in the Bagdad. WHat will the post war world look like. We must be resolved not just to win the war ,but also win the following peace. -
meow! meow! kitty sad, meow! meow! There is always the imortal words of the today show as paraphrased here. " Fred Rodgers died yesterday he was a really nice guy, now on to the impending war with Iraq" Tombstone At the Trolly's last ring In heaven he'll sing Its a beautiful day in the grave today We'll all lay here and start to decay.... this is probably too sick to continue so I will stop and express some serious thoughts on the the subject. I grew up with Mr.Rodgers his show was probably not appriciated in its time. It was good wholesome entertainment. If nothing else it was too nice. IF more people took his message to heart that we should all get along and tolerate each other, the world would be a better place.I was deeply shocked and saddeneed when I heard the music for his show played on the morning new. I new what the announcement would be before they said anything. Somehow though I have this strange picture of all the charachters from the land of Makebelieve fighting over all the neat stuff in his house. Personally I'd like the stop light, trolly, and some of the neat toys on the shelf...... Out of the way cat thats mine! Meow! meow! ssssssss. @#$#@# ........Meow ! sssssssssss. Grrrrrr Meow! reow!.
I went to Mc ******** today to look for Jungle Book toys. The elderly gentleman in line in front of me ordered the 2 apple pies for $1 dollar special. The clerk went back an returned with the only apple pie left in the store. He then informed the man that the price would be as if he had only ordered one apple pie an he would be charged the regular 79 cent price instead of 50 cents. What would you do if 1) you were the clerk realizing that there was only one pie left 2) the customer after hearing that you would be charged the regular price and not the advertised special price epilogue to story the man left replying that the establishment was not standing up to its advertisement and the only apple pie the store had went back into the bin. I did increase my collection of junglebook toys because they had a different toy available. I have since found all the toys- in case any of you are interested.
Liberals or Conservatives: Who is the bigger threat?
tabmow replied to Harry's topic in General Discussion
War is a bad thing , but to answer the question who is more dangerous Conservativces or Liberals the answer is easy. Neither one and both. The real danger is apathy. People who chose either side and defend it are what has made this country great. When the country has fallen in dangerous circumstances the country is polarized into what is right and what is wrong. Loss of this ideal and not taking a stand on either side is what is dangerous, not being on either side, but not caring about what side you are on. In any given election less than 20% of the population votes (maybe a little higher in Presidential years) of those that vote many vote based on family history, ethnicity, or some other sheepish meathod of selecting a candidate, not from personal beliefs,research, or some other internaly based criteria. So the 5 to 10 % of the population that does its homework is auctually voting and thus controls the fate of the country. The is no tyranny of the majority. The majority are sheep lead by wolves in shepards clothing. -
I might be misreading this but did Rikku say Marine Corp Boot wasn't as tough as other branches. I think you need to do a little research. The Marine Corps is the largest special forces outfit in the world (Sorry leathernecks - you are under the Navy Department). Aside from Special Forces Group training from all the services Marines go through the toughest training of any of the forces. The job of the Marines is to take and hold territory until the army can come in a more permanently secure it( aside from embassy, shipboard, and other security details) If you are going Marine Corps because you think it will be the easiest of the Services You are either very misinformed or Justy Uriki Tylor's twin (Irresponsible Captain Tylor)