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Everything posted by tabmow
Cigarette companies are no worse than any other coorperation that markets a product aimed at a specific group. The only difference is that their product has little redeeming value. I will not call people who smoke stupid, but on the other hand I don't want them infringing on me. People should be informed about the products that they use ( and abuse) and the damage it does to their bodies. For example look a Mc Donalds they sell high fat death burgers and market them to young children. Are they any less evil than cigarette companies. ( After I post this I must go find Jungle Book toys) Think of the poor homeless people that could be brought together by shareing a cigarette or the gay couple that might be inspired to extend the theater or fashion industry after they met by sharing a *** (cigarette) there are possibly good things that can come from the tobacco industry. The tobacco industry is just like legalized drug lords and arent they a cute cuddly lot. Give everybody the information legalize everything an let people pay the consequences or declare Tobacco product illegal and prosecute them as criminals, but until this is don't they have a legal right to exist. Just remember when you put down rules to regulate stuff the stuff you like might be regulated. P.S. on a personal note I really don't think human smoke stacks are cool. There a quicker ways to kill your self that are probably less painful and you won't give anyone more ammunition to regulate the rest of us. Suicide is illegal already. :flaming:
I used to think of myself as aI crocodile they seem to be slow and sluggish, but can have amazing bursts of energy when inspired. They also like water and can lounge around it it for hours, but when things need to get done they get done. They are adaptable to change as a species but don't like it individualy. They are masters of their nitch, and those that try or want to dwell there either find a way to cooperate and coexist or become dinner. Sadly the crocodile leads a solitary life except when they have to commune with their fellow crocodiles.I am beginning to revize this thinking. I think of myself more as a bear. Bears have many of the same traits a crocodiles, but they also have a more friendly side that I am beginning to realize that I have. I am not just a cold ,aloof, mean (put your term here). I can be a warm fuzzy friendly person as well nut just grumpy bear all the time.
What is the story line in the series. Art work a series does not necessarily make. If the charachters are well drawn it might not be a good series if they just over emphisized the art work. Before I spen $30 for a dvd I would research it a little. I have been burned on a few dvds that had excellent art. "Nia Under 7" UGH ! I had to force myself to watch the first dvd I bought it because the artwork looked good. do a little research. If it won a scifi award it warrents more investication, but I seriously doubt that its main charachter could hold a candle to Ruri Hoshino or Yurika Misumara. Of course I am refering to their commanding presence or their control of the situation not some horomonal wierd anime attraction. You know that there are wierd people who have wall scrolls and statues of their anime favorites around their houses, now that just wierd. Oh, well I have to go dust Ruri I mean my bookshelf.........:angel:
As I was chastised at one time for a favorites post and self banished my self from the boards for several months I am going to ask a question. One of the things that makes anime such an appealing art form the the emotional connection that the creators are able to develope between their creations and the viewing public. In my opinion an anime charachter is only good if you care about what happens to them. What makes an anime charachter appeal to you.( An alternate form of this question might be IF you could meet an Anime charachter who -or what- would it be and why) Just to paraphrase Schmo Shiratori's quote from Nadesico " I know she's a wonderful role model, but she is just a cartoon " and from "Who Frammed Rodger Rabbit" "So now what Eddie , you dabbling in watercolor..."
Who would you like to meet in real life?
tabmow replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in General Discussion
I have met a few famous people , but never really got a chance to tlke to any of them for any lenght of time. There are only four of them that I really didn't come away from meeting with a deminished portrayal of. These were Margaret Thatcher, Maureen Regan (Ronald Regan's Daughter),William Clemets (Texas Govoner), and Happy Chandler (Kentucky Govoner).These people seemed to be real down to earth people and although I me them in a public setting (except Govoner Chandler) they did not appear phoney or put upon to be in the public view or talk to everday people. All of the other famose people I have seen in person i.e. spoken to directly have been a disappointment for the most part. So unless I could get a chance to auctually have a conversation with them I don't think there is any one person I would really like just to meet and say hello to. If I could sit down an really talk to them I guess I would like to meet ( I will catagorize with justifications) My three favorite historical figures Octavius Caeser Otto von Bismark James K. Polk Just to see if they were a evil as they have been portreyed Reinhard Heydrich Heinrich Himmler ( I'd like to see these two to comopare their personalities) Saddam Hussain Joseph Stalin TO see if they were the way history has portreyed them George Washington Abraham Lincoln Ho Chi Minh Mao Tse Tung Winston Churchill Nicholi Lenin Thomas Jefferson Emperor Hirohito I think these would be fun people to meet Benjamin Franklin Voltair Socrates Albert Einstein Hugh Hefner ( I wouldn't mind waiting around the mansion a little while for the meeting ) Carl Sagen Just a few others for Misc reasons Euclid Erwin Rommel Hannibal - the Carthaginian General not the cannibal Robert E. Lee William Sherman Ulysses S Grant Matisse Renoir Stephen Spielberg George Lucas Gene Roddenbery James Mitchner Like I said just to say Hi I met you it wouldn't be worth the time , but If I could have a substantive discussion I would chose these people. -
Revenge is empty because it is a solitary feeling. You get revenge because of something some one does to you. As the reciepient of another's wrong doing you have a choice. 1) You can ignore it ( they are not that important anyway) 2) You can try to fix the problem ( This constructive approach make you feel better with lots of warm fuzzies and serve the benefit of - if the initial wrong doer reacts negativly to your positive attempts they just look stupider and you look better-- ie this is the approach that says in one does you a wtong being nice to them is the beast revenge) 3) or you can chose the dark path if one hurts you hurt them back but worse. then theyt hurt you back or pull the warm fuzzy trick and make you look like an idiot. ( now if two people pull the warm fuzzy revenge then thats just too much ) but evil bad revenge is basically empty because it is generally perpetrate buy the one seeking revenge and usually only seems rational from the point of view of the revenge seeker and not the general population. If you persist in your revenge it makes you seem irrational,slightly crazy, and consumes you until your are eaten up inside and become a bitter revenge shell because all you think of are negative thoughts. Revenge is like a candy bar it taste good and first and may even perk you up, but in the long run it is just full of empty calories that if consumed for too long will just destroy you if that is all you survive on.
There is a possible rational explanation This is an interesting question I will weigh in on the discussion from a comparitive anatomy viewpoint. first lets make a few observations about the transformations and magical springs of jesynkeo. 1) You turn into what ever it was that died in the specific spring. 2) All transformations are into different types of animals (Humans are animals for this discussion) there are no trees, plants, rocks, bulldozer or other non animal transformations . I'm sure a blade of grass or a pollon spore ,or some type of plant life has died in the water. Why doesn't some one turn into a tree ? The changes occur between vertebrate animals.* note I have not seen the entirer Ranma series so if there is an exception to this I'm am not aware of it and then I will gladly admit my theory might have a flaw) 3) Only the affected body transforms clothes, weapons, signs, etc. do not change. This raises questions as to the "magical" nature of the springs. 4) In vertabrate anatomy almost every organ in one species has corresponding organs in another species. So the transformations from one entity to another might be due to an auctual biological metamorphisis not just pure magical appearence and disapperance. Sics ranma and onna-ranma are both human this would be a comparativly easy change compared to let say Shampoo who has to turn inta a cat. HUmans and cats have many of the same organs they are a different stages of evolutionary development. BUt a little "magic" water and boom the physiology changes in an instant metamorphisis. The cat organs don't disappear and the human organs appear they just metamorphasize like a wearwolf. The springs probably have lycanthropic properties. To you specific Ranma question the metamorphisis might appear to me a retraction or a growth, but as male and female humans have basically the same equipment just at different levels of development due to horomone and chromosomes in the embrionoc stages, The term growth or retraction probably is as good a description as any. Somehow thought R.T. probably did not take this line of questioning into account when she made the Ranma 1/2 series.
DOAX is a very attractive game the Graphics and story line are interesting, but the real addictiveness of the game is in the mini games. The pool hop and casino are almost addictive. The vollyball while simple has enticing enough gameplay that after a few minutes of observing the charachters you auctually get wrapped up in the game wether it be the main game vollyball or one of the other games. I probably would advise getting the game used so as not to pay full price or wait for it to come down, but hey It is definity an great addition to a DOA collection. Buy the way she doesn't kick high but in the right swimsuit.....Who cares ?
Should Anime Clubs be allowed in Schools ? I would also like a justification for your answer. Such as a benifit or detriment to a school Anime Club. ( I am mainly refering to the high school level)
I think we are in the current situation with Iraq to uphold the UN resolutions. The UN made the sanctions against Iraq. Iraq has not complied. Everyday that Saddam thumbs his nose at the world community the UN loses faces and their decrees become as effective as the League of Nations. Adolf Saddam and Tojo Il both are trying to exert their power at the expence of the world community. Had Germany and Japan both been detered in the 1930's a major War may have been diverted. Can we really afford to have the Saddam Reich and the North Korean Co-prosparity Sphere ? If the UN is to have any teeth the it should back its resolutions not find ways to back out of them.
While that might be a succesful tactic and possibly an interesting display i would have to advise against it. You or the Judge of the Debate round might find themselves debating in court.;)
I think your debate coach should not have let you debate that way. He or She should have know you could never place in a debate tournament dressed like that. stupid loser coach ;)
Based on the way the question is posed....... Heh Heh Heh (Evil Debate coach laugh) I would choose the teenager. 1) The baby and Grandmother both have loving families, it is more likly that a family member will save them 2) There are a lot of Teenages that don't fit well into the structure school cirriculem and are very succesful outside of school sometimes they just need a break. this is my opinion not knowing anything else out about the situation ..... is granny rich ????? any heirs ????? just kidding:D
Ah but as a Geometry teacher I would have to point out that the way you posed your question buy writting the numeric symbols 1-100 there are no s's there for the number of the sum of the s's is 0. or I could just say Sigma sub (1,100) S or just the summation of the number of s's from 1 to 100. Now sight the rules and justifications for your formula (or go back and read about Gauss) and leave your poor defenseless math teacher alone (Auctually its good to keep them on their toes - just remember who controls the red pen):) I just thought of something else as a poor broke teacher I'll take you bet at $20 you can add the numbers quicker , but I'll have lunch money for a week. :D Heh heh heh [color=purple]Please don't double post in the future, thank you.[/color]
I just got thru watching Galaxy Frauline Yuna and Galaxy Frauline Yuna Returns. Can anyone tell me what age group these shows were designed for ? I read somewhere that they were written for younger children and that appears to be true except the end of Galaxy Frauline Yuna Returns is disturbing to say the least. If someone can shead some light on this for me it would be appriciated
Which of the following is the better Anime Charachter and Why ? Ruri Hoshino (Nadesico) Rei Ayanami (Evangelion)
Anime Which anime would look best as a live action movie?
tabmow replied to Juu's topic in Otaku Central
the original macross saga from Robotech would make a good movie City Hunter made a good transition from Anime to Live Action Love Hina might work as live action Gunsmith Cats would also be good 881st Airbats if you could get the Japanese Selfdefense force to assist -
Tylor was one of the best shows anime or not that i have ever seen. It had a good sense of tight story telling left enough open at the end to possibly make a sequal although I hope they don't the story was pretty much complete. While the anime was just a little above average it did enhance the story. The story was good enough thast the second time I saw the series i watched it in one day. What I have seen of the ova s shows they aren' t up to par with the series If you haven't seen Tylor watch it subtitled the dubbed version's voices are annoying
its not for sale ADV has the rights but it has not been released officialy , but I have heard of fan subs
Has anyone seen the Nadesico Movie