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Everything posted by ThePikasElbow

  1. Oooooooo ok I remember now. I remember Quatermain. He does remind me of Indy too, I'm sure he was an influence on the character. There were also some Quatermain movies back in the 80s. Does anyone have a full list of the characters? I can only remember a handful. I know they added Sawyer, even though he wasn't in the comics.
  2. I believe in the comics that Harker's vampireism was subtlely hinted at. I never read Dracula in it's entirety, so I can't add anything about Mina's character. Anyways, this looks like an interesting movie. Mixing in English literature is a very unique twist that is a treat for many fans of both literature and comic books. The CGI for Hyde does look a bit fake, but luckily he's not like that the entire movie. So it looks like a fun action/adventure movie. I'm not too familiar with the comic books, but many of the fans are pleased with how it looks so far.
  3. Well, Gloria Foster really did die, so they replaced her with another woman. Revolutions does give some sort of reason why she looks different however. The game does touch on it a bit, but it is never fully explained.
  4. I can't really speak on it as a whole as I have only listened to the second disc. The score was pretty good with a lot of catchy tunes. And for those wondering... Song during the 100 agents fight- Burly Brawl Song during highway chase- Mona Lisa Overdrive The score consists of a odd mix of electronica, techno, and orchestra. Sounds weird, but it turned out well. Also, the disc has a lot of cool extras such as a preview for Reloaded, preview for Osiris, behind the scenes stuff on the Enter The Matrix game, and a nearly 5 minute preview of the Animatrix.
  5. It was a meh movie. It wasn't funny at all, and the fight scenes weren't that great. They relied too much on the kooky tuxedo angle. I mean, he's Jackie Chan, he doesn't need a tuxedo. The whole film felt like a poor James Bond spoof. Nothing about it stood out or was good at all. Even hardcore Chan films should skip it. Luckily, he reedemed himself with Shanghai Knights, which was one of the best Chan films I've seen in a long time.
  6. It's a good movie, I liked it. Those who doubt Williams acting ability should go watch Good Will Hunting. He even won an oscar for his performance. While he has gained the reputation for being a goofy guy, he can be very intense and serious when he has to be. Anyways, the movie is very good. Sy is a great, tragic character and Williams does a great job portraying him. The story is interesting too, although I expected the photography aspect to be creepier, such as the film Peeping Tom. The directing was also from a newcomer who has just done music videos. I think he did a good job; it was very stylish and modern. Also, there were quite a few references to anime and such. The boy wanted an Evangelion toy, the boy had a Gundam toy in his dream, the boy was also playing DOA2 at one point, and Sy was watching The Simpsons at one point.
  7. I don't understand why people are against Cruise being the last samurai. Would you prefer Jackie Chan? Cruise is a great actor that was in one of the best films last year (minority report), and I have confidence in him. So what if he's not Japanese? Being a samurai is about honor and duty, not about race. And by the name Last Samurai, they most likely mean he was the last one to accept the code and training. The movie does have other samurai. The story looks like a great epic, and I will definitely check it out. We need some good samurai films anyways. There's Kurosawa of course, but I think it would be interesting to see how Hollywood tackles a samurai epic. So I'm very anxious to see the film. I'm not a fan of the director, but we will see how it turns out.
  8. Anyone else excited about the game? It comes to GCN this November, which will mark the first time Square hits a Nintendo console since SNES. For those who don't know what it is, here is a brief run down: It's an action/RPG, think secret of mana. There are four people in your party, they can either be CPU or human players. That's right, it's multiplayer. It's not a mindless hack and slash like PSO. There are real towns, and a supposedly deep storyline. Single player is estimated to be about 30 hours. One thing interesting is that it's not split screen. It all takes place on one screen. One character must carry a bucket which makes a protective aura around your characters. The world is poisoned, so leaving the aura area will result in damage. You can put down the bucket, but an enemy might kick it or knock it away. You have to think about where the bucket is, and who should carry it. The action looks fun and fast paced, and I hope the magic system is great. So is anyone excited? It sounds like a blast, as it seems to be a solid single and multiplayer game. [color=indigo]Merged this with the old Crystal Chronicles thread. In the future, please look through at least the first page of threads for one on the same subject before posting a new one. Thanks. - Desbreko[/color]
  9. I'm not so sure about that. Here's how I perceive it: [spoiler]Ok, we all know this is the sixth Matrix it seems, since the archetect said that there were five before him, and they all failed. They all chose to start over, and not to save their love. Neo, however, chose to save her, leaving the fate of Zion in the devil's hands it seems. Everyone who was freed in the previous matrices died, and everyone in their pods most likely just got their memories altered, as if nothing happened at all. Therefore, the process starts all over again. There are two theories: The rebellion is planned out by The Archetect. It is designed to give humans something they hope for, and when they get close to bringing down the Matrix, Zion is destroyed and they start all over again due to the One's decision. Or... The rebellion is inevitable. It will happen no matter what, it is fate. Fate that will most likely lead to the downfall of The Matrix. The Archetect then sets up a situtation like the one Neo faced (because he is afraid The Matrix will fall), choose between two sides. But this time, he chose something different. This will then eventually lead to the downfall of the Matrix, and everyone's realization that he is the true one, the one who was destined to save mankind, not the others in the previous forms of the matrix. I really hope it's not a matrix inside a matrix thing. That would be so cliche and boring. I would rather have the Wachowskis spice it up a bit and not go too far out.[/spoiler]
  10. It's true. Soderbough and Clooney are on board, but the rest is questionable. [URL=http://us.imdb.com/Title?0349903]Go here for the IMDB page on it.[/URL] It's still in the early stages, a script isn't even done, but it should be out by 2004. This time it takes place in England. The remake was a really fun movie, so I'll hope that this one will be a worth sequel.
  11. Oh, has anyone seen An Evening With Kevin Smith? It's a DVD full of footage of Smith answering questions at colleges. There's nearly four hours of footage. He talks on everything from his movies, how he met his wife, and even the whole Superman movie fiasco. He even has a bizarre anecdote about Prince. Any Smith fan should pick it up. It's funnier than most of his movies!
  12. I agree with you that his method of directing is close to many amateurs. The difference is, he is thinking about this stuff, he wants his angles this way. He's isn't absentminded, he knows what he wants and how he wants to do it. The style isn't for everyone, but I don't like it when people call him an incompetant director. His style isn't anything special and doesn't blow me away, but it's definitely not bad like many make it seem.
  13. Some of my favorite comedy movies are Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Austin Powers series, Adaptation, The Royal Tenenbaums, some Jim Carrey movies, Smith films, Spaceballs, and more. Adaptation is comedy/drama, but it was one of the funniest movies I saw last year and everyone should check it out. It comes to DVD this Tuesday!
  14. I'm just going to do the whole movie in spoiler tags so I don't have to switch off periodically. [spoiler]I loved the film. A great set up for Revolutions, which was pretty much the reason this film was made. There were quite a few flaws with it, which I will address now. First off, the pacing. The first hour or so of it is just political jargon and showing Zion. It reminds me of the Jedi Council debates which flood the new Star Wars movies. I'm all for them showing Zion's political side, but they spent way too much time on it. Also, Neo's character seemed to devolve. At the end of the first movie, he was confident that he was the One, and he was ready to end the Matrix. Now, he is still afraid and doubting, like he was in the first one. Also, I didn't really feel love between Trinity and Neo. I can't remember an action movie that firmly handled the love aspect perfectly, it's just something that plagues many films. Also, the rave sequence. At first, I thought it was pretty cool since it showed Zion's culture and it obviously showed the Wachowski's fascination with African culture. But after the first few minutes, it just seemed unnecessary. They dragged out the scene way too long. If it was less than two minutes long, it would've had the same impact. Also, the counselor guy talking to Neo about machines didn't contribute anything. He didn't even have a point at all, just an old person rambling. The pacing was just off during the first half, and there are several scenes throughout that served no purpose and should've been cut out. Also, the fight scenes didn't seem to serve a purpose like they did in the first one. Now for the good so you all don't think I'm a crazy matrix hater. The action scenes were incredible. Long, complex, and tons of fun. The 100 agents fight was just insane and was one of the coolest fights in any action film ever. There were times when the CGI was really messed up and you could easily tell they were not real. The highway battle was mindblowing and was surely a feat to watch. The chateau fight was also a great surprise, as I didn't expect them to handle sword fighting so well. The fight with Neo vs. Seraph was short, but it was a great fight since they seemed to be nearly even. The story was also good, but not as quite as complete as the first one. I enjoyed that people didn't agree with Morpheus and Neo being the one. It did a great job paralleling people's thoughts about religion. I loved Agent Smith too. In the first movie, he was just a very badass program with some hints of human characteristics, but now he is a free spirit, seemingly just working for himself. He is just purely driven by emotions, becoming the one thing he truely hates, a human. The cliffhanger at the end was also great and unexpected. There were quite a few story plots that were not explained, like much of what The Architect said, how Neo stopped the machines, and who the mother of the matrix is (although I have a pretty good idea). So anyways, it was a great movie. It's not one of the greatest movies ever made like The Matrix was however. I expect Revolutions to blow this movie out of the water in terms of story. I don't think it can top the action in Reloaded though, since it seemed to just be fillers. Oh, and did anyone catch the werewolves, vampires, and ghosts? I thought it was a fun subtlety.[/spoiler]
  15. I enjoy his movies. Very funny and witty in a time that's filled with comedy that involves people falling down or "hilarious" ethnic mismatches. A lot of people bash him for his writing and how immature and unnecessary it is, but that's just his style. It's really a personal preference. I personally love the long monologues about pointless things such as the rules of the food court in Mallrats and the Storm Troopers debate in Clerks. He does a lot of bold things though. Dogma was very risky, but he did it anyways. He is also one of the few people I've seen who portrayed gay people as nonstereotypes. And about his directing style, many hate it because it's not what we're used to seeing. Moviegoers these days rarely ever see a shot that last more than a few seconds, and if the camera doesn't move every 15 seconds, it becomes boring. I like the fact that he keeps the camera on his characters during talks, as it gives it more of a real aura to it. It also gives you more appreciation for the actors, as they fluently dish out there lines without interruption at all. And I've seen the Clerks cartoon series and love it. Very funny and I wish that ABC didn't cancel it. "We the jury hereby declare the defendant... BIG AMERICAN PARTY!"
  16. I didn't find The Ring scary. I got jolted a few times, but I expected to be scared out of my mind the whole way through. The atmosphere was set up perfectly, and was the scariest thing in the whole movie, but it was all glitz and no substance. The plot seemed like it was leading up to something huge, but we get one scene that doesn't make any sense, and then the end. We had no explination to anything and a thrown together conclusion. A well made movie, but I didn't feel that it's as good as others say. Anyways, while it isn't a horror film, Se7en is probably the scariest film I've ever seen. Not because a zombie jumps out or something, and not because there's supernatural forces that we never see until the end. It's because the movie plays mind games with you until the amazing ending. The use of intense and disturbing scenes along with the atmosphere makes it one of the most intense and heart-pounding movies I've ever seen. I'm glad to see a film that scares me without resorting to supernatural entities. Anyone who really wants a movie that messes with their minds, watch Se7en.
  17. Here is Nintendo's E3 list (excluding surprises): Pokemon Channel With Pikachu (GCN, 7/18) Pokemon Coliseum (GCN, Fall) Mario Golf (GCN, September) Mario Kart (GCN, this year) Mario Party 5 (GCN, this year) Pikmin 2 (GCN, this year) Wario World GC (GCN, this year) Custom Robo GC (GCN, this year) Star Fox (GCN, release TBA) Super Mario Advance 4 (GBA, 7/18) Pokemon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire (GBA, Summer) Legend of Starfee 2 (GBA, September) Mario & Luigi RPG (GBA, this year) Now for random pictures, courtesy of IGN.com, the best gaming website ever: [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/viewtifuljoe_051203_18.jpg[/IMG] Ooo, english screen! [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/megamantrans_051203_5.jpg[/IMG] MegaMan Transmissions [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/gotchaforcegc_051103_4.jpg[/IMG] More Gotcha Force, sounds fun. That's all for now. E3 offically starts on May 14th, so the really big news starts then. For now, it's just the small fries.
  18. I wonder if Kanyon will actually make an impact this time. When he first debuted, he was an interesting goofy character that actually won some titles. He had a brief comeback, but then faded away. Let's see how his new gimmick works out. And I'm glad to see that the IC title might come back. I thought taking it out was silly, as it would give the low and mid carders nothing to shoot for.
  19. So, is Dyack in lead of the project? Konami is just publishing, so does that mean SK's top man will totally control the project? This may seem bad that Kojima isn't at the helm, but I have faith in Dyack and his team. I don't really like stealth games, so I won't be anticipating this as much as others. I'm glad that GCN has an exclusive MGS, as that will help increase it's numbers hopefully. I can't wait to see some shots, as it is supposed to be prettier than MGS2! So it sounds interesting, we'll just have to see. And yes, it comes to USA in 03, but Japan won't get it until next year.
  20. Also on the computer was Project Wideawake, which was the Sentinal project. Stryker was a busy fellow. Anyways, I really enjoyed the movie. Great action with some wondeful special effects. It does have it's flaws however. Cyclops seemed really out of character. He was just really whiny and it seems that they threw him in just to create a tacky love triangle. They also focused on the Iceman/Rogue storyline too much. I felt that the scene with Iceman and his parents was important, but their teen angsty love got annoying, and took away development from other characters. In X3, I hope they just leave that storyline in the backburner and not make a big deal out of it. Since there were so many characters, it was hard to develop any. Wolverine of course was focused on, so his character progressed. Same with Jean Grey. Mystique also played a bigger role. Magneto really didn't pick up until the third act. Storm was almost nonexistant and didn't contribute anything to the plot. Nightcrawler was a fun addition, but he just seemed thrown in. For X3, I hope they don't focus on some characters (Storm, Iceman, Rogue), focus on the newcomers (hopefully Jubilee, Colossus, and Gambit), and improve some (Cyclops, Magneto although he was great in the first film). So overall it was a great, fun film. The number of mutants is great, but it can get frantic sometimes. I just wish that they would use some mutants just for action scenes instead of cluttering the storyline with thme (just let Iceman have a duel with Pyro or something).
  21. I like turn based much more than real time when it comes to cards. That was one of LK's biggest problems in my opinion. This game seems pretty interesting, but we need to know a few key facts. Do we have to pay to play online? Can we use our characters from PSO I and II? What would be the purpose of creating characters anyways since it's cards? How would you initiate battles? Also, will it have a strong single player? I love card video games, and a strong single player might be worth picking up even if you can't go online (which I can't, having AOL and all.)
  22. The game looks great so far. I always liked the Mario Kart series, so I'm looking forward to this one quite a bit. I like the new twist they took with it. Having two people in a cart may seem unnecessary and chaotic, but they are incoperating some cool stuff with it instead of just throwing in a second person for no reason. The tracks look pretty neat so far, and there are even SMS levels! The graphics do look a bit jaggy, but like you said, SMS looked really jaggy and incomplete when we first saw it. Hopefully they will work on the look and make it look more polished. So it looks great so far. I hope E3 reveals a lot about it. A playable demo would also be great so we can read some Hands-On impressions.
  23. I have the first two DVDs and I like it so far. The characters are very interesting and are much deeper as the series progresses. I really like the music. It sets the perfect mysterious atmosphere. It's hard to describe, but I couldn't think of anything more appropriate. It would've been easy to fill it up with generic rock, but I like the turn they took. The character designs are pretty simple and aren't that detailed, but they still look great. Less is more as some say. I love the archetecture and the landscape of the places they visit. The change of atmosphere is great. One episode they are in Paris, the next they are in Italy, the next they are in New York and so on. As for the story, it's interesting so far. I love it how strong these two women are, but they must still rely on each other to get the job done and learn about there pasts. The action is also great, with some fast and stylish gun fights. The fights really show Mireille and Kirika's talent. It's also interesting to see the unique ways Kirika kills people. Beware of the fork. I have run into a few problems with it. The pacing seems to be off in many episodes. There are these long minutes of just very little significant dialogue. Sometimes it can get really boring, as if the story wasn't long enough to fill 25 minutes. Also, the DVDs are a bit lacking on the extras. Production sketches are fine and all, but I want more! So far, I'm enjoying it. The first two discs are strong, so I hope it keeps getting better.
  24. I'm really excited about this movie. Hard to believe it comes out in less than two weeks! To tell the truth, I wasn't a big fan of the first X-Men. There was hardly any action, and they focused way to much on Wolverine. Now, there are more characters, and they have been developed more. The previews for X2 has more action than X-Men had! Some of the fight scenes do look a bit goofy. I mean, Deathstrike spinning in mid air and then hitting Wolverine? I hope all the fights aren't exaggerated to the point of making it look silly. As for the new story, it seems a bit darker than the original. What's with the dark sequels lately? I like the turn it's taking though, it should provide a more interesting story than the first installment. So I'll go see it for sure. I can't wait to see Gambit (as small as his cameo may be).
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]I heard a rumor somewhere that the next two movies are costing so much, Keanu Reeves sacrificed some of his own salary so the directors could keep filming. It's just a rumor, though. I don't know if it's true. [/B][/QUOTE] That's probably not true. Matrix Reloaded cost $127 mil and Revolutions cost $110 mil. The first Matrix did so well that Warner Bros. had no problem dishing out the cash for these sequels. Trust me, they didn't have to cut or sacrifice anything, I'm sure they got anything they wanted. And with the fight against all the Agent Smiths, while you know it's CGI, it's very convinincing and pulled off very well. Out of the previews and footage I've seen, none of the CGI looked lame or cheesy.
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