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Everything posted by ThePikasElbow

  1. Alright I think we need to come up with a new question because this is taking forever.
  2. GoS should be excommunicated from the quiz because he said that I got it right and then edited it when I asked my question.
  3. Well who says I can't guess a second time? I guess fifteen this time.
  4. That would be seven. Actually this is a guess, so am I right or wrong?
  5. I found Final Fantasy X to be a good RPG for a beginner. The battles are fun and easy, and the game isn't too challenging. It also introduces you to the breath taking cinematics and in depth story that many RPGs have. I don't like it compared to other current RPGs like Skies of Arcadia or Suikoden III, but I think it's the most appropriate for a beginner. Games like Kingdom Hearts and .hack really aren't traditional RPGs, more like action games with RPG elements (upgrade in items, leveling up, deep story etc). Hence they are placed in the action RPG genre. Skies is a perfect RPG for a beginner, but it's pretty challenging, especially the boss battles. There are quite a few random battles, so new RPG gamers might be turned off from them. But it's got a fun story with great characters, and the battles are fun, customizable, and easy to work with. I know you like challenging games, so I can see you enjoying this one. There are also a ton of secrets and I know how you like to get 100% in games. So FFX and Skies are good RPGs for a beginner. Oh, and also Pokemon, but you don't like that.
  6. That's not really a PS2 question... can we ask about PS1 games in this thread? Oh, and should we start to keep score in order to make it more interesting?
  7. A online console FPS would be a Godsend. There is Unreal Tournament for Xbox Live, but only broadband players can play. I guess it's a start. Timesplitters 2 or Red Faction 2 would have been a blast online. Nintendo is very hesitant about their online plans, because it's something pretty new to the console world. Dreamcast pulled it off sucessfully, but they eventually died out. Sony has a good plan, but no real killer ap online titles. Xbox has been putting the most dedication in their online plans, but it seems to be very limited and there are no real killer aps. I'm anxiously awaiting to see if Nintendo launches a huge online plan. I would love to play Smash Bros. or Mario Kart online.
  8. Those are correct. I forgot about Zone of the Enders, I was predicting the answers to be Suikoden III and MGS2. Oh well you still got it right, so ask away.
  9. The two characters are still in the film, but only as supporting roles. The answers are Ghost and Niobe. Ok my question: Name two PS2 games that Konami worked on that are currently out in stores.
  10. Six people if we're lucky SD. I'd love to be in an anime club. I don't want to be the only one supplying it though, becuase then it would just be people mooching off my DVDs. Also, I constantly have a ton of homework, so I couldn't see myself attending all the meetings and such. It would be fun for summer, or maybe in college.
  11. The ending was very disappointing for me. Trigun is one of the few anime series that I have seen that keeps getting better and better as it progresses. Numerous series have their slow parts, but not Trigun. I found each DVD to be better than the last. I expected the ending to be absolutely amazing, but I was let down. I'm ok with leaving some stuff to the imagination, but they left pretty much everything for you to figure out. I mean, what are they going to do with Knives? He's an insane killer, and now he's just supposed to stop? Are they supposed to live happily ever after? And what about Vash and Meryl? I know they care for each other, but Vash never ages so I don't see how it can work out. Oh well, it's best just to forget about it, it was a good series even with the almost incomplete ending.
  12. I'm enjoying it so far, but it wasn't good as I expected. There are quite a few technical flaws. The battles could use some work. I love that they are fast paced and furious, but they don't feel as tight and the camera is a real problem. The dungeons can also be repetitive sometimes. It's pretty much just searching from room to room hoping you will find the final treasure chest. The story is very good so far with many interesting characters and lots of twists and turns. The character designs are also just amazing, Sadamoto is one of my favorite character designers. He can take the simplist design and make it creative. The best part of the game is how the online world is pulled off. It really makes you feel like you're in the game. You receive e-mails at random times, trade with players, change servers etc. It's all very convincing and it supplies the perfect atmosphere. So anyways it's a fun but flawed experience. I'm only about 10 hours into it, so I might just be absolutely blown away as the game progresses.
  13. Alrighty then, here's my question. What is the name of the Keyblade that you win from Cloud after you defeat him?
  14. Oh sorry, I didn't know. And jeez, just couldn't ask a yes or no question could ya? Anyways here's the answer: Siberia: 1990 Chicago: 1932 Notre Dame: 1895 Return to Planet X: 2280 NeoTokyo: 2019 Wild West: 1853 Atom Smasher: 1972 Robot Factory: 2315 Space Station: 2401 There is also an Aztec level but I don't think it said the year. I'm not quite sure if I'm right so I'll just hold my question.
  15. That would be Hidden Boundless Fortress Walls, Mr. Salvatore.
  16. Yeah I dislike HHH being a face, he should always be a heel. Jericho played a good face, as a heel he is just some whiny loser. HHH, Angle and Benoit should always be heels, that's when they are at their best. I think Benoit plays a horrible face. I mean honestly he doesn't have the personality or charisma to be a face. He just gets in there and kicks *** and wins by any means, and that makes a good heel!
  17. I thought it was a pretty good Raw. It had some very entertaining matches and surprises. I'm glad to see Raw get more talent. Smackdown used to seem it had bigger names than Raw. Big Show might have hurt HBK, but they could throw us a curveball. I'm curious on how Johnny the Bull and the island boys will do in the WWF. With many older names diminishing, they need new talent. I'm glad to see Benoit hold a title again, he always has great matches when a title is on the line, but I wish he didn't have to take it from RVD. Overall it was a pretty good raw, more entertaining than the previous weeks.
  18. LOL yeah Def_Kun that's what I was thinking. I guess Vampire Hunters shop at the same store. But remember, Alucard and D are both vampires, so the covered and dark clothing is pretty much typical. Victoria is also a vampire but she doesn't wear drab cloaks like the others. I guess she's the exception.
  19. Onox was most definently the hardest. It took me several times before I beat him. His attacks were varied and strong, you didn't know what he was going to throw at you. Plus many of his attacks covered the whole area. And then there was the dragon form. Damn that was such a tough form. I had to dodge the fire on the ground and the flames he spit at me. I had to jump on his hand too, which was tough. I had to slash that crystal on his head quickly too because I didn't have enough time before he tried to do another move. I was so happy when I finally beat him. I thought Veran was easy. When you fought her that one time about halfway through the game she was pretty tough. At the end she was a piece of cake. Maybe it was because it was a linked game, so I had a Master Sword, Mirror Shield, and all the best weapons at my disposal. In a linked game, Twinrova and Ganon were the real challenge. Ganon had such a large range for attacks, and you had to get close to him to hit him. Twinrova took exact aim and timing to defeat it.
  20. Multiplayer in Zelda has never been done before, so this is definently a risk. Of what I've seen, it looks like it's shaping up nicely. The dungeons are varied, there are many tasks to perform. You are against each other, but sometimes you have to set your differences aside to help solve puzzles and access new areas. But in places that have tons of rupess and when your surrounded by Stalfos, your on your own! I'm not sure how big the multiplayer thing will be. It's not going to be a huge quest like LttP. Maybe a dungeon or two. Maybe the farther you get in LttP, the more dungeons and stuff you get in multiplayer. Anyways it looks like it will be really good
  21. Yes I know she grades on your personal status and not a set level, but I thought that they were very good and they obviously have to be good for me to even get a good grade on it.
  22. I've seen it and I thought that it was just ok. It is really overhyped. There isn't a lot of action, but there is a lot of violence. That may seem to be kind of odd but stay with me. See I classify action as intense confrontation or battle. Violence is pretty much slaughter and is someone murdering someone, not in a actual battle. The animation is very good for such a old show. It's about a boy who gains this power and he uses it to destroy so its up to this other boy to stop him. It's a little more complicated than that, but it's the basic jist. There isn't really any scenes that are memorable. It is fairly average movie. What's weird though is that the movie is half the manga. The movie is the first three chapters of a six chapter manga. They altered the movie ending, so there is no possible way for a Akira II unless it doesn't follow the manga or they make some big changes.
  23. My name really doesn't have a meaning. It originally was a fused name. I like Pokemon and Pikachu is the most famous pokemon. I also like wrestling. The Rock is my favorite wrestler and his signature move is The Peoples Elbow. Take out Peoples add Pikas and there ya go. I've used this name on several places since '99. I just stick with it cause I think it's pretty unique. Avatar: My avatar is Sailor Mars from the magical girl anime Sailor Moon. She's my favorie Sailor Scout. I wish we had more avatars though. Can we request some or something? I'd love to see some Vash, Alucard and Kirby icons. Sig: Don't have one yet
  24. Yeah WMX8 is a huge dissapointment. Yukes was in charge of it, that's a big reason. I dislike the arcadey beat em up style for wrestling games. They need to be like No Mercy. You can use many styles of grapples and punches in that game. Like you said the CAW sucks. It felt like they barely worked on it. There aren't that many options, and you can barely create anyone you want too. No Pay Per View is a big draw back. Sometimes when Im bored I just set up a pay per view and see how it turns out, but you cant in this game. Defending titles is a big part of the replay value! The mayhem is pretty fun, but it's only fun in multiplayer. No Mercy with some updated modes, graphics and rosters would have suited me. AKI should be involved with the next one.
  25. I've only done a handful of anime drawings. I did a berserk Eva 02 (got a 100 for it), Kawaru from Eva (a 95 or so) and some game characters like Sonic, Mario, and Link. I think I do pretty good. I've never really tried to draw before I was forced too. With some practice I think I could do very well. But if I was part of a animation team I would rather stick to the writing than the animating.
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