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Everything posted by Marron347
The teen titans banner is cool. I like how you put the outer glow on the group. Your best one I've seen. (8.5/10) I like your Kurama one too, but I think I can see parts in the hair where you didn't get all of the background off of the picture. I still like it though, especially the way you put the regular Kurama on one side and Yoko Kurama on the other. Also the text goes really well with it. (8/10)
That's an awsome picture in the background there, I think the black part over his hair kinda takes away from it, but that's just my opinion. (7.5/10)
This banner is alright looking. I can't really read 'sagara' very well, but maybe that's just me. I think the blue pictures and the regular ones kind of clash. (7/10)
I love the part in tenchi muyo when aeka and ryoko are telling tenchi different stories about how they first met and each one exaggerates the story to where the other is the bad guy. I also like the part in dbz when Bulma makes Vegeta wear a pink shirt that says "BAD MAN" on it. And that's what he's wearing when future Trunks first sees him. And the part where Krillin throws a rock at goku's face while he's sleeping expecting him to wake up and catch it, but it hits him right in the face and he gets tears in his eyes and a big red bump on his head and starts screaming at Krillin.
I see what you were going for in the .hack banner, but it didn't really work out, sorry buddy. It's very colorful though.
look at this thing I made. you like?
Thanks giving is great if you are actually giving thanks. My family hardly ever prays or even talks about giving thanksgiving, and I admit that I don't pray every thanksgiving, but I do evey once in a while and I don't just do it on Thanksgiving either. I thank God for at least one thing pretty much every time I pray. The only thing that goes on at my house on thanksgiving is stress, stress, stress. My mom cooks this HUGE dinner every year that is supposed to last us the rest of the year so she doesn't have to cook and no one is allowed in the kitchen or they will be brutally slaughtered. And there are a bunch of people that come around from different sides of my family that should never be in a room together. And I can't hang out with my friends either because I have to stay home and keep the relatives occupied. This year my sister is coming up from CA though and she is going to help my mom cook, so hopefully it won't be so nerveracking.
Right now my favorite books would have to be A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Leguin and the Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien. I love A Wizard of Earthsea because it has one of the most interesting strorylines I have ever seen. Also, there is just the right amount of action and not a lot of touchy-feely stuff, which is perfect for me. I also like this book because the wizards have staffs and not wands, they don't fly around on little broomsticks, they don't wear those weird little pointy hats and the spells have a lot of secrecy to them so that not just anyone could use them, as oppose to Harry Potter, which I don't really like. The world called Earthsea is very detailed and there are many different races of people and many different cultures. The author is very descriptive in her writing as well, which I enjoy. I love the Hobbit. This is a book I can read over and over and over again. I know this book is considered by many to be just an introduction to the Lord of the Rings, but it is more than that. It is an exiting and interesting fantasy novel for all ages. It isn't too long and it isn't too short. Another thing I like about this book is the way it is written. It is very descriptive, but in a funny sort of way even when little Bilbo is lost in the tunnels of the goblins. Tolkien's writing is very distinct; I could recognize it anywhere. A couple of other series' I like are the Narnia series by C.S. Lewis and the Dragon's Milk series by Susan Fletcher. I would reccomend any of these books to anyone who is looking for a good fantasy to read.
This topic irritates me as well, D_H_Magus, and I agree with you about how kids are going to see violence anyway even if they don't watch it on cartoons. Maybe "disensitizing" your children is kind of drastic because the kid might think killing is okay because they see it happen all the time, I dunno, I guess that just depends on the person. But I think it isn't exactly a healthy thing if some kid's dog gets its brain smashed out by a truck and he doesn't have any emotional response to it at all. Even with that said, I still think you shouldn't keep your kids from watching violent TV or playing violent video games. If your going to do that you can keep them from watching the news and talk shows and stuff too. It's just wrong to keep reality from your children because you'd be hurting them more than helping them. And if they want to be violent send them to a Martial Arts class or something.
I made one of Fado from Zelda Wind Waker.
ok, here ya go. its nothing like the last one though.
Hey, I made a new Faye banner. What do you think of it?
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Marron347 replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
That last one was really cool Heaven's Cloud. Anyway, this one isn't one of my best but it's the only one I can remember off the top of my head. Emotionless Tearless, toneless, Heartless, homeless, Breathless, bloodless, Nerveless, soulless, No sadness, no pain, No loss, no gain. Without anyone's love, I guess, I am left emotionless. -
I wonder why he let them continue the series like that.
Cool, sounds funny. Is there a lot of fighting? and is the animation any good?
Why are there more viruses right before people go back to school?
I am usually pretty good at controlling my rage. Sometimes I yell, sometimes I just walk away. But there have been times when I got in fights and once I kicked a hole in my bedroom door. Usually when I'm angry I go and play a game that involves a lot of fighting and killing. That always helps me get my frustration out. Thats funny too because there are a lot of soccer moms out there who say that video games cause violence when really they do a pretty good job of keeping people from being violent in real life cuz they let out all there anger in the game.
Good idea skyrose. I thought about doing that too, but I decided not to because I really like the idea of using your imagination to picture what the characters will look like and everything, with the help of some description of course, but I've never really had much of a problem with that.
Well where I live, in eighth grade you get to make four year plan. That includes your career and all of the classes you are going to take through high school. State requirements.
I would love to try sushi, I don't think I have ever had it. My favorite food is well... any thing Italian really and I really like chinese food:lemon chicken, sweet and sour chicken, almond chicken, stir fry... mmmmmmmmmscrumptious
Wow, I have never met a thirteen year old who wanted to be a botanist. That's really interesting. Everybody usually wants to be a zookeeper because they like things that move around and don't just sit there.
What about the animation? How's it?
I love Wind Waker. I love the archipelago idea. I love the puzzles. The storyline isn't bad. And the fighting is better than it ever has been. The only thing I really dislike about it is the animation. I mean, I like the cell shading and everything, I just didn't like the cartoony look. So it is not my favorite. Majora's Mask was my least favorite because the dungeons were extremely annoying and having to do everything in three days kind of pissed me off, too. However, I did enjoy the masks and how you could turn into a goron or a zora or a deku or whatever. I also liked how there was some of the same music as there was in Ocarina of Time and you could use the songs to manipulate the short amount of time you had to do stuff. But this game is not my favorite. My favorite 3D Zelda game is Ocarina of Time obviously and I'll tell you why. The storyline, for one thing is far better than the others. The music is better and the use of the ocarina rather than the conductor's baton. I love Hyrule. Hyrule is so awesome because there are so many different races of people and places to go. Let's see...there's the forest, the desert, Death Mountain, theres a water place(Zora's Domain), there's a farm, there's a lake,and there's two towns and a castle. Perfect. And unlike Termina, there are different ways to get to these places, like by teleporting with your ocarina and there are doors in each area where you can go directly to another area. For instance, there is a door in the goron place on Death Mountain that takes you directly to the forest. And you can dive down into a pool of water in the forest and you'll end up right in lake Hylia. I also like this game because it isn't cartoony, it is more serious than the others, but at the same time it has some funny parts too like when all the Gorons tried to hug Link and he ran away screaming.(That cracks me up every time I see it.) So that is why OOT is my favorite.
What do you do, or want to do when you get out of school? I am a writer right now and I take care of old people and babysit sometimes, but thats not what I want to do once I get out of school. I want be a computer programmer or make videogames or something.