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Everything posted by Marron347

  1. I thought I heard someone talking about an anime called Those Who Hunt Elves. From what they said it sounds pretty cool, but I dunno. I'd like to know a little more about it if any of you have seen it. Is it worth watching? What do you guys think?
  2. Who is Mr. Game & Watch? Is he in some other game?
  3. I would be overjoyed to hear that they were going to show the Garlc Jr., Trunks, and andriod sagas again and the new episodes of Dragon Ball, but I just got my cable cut off.:mad: And I've been waiting for so long:bawl: Anyway, I used to want to see DBGT, but someone told me that Akira Toriyama had almost nothing to do with the making of that series. Is that true? And if so, is the show even any good?
  4. Marron347


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Metatron [/i] [B]Problem with online friends is the fact that you can never really be sure if you are talking to a person that your "friend" makes themselves out to be. I guess that can be resolved here in the forums since theres a pictures forum and everything, but I still tend to be a bit guarded against people I meet online. I try to stay casual with them before I can figure out if they are actually what they say they are. But most people I met so far seem to be nice. [/B][/QUOTE] I used to think the same thing about meeting people online, but my sister met this guy online and she ended up getting married to him. They are perfect for each other.:heart: Now I think that if you are really friends with this person that you meet online then you won't have any doubt that they are, in fact, who they say they are.
  5. I go back to school on August 27...wait, that's four days earlier than last year! Crap! Actually, I'm kind of looking forward to going back to school. I didn't get as good of grades as I would have liked last year and it will be nice to start over. It's just that the summer went so damn fast this year. It seems like summer vacation gets shorter and shorter every year. I didn't even get to go visit my sister like I had planned. But it will be great to see my friends again that I didn't get to see during the summer.
  6. In SSBM I have ganondorf, jigglypuff, young link, falco, luigi, dr. mario, some pikachu-like character(forgot his name), marth, and roy, but ther eare still empty spaces so does anyone know who the other secret characters are? One of them is mewtwo right?
  7. I know, but they edit the crap out of them on Toonami, I dont really like that. I used to wach adult swim every week when it came on on Saturdays (and it was all anime too), but now they have it on later and it's on weekdays when I have to be up in the morning. They have it mixed in with those other cartoons, too, most of which I don't have a problem with except Aqua Teen Hunger Force (that show annoys the hell outta me). Anyway I wish they would put on Evangelion or RahXephon or Gundam Wing or something.
  8. I have three dogs. I have a pitbull mix named Kuma(she is very beautiful, she is brindle), I have an airedale/black lab mix named Yoshi after the dinosaur on Super Mario World (she is just like a big teddy bear), and I have a big fat chocolate lab named Zues who loves to play.
  9. Lately I have been alone a lot, but I am never "lonely." A lot of my friends think I'm lonely, though. They think I need to get myself a boyfriend, but I like my solitude.
  10. Geez, you guys. That's really sad. I've never had a friend die, but one tried to commit suicide, and failed(thank God). She just didn't show up for school one day, I thought it was really odd. No one had heard from her and then the next day she came back to school and told me and a few of her other close friends that she overdosed on pain killers, and it ended up being spread all over the school. It turns out that the school counselor told everyone, what a bastard. Anyway, my dog died, too. And he really wsn't just a dog to me, he was my friend and he always protected me no matter what. What happened was his kindeys failed because someone poisoned him. My dad told me he died on the way to the veterinarian, but it turns out that my dad actually had him put to sleep. All of my grandparents are dead too, but I wasn't really close to any of them except for my gandma on my mom's side. She died of pancreas cancer.
  11. I really liked the fight between Spike Speigel and Vincent Velaju in Cowboy Bebop:Knockin on Heaven's Door. Lots of hand to hand combat, although it would have been better if Spike was the one to finish off Vincent in the end. And Goku's fight with Master Roshi(Jackie Chun) during the World Martial Arts tournament in Dragon Ball. That was crazy when Goku transformed and Master Roshi blew up the moon. And I loved how it ended with neither fighter having enough energy for energy attacks and Goku fell down right at the last second giving Roshi the win. Also the fight between Kenshin Himura and Aoshi Shinomori. That fight was awesome. Aoshi's after image deal was really cool as was Kenshin's using the sheath of his sword to block the attack that followed. Those are three of my favorite anime battles(that is all I can think of right now).
  12. I was living in a motel for a while with my cat and my dogs and my family and one morning I woke up to find that someone had let my cat out of his carrier and he had run away. I looked for him for months and months but could never find him. Very sad.
  13. If I was a anime character I would probably be Shura from Rurouni Kenshin. There are a lot of male anime characters that have personality like me, like Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha or Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho. If we're talking about looks...well, I just don't look like anyone.
  14. I watched that Trunks movie and I thought this was going to be in there, but it wasn't so what is the whole deal with Tapion? All I know is that he gave trunks his sword and I just found out that he had a brother or something. Anyway, I also want to know if there is a Tapion movie.
  15. My favorite anime is, always was, and most likely always will be Dragon Ball. I love the character design, the storyline, the fighting, and it's absolutely hillarious! But Rurouni Kenshin comes in at a close second. It is simply brilliant. The story is so interesting. It's the kind of anime I could cry over if I miss an episode. Also there are alot of different kinds of fighting styles and weapons to learn about as you watch the show like Aoshi Shinomori's Kenpo with the kodachis and Kenshin's Hiten Mitsurugi with the katana and there ae alot of early guns in that show too. Cowboy Bebop is my third favorite though. I really like the characters, animation, and the music is really beautiful. I have seen many versions of the future but the one in Cowboy Bebop seems the most realistic.
  16. Look, if people didn't state their beliefs as fact then they wouldn't really believe in them would they. I am sure of myself when it comes to my beliefs, so I will state them as fact. And what do you mean by "have you met God." God is everywhere and I talk to him all the time in prayer. Does that count as meeting him?
  17. I had a really weird dream recently in which my dead grandmother picked me up from school, but it wasn't even my school. It was this huge school that had these big white pillars right outside the front doors. And anyway, when I saw my grandma I ran up to her crying "Nana, Nana!"(because that is what I used to call her when she was alive)and I gave her a big hug. And it was really weird because she was all glowing this crazy golden glow like an angel or something. Anyway after that we went back to her house, but it wasn't her house, it was way different, some place I had never seen before. But I didn't seem to notice that or the weird light surrounding my grandmother. That dream seems like it should have freaked me out or made me wake up in the middle of the night crying or something, but it didn't. I just woke up and stared at the wall for a really long time. Then I just went about my day like usual. But now I'm starting to wonder about what it could mean if it means anything at all.
  18. My favorite minor characters are Bubbles and Gregory from DBZ and Shin from Cowboy Bebop and Hanya from Rurouni Kenshin and Jinn from Yu Yu Hakusho.
  19. I am almost certain that when you die, your soul doesn't depart from your body or anything weird like that. Your body and soul and mind and everything else just stops working. And then at the end of the world, when Jesus decides to return, we all live again. And I think only the people who choose to go to hell will or something like that I don't know. But the people who go to heaven with Jesus get new bodies and everything, so there would be no more suffering or tears. There would be no loneliness or death. We would all have everlasting life as far as I know.
  20. okay, outside of videogames, aoshi shinomori is definitely the best cuz after he got beat by kenshin he started using two kodachis(sp?), so he seems pretty unstoppable. However, I haven't seen the last couple of episodes that were showed on CN, I don't know if he fought kenshin again or what.
  21. I have been really poor my entire life. That is the one thing I would change. I'm not saying I want to be rich, I just don't want to be poor. There are a lot of things I have had to give up because I am poor. Things like Martial Arts (not enough money to pay for classes)and church related activites (there is a fee to get into clubs)and even people. Like there is this one guy I go to school with and he is exactly like me in every way. We do the same things, we like the same things, we think the same way. The only difference between us is that he is really rich. So he is trained in three types of Martial Arts, he speaks Japanese almost perfectly, and he is already taking some of his classes at the college. For this reason I could never be friends with him. Anyway, I just feel like I could do great things if I only had the money, so that is what I would change about my life.
  22. I thought I heard somewhere that trunks did hook up with pan, but I think he and marron would have been a better couple.
  23. I love spending time with my close friends, but some of them can get really annoying after long periods of time. So then I just want to be alone where I can think and write and play video games and watch anime and no one will interfere. You see, none of my friends like anime or video games nearly as much as I do and many of them like to talk right in the middle of an episode of DBZ or Cowboy Bebop or when I'm fighting a boss on Zelda or something. But I always want to be alone as far as boyfriends go because they cling to you all the time and I like my solitude. I don't think it would be worth it.
  24. I think Crono from Chrono Trigger is the best anime swordsman. His confuse and Luminare techniques are the coolest!
  25. I'm sorry Big O fans, but I have to agree with Yusuke. The show isn't that great. The animation is okay, but that's about it. I just hate some of the stupid things the characters say. Also there isn't really that much depth to the storyline. It really just reminds me of Batman. *shudders*
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