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Everything posted by Marron347

  1. geez i can't decide between final fantasy 3 or 9 or zelda: ocarina of time or chrono trigger for game music, but cowboy bebop is definately the best as far as anime music goes.
  2. I am really scared of going blind, or losing any of my five senses, but mostly of going blind.
  3. I understand what you are saying DeathNight, but I wasn't referring to demons. I was talking about harmless images made solely to scare you or confuse you. And I was just saying that a lot of people think that these are the spirits of their dead loved ones when really they are nothing of the sort. Demons I'm sure are a whole different story, but I don't know much about them.
  4. Marron347


    I am not afraid of death, but i don't want to die until I'm ready. Like, if I died today I'd be really pissed because there is so much that I still need to accomplish. Plus, my friends still need me. But when you're ready for it, no. Death isn't bad. In fact, it's probably just like sleeping: it feels like it only lasts for the blink of an eye because you do wake up eventually to go to heaven. When you die, you're just waiting for Jesus to come. Death sucks though if it happens to one of your friends. It doesn't suck as much for them, but it sucks for you because you have to live in mourning for them for the rest of your life and that hurts pretty badly. It is also pretty crappy when someone takes the life of someone else before they are ready, or at any time at all really, because man does not have the authority to decide who lives or dies. Only God should be able to take life away because he is the one who gave it to us in the first place.
  5. I am pretty sure that what you guys call ghosts are not really the spirits of dead people. They are created (often in the form of dead loved ones) by Satan to scare you, confuse you, and make you feel unsafe. I was taught to, whenever I see one of these, just say,"Begone! In the name of Jesus Christ!" and that will make them go away. They are no big deal; nothing to be afraid of.
  6. I just rented Metropolis the other day. It was pretty good, but not as good as I thought it was going to be. I did kinda like the music I guess. It was good for being the type of music that it is. I thought the music at the end was comepletely inappropriate though.
  7. The character designs in the show kind of bother me, but they aren't bad. The plot is prettyinteresting so far. Does anyone know when the show was made?It might just be me, but it seems like its from a while back.
  8. I watch anime because it is realistic, referring to the animation, most storylines,and the personalities of many characters. Even in science ficton or fantasy types of settings; they just seem more real to me than mostly every American cartoon I've seen. I mean, people actually die and get hurt and that type of thing. I love the way the feelings of the characters are expressed in anime shows. Also, most of the anime I watch have at least something to do with Martial Arts or guns or big mobile suits, because i love fighting.
  9. happiest- when i went to my sister's wedding last year most pressured- when everyone wanted me to beat up this girl i go to school with and i didn't want to do it beacause i knew i would get in trouble. saddest- when my cat ran away or when my sister moved away, can't decide.
  10. vegeta was the most original anime character i have ever seen, i swear. and his pride adds alot to that. but that pride of his seems to be slowly dissapating as the series progresses. i haven't seen any of GT yet, but i'm afraid vegeta's gonna totally lose it in that series. that sucks because his pride is a big part of his personality. when he said that about goku being the best and everything...i dunno...it just didn't seem like it was really him saying it, ya know?
  11. i like a character with depth, yeah, but even if they have that, it sucks if there isnt very good animation. also i like a character who is either a bad a** mage, a very good martial artist (with a cool weapon maybe), or they have a really good gun at least. a good anime character has to have voice to fit their appearance, or it'll be annoying the crap outta you the whole series. they also have to have loyalty to their friends, they've gotta be ready to sacrifice their lives for their friends at any time. i don't really go for somebody who is all righteous acting all the time. i like it if they have a bad attitude, kinda like vegeta from dbz.
  12. i really like the cards, but i too have no idea how to play the game, but from what i've heard it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. yeah i get cards wherever i can, but i only keep them so i can look at the pictures, try to draw them, and sell them for some quick cash.
  13. thanx for all of your comments you guys. it really helps. i think i have decided to go to the school. i hope my friends will respect my decision. i will probably tell them this weekend. thank you again for your advice.:toothy:
  14. wait a second... okay, the riddle was great, i thought. it just needs a different answer. the answer should be that the two answers two the mans question, like you said, would not be right and wrong. they would be son AND daughter. ...or the answer to the riddle would be not to take any of the roads, just go straight through the forest or whatever.
  15. if my friend asked me to lie to them and it was just something dumb, i would just flat out tell them the truth no matter what. but if it was something serious like the cancer thing, i would try to twist the truth around as much as i could to make her feel better, but still keep it truthful. (i have been known to do that on several occasions with members of my family even if it was something dumb)
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by keyblade [/i] [B]First think...How good are these friends...r they really close...or not, how long have you known them??[/B][/QUOTE] this is what makes it so hard. most of my friends i have known them for like 7 or 8 years and i don't see them enough as it is. i was really leaning toward going and i thought i had made my decision, but then one of my friends said she would cry if i left, which is a very big thing for her since she is very emotionally unstable. she even tried to commit suicide last year, so i am kinda of worried she might get depressed and do it again
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]Besides, you have a huge opportunity here. Have you checked the place out? Is there a set amount of time you have to stay once you get there, or can you leave if you absolutely hate it? [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] i'm going to check it out over spring break. it's a seventh day adventist christian church. i've wanted to go there since i was a little kid. my sister went there so i've been there before, but that was a long time ago. i don't know if there is a set amount of time. i'm going on a scholership and i'm planning to stay there for the full four years if i decide to go.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nim [/i] [B]Anyway my dad promised me that he would tell me before he got rid of her but he didnt, GOD WHAT A PAIN IN THE ***! I really am stuck! what should i do! HELP![/B][/QUOTE] i know how you feel. my dad had my dog put to sleep while i was at church and he lied to me about it for months afterward. anyway, your dad shouldn't be mad at you because it was your choice, but if it was me, i would have stayed in england.
  19. actually, i do plan on staying as close as i can to my friends for the rest of my life. i dont do well with losing friends...bad memories.
  20. i have a hard decision to make and i was wondering if anyone could help me out. there is this boarding school i really want to go to and its only about 100 miles away from where i live, but my friends don't want me to go because they are afaid we will grow apart. now, normally, i would have no touble making this decision and stay with my friends in an instant because my friends are very important to me, but going to this school is my lifelong dream and i never thought i would have this opportunity because it is really expensive to go there and i am poor.also, i don't think it would be that big of a deal because i would be calling every day and coming to visit every other weekend. i told them this, but they still don't want me to go. so you see my predicament. can you guys give me some of your opinions 'cause i am really in a jam.
  21. okay, first of all, just because you cant prove it doesnt mean it isnt true. there might be some other form of science or some other way of proving it out there that you dont know about. secondly, there is a little thing called magic (of course there are other words for it) that happens in the world and just because you havet seen it doesnt mean it doesnt exist
  22. well i found two or three already, so all i need to know is if that's all there is.
  23. i guess you're right, but if it was me, seeking out my dead relatives would be the first thing on my mind when i got there, not sight seeing or tournaments.
  24. yeah my brother beat bowser before me which kind of pissed me off because it is my game, but i'm sure i'll get all the shine sprites before he does hey i have a question. i know you can get shine sprites from spraying yellow birds, but are there yellow birds in every level?
  25. i just noticed something. you know how goku dies during the cell games right? well, don't you think it is kind of odd that goku didn't seek out his obviously missed grandfather Gohan? remember, in dragonball, it was shown that he got to keep his body and everything. so why do you think goku didn't go to see him?
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