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Everything posted by Marron347

  1. hey there is this problem i have. i dont know what to do about it and i was hoping somebody could give me some suggestions or tell what you have done in a similar situation. my two very best friends in the whole world are almost exactly opposite of each other. i can't go anywhere with both of them because i know they will get into a fight or something. its really kind of dumb and i hate being the referee between them. i've told them that but nothing's changed. one of them still always ends up complaining to me about how much the other one annoys them. i wish they'd just suck it up and deal with it. does anybody know what i could do?
  2. geez...i hate it when people take things like this way too seriously. i mean who cares if somebody talks about you behind your back. if they are your friends, who cares. just 'cause they insult you of talk about you doesn't mean they don't love you. like once one of my friends called me a b**** to my face and you know what i did? I laughed and she laughed and we were still cool. i just don't see what the big deal is.
  3. i hardly ever get in fights; people know i'm tougher than them and i'll kick their *** if they try to screw with me or any of my friends, but in the rare occasion thet i do get in a fight i take complete advantage of it and let out all of my anger on them and i would never feel bad either(they asked for it). You see, im always known as the calm, cool, and collected one, so i dont always let out my anger, but ill bust you up if you try to start somethin' with me. i usually use any kind of martial arts i can when im fighting, but if that doesnt work ill use every weapon and every dirty trick i know to win if i saw some gang fighting another gang id just mind my own damn business, so as not to get in trouble with the cops, school administrator, etc.(Of course if my friends were in it then id help them)
  4. i never saw the subbed version, but i could tell they changed something there. from the first time i saw general blue, i knew he was going to pull something gay.
  5. i took goju ryu karate for like eight months or so. i started because (a)i thought Martial Arts looked pretty cool on tv, like dbz and stuff (b)i needed to be involved in something new and something other than school so that i could meet new people (c)i had always heard about Martial Arts being so good for the soul, helping you not only physically but mentally too and i wanted to know what that really felt like. i wanted to truly understand. (d)i really needed the exercise when i first began, i was a little intimidated because there were no other girls in my class, but other than that i really did fit in. as time progressed more people started to join and there were more girls so i was more comfortable with that. and as i learned, i began to get this feeling of peace and tranquility that i had heard about and i worked toward becoming stronger and faster and better. i wanted to be a good fighter. but then a bad thing happened: I started to hear about money problems from my parents. my dad had quit his job and there was less and less money coming in. i had to sacrifice a lot to keep taking classes, but in the end it didn't even matter because i ended up not going anymore since my dad wouldn't get a job. i always think about it. when i stopped going it was like there was a hole in my heart, but, then again, there's lots of holes in my heart, so i got used to it.i learned alot when i was taking karate, but i can never find the time to practice anymore...sometimes i'm afraid i'm going to forget.
  6. i really liked the majin vegeta vs. goku fight. that was probably my favorite fight in the whole series. i also liked the part where hercule was giving fat buu a bath and buu dunked him in the water. that was funny.
  7. hey, i heard that when they put dbgt on cn they're going to actually change bra's name because they don't think it's appropriate for kids.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][color=red]If you were in the innards of the strongest being you'd ever fought, wouldn't you be act a little different? --J.C.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah, but goku wasn't acting any different, not nearly as freaked out as vegeta. thats what i thought was weird.
  9. yeah, dabura was already evil.i liked him way better that way though. this new thing is almost too gay for me to handle.
  10. yeah,i've read it. I thought it was great too. really funny. but for some reason everyone i know thinks it sucks.
  11. Marron347


    i also really enjoy the music from cowboy bebop. i dont even like half of it, but the way it was put together with the show just makes me want to listen to it anyway. out of the stuff i really do like though, my favorites are "the real folk blues" and "tank". i guess "green bird" is pretty cool too.
  12. i have to agree that chi chi does not show affection for goku very often, but in addition to the one someone already metioned there was also when goku recovered from that heart virus. chi chi saw him on the beach and ran out there and hugged, kissed and everything. it was a real kodak moment. also when goku was about to go back to otherworld after teaching goten and trunks the fusion dance. and about bulma actually being married to vegeta, im not really sure. all i know is that during the world martial arts tournament(the one that kaioshin was in)chi chi referred to vegeta as bulmas husband while she and bulma were arguing about whose husband was the stongest.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B] [b]Why didn't he kill Buu when he could have?[/b] Like Goku said something along these lines: "It's up to earth to create it's own hero. They have to learn to rely on themselves. No old hero from the history books is going to save it this time. Oh wait! Come to think of it I kinda' fall in that category now." [/B][/QUOTE] sometimes i really wonder why he cares about that at all. if it were me in his place i would have done everything in my power to help my friends and family, and it really isn't their fault they can't rely on themselves. they were all doing the best they could to get as strong as they could. they shouldn't have to die just because goku doesn't thinks he shouldn't have to save them again.
  14. nemekians are assexual. that means they are neither male nor female(everyone just refers to him as "he" because he sounds like a guy), and they reproduce by themselves by spitting eggs out of their mouths. but that does not mean piccolo could never fall in love with someone no matter what race they are. it isn't all about sex you know.
  15. I really like domon. he's really tough and a good fighter.and he's really cute too.i like how loyal he is to his friends.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GundamGohan [/i] [B] I'd just say that the saiyans just held their breath for the 5 min. [/B][/QUOTE] but remember when bardock was in space? he was talkng so he couldn't have held his breath.
  17. this has bothered me ever since the first time I saw it: in dragonball, goku takes that one freaky rabbit dude to the moon, however, in dragonball z frieza said that saiyans could not breathe in space and that he was going to kill goku by blowing up namek. But can saiyans really breathe in space?
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shadow [/i] [B]WHAT!!! I won't be able to stay up that late on weekdays! I hope that that's not true. [/B][/QUOTE] no crap! there is no flipping way i'm gonna be able to go to sleep that late and get up in time for school. :sleep:
  19. i agree with transtic nerve about buu being the most original villian. he is funny and cute at times, but weird and scary at others. he has new and different techniques. even his absorbion technique is quite different than cell's. i admit that freiza was a very original character, but buu is still better because he is alot more powerful and he doesn't sound like an old woman.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]It's just an intimidation factor I presume. Just makes him look "tougher" as that is often seen with the 'big guys' in things. Like, let's say you're watching some action flik, and some guy orders some big burly body guard to go beat someone up... what is one thing they typically do? Right, crack their knuckles, their neck, or whatever it may be.. Though, when I watched it last night, I found it interesting that Buu did this. Considering he doesn't have any bones...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah, i thought it was weird too about the not having bones thing,but if they just made it that way to make buu look tougher, i think they're overdoing it a little bit.
  21. hey,um, maybe its just me but does anyone else think that gotenks and vegeta look alot alike?
  22. i can see how master asia's intentions with the dark gundam could have seemed noble, but if he was going to exterminate the entire human race to save the earth, then he would have to kill himself too. so i think he was being selfish. i think he just didn't like the gundam fight and a lot of other things that humans were involved in. he didn't like being a part of that anymore, so instead of just commiting suicide or something, he decided that it would be better for him if he just killed everyone else. but what i can't figure out is why he was acting like he cared about domon when his plan was to kill him right along with everyone else.
  23. i think freiza(dbz) is an awsome villian, but not the best.I would have to agree with you guys and say the best is knives.
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