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[color=green]A stupid nickname that my friends named me was K Money. The only reason why they did this is because about a year ago, I was always piss poor and borrowing money. Since then I have payed back all my debts and now have people in debt to me. I guess the name actually does hold some meaning now.[/color]
The most awful taste ever! (sensitive people watch out!)
Kevin replied to Circ's topic in General Discussion
Well, the worst taste that I have ever tasted happened a few days ago. I was conjested so I decided to try out some nassal spray. I sprayed the stuff and it worked wonders, but it tasted god awful. I swear as soon as my nose was unplugged I was about to heave chunks everywhere right then and there. -
Alright, here is the "official" soundtrack to my life. [b]1. Nice Guys Finish Last - Green Day:[/b] Well, for one I am a very nice guy and apparently some people fail to see that in me. Sometimes I try so hard to please others, but get nothing in return. [b]2. Addicted - Simple Plan:[/b] Heh, what can I say? When I enjoy something, sometimes I carry it a bit too far. Once I get something I don't really like to let it go. [b]3. Self Esteem - Offspring:[/b] As the song says, "I know you are playing with me, but that's okay because I have no self esteem." It pretty much describes my last relationship. [b]4. Serenity - Godsmack:[/b] I like to sit and reflect about myself and what is going through my life quite a bit. More than not I need something to carry through the rest of the day. [b]5. Come As You Are - Nirvana:[/b] When people are around me, I want them to be themselves. As a lot of you know, people like to put on a facade in public places, pretending to be something that they're not. I think it is kinda sad that people put on shows like that just to impress. [b]6. Behind Blue Eyes - Limp Bizkit:[/b] A very emotional song. I think it describes me all to well, more than most songs. People can't understand what I am all about, and it really gets to me sometimes. [b]7. Basket Case - Green Day:[/b] Hey, everyone has a crazy side to them. Sometimes I do give myself the creeps, it is pretty funny actually and my mind plays tricks on me all the time. This is another good song to describe me. That's about it. If you listen to all of these songs, a lot of them are kind of depressing. Ha! Oh well, I enjoy all these songs and they seem to describe me well.
YuGiOh: The Sacred Cards is alright. It pretty much starts you out before Battle City then it obviously takes you until the final battle with Marik. They added some people that I never saw in battle city such as Bonz and Rex Raptor. There are also no named people that you deul to increase your deck capacity. Mako, Odion, and Kaiba are pretty tough, also Marik is so difficult it isn't funny.
Within the masses of digimon that lay in front of Flamedramon, there was Torimon. He wasn't the strongest digimon out there, probably because he was still a rookie, but he was ready to follow the commands of his leader. He listened to Flamedramon's words intensely, absorbing every word, every letter. Listening to his great commander got him even more excited and ready for the battle ahead. As soon as Flamedramon gave the command, Torimon was off like a bolt. He ran as fast as his little legs would take him toward the mountain. Many other digimon passed him, by land and air. Soon, he was struggling to keep up with the tail end of the group. "Wait... For... Me...!" He managed to struggle out in between deep breaths. Finally he could advance no further. He fell to the ground, face first and breathed heavily. Each breath kicked up some dirt as he slowly struggled up to a sitting position. He looked ahead of him at the huge mountain. "I don't know how I am going to be able to make it over this! Some help I will be in the battle." Torimon slammed his paw on the ground. He then looked up at the clouds that swirled about him in the sky. "Who is this Concitomon anyway? I have never even heard of him? How did he get so powerful?" So many questions filled Torimon's head. He stood up and shook the dirt from his fur then started his way towards the mountain once more. "There is no time for questions now, I must get to the battle and help my friends and commander." As Torimon continued to climb, a Greymon passed him by. The large dino digimon looked down at Torimon. "Need a lift little one?" "Really? That would be great!" The Greymon bent down so Torimon could climb onto his back. He then stood up straight and began up the mountain. "Hold on tight little guy!" "Okay." After Torimon said that, Greymon began leaping up the mountain side and Torimon held on for dear life. "A lot faster than walking!" He thought to himself as they neared the mountain top.
This is a banner that I made from a picture I saw of Final Fantasy Advent Children. Let me know what you think of it.
Cool, this sounds like fun. [b]Name:[/b] Torimon [b]Level:[/b] Rookie [b]Attack/s:[/b] Iron Claw, Heat Wave [b]Attack Description/s:[/b] [b]Iron Claw:[/b] His claws protrude out of his paws and he slashes at his opponent. Pretty basic. [b]Heat Wave:[/b] When Torimon gets very angry, his body seems to explode with firey rage, nailing any digimon near him. [b]Personality:[/b] Torimon is very outgoing and brash. He is known to rush into things without thinking about it ahead of time. Always living on the fly of the moment, never really one to listen to orders or demands. [b]Biography:[/b] Torimon does not remember much about his past. When he was young, he was attacked by an evil digimon, he doesn't even remember who it was. Since then, he has been wandering around the digital world, seeking answers to his past and who he really is.
::mumbles something to self about being too busy to sign up earlier:: Curses. Oh well, I will just have to wait until the next one. Can't wait to see how this one goes down. I look forward to it! :)
I personally think that Ash will win with his final pokemon. Knowing how plot lines go, it will probably be Pikachu. I think that Ash will beat Gary's first pokemon, then Gary will beat Ash's first and second and finally Pikachu to the rescue by defeating his second and then having a good match with Umbreon with Pikachu over Umbreon by a hair. All speculation though, I will probably be wrong.
I used to be afraid of spiders, they scared the living bajesus out of me. Now, I think they are really dang cool. I like to find a random insect and throw it in to a spider web and watch how the spider subdues its prey. They are very cool and very cunning creatures. I have a little story about spiders, nothing to interesting really. So today I was at my friends house and we were outside jumping on his trampoline. Well, we got done jumping and decided to sit down. It is at that time that I noticed there was a spider web cleverly put on the table near the outside light. I got to thinking and started looking around for an easy insect to toss it in to the spider web. I put on a work glove and started scowering about when I came across a Daddy Long Legs. Even though it isn't a spider, it looks very much like one and I thought it would be pretty cool to see the spider duke it out with the DLL. So I grabbed it and tossed it in to the web. Sadly, the smaller spider seemed frightened of it and did not come out of it's little web cavern. I guess I will have to try again some other time.
Wow, I feel really pathetic... Where to begin, well, I have a mild fear of heights. I don't like climbing ladders, but I enjoy plane rides. I also am afraid of deep water. When I was a little child, I was at my local public pool. I was sitting at the edge of the 6' back when I as only around 4' something and out of nowhere, a kid thought he would be funny and push me in. I almost drowned, not too pleasent. I don't enjoy bees or wasps. I just don't like getting stung. And finally, I have a fear of needles. Something about a piece of metal being gouged into my skin and into my vein is very disturbing in my opinion.
Well, even though I am not too keen on the R/S pokemon, I am still going to say that my favorite pokemon is still Starmie. Starmie is Psychic/Water and can learn a wide variety of moves. He is pretty much an all around super effect against most pokemon. Not only that, but Starmie has one of the best art schemes from the original games.
What is the worst thing you've done to one of your brothers/sisters?
Kevin replied to Fyxe's topic in General Discussion
One time when my parents were out of town, my brother irked me off so I pushed him, but he tripped on our dog and fell through our glass table. -
I have had a bully pick on me. The weird thing about it was that he and I were best friends from second grade until about 7th grade. Then, he said that I stole some sports card from him that was supposedly worth like 30 dollars and he started hating me. So since 7th grade, up until I graduated, he was making death threats to me and has been in many mental facilities. But now that I am out of High School, my chances of seeing him are very slim to none.
Alright first thing is first. I have a friend and we will just call him J. He has a sister we will call C and she has a boyfriend who is also J's friend, we will call him R. Okay, so my friend J is friends with R. R and C have been eyeing each other since J and R became friends. Well, R went out with one of C's best friends and that made her mad. Then a while later, C started feeling depressed because she couldn't find anything. R and C didn't want to hook up without J's concent. So they finally got it, R broke up with C's friend and then about 5 minutes later R and C were an official couple. They have been going out for a couple of months now and J is growing speculative. R and C both promised to J that they weren't going to do anything sexual. Well, they lied, and they told me about their exploits. J started speculating them of doing stuff and he didn't like it one bit. Despite the fact that J and R are friends, J still doesn't trust him because R is the kind of guy that is only in relationships for either sex or someone to cling to. Well, last night, I was over and J's house and he was talking about confronting R to pick between him and C. He has good cause to believe that they were doing something so he wanted to know if I knew anything. Of course I did and I wasn't going to tell him. That was until he told me how much R is manipulative and lies on a constant basis. Now, I am friends with C as well, and I see her as a younger sister. I don't want to see her hurt and the stories I heard about R increased this feeling. I had no choice but to tell J about what I knew. I just told him not to mention me at all because C and R talk to my girlfriend and I didn't want her to be dragged into this too. That would be the last thing that my girlfriend would need, because she is slightly unstable. Anyway, Today, J confronted R and C about it. J told them that he knew that they were doing stuff and R pulled this BS out of his rear about how he would just be nothing to either of them. J didn't want C to be hurt like that so he they all "made up" and are cool now. Okay, here is when it gets tricky. C and R knew that someone told J about what they did and their fingers automatically point to me. I try to play dumb and not lead on that I told him. Now C said that she is forgiving and it might take a while but she will forgive the liar, either me or J. R on the other hand blames me right away, said I ruined everything and now hates me more then ever. I tried to convince him that J figured it out on his own but he isn't buying it. Also, R lied to me and told me that J told him that I said something. I talked to J and he said that was total BS and R is manipulating what J is saying again. R is also trying to force feed J ****, like he forgot about the promise and we should really blame K (being me). Well J is my good friend and he doesn't want to see my life go down the toliet and knows that R is the real mastermind behind this plot. Now, all I have to do is wait until C or R tell my girlfriend about this whole scenerio and my life will official go down in a blaze of glory. Well, thanks for sitting through my little rant. Now lets all pay our respects. R.I.P. FF7 Vincent 1985-2003
[color=green]Joey: Jeez Tea. You really let yourself go... Yugi: I'd certainly say so... Mokuba: Where is Tristan? *everyone looks around* Frog Man: *Burp*[/color]
[color=green]My stipidest mistake was probably when I forgot I had Magic Jammer face down on the feild and I let my opponent play 2 Dian Keto's and a Rain of Mercy. I still won, but it was the principle of the matter.[/color]
[color=green]I love System. I first heard them back in the days of "Sugar" and "Spiders". I forgot about them until they released "Chop Seuy" and I immedietly bought their CD. I didn't have enough money to buy the self titled one so my friend was nice enough to burn me a copy. I am still to poor to buy Steal This Album, although I have heard like every song on it 30 times. I will get it eventually, but until then I will listen to the 2 I have.[/color]
[color=green]I would have to say that the song that best represents me is "Blackhole Sun" by Soundgarden. Sure, it is a depressive song, but I am a depressive person. And I wish that the sun could wash away the rain. ;)[/color]
[color=green]That is just the way the animators make their cartoons. They say, "From the makers of Aeon-Flux." Have you ever seen Aeon-Flux? It is the exact same type of animation, guys still run around in revealing clothes and everyone has pink, feminine lips. That is just the animation style of the company. I loved watching Aeon-Flux so I thought this was going to be a good show. It turned out that I was wrong, the only part I absolutely hate about the show is the way the story goes nowhere. Other then that, I am fine with everything else.[/color]
[color=green]I have seen a few episodes, but I don't really enjoy watching it. I like the concept of making a cartoon epic about Alexander the Great, but not like this. In my opinion, it is too futuristic to represent AtG's lifetime and reign. Well, at least the title fits.[/color]
[color=green]For being advertised for almost 2 years, I thought it was a huge let down. I mean, I thought it looked good when I saw previous when Spiderman was coming out, but now that I have actually seen it, it wasn't what it was cracked up to be.[/color]
[color=green]I believe that the last movie I cried at was Titanic. I thought it was just really sad that they stayed together until he died, it just wrenched at my heart.[/color]
[color=green]Okay, I didn't know where to post this and this looked like the best place to put it. So if I put it in the wrong place, I am sorry. Anyway, has anyone seen the commercial for Soul Caliber for GC? It has Link, our hero of time, fighting someone. It really looks cool and the way they crafted Link's 3D model is really spectacular. So has anyone seen it?[/color]
[color=green]I would fight for my girlfriend,my friends, and my family. They mean the most to me and if someone wanted to hurt them, they would have to go through me first.[/color]