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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. [color=green]Little children make me smile too. It is so fun to see them run around and play without a care in the world. Another thing that makes me smile is when I see other people smiling. I am very in to other people's emotions and when they express them, I can't help but express them too.[/color]
  2. [color=green]That is amazing. Sometimes I am suprised at how the human body can adapt and survive, even when the odds are stacked against it. I am glad that none of you have passed on and are still here to enlighten us with your P.O.V.'s.[/color]
  3. [color=green]Oh there are so many choices to choose from. Hmm... Well first of all I would definitely have to say Gambit. He is pretty much a vigilante, not truely siding with good or evil. His ability is really cool, being able to make anything explosive, mighty impressive. Also, if you truely are a gambit fan, you also know that he has a minor power of persuassion. Next I would have to go with Green Lanturn. Sure, he didn't get bitten by some bug, come from another planet, or be some rich guy with a bunch of gadgets, but he sure has a lot of talent for a mere human. He may be worthless without is ring but he sure is one cunning mother. How many times has he beaten Sinestro even though his ring cannot effect yellow? Too many. That is my ranting for the day.[/color]
  4. [color=green]I don't think it really matters. I mean, if the two people love each other enough to take it to that step before getting married, they have all right to do it in my opinion. Sure, I have had sex already and I am not married and the girl that I had sex with was and still is head over heels in love with me. So I don't really see the big deal.[/color]
  5. [size=1][color=green]Well, I didn't go to prom my senior year because my girlfriend's mom wouldn't let her go, why I don't know. When I went to prom my junior year, me and my date went to after prom (a party at the high school after prom obviously) then we were supposed to go to breakfast but she was tired so I took her home. It was fun, even though nothing became of me and the girl.[/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=green]Tristan: WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT RIDING MY MOTORCYCLE!!?!?!?! Joey: What are you over-reacting about? It's just a scratch! *Scene cuts to a flaming pile of what was once Tristan's motorcycle.*[/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=green]First impressions are good, but they shouldn't really matter. There are a lot of people that I am friends with now that I didn't like when I first saw/met them. All I have to say is that, don't let first impressions be your guide to how a person is.[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=green]Well, I am not suprised to see a David Star in YGO. I mean, it is supposed to be based off Egypt and the Egyptians had Jewish slaves way back when. So I personally am not really shocked.[/size][/color]
  9. [size=1][color=green]This movie looks to be really good. I have been waiting for this movie to come out for the longest time. I personally think it is going to be a big hit, but that is just my opinion.[/size][/color]
  10. Kevin


    [size=1][color=green]I cry. Infact, I just recently cried. I have been crying all night. Why? I will tell you why. My girlfriend left me. She said that she doesn't love me anymore. Then, about half an hour ago, my friend JT calls me up. He tells me that he talked my girlfriend into dumping me so they could get together. I am not going to sit here and be angry at my former girlfriend and one of my better friends just because they want to get together, but I mean they could have told me ahead of time. It just eats me up inside and I really don't know what to do anymore. So I am just gonna keep sitting here and crying.[/size][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=green]Name: Donald Duck Weapon: Wand Summon: None Description: (wiil get picture) Bio: Donald, being the friend that he is, decided to help Sora and Riku try to find Kairi.[/size][/color]
  12. [size=1][color=green]Okay, I am just starting this game and I would like some input on how my deck I am making is looking. Thank you. [b]Low Level Monsters (23)[/b] Sangan Flame Manipulator Magician of Faith Time Wizard Harpie's Brother Harpie's Brother White Magical Hat Fire Sorcerer Maha Vailo Darkfire Soldier #1 Dream Clown Big Eye Aqua Madoor Gearfried the Iron Knight Witch of the Black Forest Baby Dragon Mystic Clown Ancient Elf Princess of Tsurugi 7 Colored Fish Rogue Doll Penguin Soilder Island Turtle [b]Tribute Monsters (5)[/b] The Earl of Demise Gadget Soldier Illusionist Faceless Mage Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sanga of the Thunder [b]Ritual Monsters (1)[/b] Relinquished [b]Fusion Monsters (1)[/b] Thousand Dragon [b]Magic Cards (22)[/b] Monster Reborn Polymerization Dragon Treasure Giant Trunade Malevolent Nuzzler Remove Trap Scapegoat Graceful Charity Change of Heart Block Attack Stop Defense Fissure Yami Black Pendant De-Spell Mystical Space Typhoon Dark Hole Shield & Sword Black Illusion Ritual Bait Doll Dian Keto the Cure Master Dian Keto the Cure Master [b]Trap Cards (6)[/b] Seven Tools of the Bandit Deal of Phantom Just Desserts Trap Hole Waboku Magic Jammer[/size][/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Yes, the Pokémon your thinking of is Articuno. There aren't anymore Ice/Flying-types that have been released in the games, I believe.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=green]Actually, Delibird is Ice/Flying, but that is beside the point. ;) [/size][/color]
  14. Fairy Gravekeeper Lv: 6 Light/Fairy/Effect ATK: 500 DEF: 2000 Effect: As long as this card is face-up on the field in defense mode, gain an additional 400 to this monsters defense for every Fairy card in your graveyard. Flaming Collar Equip Magic When attatched to a fire-based monster, increase the monster's ATK and DEF by 500 points. When this card is sent to the graveyard, you may sacrifice 300 life points to remove this card from play to inflict 500 points of damage directly to your opponents life points. Magical Enhancer Ring Equip Magic When attatched to a spellcaster type creature, increase the monster's ATK by 700 points.
  15. [size=1][color=green]Here is what I would put on the site. 1. Card lists from each sets from boosters. 2. Card lists from each starter deck. 3. A deck reviewing and posting area. 4. An weekly or bi weekly article area. 5. Card list of all promotional cards and where to find them. 6. The Forbidden and Limited Card list. 7. The Rule Book (For beginners) 8. Good, reliable, links to websites where you can purchase Yu-Gi-Oh cards. 9. A Strategy guide section for where you can read articles about how to build a good Water deck or Warrior deck, ect. ect. 10. Spoilers for when future sets will be released. This is just to name a few things you could put on the site. Hope I helped. [/size][/color]
  16. A. Evolve it into Riachu by trading
  17. [size=1][color=green]I play many many many D&D quests. I have been every class from here to the moon. I have even made up my own classes and spells, I love playing D&D!!![/color][/size]
  18. [color=green]I believe that he is talking about hooking the Game Cube up to the internet and using a special GC controller that you hook your GBA into. [/color]
  19. You get Articuno at Seafoam Island, Moltres on Victory Road and Zapdos at the Power Plant. Q. Which pokemon must you use a stone on to evolve then trade the pokemon to evolve it agian. Name the pokemon, all of them, and the items you must use to evolve it.
  20. [color=green](I hope you don't mind that I made my own armor up.) Name: Kaz Hiatchi Age: 18 Gender: Male Description: Short and spikey sandy blond hair. Green eyes. Black Tee Shirt and Khaki shorts. Kind of thin though still muscular. He is stronger than he looks. Bio: One hot summer day, he was working on his martial arts out in a heavily wooded area. After a long, intense session of training, Kaz was looking to get out of the heat. He searched around and stumbled across a cavern. He didn't want to second guess it and decided to take the chance of just going in. So he worked his way deeper into the cool, damp tunnel when all of a sudden he reached a vast open cavern. There was a big pool of water inside and a little island in the middle. Kaz decided to take a dip and while doing that, check out the island. When he reached the small strip of land he saw something sitting there. It had a rune on it. At first it all looked greek to him, but then it slowly began to form into a language he could comprehend. It said Cyclone on it. He slowly approached it and touched the words. Suddenly, he was blown back by a giant force of wind. Kaz was sent flying into the water. When he popped his head back out, he noticed that the suit was gone, though he still felt its prescense. Personality: Kaz is a very confident kid, though he usually keeps to himself. He is held high in the eyes of those he is close with. When people first meet him, he comes off as very shy and bashful, but when you get to know him, he has a great personality and a good sense of humor. Armor: Cyclone Element: Wind Weapons: Two Sickles Have armor: Yes, though he doesn't know it yet. [/color]
  21. [color=green]I would have to say that having a "Ginyu Force Comedy Extravaganza!!!!" would be quite entertaining. Always doing Paper, Rock, Scissors at the start of the show to see who gets to do the first skit. Quite humorous.[/color]
  22. Kevin


    [color=green]Thank you very much for the pokedex list. I am literally drooling at some of the new pokemon.[/color]
  23. [color=green]Well, I am a Senior in High School and I am going out with a Freshman. We don't really care about what other people think about our age difference, we are in love and that is all that should matter.[/color]
  24. [color=green]Personally, I believe that aliens do exsist. Quite the interesting concept of there being other life forms out there. Especially if they are more advanced then we as a human race. As for the unexplained, like supernatural forces, ghosts and similar things, I also believe that these exsist too. I am probably just a really paranoid kid, but I find these things very interesting. I am usually one to believe things that people say so that is probably why I believe the stuff.[/color]
  25. Kevin

    Daft Punk

    [color=green]Daft Punk has some very cool songs. I have always had a soft spot for techno songs, they just make you want to get up and boogie, lol. I also like the fact that all of their videos have a progressive storyline to them. And you don't have to watch the very first video to get or like the following ones. Very cool indeed.[/color]
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