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Everything posted by Kevin
[color=green]All games pretty much come down to the almighty thing of good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, ect. D&D is just another one of those games; with the exception of those weird groups that always play CE characters and go on mass slaughtering sprees. Anyway, I have personally never found myself playing any other type of character other than good, it is just one of those things that you have to do to ensure that you have a good gaming experience. The game is based off of pretty much all the PC's playing as good rather than evil. Sure, the game can be twisted and contorted to let, in rare occasions, people play as someone like an anti-paladin or an evil cleric. That is pretty much all I have to say on the topic.[/color]
[color=green]I would have to say that my favorite pokemon is Starmie. I like the wide variety of moves that my Starmie has. Also the imaging on any Starmie is cool, it is two stars put ontop of each other with a wicked gem smacked ontop. But yeah, Starmie is cool[/color]:D
What do you do when you don't know what to say to someone?
Kevin replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=green]If you feel that your friendship is being shut down, maybe you should talk to the person about it. Sometimes people don't even know that they are doing something like that. If you are really friends with the person, they will understand and talk about it with you.[/COLOR] -
My guess is that they will turn the focus more to Dragonball by moving it to the DBZ time slot. Then when they get to where Goku fights Piccolo, they will start to release DBGT. But this all just speculation on my part. I am sad to see DBZ get taken off the air agian.
I would so buy that deck if I had money. I need to get more cards so I can build my Circus Deck (Magicians and Clowns :)).
NFG And Offspring rule! Green Day is awesome. Yeah, punk is some of the best music out there.
Wow, my girlfriends name is Roxi... Anyway... 1) What do you collect? I collect WWF/E Raw Deal Collectable Cards. 2) How much of the item(s) do you have? Oh, I'd say around a 1,000. 3) What is your favorite out of all the items? Well, my favorite superstar to play as is probably Matt Hardy. I have all his superstar specific cards and I am really good with him. 4) How long have you been collecting it/them? I have been collecting/playing them for about a year and a half. I really enjoy getting together with my friends and playing.
I guess that serves me right for not reading all the pages, lol. Okay, new question. Q: At what level does pokemon #151, Mew, learn the move Transform?
Name all the pokemon that you evolve by training. This means before and after you trade. Also name the items if apllicable.
I think this is all of them Igglybuff > Jigglypuff > Wigglytuff Cleffa > Clefairy > Clefable Pichu > Pikachu > Raichu Tyrouge > Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan or Hitmontop Elekid > Electabuzz Magby > Magmar Smoochum > Jynx
My Alter Ego: Vincent from Final Fantasy 7 (Suprise Suprise). How my persona matches his: Well, I like to keep to myself. I usually don't say much unless it is important. He likes to stay away from the group as do I. Also, he has his own sense of humor like me. Do I like him: Of course I do. He is IMO the best FF character in all creation.
Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone has found a complete american pokedex listing for Ruby and Sapphire yet. If not then by all means, lock the topic but if I could get one it would be much appreciated. Thank you.
You are correct sir.
You are correct, Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew, Celibi, Lugia, Ho-oh, Raikou, Entei, and Suicune are all the legendary Pokemon. My Question: How many rock pokemon are there in R/B/Y/G/S/C? That is total, including all basic through final evolutions.
These are from my blue version: Blastoise- Riptide Charizard- Inferno Vensuar- Purgatory Pidgeot- Breeze Starmie- Starshot Zapdos- Tazer Flareon- Blaze Vaporeon- Tsunami Jolteon- Bolt Moltres- Torch Articuno- Polar That is just some. I think I nicked all the pokemon, lol.
[COLOR=darkred][i]Robert sat down in a chair off in the office. He looked out the window at the gundams and shook his head. He couldn't believe that he is actually doing what he is doing. He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. Suddenly he fell over out of his chair. He got up, red in the face, hoping that noone noticed him. When he heard no laughter he sighed with relieve and walked out of the office. He approached his gundam and climbed into the cockpit. He hit a few buttons and the systems started to commence.[/i] Robert: Well it seems that all systems are in check. [i]Robert smiled as he shut the systems down and climbed out of the cockpit. When he reached the feet he patted the Blaster Gundam on the foot.[/i] Robert: Blaster Gundam, we make a great team. [i]Robert smiled as he went over to the Phoenix Gundam. He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled.[/i] Robert: Hey, Vincent! Do you need any help? Vincent: Nah, I'm good. Thanks for the offer though. [i]Robert shrugged and went back over to the Blaster Gundam. He climbed up onto the foot and sat down. He layed agianst the ankle and closed his eyes.[/i][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lord of Effects [/i] [B]OH, well, here in Omaha NE there are bearly any Pokemon fans anymore. It use ta be big, but got smaller and smaller. I mean, at the card shops all they had was Pokemon. Now they put all their pokemon stuff in a box, LoL. [/B][/QUOTE] I live outside of Omaha, I dont see much people playing the card game but I still play the normal one. Good times and such.
[COLOR=darkred][i]Robert raised his blaster and aimed it towards a group of Scorpios. There was a mechanical whir as the pack on the back of the blaster gundam began to glow a dim blue. All of a sudden, Robert pulled the trigger and fired an enormous blast towards the group or foes. The beam flew through several Scorpios before igniting on one towards the center. A massive explosion filled the area as most of one of the squadrons was destroyed.[/i] Rev: That was a nice shot. Robert: Wasn't nothin. [i]Robert set the massive gun back into its holster and pulled out his beam saber. He took off towards another group of Scorpios. [/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][i]Robert was in the cockpit of his gundam. The cockpit door was still open as Robert did some last minute things to get ready for the trip to earth[/i] Trowa: So Rob, you ready for this? Robert: As ready as I will every be Trowa. Trowa: Just remember that earth will be a hard place to pilot your gundam on, there is gravity. Robert: Trowa, with you as my mentor I am ready for anything that blue ball can throw at me. [i]Trowa laughed slightly and closed the cockpit door. Trowa backed away on the ramp that connected the ground to the gundam. Robert straped himself in and was ready for the launch. The countdown on one of the screens inside the gundam slowly counted down from 10. When it reached 0, a huge blast filled the area as the gundam launched out of the base and towards the Earth. Everything was going without a hitch, right until the Blaster Gundam reached earth's atmosphere. Turbulance started up, normal when entering the atmosphere. Suddenly, something hit the Robert and his gundam. Robert turned on one of his screens and noticed a Scorpio with a beam rifle in his hand.[/i] Scorpio Pilot: Yeah! I got him! So long Gundam boy! [i]The gundam spun out of control wildly. Robert struggled to gain control of it, the radio was out, he couldn't call Trowa for help. The G's began to overwhelm Robert as he plummeted towards earth. The computer said that his trajectory was off. That was the last thing he read before he blacked out. His gundam resumed its spinning, Robert was out, and sure to be doomed... Rev, almost done making repairs to his gundam looked up to the sky. He noticed what looked like a falling star. He smiled and turned towards Vincent.[/i] Rev: Hey, Vincent, look up there. A shooting star, I have never seen one from here, amazing. Vincent: That doesn't look like a shooting star... but whatever it is, it is getting closer. [i]Both of them continue looking up at the sky when they see that their shooting star isn't a star at all, but a gundam. They both got a look of shock on their faces when the gundam made a huge crashing sound and a bright light filled the area. The light slowly faded as both of them opened their eyes. Each of them started to run towards the crash site.[/i][/COLOR]
Name: Robert Trast Age: 17 Gender: Male From Colony you are from: L3 Cluster Who was you mentor: Trowa Gundam name: Blaster Gundam Ability: Scatter Shot (unleashes a gigantic barrage of blasts from various places) Gundam Weapons: Blaster Gun (Gigantic two handed gun that has a booster pack on the Gundams back), Shoulder Missle Launchers under each shoulder sheild (each launcher contains 10 missles}, 2 Vulcan Cannons on top of each forearm and a Beam Saber concealed in the left leg. Character Bios: Robert grew up in the L3 Cluster while Project Meteor was happening. When all was said and done, Trowa Barton decided to take up a new life in the L3 Cluster. One day Robert bumped into Trowa on the streets, Robert knew who it was right away. He and Trowa became good friends and soon Trowa took Robert under his wing and taught him about how to pilot a gundam and everything he knew about it. Now Robert is ready for his campaign to earth. Where your plotted landing area is: Australia
[COLOR=darkred][i]Vincent looked up at David when he mentioned legendary pokemon. Vincent's pokeball attached to a necklace glistened in the light.[/i] Vincent: So, Team Rocket things they can capture the legendary pokemon by killing all the trainers here? Are they complete idiots? David: I don't believe so, for some reason that they might actually be able to pull it off. [i]Vincent got a look of concern on his face after what David said.[/i] Vincent: Well... I say we try to stop them by whatever means necessary. We need to put an end to Team Rocket's evil reign. [i]Vincent sunk back into his chair as David continued on.[/i][/COLOR]
Name: Vincent (vinny) Age: 15 Pokemon: 1st: Xatu Night Shade Psychic Fly Steel Wing 2nd: Lanturn Surf Spark Thunder Hydro Pump 3rd: Golem Harden Rock Throw Strength Magnitude 4th: Miltank Milk Drink Rollout Stomp Hyper Beam 5th: Growlithe Flamethrower Smokescreen Bite Ember 6th: Dragonair Dragon Rage Thunder Wave Hyper Beam Tornado Chosen Legendary Pokemon: Raikou
This is true. Thats what I did to catch Suicune in Gold. I am just saying that because those are were I usually catch them :)
Yes, this is why you duplicate in G/S and then transfer it to Crystal via the trade center or stadium 2 :P. Yeah but seriously Kanto is not the place to catch ye ol' legendary dogs. All I know is one is around Ecruteak City and another one is by Blackthorn City. Thats about all I know.
I liked FFVII the best. It had a great story line, one of the best bosses in the Final Fantasy series, awesome characters and everyone could use magic and summons. I pretty much like all the ones I played except for IX. I hated IX so much, sure it had good graphics but I did not like the story line and the little action thing that popped in out of nowhere. But back to VII, yeah, it was a great game.