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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. [COLOR=darkred][i]Xavier looks around at the others, he then walks towards the door.[/i] Xavier: Alright everyone, lets get going before this.. thing strikes agian. [i]The others agree as they all leave the Paranormal Inc. Office. After a short ride in there respective vehicles, they arrive at a small secluded air strip. There, a plan gassed up and already started was waiting for them to board. Xavier, Omi, Franz, Aiden, Racoon and Alex all boarded the plan and took off post haste.[/i] Pilot over the PA: Alright everyone, we should arrive in Mexico within the next half an hour. So just sit back, relax and enjoy the flight. [i]Everyone assumed a comfortable position, Omi and Franz lurked in there respective dark corners, Aiden was reading a magizine and Racoon was talking to Alex about how much he hopes that this will be the big break they need. Xavier, on the other hand, sat at the edge of his chair, shining his knife with a fine piece of cloth. Aiden took his attention away from his magizine for a second.[/i] Aiden: Try to relax Xavier, we have plenty of time before we reach Mexico. [i]Xavier did not break his consentration away from his knife. Aiden sighed then shruged and continued to read his magizine.[/i] Xavier: A good soilder never rests Aiden. [i]Aiden didn't bother to aknowledge him with a response. Xavier resumed his work.[/i][/COLOR]
  2. [i]Xavier is sitting in the lobby when Alex enters it. Xavier raises an eyebrow as alex grabs some things out of a desk. Then Racoon walks in.[/i] Racoon: Alex, don't get all mad. It could be a chupacabra. Alex: I doubt it, all these last missions have been wild goose chases, stray wolves here, crazy people there, nothing big ever shows up. Racoon: But I got a good feeling about this one Alex, it could be the big lead we need. Alex: Or it could be just another farmer getting his animals eaten by wolves. [i]Xavier stands up from the couch he was resting on.[/i] Xavier: So where is this place located? Racoon: Some ranch down in Mexico. Xavier: I see... well, I will come along. Alex: Whatever you say, just don't be suprised if nothing happens. Xavier: Well, whatever happens happens, and if it is nothing then so be it.
  3. [i]Drake opens one of his eyes groogly. He sits up slightly and looks around. He rubs his head as he sits on the edge of his bed, stretches and yawns. He stood up, did a few stretches and grabbed his items. Once ready he opened the door and closed it behind him silently, making sure to try not to wake up others. He heads down stairs and notices that Elsyan is leaning agianst the wall and Enialis is talking to the priest. He goes towards the door and stands, ready for the new day to bring whatever it must his way.[/i]
  4. Age: Agent X / Xavier Nationality: American Race: Human Bio: Agent X is a part of a secret government orginization known as H.A.L.O. Human Alien Life Orginization. It's main purpose is to keep all paranormal activities under wraps. He is taking part in Paranormal Inc. to make sure that they do not get too close to finding out the truth. But in light of recent events he has decided to help Paranormal Inc. solve these mysteries and try to put an end to them. After that, who knows. Description: He wears a black shirt and a pair of black pants. Constantly with his hair slicked back and wears black sunglasses. A kinda cheap attempt to fit in but it works. Affiliation: H.A.L.O. / Paranormal INC. Weapons: Combat Knife, 8mm Handgun with 4 clips on his belt.
  5. Forgive me for not posting that much. I still want to be a part of the adventure, even though I seem really new. It is a good story though and I would still like to be a part of it.
  6. [i]Drake looks around and stands back up. He looks to the priest[/i] Drake: Well, I am ready for this quest. Perhaps it would be best if I retreated to the land of slumber as well. Sir, may I please be lead to my room? Priest: Why yes good sir. [i]With that the priest leads the lad to his room.[/i] Priest: This will be your room. I hope it suits your comforts. [i]Drake opens the room and looks into the room. With a satisfied grin he turns to the priest.[/i] Drake: This is fine thank you. Good night sir. [i]Drake bows and then enters his room and closes the door behind him. He takes off his weapons and armor. He keeps one of the short swords near his bed as he walks to it. With a huge sigh he plops down on the bed and closes his eyes.[/i] Drake: This will be one of the biggest tasks I have partaken in. I hope that it goes to my advantage...
  7. [i]Drake looks around and noticing that noone else is comming shakes his head and gets off the wall. He turns to the door and pushes it open, entering the massive hall. He notices the group scattered about and the preist in the general front. Drake approaches the old man and gives a formal bow.[/i] Drake: Good day to you sir, I am Sir Drake Lightbrand. I have been summoned here to take part in an adventure to thwart evil. Priest: Ahh yes, Sir Lightbrand, good to meet you. Well, like I was telling your hopeful group members, you must go to the east and get the Book of the Living. [i]Drake looked around at the others and then looked back to the priest.[/i] Drake: Well then, I will travel there. [i]He turns to the others.[/i] Drake: And if any of you are willing to join me you can. [i]Drake walks over to a nearby wall and sits down agianst it.[/i]
  8. [i]Drake looks around at the numerous materials. He then looks at his hand and the gold in it. He points to a suit of Chain Mail, then he points to a Long Sword. He looks back at the gold in his hand then points to a a pair of Short Swords. He hands Abdul the 185 gold leaving him 55 gold that he puts in a pouch. Drake puts on his equipment that all seem to fit him very well, he places the short swords in sheaths that ride along the side of his legs and he places the long sword in a sheath on his back. He draps his cloak over his back and ties the front of it. He opens the door of the shop and eases his way out. He notices many people carrying on with the normal hussle and bussle of everyday life. He looks left, then right and then heads down the street towards a large building. He stops infront of the building but doesn't enter, instead he leans agianst the tall, gloomy building. He watched as more people passed him by, some occasionally looking but none paying much attention to him.[/i] Drake: I think I will wait here for some of the others to arrive. [i]With that, Drake crosses his arms and sets his focus down the street.[/i]
  9. I am always impervious to knowing if a girl likes me. Maybe it is because I am a typically shy guy, but I don't know. Perhaps I am just a dunce, lol. Oh well, I currently have a girlfriend so someone must be looking out for me or something. But anyway, I would say the signs of someone liking you are: 1. They hang around you more than usual, 2. If you constantly notice that they are looking at you in a dreamy like manner, 3. They get strangly close to you when you two are alone, and finally 4. Some people are trying to hint it to you that said person likes you. Those are usually signs, for me anyway. Hope I helped.
  10. I will probably have a mixture of staying at home and spending time with my friends and girlfriend. Nothing better than spending time with those you care about. Shall be quite the interesting holidays indeed.
  11. Here are some of my made up pokemon Leafeon Grass Used when you use the Leaf Stone on Eevee. It has a green/brown tint to its fun and has leaves like a main around its neck. Main Attacks: Razor Leaf Solar Beam Petal Dance Synthesis Lunartick Dark/Bug It has 8 legs and a nose like a tick. It's top side is black and its underside is light brown. It has a half moon on it's back. Main Attacks: Leech Life Moonlight Double Kick Faint Attack
  12. [i]Blake look around and only noticed one or two people littering the streets. A lot has changed since Blake was last home. The once busy streets are now empty, the clean cities now cluttered with trash. He sighed as he continued to walk down the street. At the end of the street he saw a familiar structure. He smiled slightly as he walked towards the building. As he entered the swinging doors he passed under a sign that said "Lucite". He sat down at the bar and looked around for service, a girl, about 21 or so, that was behind the counter noticed that he was sitting there and walked towards him.[/i] Girl: What will ya ha... [i]She stopped in mid sentence and then looked closer at the man sitting infront of her. She suddenly got a look of shock on her face as she realized who he was. The girl gave a huge grin.[/i] Girl: Why if it isn't Blake Triston, or are you going by Blackhawk still? Blake: Well well, if it isn't Mary Harper. You can call me Blake, you know that. How have you been girl? Mary: You know how it's been, things have been changing a lot around here. Blake: So I noticed. Well, so you finally got that job you wanted so bad here at the Lucite. Mary: Yeah, after that whole... thing we had and you left I figured out you weren't coming back so I followed what I really wanted. Anyway, what will you have? Blake: The usual, Rum and Coke. Mary: Of course, how could I forget. [i]Mary went and got a glass and made the drink for her old aquantince. After a few drinks Blake stood up.[/i] Mary: Leaving so soon Blake? Blake: Well Mary, you know me, busy busy. Mary: Oh Blake, you haven't changed at all. Blake: It was nice talking to you Mary, see you around. [i]Blake gave a nod to Mary as he turned and walked out of the bar. Once outside, he sighed and walked down a different street.[/i]
  13. [i]Fury stood there tapping his foot in impatientness. He looked around and sighed[/i] Fury: How long does it take to find a stupid key? Beast: Have patients. Pheonix will find it, just give her some time. [i]Fury sighed agian as Pheonix grabbed the key[/i] Fury: Finally!
  14. My basic strategy is get one of the basic types, usually doubles like geodude and them. Then I usually go up two levels, switch out the first pokemon, go up two levels, switch him out, and so on. That way my whole team stays around the same general area and I dont have to just stick with one boring pokemon all the time.
  15. [i]A ship flew into the docking port, landing with ease. As the orange canopy of the cockpit opened, a man with black sunglasses on jumped down onto the ground.He looked around then walked out of the docking area. The man took a deep breath and smiled.[/i] Blake: It's good to be home. [i]Blake passed a crocked sign that was covered in red dust that said "Welcome to Mars".[/i]
  16. The OB is a great site. I come here to learn many things about my favorite subjects. It is a great place to be a member of.
  17. Fury: Oh man, I cannot believe I am late! I have let everyone down! [i]Right as Fury rounded the corner where the battle was commensing. He noticed the many people on the ground and lying about. Before he could say a thing Grizzly kicked Wolfsbane off him and right into Fury.[/i] Fury: Wolfsbane, are you ok? [i]Wolfsbane nodded. Fury looked to Grizzly and then back at Wolfsbane. He pointed one of his hands at Grizzly as a fire began to admit from his hand. He shot a firey beam right at Grizzly, knocking him back slightly. Fury placed more into the shot as Grizzly began to fight it. Grizzly roared loudly as he fell to the ground. Fury made a firey circle around the downed mutant.[/i] Fury: Stay! No treat for you. [i] he chuckled.[/i]
  18. D&D!!!!! *drools uncontrolably* Name: Drake Lightbrand Race: Human Character Class: Paladin Alignment: Lawful Good (suprise suprise ;)) Description: A muss of blonde hair ontop his head. His eyes the color of the coldest blue. He is built for a man of his stature. He stands 5'10" and weighs a rough estimate of 172 lbs. He has some stubble across his face, but not too much. Spells: Grease, Burning Hands, Feather Fall, Spider Climb, Ventriloquism History: Drake was brought up into nobility. He was taught by the finest teachers money could buy, he was also trained in fighting by some of the best fighters from Waterdeep. He is a very modest guy, but very cocky. Like all Paladins, when he sees evil, it is just natural for him to go and try to set right from wrong. He is a good guy if you are on his good side, but don't cross him.
  19. Name: Blake Triston Aliases: Black Hawk Age: 22 Height: 6'0 Build: Average Build Occupation: Former Police Officer/Part time Bounty Hunter/Odd Jobs Clothing: White Tee Shirt, Black Button up overshirt usually open, Black Cargo Pants, A pair of Black Sunglasses with White Trim, Shoulder Holster Hair colour and style: Long Grey Hair, tied back into a ponytail most of the time Eye colour: A dark grey color Weapons (optional): 1 Black Handled 9mm Pistol on his shoulder holster, All purpose switchblade concelled in his shoe. Homeworld/town: Born on Mars Background: Blake's parents were originally from Earth, they moved to Mars to start a new. When Blake was born his parents were struggling, they even debated getting rid of there son. But through thick and thin they kept there son and he grew up to be sergant of the Martian Police Department. Blake cared greatly for his parents, one day during duty he got a call to report to the neighborhood where his parents lived. He soon discovered the worse that he could suspect, his parents had been accidently killed in a horrible shootout between two local gangs. This drove him off the edge, he killed many members of both gangs and was expelled from the police force. Now he does odd jobs and sometimes he eve does bounty hunting. Ship data Ship Name: Hawkeye Colour: Black, cockpit dome is orange Cockpit size: 1 person General Description: A wing on each side of the cockpit, a tail fin in the back comes to the end of the deul engines. It is very small and very fast. Armaments: Sub Machine guns under each of the wing, close to the cockpit. There is also a set of missile launcher near the end of the wings. Under the nose of the cockpit is a tiny machine gun, only used when all other armaments are used. Power/armour/speed: 2/1/3
  20. Name: William Trenton Mutant Name: Fury Mutant Abilities: Power over fires, starting them and controling ones already made. Can also turn into a ball of fire but is very weak afterwards. Short Bio: William grew up in a small town. His parents (both humans) brought him up to be a fine young lad. One day, his parents left him alone in the house, william decided to take a nap. Suddenly some circuits blew and the house caught on fire. The house burned to the ground but William was unhurt. From that point on he realized the full extent of his powers and used them to do good. Personality: William is a very warm, caring person. Although sometimes he lets his temper get the best of him, he is an otherwise normal kid. Apperence: He normally wears a red tee shirt and a pair of blue jeans. When he goes out to use his mutant powers he wears a mask that has flames run along the side. He also wears a body suit, flames on the arms and a big one on his chest. He has brown hair and blue eyes, he stands 5'11 and weighs 177 pounds.
  21. [i]Shale jumped at the sound of a deul.[/i] Shale: SURE!! Wolf: Fine then, let us begin. [i]With that, the deuling arena rose out of a nearby field. Shale's Card glowed as he step onto the platform.[/i] Shale: I will play first, I play Gia the Fierce Knight in attack mode!! [i]Gia appeared on the playing field.[/i] Wolf: Very well played...
  22. [i]Clash looked at Frost and Tarkon's attack that destroyed the Spartan. He then looked at Ageta who was fighting numerous Spartans. Clash walked over to Ageta who just blasted one of the Spartans into a wall. He gave a quick glance to the Sayian and then charged into the many Spartans. He took many out just plowing into them, throwing fists and feet left and right. He grabbed on of the Spartans by the arm and flung him about, taking out many nearby ones. He let go and sent him flying into a wall. He smirked at a group of Spartans who chargred at him, he pointed his hand forward and let loose a massive ki blast that destroyed the Spartans. Clash looked around and noticed the two Super Spartans were the only two that were left on the battlefield. '5 on 2, I hope we are enough..,' Clash thought to himself[/i]
  23. [COLOR=green][i]A figure of a person stands amumgst the wreckage of a small village. Kas looked around and saw no sign of life but his own. He looked down and shook his head slightly.[/i] Kas: When will people ever learn... [i]He turned around and walked into a nearby wooded area, he sat down agianst a tree and closed his eyes, still shaking his head.[/i][/COLOR]
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