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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Kevin


    [COLOR=green][i]Clarke looked at the Lovelybadge in his hand. He smiled as he pulled out a case and stuck the badge in it. He returned Shadow to his pokeball and went back in to the pokemon center. He hand Blissy the two pokeballs and went and sat down in the lobby, waiting for his pokeballs and anything else.[/i][/COLOR]
  2. Kevin


    [COLOR=green]Clarke: Ok Shadow, attack Vaporeon with a Quick attack! [i]Umbreon took of like a bolt and darted back and forth at Vaporeon.[/i] Rayne: Vaporeon, move out of the way! [i]Before Vaporeon could react it was hit by Umbreon. Vaporeon flew back to Rayne and landed at her feet.[/i] Rayne: Vaporeon get up, I know you can do it! [i]Vaporeon struggled to get to its feet. It stood and stared at Umbreon, breathing hard. Rayne: Scizor, give Umbreon a Metal Claw attack! [i]Scizor popped out its wings and went flying at Umbreon, its claw sparked.[/i] Clarke: Shadow, use Sand-Attack! [i]Umbreon turned its back to Scizor and kicked sand in is face. Scizor tried to sheild its eyes from the blinding attack, but failed.[/i] Clarke: Now Shard, give Scizor a Water Gun! [i]Corsola opened its mouth and shot a huge mass of water at Siczor, sending him flying into the ground. Corsola stopped the water and Scizor was on the ground, KO'ed.[/i] Rayne: Scizor! [i]Rayne returned Scizor to the pokeball[/i]Well you got through Scizor but, you still got Vaporeon to deal with. Vaporeon, give Shard an Ice Beam! [i]Before Clarke had time to give the command the Ice Beam shot at Corsola and froze her solid.[/i] Clarke: Corsola Return! [i]Corsola returned to her pokeball.[/i] Its down to Umbreon and Vaporeon. [i]The two pokemon stood there and glared at each other from across the battlefield.[/i][/COLOR]
  3. This sounds fun Name: Kas Haloshon Nickname: Halo Demon Age: 18 Race: Half Human, Half High Elf Description: Kas stands at about 6'1 and weighs 187 lbs. He is very stocky and built. He has scraggly light brown hair and dark green eyes. His ears are pointy like an elfs but not as pointy since he is only half elf. He wears dark black pants and a off-white shirt. He wears a dark green cloak with a hood. He also wears brown gloves and boots. Equipment: A green-handled, two handed bastard sword. A white dagger in his left boot. A scimitar on his belt loop. And he wears a leather type armor.
  4. Kevin


    [COLOR=green][i]Clarke reaches for his belt and grabs two pokeballs. He throws them to the battle field and two pokemon come out.[/i] [b]Clarke:[/b] Come on out. Shadow and Shard! [i]After the bright flashes from the pokeballs, an Umbreon and Corsola. come out of there pokeballs. Clarke smirks some as the two stretch and loosen up.[/i] [b]Rayne:[/b] Nice pokemon you have there. [b]Clarke:[/b] Why thank you. I am ready whenever you are.[/COLOR]
  5. Kevin


    [i]Clarke walked through the busy streets of Houndoom Valley. He turned a corner to escape the many many people that are pushing there way around. He looked down the road and noticed a pokemon center. He smiled as he walked towards the massive structure. He walked through the main door and noticed that he couldn't see Nurse Joy or Blissy. He shruged slightly and sighed as he sat down in a chair. He closed his eyes and started to drift off when he heard out of no where "May I help you?" Clarke jumped and turned around, to his relieve it was only Nurse Joy.[/i] [b]Clarke:[/b] Yes Nurse, can you please heal my pokemon? [b]Nurse Joy:[/b] Sure, give me your pokeballs. It should only be a momentary wait. [i]Clarke smiled as he handed Joy three pokeballs. She went into the back room. Clarke closed his eyes agian and nodded off.[/i]
  6. I used cheats. I agree about them being fun for a little while but then it gets boring. So I just set down the game and not play it for a while, then I pick it up, start a new game and dont use cheats until later.
  7. Kevin


    [i]Clarke woke up with a stretch and stood up. He grabbed a nearby apple and ate it for breakfast. He stood up and walked deeper into the forerst. Up ahead he could see a break in the trees. Clarke walked toward the break and ended up in a clearing. There infront of him, he saw a little pudgy wing. He took a few steps toward it and noticed a tiny beak as well. Clarke took out his Pokedex and it said the wing and beak belonged to a Natu. Clarke grabbed one of his pokeballs from the belt and threw it on the ground. With a bright flash of light an Umbreon appeared and stretched.[/i] [b]Clarke:[/b] Alright Umbreon, give that Natu a Bite attack! [i]Umbreon lept into the air and pounced off Natu. She gave Natu a fierce bite to the wing of the tiny bird.[/i] [b]Clarke:[/b] Now Umbreon, give it a Faint Attack! [i]Before the Natu had time to react, the little bird was landed on by Umbreon[/i] [b]Clarke:[/b] Pokeball, GO! [i]Clarke threw a pokeball at the bird and it was easily captured. He picked up the pokeball and placed it on his belt.[/i] [b]Clarke:[/b] Good job Umbreon. [b]Umbreon:[/b] Um Umbreon (It was nothing.) [i]Clarke opened Umbreon's pokeball and the pokemon returned. Clarke looked on the other side of the clearing and saw another break in the trees. He ran towards it and went through the trees. He looked around and Noticed that he was in Houndoom Valley.[/i]
  8. Kevin


    [i]Clarke and Rakoon decided to sit down and eat some apples from a nearby tree for a snack. They both ate the apples and decided to take a rest. Clarke didnt want anything to happen to Rakoon so he returned him to his pokeball.[/i] [b]Clarke:[/b] There you go Rakoon. Now let us take a little nap. [i]Clarke closed his eyes and fell asleep.[/i]
  9. Kevin


    [i]Clarke was walking down a path in the middle of a heavily wooded area. The place seemed tranquil enough, baby Ratatta's playing with little Sentret's. Clarke smiled at the little pokemon, he stopped in the middle of the path when he heard some bushes rustle[/i] [b]Clarke:[/b] Who's there!? [b]Rakoon:[/b] Koon! [b]Clarke:[/b] Oh, Rakoon, it's just you. [i]Clarke picked up the pokemon and petted it. He smiled and continued to walk down the path.[/i]
  10. [b]Wolf:[/b]Well? Where did you find it? [b]Shale:[/b]I was walking down a dirt path when I "stumbled" upon it. [i]Wolf just raised an eyebrow and simple said, "I see."[/i]
  11. Kevin


    Name: Clarke Age: 15 Starter: Rakoon Attacks (just for starters): Tackle Bite Glare Quick Attack Starter Description: Rakoon is has looks very similar to a Racoon but his eyes are red. His tail is like a Sentrets except it has three black rings and is more furry. The main color is grey but the little rings on his body are black. He is a normal/dark pokemon and enjoys being loyal to Clarke. Oh, and his nickname is "Bandit". He also has two more evolutions which I will go into detail if I am excepted ;) Your Description: Clarke wears a pair of tan shorts and a black tee. He wears a black bandanna which really sticks out from his blonde hair and green eyes. He wears a little necklace with a holster for his Rakoon's pokeball. Bio: Clarke comes from Mist Grove, a very interesting town. He was playing one day with a pokeball when he was about 10 or so. He threw it high into the air and it landed in some tall grass, little did Clarke know that he accidently captured Bandit in it. Since then, he and Bandit have been the best of friends. Now they are setting out for there own pokemon journey. Ready and willing to go. Hometown: Mist Grove Gym Leader or Trainer: Trainer
  12. [i]Shale was walking around after his defeat of the kid. He sat down on a grassy hill, looking over the field he was just playing on. He pulled out his duel deck and examined all the cards in it, different cards go but he stops on one particular card, Black Luster Ritual. He examined the cards in his deck some more and went back to looking at the card.[/i] [b]Shale:[/b] Hmmm, maybe if I use these two cards, I will get it to work... nah. I will figure it out eventually. [i]Shale lays on the ground and closes his eyes. Within minutes, he is sound asleep. Suddenly his Millenium Card begins to glow and eire glow. Shale suddenly wakes up in a fright.[/i] [b]Shale:[/b] What... what was that all about? [i]Shale looked down at the card which had stopped glowing then over to the field. He shrugs and lays back down, just staring at the sky.[/i]
  13. Kevin

    Gym Leaders

    I am going to use Nefertimon's scale. Just so you know, these are all my opinions. :laugh: so easy I'd die laughing :bellylol: sort of easy :p so-so :nope: sort of hard :faint: so hard I almost fainted Falkner: :laugh: All I really had to do was go to the Dark Cave and grab a Geodude. And even if he got through that, hello Totodile. Bugsy: :laugh: Bah! I laugh at your Fury Cutter, Sand-attack, Pidgey and Geodude. I got a Hivebadge. Whitney: :faint: I hate Whitney soooo much! Stupid Miltank and it's stupid Rollout. And then Milk Drink!?! Jeez that made me so mad! I finally got to her with my ever faithful Pidgey. [size=1][color=blue]Try to watch the language, 'kay? -LK[/color][/size] Morty: :bellylol: I don't really like facing Ghost pokemon, because when I do I know a lot of normal attacks, oh well. I used Magnitude combined with Confusion from Butterfree, pretty easy. Chuck: :nope: GAWD I HATE FIGHTING POKEMON!!! It was really annoying, stupid Dynamicpunch, makes me so mad! I finally got to him by using Sleep Powder, Sand-attack and then Flaffy. Stupid Poliwrath. Jasmine: :nope: Steelix, I hate fighting agianst this pokemon. Oh well, I somehow manage to get through it by teaching Fire Punch to my Flaffy, put it to sleep with Butterfree and then lower its accuracy as much as possible. Pryce: :bellylol: Bah, he was pretty easy, Amphros destroyed the hell outta him. And even if he failed my others would have ruled him, badly. Clair: :faint: Dragon pokemon, oh good god. I always have trouble with her, Amphros is my usual best agianst her, I try to get her with Ice Punch on Feraligatr and then onto victory. Thats all for now, I will be back with the Blue report some other time.
  14. [i]Kiamori is walking through a heavily wooded area. He is humbled by the sheer beauty of such a place. He sits down and looks around. He closes his eyes and smirks ever so slightly.[/i] [b]Kiamori:[/b] Such a beautiful place... pity I have to destroy it... [i]With that, Kiamori placed his hand on the ground, it slowly began to shake. Then the shaking became violent, age old trees falling down. Lush green grass being swallowed up by the earth. After much of the forest was destroyed, Kiamori stopped the earthquake. He smirked and walked out of the ruins. Chuckling the whole time.[/i]
  15. [i]Clash was medititating in his cell when he heard the rucass from across the hall. He sees the cell door slide open and sees the namekian and changling. His eyes widened as they have just taken out the spartan gaurd. Clash jumps to his feet and yells to the two[/i] [b]Clash:[/b] Hey, you! Help me outta here! [b]Tarkon:[/b] Why should we? [b]Clash:[/b] I can help you escape, I am an extrodinary fighter! [i]Tarkon looks over to Frost and then back to Clash. He walks up to the cell and slides the card through, opening the cell doors.[/i] [b]Clash:[/b] Thank you for getting me out of there. My name is Clash, I am an earthling. [b]Tarkon:[/b] I am Tarkon, a namekian. And this is my cellmate Frost, he is a changling. [b]Frost:[/b] Enough of the introductions, lets get out of here! [i]The three men take off in one direction down a long hallway.[/i]
  16. [i]Shale was walking along with his deck of cards and golden card wraped around his neck. Suddenly, someone popped out of some nearby bushes and say the kids cards.[/i] Kid: I see that you play deul monsters, in that case, I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DEUL! Shale: If you insist. [i]Shale's Millenium card glowed as the platform rose out of the ground. Both children took there positions and drew there cards.[/i] Shale: I play Dragon Piper, in attack mode! And I also play this card face down. Kid: Dragon Piper!?! Hahahahaah, you might as well have just given up. I play Sword Stalker in Attack Mode, get rid of the little piper. [i]The sword stalker approached the Dragon Piper and sliced him in two.[/i] Shale: You just activated my Crush Card. Kid: CRUSH CARD!?!?! NOOOO!!!! Shale: And now I play Gia, the Feirce Knight! [i]Kia appears on the feild, the kid is hepless since all his monsters have above the required limit for Crush Card. The kid slams down his hand.[/i] Kid: I give, I can't play any monsters because of your stupid Crush Card.
  17. Kevin

    -Last Word-

    [i]Hillian continued to walk around. He turned a corner and cut through a dark alley. He walked for about three miles. He didn't mind the long walk, it gave him time to think, to plan. He ended up at a space port. He entered through the main terminal and felt the cool air conditioning on his sweat covered face. He smiled as he basked in the coolness of the A/C. Suddenly he felt a nudge from behind.[/i] Gaurd: Get moving! You are holding up everyone! [i]Hillian turned around and saw a line of angry people behind him. He murmered something as he wiped his brow and headed towards one of the gate sections. He leaned agianst the wall as people passed by him, hugging each other, shaking hands, crying.[/i] Hillian: Jeez people get a room. [i]He said under his breath, chuckling. He continued to watch and yawned. He looked at his little piece of paper that said "You, Hillian, are to escort a woman by the name of Relee to the Chairman's office in the downtown district. You are both to await there for further instructions. Signed, Borrota Leshane, The Chairman's Secretary." He shooke his head and yawned agian. He slowly closed his eyes as he lurched to the floor. He fell asleep... -.-"[/i]
  18. [i]Shale was running down the street in his home town, on his way home from school. He turned a corner onto a dirt path, a shortcut. He ran down a steep hill, carelessly. Suddenly he triped on a big rock. His deck and books flew everywhere.[/i] Shale: OH NO!!! MY CARDS!!! [i]He frantically scurried about collecting his various things. he picked up his last card and then turned around. Something glistened in the sun and flashed in his eyes. He sheiled his eyes from the gleem as he approached it.[/i] Shale: What is this... it's a golden card! Wow, amazing! It even has a little hoop on the top for a tie! [i]He untied his shoelace and put it through the hole, he tied it around his neck and wore it like a necklace. He looked around like he was some sorta superhero then heard his watch beep. He looked down and gasped.[/i] Shale: I'm late! Mom is gonna rip my head off!! [i] Without a moment of hesitation he grabbed his bookbag on the ground and headed home. He looked down at the golden card and smiled as he hurried home[/i]
  19. Kevin


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Hey, does anyone know of a good fighting type attack that Golem can learn? My friends like to use Snorlax, so it'd be nice to have a fighting type move to combat the normal type Snorlax.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Golem can learn Submission. Equip some Leftovers to gain life back after taking damage for Submission and you got yourself made in the shade. :cool:
  20. Sorry man. I changed mine. I hope it is better than the previous one, once agian I appologize.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B]FF7V, you must have one of the five Items I mentioned. [i]The abilities of the new Millenium Items will be revealed to their holders when the time is right...[/i] And yes, you may make up cards, but pm them to me so I can approve them. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh snap, sorry dude, I changed it. I should have read less quickly and not stayed up as late. lol.
  22. 1. Starmie, Blastoise, Xatu, Amphros, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Espeon, Jolteon and Flareon. (lol) 2. Misty *drools* 3. Water! 4. Makicarp 5. Stupid Pokemaniacs and there stupid Slowpokes >.
  23. Kevin


    Golem is an awesome Pokemon. It does have good defense and offense, it is really strong. Here is a move list you could teach your Golem, or the way I would do it ;) Rock Slide Fire Blast Earthquake Explosion Item: Quick Claw
  24. Name: Shale Nuale Age: 17 Number of Cards in Deck: 56 Deck Theme: Fighters/Dragons 3 Most Powerful Cards in Deck: Dark Luster Ritual, Polymerisation, Gia the Fierce Knight Millenium Item: Card
  25. I think pokemon on game cube would be cool. Have stadium 3 where they actually attack each other, if you like tackle a pikachu with your onix it could accidently move you to a different location where different pokemon can get the advantage and neato stuff like that.
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