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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Name: Kiamori Age: 25 Power: Earth (ground and rocks) Gender: Male Abilities: 1. The ability to throw massive boulders at his whim. 2. The ability to raise and lower landscapes. 3. The power to cause and cease earthquakes. 4. The ability to raise a sheild of rocks and dirt. 5. Can Transform his Saber into Granite and back to steel. (when transformed to Granite, it grows large in sized and can only be weilded using both hands.) Bio: Kiamori was raised by a group of sages. A young boy with brown hair and icy blue eyes. He seemed to be very atoned with his environment, which seemed to raise the power of his abilities. His skills grew with his age. When he was 10, he was taken from the sages by a group of bandits. He was taught thievery and how to do evil. Now he seeks one thing, power. Clothes: Dark green pants and a dark green shirt. He wears a black sash over his chest to symbolize his theiving abilities. Side: Evil
  2. Name: Clash Age: 37 Race: Earthling Description: Clash looks pretty normal, slightly, very slightly, darker in color than Yamcha. He looks slightly older than Tein. He has a scar on his right cheek from Spartan attack (read bio). He is slightly bulky and looks tough. He wears a pair of tatered red pants and a torn red ki. He has Brown Blonde Hair and icy blue eyes. Bio: Clash decided to leave Earth because he didn't see the point in the way of life everyone was living. He wanted to get power, and lots of it, so he left in a make shift rocket. He landed on a barron planet, hoping to start a new. Little did he know that the Spartans had there eyes set on claiming the planet for there own. After Clash started his own little colony on the planet, the Spartans attacked. He couldn't do a thing to stop them, he took out a few but they soon out numbered and over powered him. He was taken as prisioner. He is put in his cold, dark cell day in and day out, getting beaten by gaurds. He hopes one day to escape the horrible hell hole and gets his revenge on the Spartans. He constantly meditates and physically trains as much as he can. And soon the time is to come where he will break out and be free. Personality:Clash is very solemn. He likes to keep to himself and train. He can be kind and caring when the time calls for it but this means he can be rough and dangerous too. He is a good guy once you get to know him and he dreams of one day being a great ruler that the people love. He has an ego but not a gigantic one.
  3. Kevin

    -Last Word-

    [I]Hillian is seen walking around in a small city. There aren't too many people on the street. Hillian is walking down the street with his hands in his pockets. He passes by a window with a few T.V.'s in it. some of them are broken, others are burned out, but there are a few working. He turns to one of them and watches the news about the "things" that took over the planets. He clenches his fist and then smashes his fist through the glass.[/I] Hillian: I am gonna get those son of a ... [I]Before he could finish, he sees some people murmuring something about the aliens. He places his bloody fist into his pocket, acting like nothing is happening. He is listening in on their conversation.[/I] Man: Did you hear the aliens might be planning on attacking agian? Woman: Really? I wonder what we are going to do? Man: I am sure someone will think of something to do. [I]The two walk past him, still talking about the aliens. Hillian shakes his head as he walks in the opposite direction.[/I]
  4. Name: Lash Voltare Age: 37 Fighting Style: Mix between Street Boxing and Mishima Style Martial Arts Country Of Orgin: Canada Short Bio: Growing up, Lash loved to see others fight. He would constantly pick fights at school with people much bigger and tougher than he was. This was all part of his plan to become better. See, the more he got beat up, the more he could withstand. He eventually took down kids at least three times his size. As he advanced in age his skills advanced as well. After leaving Canada to go to Japan to learn martial arts, his attutide slowly shifted. He wasnt the same man he was when her returned. He became more strict with himself and only spoke when spoken to. He heard of the new tournment and decided to enter himself into the draw.
  5. Beedrill isn't all that bad. Here is some move lists that could improve your beedrill Hyper Beam Pin Missile Hidden Power Cut Attached Item: Pink Bow
  6. They are very fun to watch. Gets the adreniline flowing.
  7. This is one of the best games I have ever played! Wow, it is pretty fun to walk around and shoot stuff with water, lol. Great game, #1, Super Dooper. :love:
  8. Kevin

    Last Word

    Name: Hillian Age: 27 Home Planet: Earth Description: Hillian stands at 6'2 and weighs 224 lbs. He is very well built. He wears a Dark Green Tanktop with a White faded Circle with a wavy line through it. He wears two black arm bands and a black headband. He wears black pants and a pair of black Combat boots. He looks as if he really needs a shave. His hair is brown and his eyes are blue. Personality: Hillian is a very tough guy, the kind you don't want to meet in a dark alley. He is also the Kill now, ask questions later type. He really doesnt display many emotions except for anger and enjoyment. Short Bio: Hillian is from the 129th armored division. He is very militaristic and has a great sense for leadership. One day, he was keeping the peace in a third world country. Suddenly a few men came out and started to yell at him and his platoon of men. Hillian got so enraged by the men that he slaughtered them all. He was booted out of the army, lost his house, family and job. He had no where to go and noone to turn to. So he hopped the nearest shuttle to Misamiya. When he landed on the planet, he heard news of the approaching army. He got really excited and is willing to jump at the chance to bust some robot skulls. Weapons: Battle Axe, Long sword, and a single dagger (stowed snuggle in his boot).
  9. I agree with hating school. But this year I am a senior in High School so I only got college left and then *dramatic music* the real world.
  10. Name: Galen Age: 28 Race: Human Weapon: Crescent Short Sword Bio: Galen started off as a humble young lad. He was very carefree and happy. He trained under numerous people, learning many different styles of fighting. He enjoyed fighting almost as he enjoyed living. Since the recent turn of events, he has been training especially hard. He is trying to get his name in the history books and to become a legendary fighter. Apperance: Galen has a medium ammount of hair. His hair and eyes are blue. He stands at about 6'3 and weighs 210 lbs. He wears a white Tee Shirt and Black pants. He carries his sword in a sheath attached to a belt loop. And he has whiskers on his face like he hasnt shaved in a few days. Personality: Galen may come off as a very impersonal person, but once you get to know him he is a very kind guy. He cares alot about many things and can carry on a good conversation. Also he is a good problem solver, although he might lack the ability to just come out and say it. Stats: Strength: 5,000,000 Defense: 6,000,000 Agility: 5,000,000 Speed: 5,000,000 Ki: 4,000,000 Ki Defense: 4,000,000 Intelligence: 6,000,000
  11. Name: Steve Age: 17 Deck: Warrior/Dragon/Mix Appearance: Short brown hair and blue eyes. Blue t-shirt and khaki shorts. Stands 5'7 with red tennis shoes and a red headband. Bio: Steve comes from a land of dueling monsters where everyone plays wholesome and peaceful decks, then he played his deck and was kicked out. So now he wanders seeking a good deul and some good friends. Favortie card: Crush Card
  12. About your space response... When does a cartoon such as DBZ deal with real life events? I mean really, it is cool and all but it is a cartoon that doesnt have to bend to the physics of reality. So they can go whatever speed they want and get from point a to point b in whatever time they what. And also by your logic, goku wouldnt be able to instant transmit and the nether world wouldnt be able to exsist. K? Thnx.
  13. Sorry if I killed it, I guess its all my fault. Oh well, that just means I wont sign in on the other one, if there is gonna be one.
  14. Meanwhile, in the Digital World Man: Get him Keramon! Keramon: Bug Blaster!!! The ray shots from Keramons mouth and the digimon that he is facing turns to data. Keramon laughed at the destruction of his opponent and his master just smirked. Man: Good job Keramon, that brings us one step closer to our plan. Keramon: I know Sion, that was so fun! Sion: Well Keramon there is alot more where that came from. Soon the Digi Destined will be coming here to the digital world... Keramon: Then what boss? Sion: Then it is the end of the Digi Destined!!! Sion and Keramon both laugh evily as they walked further down the path.
  15. I wanna be an evil DD Name: Sion Haltry Age: 17 Height: 5' 8" Digi-transmitter Color: Bronze. Digimon: Keramon (the evil digimon from the movie) :demon: Description: Sion has blonde hair that is pretty short. He has ice blue eyes, even though he constantly wears sunglasses and a black and white headband. He also wears a trench coat that concelles a red shirt with a white like crest figure on it. He also wears blue jeans. Bio: Constantly harrassed at school and riticuled by his parents for his poor school work, Sion always found an escape by surfing the internet. His mind slowly twisted as he began to isolate himself from everyone. Now he is out to corrupt the digital world and purge it of all the sickening love and friendship showed by the DD. He and his virus type digimon Keramon will stop at nothing to see the digital world collapse and take every digimon with it. Mwahahahaahahahahaahahaha!!
  16. The smell of burning flesh flooded into Rins nose. He grabbed his blade as he stood up. He stepped out of the dark alley. Once more he could see noone, not a trace of any living soul. He turned around and ran back into the alley, this time going to the end and taking many turns. Not sure where he was heading to. He popped out at another empty street and looked around, still no sign of anyone. Then he saw two people come out of an alley a little ways down the street. He wasnt sure what to do. So he hid back in the dark alley and decided he would follow the two.
  17. It would be cool if it was VR or robotics. But I agree with the creation of them as real living, breathing things. But if they made a VR game that you go around and can feel them and what not, that would totally rule the school.
  18. Rin stood there at the outskirts of town. He looked into the town and saw nothing, it was barron and cold. Noone was around at all. He looked to the sky and saw a dark cloud rise up from the center of town. The smell of burnt wood filled the air and the nose of Rin. He began to ran towards the center of town before it was too late. When he reached the square of town he saw the whole town standing around and cheering. He slowly worked his way through the massive crowd of jeering people. When he finally broke through the crowd he saw a burning corpse tied to a big piece of wood. Rin: Another burning... He saw a man with red hair and a tourch with his hand that had a very pleased look on his face. Man: The Witch is no more!!! The crowd cheered loudly, thinking they have done the right thing by burning the woman. The man with the red hair turned towards Rin and looked very displeased. He pointed to Rin and said Man: Look at this foul miscrient. Pathetic, isnt he? It is men like me that try to put an end to heretics like you. The man signaled to a few of his friends to surround Rin. Before they got to him though he already jumped onto the platform that the man was standing on. Rin held his blade to the man's throat. The man chuckled. Man: Go ahead, kill me. This will further prove me correct on your heresy. You know if you kill me every single person in this town will come after you and see to it that you are exterminated. Do you think you can handle every man, woman and child in this town Naive? Rin: It doesnt matter to me weather you live or die, you have already commited an act that is unforgivable by burning this innocent woman.' Man: Innocent? Her? Dont make me laugh, we caught her in the act of practicing her satanic ways. She burned for her crimes agianst god and his followers. Rin lowered his blade and jumped off the platform. He turned around and walked back through the crowd. The crowd was yelling at him and throwing whatever they could pick up at him as he passed through. The man yelled out. Man: Thats right, you run. But we will catch you eventually and you will suffer the same fate as the wench! The crowd cheered at what the man said. Rin ignored the slanderous comment and turned the corner into a dark alley. He placed his sword on the ground and sat agianst the side of the building. He just sat there, thinking, nort saying a word to anyone that would happen to pass by the alley or try to give him something.
  19. YuGi beat Kaiba, so to prove he is worthy to the board of Kaiba Corp., he must beat YuGi and that would make him better than Kaiba somehow.
  20. Yeah, that would be pretty cool, I would make myself a rocket and use it on all my pokemon!!!! (insert evil laughter)
  21. Name: Vincent so rules the school hardcore style. Avatar: I dont know how to make my own :( so I just used the vincent one. Banner: I dont have one, I am trying to get one made for me, I also dont know how to add it, anyone care to fill me in? Sig: Auron also rules the school hardcore style. and I still laugh at trees!
  22. I am at least hoping that there will be 5 more. That way at least, they have plenty of time to add many things in, not piece it together like some other games.
  23. Just so everyone knows this is an old school blue version team. I keep restarting in gold, lol. Starmie Lv. 70 Surf Psychic Blizzard Thunderbolt Jolteon Lv. 70 Thunder Tunderbolt Thunder Wave Pin Missile Venusaur Lv. 70 Cut Sleep Powder Solarbeam Razor Leaf Blastoise Lv. 70 Surf Blizzard Earthquake Hydro Pump Charizard Lv. 70 Fly Dig Fire Blast Flamethrower Pideot Lv. 70 Fly Hyper Beam Wing Attack Sky Attack Alright, I have to say that this took me a REEEEEEEEEEEEALLY long time to earn them up. Alot of battling, more than 200 hours on my game. I also had some friends help me out and level some up. Thats where I got my many Blizzards. And all my pokemon has really cool names, let me know what you think, thanks! :ball:
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