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Dark Thief

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Everything posted by Dark Thief

  1. I watch the show American Idol, and haven't missed it once..I like the show, and I think Justin or christina christian will win..However, I wanted Ryan Starr to win, but she was voted off..What do you guys think?
  2. Oh, sorry...You can have more chars..but not too many, as I do not want to be confused..And you can do whatever you want in the RPG..Either join me or Delekan.
  3. Okay, the storyline is this. We are all larnia Citizens, and Delekahn is trying to take over. he used to be the one who hired DT to do assasins, and now that I broke it off with him, he wants me dead..Everyone else will be enslaved, but I am to die of he catches me..It is up to us to save him...or in case of evil people..to join him! How is that? And I have had RPG experiance before..Note the RPG site in my signature.
  4. I do not have time to post the story right now, but I will post it next time I am here...sorry guys... It is a lil history on DT!
  5. I hope these boards arent going to go down..I just joined!!!
  6. POST ONLY WHEN I ACCEPTED YOU! DT-NO Delekan..I refuse to work for you anymore! Delekan-Fine. *draws sword* Then die! I run out the door, and jump onto a tree..I climb it to the roof, and watch as Delekan looks for me..I sit there, knowing what I must do..I muse forever hide from him..or he will kill me.. It is a beutifull sunny day in Larnia Village, and I look around..Fear grips me as I think of Delekan...
  7. This RPG is in the land of larnia, where my char DT is from..DT standing for Dark Thief. The goal is to basically interact...I may add an evil later, but basically it is a land you interact in. You can have any number of chars as long as you can keep up with them all... Char sheet (copy/ past and fill it out) Name- Hair- eyes- sex(m/f)- hair size(long/short) weapons- Magic powers(yes/no)- Psy Powers(yes/no) occupation- good/evil?- **My chars** Name-Setsuna Serena (Dark Thief) Hair-Brown eyes-Hazel sex(m/f)-Female hair size(long/short)-long weapons-Sword, throwing stars, crossbow, daggars Magic powers(yes/no)-yes Psy Powers(yes/no)-no occupation-former Assasin/thief good/evil?-good Name-Delekahn Hair-black eyes-black sex(m/f)-male hair size(long/short)-medium weapons-Sword, daggars, crossbow Magic powers(yes/no)-yes Psy Powers(yes/no)-yes occupation-Killer good/evil?-Evil
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