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Everything posted by Rei

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]Zephrymon and Lowemon fell to the ground while Beelzemon appeared not to have a scratch on him, the two hybrid digimon were exauseted but they knew they were the only ones that could fight so they weren't going to give up. "Lowemon Slide Evolution....[URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/JagerLowemon/Images/jagerlowemon.jpg]JagerLowemon![/URL]" Lowemon had transformed into an even more powerful digimon that stoodu on for legs instead of two. "You used your beast spirit to become JagerLowemon the legendary beast warrior of darkness." said Zehprymon as she struggled to get to her feet. "You reign has ended Beelzemon, [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/JagerLowemon/Images/dark-master.jpg]Dark Master![/URL]" the jewels on JagerLowemon began glowing brightly as his body turned into a black shadow and he then leapt through Beelzemon causing a lot of damage to the mega digimon. After finishing his attack JagerLowemon returned to his stance beside Zephrymon, Beelzemon began screaming with agony but his screams slowly became laughter. "We have to finish him while he is still hurt. [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/JagerLowemon/Images/ebony-blast.jpg]Ebony Blast![/URL]", "Hurricaaaane Gale!" JagerLowemon and Zephrymon combined their powerful attacks of dark and wind energy into one and sent it straight for Beelzemon but the mega digimon was prepared. "Carona Destroyer!" he launched his most powerful attack, which disentegrated the combined power of Zephrymon and JagerLowemon. He launched another attack this time aimed right for the legendary warriors of light and darkness, they were powerless against it. The two hybrid digimon began to glow as their beast spirits appeared in front of them, Beelzemon absorbed the spirits causing Zephrymon and JagerLowemon into the children they were before helpless and unable to use their beast spirits. Beelzemon now more powerful than ever possessed the powers of Lilliymon , Zephrymon, and JagerLowemon. "Ebony Blast!" Beelzemon used JagerLowemon's attack and blasted it toward Skye and Kevin who layed on the ground helpless untill Azari and Haru jumped in and pulled them to saftey at the last moment. Beelzemon was the most powerful enemy the digi-destined had come across, he was able to defeat all of their digimon becoming even more powerful in the process at this point they were sitting ducks just waiting to be picked of one by one. As Beelzemon moved closer and closer something inside Mira snapped, she was no longer afraid. As Beelzemon walked slowly toward the digi-destined he stopped because Mira had began walking toward him. "So I guess you want to be the first to die." said the mega digimon. "Beelzemon you are the most pathetic digimon I have ever met...You stand there thinking you're all big and bad but you aren't. The only way you get power is by stealing it from other digimon, you have no real power of your own. You are weak, no wonder you are the only of the 4 rulers who has not been able to gain comlete control over your area in digital world." Mira yelled angrily, her friends looked at her like she had gone mad, here she was insulting the creature who was able to defeat every one of their digimon and she was talking to him like he was nobody. "Mira do you have a death wish? Get back here." yelled Haru but Mira didn't listen. "We are the digi-destined, the ones chosen to defeat the evils of the digital world and that means you. I may not be able to become a digimon like Kevin or Sky but I won't back down to you any more...." after Mira gave Beelzemon another piece of her mind her digivice IC began to glow only this time it was the entire digivice not just the screen of it. Mira held it up toward Beelzemon, the power of the digivice made him loose his power his sreams were deafining, suddenly the beast spirits of wind and darkness appeared before him and went straight back to their original owners Skye and Kevin. As Mira moved closer and closer to the mega digimon she was stooped, her own digimon Hawkmon stood before her. "I hope you don't think I'm going to let you do this alone, do you?" said the rookie digimon. "O Hawkmon you always have my back. If this is to be the end lets see it through together." said Mira softly to her partner, at that moment their bond grww stronger and more powerful than ever. Suddenly Mira's digivice cracked and broke into tiny pieces of data which flowed into both her and Hawkmon. BIOMERGE DIGIVOLUTION "Hawkmon Biomerge to.....[URL=http://thedigiport.com/new_dex_pics/valkyrimon2.gif]Valkyrimon![/URL]" The power of Mira's digivice caused her body to merge with Hawkmon's, they became one. The power of both their life forces fusing to become one gave Hawkmon the power to digivolve to his final form his mega from Valkyrimon. "Hawkmon I've never felt this before. So this is what it feels like to be a guy. Your thoughts, feelings, power. I feel them all." said Mira. "Yes and I yours. You have given me the strength to digivolve, know we can protect our friends. We are one Mira and we are invincible." Hawkmon replied. "Know way!" said Masaru. "How can this be possible?" said Zalina. The other digi-destined and digimon were stunned to see Hawkmon and Mira digivolve together. "Beelzemon I Valkyrimon, ancient warrior of the norse gods will not allow you to harm anyone else, you have meet your match." said Valkyrimon, Beelzemon was not about to be shone up by Valkyrimon. "Karona Barrage!" he blasted multiple beams of purple energy toward Valkyrimon, who took off the crossbow that was attached to his back and counter attacked. "Lightning Arrows!" the newly digivolved mega digimon matched off agianst Beelzemon's attack by blasting several arrows of power yellow energy toward his. "Double Impact!" Beelzemon then shot several bullets from his gun toward Valkyrimon who dodged the bullets effortlessly. "You're more powerful than I thought. If I'm going down you're going down with me. Karonaaa Destroyerrr!" Beelzemon focused all his energy in his arm blaster and aimed it toward Valkyrimon. "Hawk Inferno!" the small golden bird attached to Valkyrimon's arm ame alive and flew off. The small bird grew about 3 times in sizes and became engulfed in flames. Finally the fire like bird flew straight threw Beelzemon's blaster destroying it. "And now for you Beelzemon. Feral Sword!" Valkyrimon unshethed his sword as it began glowing white. The warrior digimon flew fast toward Beelzemon and in a single stroke his head had been removed and his data had been scattered. Valkyrimon then dedigivolve back into Mira and Hawkmon. Suddenly a rift formed in the sky and Baihumon appeared, the 3rd soverien digimon didn't say much he wasn't know for his words but for his power. "You...digi-destined freed Me....thank you!" as he left a floating org appeared above Mira and formed into a digivice just like the one she had before. "Hey I feel strange." said Hawkmon. "So do I." Gabumon stated, soon the other digimon began feel strange as well. "Hawkmon Digivolve to Aquilamon!","Gabumon digivole to Garurumon!" Hawkmon and Gabumon as well as the other digimon got back their powers to digivolve. "I thought that Beelzemon destroyed their power to digivolve." said Masaru. "Don't you get it? We are the digi-destined, we don't need digi-cords or digi-templets for our digimon to digivolve anymore. The power is within us all, thats how Hawkmon and I were able to bio-merge." explained Mira. A few moments later a few of the digi-destined climbmed aboard Aquilamon and a few climbed aboard Garurumon, except for Zuri who had gained the ability to fly, and they were of the the northern sector to fight their final enemy. ooc: I know I never mentioned anything about bio-merging but I recently decided to put it in because I got tire of our characters doing nothing in the fights. When we arrive in the northern sector and start fighting Daemon everyone else will be able to bio-merge automatically. I just thought traveling around and fighting random digimon getting beat then doing it would be boring at this point.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]"Static Force!" Silphymon launched his attack which hit Beelzemon square in the face, the mega digimon slowly fell to the ground as he was finally defeated or so the tamers thought. "Nooo I am an elite general of the great one I shall not fall to the likes of you, digidestined feel my wrath." said the fallen mega as he began to glow a deep dark purple color, he slowly rose up and held up his gun. "Ultra Impact!" he fired blasts toward the digimon but his powers were weakened. "Hurricane Gale!" Zephyrmon was able to blast away Beelzemon's bullets but the dark energy around the mega digimon began to grow even more powerful. He raised his gun toward Zephrymon and fired it but this time his power was at normal strength and time stood still as the bullets traveled through he air. A flash of blinding light hit the area and when it cleared the tamers saw Lillymon on the ground in front of Zephyrmon. "Nooooo!" cried Jade as she ran toward her fallen digimon. "No Lillymon please don't leave me." she pleaded but her partner just looked at her and smiled. "You monster!" Mira yelled. Silphymon, Cyberdramon, and WereGarurumon charged Beelzemon but before they were halfway there he had blasted them down. "Lillymon don't go." said Zephyrmon as she bent down beside her fallen commrade. "I won't let him get away with this, Plasma Pods!" she charged toward Beelzemon and tried to strike him several times but he was to fast he gave her a powerful roundhouse kick to the chest then turned his attention back to Lillymon whose data was beggining to form a digi-egg. "Not so fast." said the mega digimon as he held out his hand and absorbed the energy from the fallen ultimate digimon, after he had finished Jade's digivice began to glow and then burst into data, she knew what was going to happen next. "Be strong and be brave digidestined, friends." said Jade as she too burst into data which Beelzemon then absorbed. "Nooooooo, who can this be happening." screamed Zalina. "Whenever the data from a digimon is unable to form into a digi-egg and be reconfigured the tamers data is also scattered, and because the gate to the real world is sealed Jade can't return." explained Azari in a sad voice. After absorbing the data of both Jade and Lillymon Beelzemon had become more powerful than before and was strong enough to digivolve to blast mode once again, his arm blaster and wings returned the dark purple energy around him grew even stronger too. Beelzemon focused the energy into the palm of his hand and fired it toward the digimon all except Zephrymon who being the fastest flyer dodged the attack, the dark energy destroyed the power the digimon recieved through the aid of the digi-cords causing them to dedigivolve to rookies the only one left to fight was Zephrymon. "Hurricane Gale!" she tried hard but her attack had no effect at all on the mega digimon at all. When suddenly...."[URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/Lowemon/Images/shadow-meteor.jpg]Shadow Meteor![/URL]" a powerful blast of energy was launched toward Beelzemon which you could tell hurt him but not much. As the digidestined grabbed their now rookie digimon they became shocked as they saw the blast hit Beelzemon, they saw a dark humanoid lion digimon. Zephrymon's eyes lit up because she knew exactly who it was and so did Beelzemon. "Kevin!" yelled Zephyrmon, the digimon ran toward Zephyrmon and hleped her of the ground. "The human spirit of darness transformed you into [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/Lowemon/Images/lowemon_appearance.jpg]Lowemon[/URL] the legendary warrior of darkness." she said as she rose to her feet. "Thanks for believing in me Skye." said Lowemon to Zephyrmon. "Aww how touching you little traitor, I will be rewarded greatly for this. Karona Blaster!" the mega blasted his powerful energy toward the two legendary warriors who jumped high into the air to dodge it. "[URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/Lowemon/Images/shadow-lance.jpg]Shadow Lance![/URL]" Lowemon pulled out his staff which began glowing at the tip and delivered a powerful blow toward Beelzemon. "Plasma Pods!" Zephyrmon launched her attack and this time hit Beelzemon in the chest, the attacks were strong but Beelzemon was stronger. Can the legendary warriors of of darkness and wind defeat Beelzemon alone? ooc: Find out in my next post where I 'll also introduce our first mega digimon.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Sunflowmon and the newly digivolved Strikedramon charged Beelzemon in an attempt to knock him to the ground as the other digimon digimon regained their strength. Mira new that the two of them were powerful but she also knew that Beelzemon was even more powerful. "All the other digimon can digivolve to ultimate but not Sunflowmon and Strikedramon." Mira though as the two champions were slammed into the ground. "Strike Claw!" "Sunshine Beam!" Strikedramon slashed his claws toward Beelzemon who dodged and hit him over the head with his right which had formed into his powerful Carona Blaster, Sunflowmon blasted her beam of light energy toward the mega but he used his other hand the punch through it. "Azulongmon and Zhuqiaomon are to weak to give us any more energy so how can Strikedramon and Sunflowmon digvolve to ultimate?" Mira continued to think. "Nova Blast!" Greymon fired his powerful fire breath toward Beelzemon with little effect, by this time the mega was on the ground again. "I've got it!" shouted Mira. "You've got what?" replied Zalina. "No time to explain we've got to do this quickly, everyone hold up your digivices toward Haru and Jade." commanded Mira, because he was now on the ground Rylonamon and Greymon attacked Beelzemon keeping him busy for a few moments. Mira and the other tamers held their digivices up toward Haru and Jade. Beams of white energy emitted from the digivices and went right into the digivices of Haru and Jade which began glowing stronger than they had before giving Strikdramon and Sunflowmon the power to digivolve. "Strikedramon digivolve to Cyberdramon!" "Sunflowmon digivolve to Lillymon!" Mira's idea worked the digidestined were able to give some of the power they recieved from the digi cords of Azulongmon and Zhuqiaomon to Haru and Jade enabling their digimon to digivolve to their ultimate forms. OOC: Now everyone can digivolve to ultimate although digivolving to mega is just around the corner. Oh and Raramon who plays Jade has decided not to be in the rpg anymore because she has so much stuff going on so in my next post I'll see to it that her character and digimon go out in a blaze of glory.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Indigo]"Chilli Pepper Pummel!" "Super Thunder Strike!" "Fungus Cruncher!" Cried RedVeggiemon, Elecmon, and Mushroomon as they tried to protect the forest they call home against a Shurimon gone mad. The ninja star digimon used his powerful blades of armor which are connected to his hands to block the attacks, he successfully blocked them with little effort. Yoshino and her partner Raramon heard the fighting as they continued to make their way through the forest to Saware. The human and her digimon ran over so to the the three exausted laying on the ground side by side and a discolored Shurimon who instead of having green leaves on his sholders had black ones. "Raramon attack!" yelled Yoshino as her plant like digimon floated toward the Shurimon. "Nut's Shoot!" screamed Raramon as she fired her exploading seeds toward Shurimon but to no effect, he used his armor blades to block the seed which exploded on contact creating a small cloud of smoke around Shurimon. Raramon attack again shooting her seeds right into the cloud of smoke when suddenly a small whirlwind brushed the smoke along with her attack away. "Ninja Wind!" After seeing who Raramon tried to protect them RedVeggiemon, Elecmon, and Mushroomon all charged toward Shurimon. "Double Star!" the ninja digimon removed the large ninja star from his back and shot it toward the three digimon they all burst into data, there was nothing left. Yoshino began to get worried she didn't want the same thin to happen to Raramon. "Raramon digivolve, hurry!" Yoshino pulled out her digivice and held it up toward her digimon as it's power made Raramon glow and transform into an even more powerful digimon. "Raramon digivolve to[URL=http://thedigiport.com/05bandai/sunflowmon.gif] Sunflowmon![/URL]"[/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]As the newly digivolved ultimate digimon Antylamon moved closer to the digidestined digimon he held up his arms and prepared to attack but the dd digimon were two steps ahead of him. "Bunny Blades!" Antylamon's arms turned into powerful blades as he lunged toward the nearest human to him Mira. "Nightmare Syndromer!" Digitamamon came out of no where and hit Antylamon woth his best shot, Antylamon fell to one knee. "Lightning Paw!" Gatomon used her powerful punch to hit Antylamon in the face then Tapirmon tacked him in the stomach. "I just wanted to apologize to all of you for the spat that happened at my diner early it was all my fault Come back to my diner again your meal will be on the house. said Digitamamon as he and Tapirmon bowed their heads in forgiveness but before they got their response they were stricken by Antylamon's attack. Digitamamon, Tapirmon, and Gatomon were sent flying into the air. "Thanks Digitamamon, thanks Gatomon, thanks Tapirmon and by the way we forgive you Digitamamon." yelled Mira as she focused her attention back to Antylamon as did the other dd and their digimon. "Grand Horn!, "Tail Slam!" Aquilamon and Rylonamon each slammed into the ultimate digimon with their attacks but he wasn't going to be defeated that easily. As Antylamon charged toward them with his hands turned into blades as they were before something strange happened. It was as if for everyone time stood still the humans, their digimon, and even their attacker Antylamon was frozen in time when suddenly the enemy digimon burst into data and time resumed normally. The tamers were dumbfouned to see that an ultimate digimon was defeated so easily especially when their own digimon hadn't even attack yet. They began to hear a laugh which got louder as it got closer. Seconds later the Tamers saw Beelzemon who was walking slowly to them with a gun in his hand, it was then that the tamer realized that it was he who had killed Antylamon and that he wanted to do the same to them. "Ah we finally meet. I goota say I'm not as impressed as I thought I would be to finally see the imfamous digidestined upclose and personal. Aw well the ultimate power of the digital world wants you dead and I'm the one to do it. I will finally prove myself of being worth with you deaths. Double Impact!" said the mega digimon with what sounded like a heavy new york accent, he raised the gun in his hand and fired it toward the group of digidestined. "Aquilamon it's time for you to digivolve!" Mira yelled quickly as she held up her digivivce. "Aquilamon digivolve to...Silphymon! Static Force!" after only a few seconds Aquilamon became Silphymon and launched his powerful ball of static energy which collided with Beelzemon's attack. Although Silphymon's attack nutreulized some of Beelzemon's attack it wasn't enough to stop it completly, the ultimate digimon was knocked to the ground by the force of the risidual energy.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]The tamer's had a little luck putting out the fires around the buildings but as long as the five Endigomon continued to attack there wasn't much they could do. "Poromon stop them." yelled Mira as she held up her digivice toward her in-training digimon. "Poromon digivolve to...Hawkmon!...Hawkmon digivolve to...Aquilamon!" Within seconds Poromon had digivolve to his rookie and then champion form. "Grand Horn!" Aquilamon used his powerful horns to knock two of the Endigomon down like dominos. "Cable Crusher!" cried one of the other Endigomon who's arms grew into cables as he attacked Aquilamon with them, the force knocked the powerful bird digimon to the ground as Endigimon wrapped the cables around Aquilamon. "Neo Blast!" Cometramon blasted a power beam of ice which froze Endigimon's cable like arms, "Hurricane Wave!" then Kazemon used her waves of wind to break through the ice shattering Endigimon's arms into bits and pieces of data. Meanwhile... Daemon waved his arm and Beelzemon appeared before him. "You pathetic fool. I send you to prove yourself by destroying the digi-destined once and for all and what do you do. Send your minions to do the job for you and badly I might add as it's seems the digi-destined digimon are having no problem defeating them. One chance, one chance is all you have left Beelzemon. Think carefully before deciding what to do with it. I want those children destroyed, trust me you'd rather face them thatn me. Then again what I do to you will pale in comparison to what you know who will." said Daemon, afterwards he waved his arms again and Beelzemon vanished.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. Yoshino was so happy, she was so excited to know that in just a few short minutes she was going to arrive in the digital world. Yoshino had just graduated high school and at the top of her class, she always did well in school because she knew that if she was going to accomplish her dream of becoming a computer programmer she would need a good education. It was the beggining of summer and Yoshino had until September to do all the things she liked to do and what she likes to do the most is go to the digital world using the VR technology provided at the Electronic Worlds company. Although Yoshino only began going to the digital world a few weeks ago they have bee some of the best weeks in her life because of the amazing things she was able to experience there that she couldn't in the real world. Not only did she go to the digital world because of all the amazing adventures she had but because she saw it as a huge learning experience because she after college she wants to eventually get a job at the Electronic Worlds because when it comes to computer technology they are the best. Yoshino finally arrived at the EW building, she parked her car and entered. She made her way to the part of the building that she needed to go to. Seconds later she saw and young lady a little older that herself behind a desk infront of the room that Yoshino was headed for. The two exchanged smiles as Yoshino walked into the room and place her digivice were she needed then proceeded on carrying out the task of setting herself up for going to the digital world. [COLOR=Indigo]About thirty seconds later Yoshino opened her eyes to see that she was in a bright forest were she could see tons of plant-like digimon one of which made it's way to her. "Raramon!" said Yoshino with a huge grin on her face as she hugged the digimon.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]It was very late at night, it could have been around 2 or 3 am. The 8 digi-destined and their digimon were all sleeping peacefully, and not a sound could be heard throughout the inn where they were staying. "Look do you think you could sweep the floor a little bit more quietly!" yelled Digitamamon to Tapirmon as they were trying to clean and repair the damage that they caused to their diner. "Look all I hear from you is do this, or do that and I'm sick of it. I'm the only one around here with any arms to do anything so if I were you I'd shut up." Tapirmon responded. When Digitamamon was about to start speaking agian a large group of digimon walked into his diner. They were Lopmon and 5 of them, one of the rookie digimon walked forward to talk to Digitamamon and Tapirmon. "Hi...Look I was just wondering if you guy's had seen a bunch of humans come in here with digimon accompanying them." said Lopmon with the cutest facial expression you could imagine. "Uhh yeah as a matter of fact it's because of those kids that our diner is in the shape it's in, but I think those kids are staying in the Gatomon inn down the road from here." said Tapirmon, when suddenly the facial expressions of the 5 Lopmon changed from cute and cuddly to mean and vicious. The leader of the Lopmon slapped Tapirmon to the ground with his large ear. "Hey you can't do that to him. Nightmare Syndromer!" Digitamamon an ultimate digimon blasted his minion of darkness from the hole on his shell but the rookie level Lopmon where not afriad at all. "Blazing Ice!" the 5 Lopmon blasted their icy breath at Digitamamon's attack freezing it causing it to fall to the ground and explode into tiny particles of data. "Tiny Twister!" 2 of the Lopmon began twisting their body's creating powerful mini tornadoes which they used to blast Digitamamon and Tapirmon through the roof of the diner. "It would be rude of us to barge into the inn that the digi-destined are in so we should make them come to use instead." said the leader of the Lopmon, afterwords the Lopmon followed him as he walked outside the diner. "Lopmon digivolve to Endigomon!" The 5 Lopmon had digivolved to their champion forms and began blasting the buildings in the town to nothingness to draw out the digi-destined. "KoKo Crusher!" each of them cried. Despite the noise from the Endigomon the tamers and their partners continued to sleep, they were extremly tired since it had been so long since they enjoyed a good nights rest. Suddenly Gatomon burst into the room, and let loose a screech that only a cat could waking everyone in the room up. "We're being attacked!" the tiny cat digimon screamed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. Rei


    [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Name: Madison Lee Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://thedigiport.com/yoshino.gif]Here[/URL] Trainer ID Number: 71767 Personality: Madison is a nice and caring girl, she will give you a helping hand when your down. Everyone respects her because she is so nice. Although she can get extremly hyper. She is also brave, though her bravery can lead her into a rough situations. Personal History: Wants to become a trainer for the fact that she loves pokemon just as much as her older brother who she wants to prove wrong because he thinks that girls don't have what it takes to become better trainers than guys. Equipment: Standard pokemon items as well as a a few extra outfits to compensate for weather and typical personal hygene items. Preferred Starter Choice: I would most like to receive from Professor Grove is Bulbasaur. I love Bulbasaur because they are so strong-willed and are brave in tough situations.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]When Mira, Haru, and their digimon finally entered the small town they saw a few of the of the other digi-destined. "Finally you're back and you brought a friend." said Skye as she and a few more of the tamers walked out of the diner. "Yep everyone this is Haru and his partner Monodramon." As Haru and the other tamers introduced themselves and the digimon introduced themselves to Monodramon Mira walked inside the diner with the bucket of water she brought back for Digitamamon. When she walked in she was surprised to see that Digitamamon, Tapirmon, and RedVeggiemon were all stacked upon one another unconcious and the diner was completely empty. "Guess the meal is on the house." she stated as she droped the bucket and walked outside were the other tamers were. "There. It's a tavern, we should see if they have any openings in there. If we're going to save the world we're going to need our rest." said Mira to the tamers wa they followed her inside the tavern. Once the they arrived they saw a Gatomon behind the desk. Haru stepped forward to the feline digimon. "Ah Haru, Monodramon it's been a while since I've seen you, what can I help you with." said Gatomon. "Hi Gatomon, I was wondering if you had a spare room, a big spare room for my friends and I." he replied. "What a large group of friends you have but for you I'll make afew arrangements." said Gatomon as she lead the tamer to a large room. "Wow you've got connections, I'm impressed." said Mira to Haru as they followed at the end of the group. When they all entered the room they found a slight problem. There were 8 people but only 5 beds. "Sorry but this is the best I can do on such short notice." said the Gatomon as she left the room. Skye stepped out infront of the group to examine the room further. "Let's see 5 beds huh. Well seing as how there are 5 girls and only 3 boy's I think you all are getting what I'm getting at. Girls take the beds guys take the floor."she commanded. Everyone looked at her a bit confused but they agreed and soon after the humans and digimon were sound asleep. Meanwhile... "Hmp....Daemon thinks he can treat me like garbage ay. Well I'll show him. I'm just as tough as he is and I'll prove it by destroying those kids. "[URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied3/images/Endigomon.gif]Endigomon[/URL]!" Beelzemon cried, within a few seconds time 5 champion digimon appeared. "Yes master." they said as the bowed before the mega digimon. "Go, I want you to find the digi-destined and destroy them but first you'll need this." Beelzemon threw out his hand and dark energy flew into the 5 champions. "I have just given you the power to digivolve to your ultimate forms. Go...Now!" yelled Beelzemon. "Yes we shall do as you command master." said the middel Endigomon who stepped forth as the leader thne they all vanished in search of the digidestined.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]"Geeee thanks :animeblus ." Mira replied as she turned redder than the RedVeggiemon she had seen earlier in the restuarant. "Mira why are your cheeks so red?" said Poromon as he flew over. "Poromon!" yelled Mira as she jumped on top of the tiny pink bird digimon to keep him quite. Mira stood up drenched in water with her hands still covering Poromon's mouth. "Haru is it, You saved my life! I can't believe how brave you are, I mean I don't even know you but you risked your life to save me I'm Mira and this is Poromon" she said in a rush and before Haru could get any words out Mira cut him off. "Wait your a human and that that's Monodramon, you're a tamer and not just a tamer if you survived the attack that makes you a digidestined." Mira yelled as she put Poromon down and tried to ring out her clothes. "A digi what?" asked Haru. "It's a very long story which I guess I should probably explain to you. Come on lets go into town, hopefully they will have something that can dry our clothes." Mira said as she began explaining to Haru all the things that have happened to her and the other digidestined on their way back to town. Meanwhile..... A strange voice could be heard speaking to Daemon, scolding him, even frightining the powerful mega digimon. Daemon bowed to who or whatever he was talking to as it disappeared and he then turned around. "Beelzemon!" Daemon yelled, seconds later another mega digimon Beelzemon appeared. "You rang?" the mega digimon replied to Daemon. "It seems he is getting a little restless, a little angry and so am I. How is it that those children have manage to defeat 2 of our most powerful warriors, first they purify Duskmon turning him back into a human then they destroy BlackWarGreymon." Daemon yelled. "Good ridence to both of them. Who needs em, you and I are far more powerful than those fools, we never should have allowed them to rule the digi-world with us, we should have just saved it for ourselves." replied Beelzemon. "You're one to talk. You've barely been able to rule over the western sector. There are still places there were digimon live as if nothing has gone wrong. You are no more powerful than Duskmon or BkWarGreymon, I should destroy you this instant." yelled Daemon. "No no please, I am worthy of ruling beside you let me prove it, please." cried Beelzemon. "Alright one chance and one chance only. I have been informed by my spies that the digi-destined have recently arrived in your sector, go....see to it that they are destroyed once and for all." Daemon commanded.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]As the group got closer and closer to the town they could smell the fresh sent of what smelled like the richest chicken soup ever. Poromon looked to his right and saw what looked like a boy next to a purple digimon but he was to far away to tell. Poromon flew up to Mira. "Poromon what are you doing?" she asked as Poromon pointed to the spot where he saw the the boy and digimon but neither one was there. "What! Someone was there." said the tiny pink digimon. "I think all the fighting is getting." replied Mira as she picked up her tiny digimon and looked up tp see the rest of the tamers were a little ways ahead of her. "Cone on let's go." Minutes later tamers arrived into town were they saw that the smell came from a local diner, as they walked in they saw a digitama digimon running around the place taking orders. "That's Digitamamon." said Tsunomon from Zalina's arms. Another digimon walked up to the tamers, this one's lower body seemed to be composed of what looked like a moving cloud. "I am Tapirmon, I will be your host, and your waiter, then agian I'll be everything seeing as how I do everything. Please right this way." said Tapirmon as he lead the group to a large table were everyone had a seat. Seconds later Digitamamon and Tapirmon ran right into each other, they were both extremly angry about this. "You clutzy egg watch where your going!" "How dare you speak to me like that, I'm the one that keeps you here even though your the worst employee ever. You can't even manage to get me fresh water. How am I supposed to make my world famous chicken soup without fresh water? Where's the water, where's the water!" The digimon went back and forth. "You'd think they'd be more professional." said a nearby RedVeggiemon. "Jeez! Can I finish my order?" said a Sukamon at the next table. Mira couln't take it anymore. "Shhuuut up!" she yelled as the whole diner got quite. "Look your annoying bickering isn't gonna solve anything. I'll get your stinken fresh water." Mira stormed out of the restuarant with Poromon right behind her. "Want me to come with you?" said Skye with a confused look on her face. "No you and the others should just stay here eat and relax. Besides I could use the fresh air. Come on Poromon." Mira replied, Minutes later Mira and her digimon made their way to the river outside town where she procceded to fill it up. "Don't you think you went off a little bit much." said the tiny pink digimon. "No not as bad as Digitamamon and Tapirmon, I just hate meaning less arguing which is exactly what the was." said Mira as she moved deeper into the river which started to run very quickly. "Be careful or you'll..." the word's left Poromon's mouth as Mira fell into the river, the tiny digimon knew he had to do something to save her. "Poromon digivolve to......." he tried but for some reason he couldn't digivolve. Mira was quicky began washed down the now raging river, Poromon looked down in fear he didn't know what to do when all of a sudden he looked up to see Mira being rescued by a purple digimon and a boy the same 2 he had saw early.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Name: Yoshino Fujieda Age: 18 Gender: Female Username: Yoshino Appearance: [IMG]http://thedigiport.com/yoshino.gif[/IMG] Partner Digimon: [URL=http://thedigiport.com/screenshots/ep02/41.jpg]Raramon[/URL] (Nuts Shoot) Digivolutions: Champion: [URL=http://thedigiport.com/screenshots/ep02/42.jpg]Sunflowmon[/URL] (Sunshine Beam) Ultimate: Lillymon Mega: Rosemon[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]The shield had crumbled into dozens and dozens of tiny pieces, BKWarGreymon was visibly weak from battling which he thought to be strange seeing as how he was in the Dark Jungle where his powers should be doubled. The mega digimon looked to his far right to see Mira, Masaru, Zalina and Zephrymon gathered around a giant hovering figurine which looked like crystalized dark energy. "This is it. This is the source of dark energy which the evil digimon feed of off. If we destroy then the digimon will be able to defeat BKWarGreymon." said Mira. "Nooooooooo! I have to stop them" cried BKWarGreymon as he flew high into preparing to launch his attack "Terra Des...." before he could finish his attack he had been interruped by Silphymon and Sunflowmon who flew in front of him. "Astro Laser!", "Sunshine Beam!", Silphymon's bult buckle began spinning around as his body was charging with static energy, Sunflowmon's sunflower shaped head began glowing with powerful sunlight, the 2 digimon both tackled BKWarGreymon at once sending him hard to the ground. Meanwhile Zephrymon attacked the crystalized dark energy. "Hurricane Gale!" she cried as she launched her powerful gale of wind and plasma energy, even though her attack did some damage it wasn't enough to destroy it completly. Rampantmon and Livremon quickly walked over to help. "Diamond Eye!" roared Rampantmon when suddenly the red diamonds under his eyes began to glowing bright blue, 6 large diamond stones appeared, they flashed from blue to pink and pointed sharp ends toward the figurine of dark energy and shot at it quickly and effectively. The figurine was know cracked all over just one more attack would do it. "Plasma Vines!" yelled Livremon as several vines of plasma arose from the ground breaking through the remainder of the dark figurine destroying it completly. The dark energy of the figurine vanished and the tamers as well as their digimon turned their focus back to BKWarGreymon who was struugling to get back up to his feet. "Wolf Claw!" WereGarurumon slashed his right claw at the mega digimon's chest creating a huge gash on his armor. "Garuru Kick!" he then used his powerful kick to lauch BKWarGreymon into the sky. "Giga Blaster!" MetelGreymon launched his organic missiles toward the mega digimon as they explouded upon contact. When the smoke cleared the digi-destined didn't see BKWarGreymon nor did they see any bit's of data they were worried that because there was no data that he might still be alive but those worries faded, they knew that he was defeated once and for all because of the that rift began to appear in the sky. [URL=http://thedigiport.com/gods/2.jpg]Zhuqiaomon[/URL] the guardian digimon of the south appeared. The digi-destined where stunned at the size of the enormous pheonix digimon, their own digimon returned to their in-training forms and jumped in their arms. "Ouch!" yelled Jade as Sunflowmon's thorny in-training form [URL=http://thedigiport.com/05toei/badomon.gif]Badomon [/URL] jumped into her arms. "It feel's so good to be free and I owe it all to you digi-destined. If it weren't for the bravery of you and your digimon I would still be stuck in that awful prison Daemon put me in. I imagine that the power you were given by Azulongmon has been nearly depeted." said the gigantic mega digimon. "How do you know about that?" Mira asked. "I know all Mira. Here take this, my digi-cord will give your digiviced even more power to restore what was lost after your epic battle with BlackWarGreymon." replied Zhuqiaomon. The digivice as well as the digimon began to glow as they gained the power of the digi-cord. The in-training digimon giggled as they could already feel themselves getting stronger. "I wish there was more that I could do to help but I am still weak and must go now. Remember apart you are strong but together you are unstoppabled digi-destined." said Zhuqiaomon as he vanished into the sky. As he vanished the red energy surrounding him hit the dig-destined transporting them to another small forest. They peeked out of the forest to see a small town filled with various digimon. "He transported us to the Western Sector. This is the place least affected by the darkness so their are still digimon here although I see their aren't many." said Jade as the other tamers were all preoccupied with their stomachs wich seemed to be growling louder than Rampantmon. "Well let's go, I hope they have food. replied Mira.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]ooc: Yep the new season is really good so far I just wish Sunflowmon didn't have to get saved by GeoGreymon and I never realized how much profanity they used in the japanese version. ic: LadyDevimon knew that she couldn't defeat all of them but she wasn't going out without a fight. "Darkness Wave!" she yelled as she unleashed her dark blast of bats although it seemed weaker than when she last used it. "Plasma Vines!" yelled Livremon as the same vines of plasma she used earlier sprouted from the ground trapping LadyDevimon's legs, she was stuck and couln't escape her end was near. "Wolf Claw!" shouted WereGarurumon slashed both his toward LadyDevimon both her arms burst into dust but before any of the other digimon could finish he off a giant ball of energy hit her and she was destroyed. The digi-destined and their digimon were stunned at how easily the powerful attack destroyed LadyDevimon bursting her into tiny bits of data, they looked up to see BlackWarGreymon and they knew that this was it either they would be him or he would be them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Mira smiled as she finally saw the return of her digi-destined friend and her digimon. "I'm sure BKWarGreymon thought he defeated us but he was wrong because we are back together and stronger than ever. Silphymon Aaaattackk!" yelled Mira. "Astro Laser!" cried Silphymon as his belt buckle began twisting around violently creating powerful static energy, he pointed his arms toward his enemies and blasted his attack. The blast was powerful but hardly effective, all it had did was free them from the vines that held them captive. "You fool! In the Dark Forest our powers are doubled you will never defeat us alone." yelled SkullSatamon. "Then he won't do it alone." yelled Agumon. "Agumon Matrix Digivolve to MetelGreymon!" After only a few short seconds the rookie digimon had digivolved to ultimate. A cyborg dinosaur, wolf man, and a blue stipped dinosaur stood before their tamers. As Jade began to ready her digimon Skye walked over and gave her a mean look. "Take your Veggiemon wannabe and leave this to us. Execute Beast Spirit Evolution...Zephrymon!" after her smart remark Skye spirt evolved and joined the others. Silphymon, MetelGreymon, WereGarurumon, Rampantmon, Zephrymon, and Livremon agianst LadyDevimon, IceDevimon, and SkullSatamon who had double their normal strength, which group will win? ooc: I know IceDevimon is a Champion but in this situation I view him as kind of like Angemon and Devimon Champions but almost as strong as Ultimates. Oh and sorry bout all the Devimon's this will be my last time bringing them in.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]When Azari accompanied by his digimon returned Mira, Skye, Masaru, and Zalina stood up to see that he was with another girl who was carrying a strange looking plant type digimon in her hands. An angry look formed upon Skye's face it seemed she had some sort of history with this girl. "Hi everyone, I'm Jade...Skye. So you guy's are the digi-destined Azulongmon told me about. " said Jade. "Wait a second how do you know Azulongmon?" Mira asked. "That's not important what is is that he had a feeling about you guy's being here in the Dark Forest, and he was right. While planting his seed of light and hope to replenish the digi-world he found me and sent me here to find you guide you guy's out of here. If you haven't noticed this place is kind of like a maze, Azulongmon did some sort of magic mojo on me which allows me to make my way through the forest. said Jade, the gang stood still as it suddenly began to get very cold. "Oh no it's them." cried Jade's digimon Raramon. The tamers looked up to see 3 digimon floating above them. "SkullSatamon, LadyDevimon, and IceDevimon." cried Jade. "SkullSatamon! LadyDevimon! we defeated both of you." Mira yelled. "No you almost defeated us. You see the Dark Forest replinshed our powers and being that it also gives us power boosts we will exact our revenge on you digi-destined. On behalf of the great Daemon you will be destroyed." explained LadyDevimon. "That's what you think, we're alot stronger to. Digivolve to ultimate Hawkmon." yelled Mira. "What! Your digimon can digivolve to ultimate? Look we don't have time to fight we have to leave." cried Jade. "No. We stand and fight, we're the only ones that can stand up against the darkness besides we have to wait for our friend Zuri to return. Hawkmon digivolve now!" yelled Mira as she pointed her digivice toward her digimon. "Hawkmon Matrix Digivolve to...Silphymon!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]ooc: Ya know they never did explain the whole digi-vice tracking thing that well. "Wait a minute, you said Warumonzaemon attacked but he is an ultimate, how were you able to defeat him?" asked Mira. "Garurumon digivolved to WereGarurumon. I don't know how it happend really but all of a sudden my digivice began to glow and gave him even more power enabling him to digivolve." Zalina explained. Mira, Azari, and Masaru all had the same expression of suprise on their faces because their digimon gained the ability to digivolve to ultimate as well. "Really he digivolve to ultimate so did Aquilamon. He was fighting this digimon called SkullSatamon and getting beaten rather badly, when my digivice also started glowing giving him strength to digivolve to Sylphymon."[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]While walking through the Dark Jungle Hawkmon began explaining it's strange powers to his tamer. "From what I have this is a sort of shrine or dark base to the forces of darkness. Evil digimon are at there strongest, they feed off the negative energies here." Hawkmon explained. "We have to hurry and find the others and get out of this place before even more evil digimon start attacking us. If this place can double their powers then you or the other digimon might not be able to hold them off." Mira replied. Her digivice then began to beep loudly, she held it up and saw 3 dots. She then remembered that the digivice have the power to track other digivices. She follwed the 2 blinking lights and saw Masaru, Agumon, and Skye.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]ooc: Gosh the digivolving scence for the new season are great. ic: As Mira and Hawkmon continued walking through the strange forest they were in the bird like digimon began explaining it. "Legend tells of a place that acts sort of like a shrine or home base to the powers of darkness that place is the Dark Jungle and we are in it. Which is why we must be extremly careful because these powers are not to be taken likely." said Hawkmon. "Well then we don't have time to sit and chat we have to find the others and get out of here and continue on our journey so we can end this once and for all to save the digital world." replied Mira. Meanwhile, Skye awoke suddenly to see that she was all alone in a dark cave, she was terrified because she is caustrophobic (ooc:sorry if i spelled it wrong) and has been ever since she was a little girl. She was horrified that she found herself in a small dark cave all alone but she knew that she had to face her fear and be brave because the others were counting on her, she wasn't going to let her friends down. "Okay I can do this, I can do this, I can do..." Skye stopped speaking and stopped walking at the same time as she heard a laugh that made her even more afraid. "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm no..." Skye was interupted by the strange voice. "You should be little girl. Skye followed the sound of the voice to find the reptile digimon [URL=http://thedigiport.com/new_dex_pics/chamelemon2.gif]Chamelemon[/URL]. Skye recognized him as an Champion/Armor digimon. "Suddenly I'm not so afriad anymore, I can take you. Execute Spirit Evolution...Kazemon!" within seconds Skye lost her fear and spirit evolved, she was not going to be beaten like she was last time by BKWargreymon. "[URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Gallery/image.php?twg_album=Kazemon&twg_type=small&twg_show=568.jpg&twg_rot=-1]Love Tap![/URL]" Kazemon rammed her butt into the reptile digimon but his strong skin protected him. "[URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Gallery/image.php?twg_album=Kazemon&twg_show=600.jpg]Hurricane Wave[/URL]!" the fairy like digimon then launched another attack but this time it was a powerful wave of wind which she controlled at the finger tips but Chamelemon was unaffected his armor protected him from the powerful wave of wind. "Tongue Lashing!" He cried as he unleased his incredibly long tongue and wrapped it around Kazemon he then used it to [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Gallery/image.php?twg_album=Kazemon&twg_show=581.jpg]slam her to the ground[/URL]. She wasn't strong enough to break lose from the grip of his powerful tongue. "I have to step it up a notch. Slide Evolution...Zephyrmon!" After slide evolving to her [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Gallery/image.php?twg_album=Zephyrmon&twg_show=001.jpg]beast form[/URL] she easily broke free from the reptile's grip. "You put up a good fight but not as good as me, [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Gallery/image.php?twg_album=Zephyrmon&twg_show=008.jpg]Hurricane Gale[/URL]!" the beautiful digimon let loose her powerful gale of wind and plasma digimon which Chamelemon was no match for as he quickly turned to data. "Now to find my friends." she said as she quickly flew, trying to find and exit to the cave.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]"Aquilamon!" yelled Mira to her fallen digimon. She picked up a heavy rock off the ground and threw it at SkullSatamon hitting him in the head. "I'm not afraid of you, well maybe I'm scared a little of your face, SkullSatamon you are the ugliest digimon I've ever seen." after Mira finally overcame her fears and stood up to SkullSatamon the power she was given to by Azulongmon was activated and her digivice began to glow as did Aquilamon. "Aquilamon digivolve to...[URL=http://thedigiport.com/02Gallery/sylphimon.jpg]Silphymon[/URL]!" Although he was smaller in size Mira could tell that Aquilamon's ultimate form is a power not to be messed with. The bird man digimon sprang into action. "If you think digivolution can save you think agian, Nail Bone!" SkullSatamon tried to hit Silphymon with his powerful dark staff but he was to quick, Silphymon dodged the attack punching SkullSatamon square in the jaw. The dark digimon fell hard to the ground. "Static Force!" Silphymon gathered powerful static energy focusing it into a ball in between both of his hands, he threw it toward SkullSatamon causing a huge explosion. After Silphymon's attack the cave began to cave in even more, before even speaking to each other Silphymon grabbed his tamer and began to fly out of the cave, they didn't even see if SkullSatamon had been defeated. After a few seconds they made it out of the cave and Silphymon put Mira donw as she continued to gaze at the newly digivolved ultimate digimon. "You are amazing Silph...." before she could finish her sentence Silphymon had dedigivolved back to Hawkmon.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]ooc: A friend of mine from another forum who also loves digimon has been reading this rpg and she loves it so she has decided to join in, she'll be posting later on and I'm so excited cause she is going to be using one of the digimon from the new season. ic: When Mira finally woke up she opened her eyes to see that she was in a cold dark cave, she looked around to see that none of the other tamers were around her when suddenly she felt something soft touch her neck. "AHHHHH!" she screamed as she jumped up with both her fists in the air to see that it was just Hawkmon with a confused glare upon his face. Mira quickly lowerd her fists and acted like nothing was wrong as she continued to look around and see nothing but darkness. "I don't suppose you know where we are Hawkmon." she said to her bird like partner. "You're right I don't know where we are." he replied. "Look lets just see if we can find away out of here because this is bringing up alot of bad memories. "If your talking about about what happened to Vince and the others then you can't think like that they knew the consequences of fighting Daemon, and they excepted that that's what they had to do..." Mira cut Hawkmon of, "Hawkmon just stop, I've come to terms with that and I realize they did what they had to do. Lets just find away out of here." Mira replied as she started walking, looking for away out of the dark cave they had found themselves in. "What other bad memories could you have." Hawkmon asked as he stuggled to keep up with his tamer. "Just drop it." Mira yelled at her digimon who stoped and stared at her with a sad look on his face. I'm sorry Hawkmon, I didn't mean to snap at you like that it's just.....Well before I meet you I had another digimon. It all started when I came to the digi-world for the first time. My digimon was Patamon and the group that I trained with consisted of the biggest a**hole I've ever met and his girlfriend whose digimon where Growlmon and Kyuubimon. I was really young and they pushed Patamon and I around and treated us horribly because I couldn't make Patamon digivolve to the mighty Angemon. While we were all training in a dark cave much like this much like this one we were attacked by Devimon. The other 2 members of my group left Patamon and I there alone and Patamon was no match against Devimon. After Devimon defeated Patamon the only thing left was a digi-egg but as I tried to take it Devimon attacked me. Thats when Vince and the others saved me but the cave began to cave in so there was no way for me to get Patamon's digi-egg." Hawkmon was speechless to hear what happened to Mira before he had met her, as he tried to console her the ground began to shake violently. He and Mira looked up to see a creepy but powerful looking digimon. "That's [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/SkullSatamon2.gif]SkullSatamon[/URL]!" cried Hawkmon. As the creepy digimon flew up into the air and prepared to attack. "Nail Bone!" it cried. "Hawkmon digivolve to... Aquilamon!", within seconds Hawkmon had transformed into his champion form and started to attack. "Grand Horn!" the 2 attacks met head on but Aquilamo was no match for the ultimate digimon and fell hard to the ground causing the cave to shake agian but this time rocks began falling from the top of the cave, Mira realized that it was caving in. "No this can't happen agian." she thought.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. Rei

    [adult swim]

    I love the Boondocks it is the funniest show on tv right now for me I can't believe they get away with saying some of the things they say.
  24. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]As the gang enjoyed a peaceful sleep in the Burgemon village they were all awakened by the sounds of screaming and fire crackling. "Can't we ever catch a break?" said Mira as she tried to wake herself up fully. She and the other tamers went outside to see the entire village being burned to the ground by 3 digimon covered in dark flames and the dozens of Burgemon were helpless to do anything about it. "We are [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied3/images/DarkRizamon.gif]DarkFlarizamon[/URL] the servants of the all powerful BlackWarGreymon, our master will be most pleased when we bring him your data. Dark Flare!" said the leader of the DarkFlarizamon as he and the others continued to burn the village down. Hawkmon, Rreikmon, and Gabumon prepared to digivolve when Skye jumped in front of them. "Please allow me, you guys make sure every one gets to saftey." Skye insisted to the 3 rookie digimon as they got everyone else to saftey. "What's this a little girl wants to take the 3 of us on all by herself." said one of the DarkFlarizamon in a sarcastic voice. "You have no idea. Execute...Spirt Evolution...Kazemon!" [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/Kazemon/Images/kazemon-s1.jpg]Kazemon stood there in the mist of all the flames[/URL] as if she were waiting for the DarkFlarizamon to make the first move. "Dark Flare!" Each of the fire covered champion level digimon launched their attack, Kazemon dodged them with ease then went into a [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Gallery/image.php?twg_album=Kazemon&twg_show=201.jpg]kicking frenzy[/URL]. Mira, Azari, Zalina, Zuri, and Masaru helped the Burgemon to escape with the help of their digimon. "Bubble Blow!" yelled Koromon as he shot his bubble attack at a piece of falling wood to protect Masaru as he helped the Burgemon. "Oh no." cried Mira to Hawkmon. "That a Burgemon is stuck underneath that burning hut." Hawkmon flew into action. "Feather Strike!" the bird like digimon threw the feather on top of his head toward the burning wood that lay on top of Burgemon shattering it. "Dark Flare!" DarkFlarizamon once agian launched their attacks toward Kazemon. "Hurricane Wave!" The attacks met head on and were evenly matched, Kazemon fell to hands and started twirling toward the DarkFlarizamon. "Tempest Twist!" Kazemon's wind powered kicks tore through the 3 DarkFlarizamon like paper as each of their data exploded. "Azulongmon's power must have made the digimon stronger even in their current forms." Mira noted. "No, look at the destruction they caused to your village, theres nothing left." said Mira to the Burgemon that were now left homeless as the tiny rookie and champion digimon grouped together and took in what just happened. When suddenly..."Terra Destroyer!" A gigantic ball of energy fell onto the Burgemon when the explosion cleared the only thing remaining was data lots and lots of data. The digidestined where speechless as they looked up to see BlackWarGreymon. "You monster!" Mira yelled as she was the first to react to what she saw. "Tempest Twist!" Kazemon attack the mega digimon but he simply ducked to avoid her attack which then turned into another attack as she hit him with her butt (ooc: lol). "[URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/Kazemon/Images/love-tap.jpg]Love Tap[/URL]!" the attack had no affect what so ever, Kazemon let forth another furry of fast kicks which BlackWarGreymon doged effortlessly, he then slowly pulled back his claw as to strike the fairy digimon but she was tackled to the ground before he had a chance to strike. "Are you crazy? You're going to get yourself killed, you can't take him on alone." yelled Zalina to Kazemon as she dedigivolved back to Skye. Hawkmon, Rreikmon, Gabumon, and Koromon lept into action. "Hawkmon digivolve to...Aquilamon...Blast Rings!" "Rreikmon digivolve to...Rylonamon...Tiger Eye!" "Gabumon digivolve to...Garurumon...Howling Blaster!" "Koromon digivolve to...Agumon...Pepper Breath!" The force of the 4 attacks together created a powerful blast which hit BlackWarGremon directly exploding into smoke which then cleared to show that he was unafftected. "Black Tornado!" BKWarGreymon created a powerful black twisted with his body and attacked Aquilamon, Rylonamon, and Garurumon causing them to dedigivolve back to there rookie forms. There was nothing they could do that could defeat the mega digimon. "If only they could digivolve to ultimate we might stand a chance." said Mira. "Terra Destroyer!" this time BKWarGreymon's attack hit the ground shattering it causing all of the tamers and their digimon to fall down into what seemed like a never ending pit. ooc: whew! From this point on we will be seperated for a while. We will awaken with only our digimon in a place of total darkness like a deep cave. This is where our digimon will learn to digivolve to ultimate. Take this time to kind of develop your character a bit more you know how everytime a digimon digivolves the episode is usually all about their tamers, like that. Stumble upon any ultimate digimon of your choice and do your stuff, after defeating the digimon you will be transported to a place your digimon will recognice as the Dark Jungle, this is where we will all meet up agian.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]As time passed and the group of tamers got more hungry and more tired. It seemed like that had been walking for an eternity Mira looked in her bag which she usually kept packed with food but it was empty. She remembered that all the food she had was gone and she had nothing to offer to Hawkmon or the other tamers because she was sure that they were as hungry if not more than she was. The group continued onward and onward and onward until out of nowhere a tiny digimon fell out of a tree. Zalina rushed over to help the tiny little digimon up as Mira used her d-terminal to look him up. "[URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied2/images/Burgemon.jpg]Burgemon[/URL], rookie level." Mira read of the d-terminal. "Are you lost?" said Zalina to the small rookie digimon but before she could even get the words out of her mouth he burst into tears. The group didn't know what to do as Burgemon continued to cry. Seconds later 2 more digimon appeared, they ran up to Zalina nearly knocking her down to take back the rookie digimon who couldn't stop crying. Mira once agian pulled out her d-terminal. "[URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied2/images/BurgemonAdult.jpg]Burgemon[/URL], champion level." The female Burgemon jumped up onto Zalina and gave her a great big hug. "You saved my baby, thank you so much. How can I ever repay you? Oh I know you can be our guests at the Burgemon village, where you can enjoy our scrumpsious hamburgers." she said with a heavy southern accent. Suddenly the eyes of the tamers and there digimon lite as they all followed the 3 burger like digimon to their small village. As they entered the village Masaru looked down at his digi-egg which began shaking violently, he got worried. After a few seconds later it cracked open and out came a tiny black digimon, [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied2/images/Botamon.gif]Botamon[/URL].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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