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Everything posted by Rei

  1. [I]The members of the X-Men have been confined to the danger room in order to train for the possible battle of their lives. Each X-Men member is faced off against a dangerous obstacle they must overcome to reach the red flag at the top of a high mountain. The X-Men must get to the flag while fighting man sized sentinels and other dangerous things. The key to success teamwork.[/I] Cyclops: We can do this we just have to work as a team.
  2. Well first the RPG will be up in about five min, second below is my sign up for the second character I have decided to play a minor character, third if anyone still want's to sign up for this RPG then you may at anytime and to all of you that have signed up we will all play as the other characters of X-Men Evolution when needed until someone sign's up as them. Name: Tabitha Smith Mutant Name: According to various websites her name is Meltdown but here she will have the same name as she does on the show Boom Boom. Mutant Abilities: generate plasmoids of explosive energy which she can psionically detonate on a delayed time cycle.
  3. Of Course you can still play as your sign up Iceman Schratn9 and maybe I should edit out that stuff about heat because on the show she's 18 and her powers haven't grown to the point were they can create heat but she can create protective shields it's seen in the show. So right now her only abilties are reading minds, levitating herself and other objects ,and protective sheilds. Gee in the future her powers sure do grow a lot compared to this.
  4. Lopmon: Ready Paige? Paige: Lets do it Lopmon: LOPMON BIOMERGE TO...... Kerpymon: KERPYMON! Kerpymon: Oh hi Hybinmon
  5. Lopmon: We've done it before. Paige: It was the best thing ever. We totally creamed that digimon Grankuwagamon. Lopmon: Why Piximon what's wrong?
  6. Yeah he is on the show and he is around 14 or 15.
  7. [I]Using her great sight Antylamon saw the digital portal from yards away, she looked over and stopped.[/I] Antylamon: Dougmon? Paige: Huh? [I]Antylamon saw Dougmon and his tamer being sucked into some kind of black hole. Antylamon tried to rush over and help it but was to late Dougmon and his tamer had disappered along with the black hole.[/I] Antylamon: No Dougmon Paige: We've got to help them. Antylamon: We can't alone we have to get threw the portal so that the other digimon can help us. [I]Paige and Antylamon went threw the portal, as Antylamon did she dedigivolved back to Lopmon.[/I]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ss2Serren [/i] [B]Short Bio: He is the son of Piotr Rasputin better knew as Colossus. He mostly never knew his father he stayed with his mother all his life. After his mother death Professor X later found him and bong him into his school. [/B][/QUOTE] You might as well just sign up as Colossus because he is on the show now at I would say at least 17 to 21 and there is no way he can have a son as old as your sign up Adam.
  9. Rei


    [i]As Piper sat and watched the battle she took out her pokeballs and started to stare at them thinking of different ways to win. Then the referee hit a bell and the match was over and a winner was declared[/i] Piper: Huh
  10. In the future the mystic fire bire the Pheonix awakens once again. As it wonders through space a group of evil mutants use there terribly powerful abilities and Technoligy to divide the Pheonix in two. The good Pheonix and the evil Pheonix. The evil mutants created a portal to the past and send the evil Pheonix through. The evil Pheonix is not through the portal yet because the portal has to be unlocked from the past and future. The key to unlocking the portal in the past is like a puzzle you must find all three pieces to the puzzle. Professor X has had a terrible vision of this future event, in this vision he also sees that a mutant named Hakx is searching for the three pieces to the key. Professor X has sent the X-Men to prevent Hakx from getting the key so that he can't succeed in unleashing the evil Pheonix. The X-Men must also fight in their war agianst the human race are making sentinels by the dozen. That's all I can say for now. You must can choose mutants from X-Men Evolution, the brotherhood, or made up mutants. If your mutant is from the show you don't have to add a bio, personality,or apperence unless you want to change something. Sign Up Name: Mutant Name: Mutant Abilities: Short Bio: Personality: Apperence: Here is my Sign Up Name: Jean Grey Mutant Abilities: [QUOTE]Dual psionic potential gives her telepathic abilities to sense, broadcast and detect thought patterns, and telekinetic abilities to levitate herself or other objects, propel or manipulate them however she wishes, protective shields [/QUOTE] Enjoy!
  11. Rei


    [i]Piper had decided to challenge Blaise and of course the gym leader so she sat very silently as she observed their battling styles so that she could construct the perfect strategy for each of them.[/i] Piper: I can't wait to battle them.
  12. [I]Antylamon and Paige were trapped, dozens of Kuwagamon and Okuwamon were surrounding them from all directions.[/I] Paige: Antylamon what do we do? Antylamon: Just stay back and leave every thing to me. Kuwagamon/Okuwamon: Scissor Claw/Double Scissor Claw [I]Two of the bug digimon tried to attack Antylamon.[/I] Antylamon: Bunny Blades! [I]Antylamon's hands became glowing blades she then attacked both of the insectoid digimon. The two blades emitted blades of light just like she did when she was Turuiemon except these two were much more stronger. The blades of light cut through Kuwagamon and Okuwamon like a hot knife through butter and they burst into energy. Antylamon began hacking away on the other Kuwagamon and Okuwamon with her glowing blades until not a single one was left.[/I] Paige: Gee Antylamon that was great. Antylamon: Thanks! Come on. [I]Paige climbed on Antylamon's head and they were off.[/I]
  13. I caught a silver Krabby that is slight stronger than the other Krabby I caught I was catching so many Krabby because I was trying to find a different color one.
  14. Rei


    Piper: Well I don't exactly know Blaise but I have heard of him I would love to battle him his Charmander vs my Charmander. Kitty: Blaise's Charmander is tough. Piper: So is mine.
  15. Rei


    Well I think not since Krillen isn't bald anymore and for the time that he was bald they never showed this Krilloku.
  16. I like it though it is a bit confusing. Does anyone know about how the monsters in this game instead of having attack and defense points now have 3 things?
  17. Rei


    Piper: Well there's a gift shop right the corner, and is your friend battling the leader of this gym? If so point me in he direction because I will be the next to battle.
  18. Rei


    [i]Piper and Ari arrived at the pokemon gym.[/i] Piper: Hello is anybody here? [i]The two girls looked around to see if anyone was there.[/i]
  19. [I]Lopmon still searching for her partner looks down from the sky and sees a girl on her knees about to be beaten by 3 Octomon.[/I] Lopmon: Paige? [I]One of the Octomon's blaster was about to fire at Paige.[/I] Octomon: Spurting In..... Lopmon: Tiny Twister! [I]Lopmon interrupts Octomon and swirls him up in her twister. The girl looks up as she realizes her partner has found her. The other two Octomon get angry and attack Lopmon.[/I] Octomon: Do you have a deathwish? Spurting Ink! [I]The first Spurting Ink hits Lopmon stoping the twister and the second one knocks her into a wall.[/I] Paige: Lopmon! [I]Lopmon slowly stands up covered in ink begins to glow.[/I] Lopmon: Lopmon Digivolve to...... Turuiemon: Turuiemon! It's you who has the deathwish If you are attacking me or my partner. You ok Paig..... [I]Turuiemon is interrupted with a sneak attack from an Octomon, she is knocked to the ground.[/I] Turuiemon: Well that was very rude. Lightning Kung-Fu! [i]Turuiemon pounded on the Octomon that hit her with a series of Kung-Fu moves so fast you could barely see it. The other two charged at Turuiemon with their pirate swords.[/i] Turuiemon: Gauntlet Claw! [i]The razors on Turuiemon's gloves unfolded an started to glow. Turuiemon threw the energy from the razors(like Snimon's attack except it was white energy), the energy razors sliced two Octomon in half then they burst into data.[/i] Paige: I can't believe you're here Turuiemon. Turuiemon: Come on Paige we have to go now.
  20. Not if you are and upper level demon and all the demons that sign up here are. Is anyone else going to sign up for this rpg? Here's my information. Name: Prue Reincarnated from: Prue Halliwell Age: 25 Race: Witch Powers: Telekinesis, Astral Projection(be in two places at once, when using this power your real body is unconcious), Earthquake Energy Balls(energy balls with the power of small earthquakes like being hit with super strength) Personality: Prue is very stubborn and her hate for the Source blinds her beyond words. She has a very good sence of judgement.
  21. Rei


    Piper: Thanks I guess so I'll either win or lose but I will try my best. [i]Ari and Piper head to the pokemon center.[/i]
  22. Rei


    [I]As Vulpix started to use Flamethrower Scyther used double team. The Flametrower went right through an illusion and the real Scyther used Fury attack, Vulpix had fainted. [/I] Piper: Vulpix I'm so sorry I should have known not to face you off against such a high level pokemon return. [I]Piper pulled out her next pokeball.[/I] Piper: Ok go Poliwhirl! Poliwhirl: Poli [I]Scyther began to use Fury Attack agian.[/I] Piper: Counter with Water Gun [I]Poliwhirl's Water Gun blasted Scyther across the ground. It got back up and began to use Fury Cutter.[/I] Piper: Stop it in it's tracks Poliwhirl use Hypnosis then use Double Slap. Poliwhirl: Poliwhirl(here goes) [I]The Hypnosis worked. Poliwhirl used Double Slap.[/I] Piper: Alright :ball: go! [I]The pokeball moved 3 times and then became still.[/I] Piper: Yay Poliwhirl you did it! Poliwhirl: Poliwhirl Poli(Yay for me) Piper: That makes 5 pokemon baby.:D
  23. Rei


    [I]Paige woke up to find herself tied to a cross. All she could see was pure darkness unable to use her powers.[/I] Paige: Hello is anyone there? [I]Paige heard nothing but her echo.[/I] ???: Destroy her. [I]A voice said from far away. Within a few minutes Paige began to hear foot steps getting closer and closer she opened her eyes and saw a glowing mutant in front of her.[/I] [I]The mutant held his glowing hand out at Paige.[/I] Paige: Somebody Help.....
  24. Lopmon: There you are Elecmon, could you watch the village and the baby and in training digimon? I have to go for a while. Elecmon: Sure but why... Lopmon: My Partner Paige didn't meet me like she usually does and I am going to find out whats going on. [I]Lopmon jumped into the wind and was of through the air her big ears spread out as far as they could go. After flying for a few moments she looked down and saw Noticemon.[/I] Noticemon: Ah right on time. [I]Noticemon flew in front of Lopmon.[/I] Noticemon: Hi there Lopmon I'm Noticemon. Lopmon: Hello what do you want? Noticemon: It's not what I want it's what Piximon wants am here take you to Piximon. Lopmon: What for? Noticemon: You'll see lets go. [I]Noticemon and Lopmon flew through the air side by side untill they came across a castle. Which they went into.[/I]
  25. Rei


    Piper: Uh yeah Vulpix Flamethrower now!!! Ari: There you go! Vulpix: Vulpix (here we go) Scyther: Scy(Hehe)
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