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Is it The Score?
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Mira looked to see Zuri as her digimon's data burst and slowly formed into a digi-egg which floated into her hands. After seeing 2 people loose their digimon Mira looked for words that could make them feel better but she couldn't find any, she looked to her own digimon who had know dedigivolved back to his in-training stage Poromon and couldn't imagine what she would do if she lost him. Mira looked over at Duskmon who was still lying on the ground unconcious after being defeated and felt her anger for him grow deeper and stronger when suddenly she heard a powerful sound of thunder in the sky. It wasn't heard by just Mira because the other tamers looked up to see what it was as well and they saw what looked like a rift being formed in the sky. An enormous blue digimon appeared whose body seemed to go on for miles, Mira was stunned at the size of this gigantic beast. "Thank you, thank you my friends for freeing me from my prison. I am [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied/images/Azulongmon2.jpg]Azulongmon[/URL] guardian of the eastern sector of the digital world. The computer virus that caused the existence of Milliniummon drained my power along with the other harmonious ones [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied2/images/Baihumon.jpg]Baihumon[/URL], [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied3/images/Ebonwumon.jpg]Ebonwumon[/URL], and [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/Zhuqiaomon.gif]Zhuqiaomon [/URL] making us extremely vulnerable when Daemon, Blackwargreymon, Beelzemon, and Duskmon overthrew us and sent us into imprisonment. But thanks to you the mighty digidestined I am free."Azulongmon explained. "What exactly are digidestined? I remember them saying something about them in that old digimon show but I didn't think about it until I heard Duskmon call us that earlier." asked Mira. "There is an ancient legend that when the digital world is deep in despair a group of human children will arise with special powers that allow digimon to digivolve to the point that they are strong enough to defeat the darkness and you, you are those children." Replied the gigantic mega digimon. "We can't be the digidestined we can't even get our digimon to digivolve past champion without digi-templetes which we can't get while the computer system in the real world is down." Mira said to Azulongmon. "I figured that was why your digimon could digivolve to ultimate. Well in that case I have a gift for you, quickly Everyone hold up your digivices." Azulongmon commanded. The 6 digidestined held up their digivices as they began to glow brighter than they had ever seen and 1 of the 12 digi cores surrounding Azulongmon exploded, after it did it's powerful energy divided into 6 seperated beams which flew into each of the 6 digivices. "Ploymon digivolve to...Rreikmon" "[URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/Tsunomon.gif]Tsunomon[/URL] digivolve to...Gabuomon" "[URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied6/images/Poromon.gif]Poromon[/URL] digivolve to...Hawkmon" Azari, Zalina, and Mira were amazed at how their digimon already had the strength to digivolve to their rookie forms."The power of my digi core will allow your digimon to digivolve past the champion level and you Skye you are different than the rest because you can become a digimon youself and this new power will allow you to digivolve into an even more powerful digimon very soon, of course your digimon don't know how to use this new power yet but the power is now within them. I must go now, I am still weak and must replenish my energy go go to the south and defeat Blackwargreymon to free Zhuqiaomon you must hurry.....Oh you Duskmon I almost forgot you were their, how I pity you, corrupted by the dark powers of Daemon I hope I have enough strength to free you Aurora Force!" A powerful white energy hit Duskmon turning his corrupted [URL=http://thedigiport.com/04spirits/11.gif]human[/URL] and [URL=http://thedigiport.com/04spirits/12.gif]beast[/URL] spirits to the true [URL=http://thedigiport.com/04spirits/L.gif]human[/URL] and [URL=http://thedigiport.com/04spirits/K.gif]beast[/URL] spirits of darkness, after the light disappeared a teenage boy was lying in Duskmons place and a digivice like Skye's appeared nest to him only his was [URL=http://thedigiport.com/04d-6.gif]black[/URL]. As Azulongmon left the tamers looked to the young boy lying on the ground and were shocked that Duskmon was another human all along. "Kevin is that you?" said Skye as he slowly got up. Skye had recognized him because like her he was also a child of one of the scientists who helped create the digital world. As Skye moved closer her grabbed his digivice off the ground and began to run away from the group. "Just stay awy from me!" he sreamed to everyone. "Wait!" sreamed Skye as she began to follow Kevin but Mira grabbed her. "Look if he doesn't want to help us then you can't force him, he'll come around in his own time but we have more important things to worry about like freeing the other 3 guardians." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Yep its coming out on August 25 and they already have a trailer for it. [URL=http://video.craveonline.com/video/comingsoon/?showVideo=1665&statsid=26&pid=1]DOA trailer[/URL] (just wait till commercial is over.)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]ooc: I've decided on a new way to get our digimon to digivolve past champion because originally I was going to have us search for the digi-templetes by searching for them but I figure that will take to long so I've found a new way that will be revealed after we defeat Duskmon. "Giga Blaster" yelled the MetalGreymon as he shot his powerful attack toward the other ultimate digimon Mephismon destroying him instantly. The MetalGreymon was a newly digivolved Ultimate and still new to it so he could not sustain his energy that long after attacking 2 digimon then he fell to one knee. Suddenly Velgemon appeared and this time he was alone. "Dark Obliteration" yelled Velgemon as he shot 3 beams of dark energy at the weakened MetalGreymon who then fell to the ground. "Execute Slide Evolution...[URL=http://www.thedigiport.com/dex/duskmon.jpg]Duskmon[/URL]" After he had become Duskmon agian he put all 7 of the eyes around his body on MetalGreymon. "Deadly Gaze!" yelled Duskmon as each of the 7 eyes blasted powerful blood shot red beams of darkness toward the halg machine half dinosaur digimon. The blast was so powerful that MetalGreymon's data burst as if he were dead. As Duskmon stood over the data using his skull like hand to absorb it Duskmon was suddenly struck down to the ground. "Aquilamon!" yelled Mira after her digimon used his Grand Horn attack to knock Duskmon to the ground. The little bit of MetalGreymon's data that remained was then turned into a digi-egg which floated to Masaru as he stood their speechless. Skye looked toward Duskmon with an angry look on her face "No we won't let you get away with this. It's time to put my game face on. Execute Beast Spirit Evolution......Zephyrmon" after Skye became Zephyrmon she Aquilamon, Rylonamon, and Garurumon all surrounded Duskmon they were not going to let him escape this time.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]ooc: I think you're right Frankie I should pm the other players because I have so many ideas about what to do with this rpg and I don't want it to die either. Also my brother decided to join because he's trying to get back into digimon before the new season starts so he'll post when I'm done. "She needs help Hawkmon digivolve." cried Mira as she watched Rylonamon take on the evil digimon alone. Hawkmon flew into the sky and within seconds became Aquilamon, as he flew higher 2 of the Devidramon followed him but the other 1 continued to move closer toward the tamers. "I'll take care of him you guy's run for it." yelled Skye as she pulled out her digivice but the others didn't budge. "Execute Spirit Evolution...Kazemon." The beautiful fairy-like digimon flew into action as she took on Devidramon. "[URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/Kazemon/Images/love-tap.jpg]Love Tap![/URL]" cried Kazemon as she rammed her butt into Devidramon trying to infatuate Devidramon but it didn't work. "Crimson Claw!" yelled Devidramon but Kazemon was to fast and quickly doged the attack. "[URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/Kazemon/Images/tempest-twist.jpg]Tempest Twist![/URL]" Kazemon stood upside down then twirled her legs around and around using the power of the wind to create powerful kicks which she used to attack Devidramon. "Crimson Claw!" the attacks met head to head but as strong as she was Kazemon was no match for Devidramon, [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Gallery/image.php?twg_album=Kazemon&twg_show=098.jpg]she fell to the ground [/URL] and then dedigivolved back to [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Gallery/image.php?twg_album=Kazemon&twg_show=098.jpg]Skye[/URL]. Mira and Azari looked to their digimon who were still fighting of two digimon each when suddenly the gang felt the ground shaking, they looked up to see a giant dinosaur-like digimon that they all recognize because he is one of the most well know digimon [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/Greymon.gif]Greymon[/URL]. "Nova Blast!" cried Greymon as he attacked the Devidramon that had just beatin Kazemon. Devidramon's entire body caught on fire as his data burst into nothingness. The gang looked over to see another tamer but he was bit older than them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]As Trailmon entered the eastern sector Skye turned to the tamers to explain what they were about to face. "Okay you guys get ready, unlike every other evil digimon Duskmon works by him self himself he doesn't have any digimon followers..." Suddenly a big explosion occurred and Trailmon was knocked of his tracks, all the tamers and digimon were thrown from the Trailmon except Azari who was struggling to get out. "Azari!" cried Rraikmon as he began to run over and help him. "Wait, your arms aren't long enough to reach him let me." said Mira as she reached inside Trailmon who laid their motionless and slowly pulled Azari out. When she finally got him out and they fell to the ground they looked up to see 3 flying digimon one with Duskmon on it's head. Mira used her d-terminal to look them up. "[URL=http://thedigiport.com/dex/devidramon.gif]Devidramon[/URL] champion level." she read of it. As the other 3 tamers began to run over they heard something behind them and as they turned around they saw 2 more digimon but they looke like spiders, Skye used her d-terminal to look them up. " [URL=http://thedigiport.com/dex/dokugumon.jpg]Dokugamon[/URL] also champion level." she read, as they continued to run toward Mira and Azari, they were surrounded. "Didn't you say he worked alone." said Mira to Skye who replied "Well things can change can't they?" Duskmon jumped down off Devidramon and walk toward the tamers. "So if you are the digidestined why do you look so pathetic? I can't believe that your the best this miserable worl has to offer and to think that you actually hve the strength to defeat me.... Well if you want me you'll have to get past them. Execute Slide Evolution....[URL=http://www.thedigiport.com/dex/velgemon.jpg]Velgmon[/URL]" In his new form Duskmon took to the sky as his 5 minions moved closer toward the tamers when suddenly their digivices began to glow.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]After the tamers rested for a little while befire they started on their journey toward the eastern sector and finally had a proper introduction with Zuri they began to wonder how they would actually go about how they were going to get there. "Ok how exactly are we going to get to the eastern sector, even if our digimon could get us there the digi-world is as big as the real one it could take days if not weeks for us to get to Duskmon's domain." said Mira as she looked to the digimon who had now all gone back to their rookie stages. "Don't you think I've already thought of that?" replied Skye. "Follow me." said Skye as she lead everyone out of the forest that they were in to see on the ground what looked like train tracks, she then whistled as hard as she could and what looked like a yellow train appeared. "We'll take [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/TrailmonKettle.jpg]Trailmon[/URL]." The tamers and their digimon quickly climbed aboard the train like digimon and he was off, faster than any of them expected. Meanwhile... "I knew it, I knew there were more of them." said a cold dark voice coming from a digimon looking at a screen which showed the tamers as they were riding on Trailmon. "Relax. They're headed to my domain, I'll take cared of them Daemon." Another digimon said as he walked up behind Daemon. "Execute...Slide Evolution...[URL=http://www.thedigiport.com/dex/velgemon.jpg]Velgemon[/URL]" The digimon was Duskmon but he had digivolved into another and took to the sky, soon after another digimon entered the room. "What damage isthat pathetic digimon going to do to those kids. He's not even a mega like us." said the digimon. "Well I guess we'll see won't we Blackwargreymon.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Isn't it Heathers?
Pulp Fiction, you're right that was easy. [img]http://us.movies1.yimg.com/movies.yahoo.com/images/hv/photo/movie_pix/screen_gems/resident_evil__apocalypse/_group_photos/eric_mabius7.jpg[/img]
All I know is that the government is going to use the powers of the mutant Leech which is to kind of deactivate the powers of mutants around him to create a cure for mutants and Magneto of course doesn't like that so he gathers a whole lot of mutants and wages war.
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1] ooc: Once agian sorry for the length but it is all important. As Mira smiled at the sight of yet another tamer she proceeded to walk over to greet the young girl and her digimon when suddenly they all heard an evil laugh that Mira knew all to well. The tamers and their digimon looked up to see Ladydevimon only this time she was not alone she was not alone she brought along some of her slaves the evil [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied2/images/Bakemon.gif]Bakemon[/URL]. "Hawkmon don't just stand there digivolve!" yelled Mira to her digimon as her digivice began to glow. "Hawkmon digivolve to..........Aquilamon!" As Aquilamon took to the sky Azari and Zalina looked to their digimon and their digivices also began to glow. " Rraikmon digivolve to.....Rylonamon","Gabumon digivolve to..........Garurumon!" Mira was amazed at the strength of Rraikmon's digivolved form and the speed of Gabumon's digivolved form even though she had see Garurumon before. The three digimon along with their new ally Cometramon began battling through the wave of Bakemon. "Grand Horn!", "Howling Blaster!", "Tail Slam!", "Neo Blast!" One by One the powerful champion level digimon used their attacks defeating the Bakemon in seconds but Ladydevimon seemed as if she didn't care as she lunged down toward them. "Blast Rings!", Neo Blast!" yelled Aquilamon and Cometramon as they blasted their attacks but as strong as they were Ladydevimon was just to powerful. "Black Wing!" in less than a second Ladydevimon's left claw was transformed into what looked like a jousting stick used by knights in mid-evil times. Ladydevimon attacked both Aquilamon and Cometramon simultaneously, the impact sent both of them back to there rookie forms then they fell from the sky. Shock could be seen across Mira's and Zuri's as they stuggled to catch their digimon before they hit the ground. Then Ladydevimon turned to Rylonamon and Garurumon. "Darkness......" but before she could finish her attack she was interrupted by another. "[URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/Zephyrmon/Images/tn_hurricane-gale.jpg]Hurricane Gale[/URL]!" a powerful gale of wind hit Ladydevimon right in the back, the attack was so powerful she fell to the ground hitting it with a big thud. The tamers were amazed that something did that much damage to Ladydevimon when their own digimon couldn't as they looked in the sky they saw what looked like [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/Zephyrmon/Images/zephyrmon-top.jpg]the most beautiful digimon ever[/URL]. "[URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Frontier/Zephyrmon/Images/plasma-pods2.jpg]Plasma Pods[/URL]!" the digimon crossed her arms together, pushed her knees back and gathered energy with her hands and legs. She then straightened her arms and legs back out and flew towards the Ladydevimon releasing the energy into a powerful blow. Ladydevimon was defeated then suddenly her data burst as all digimons as they die. "Execute...Slide Evolution...Kazemon" suddenly the beautiful digimon digivolved to [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Gallery/image.php?twg_album=Kazemon&twg_show=006.jpg]another digimon [/URL] almost as beautiful as the last. "Fractul Code Digitize!" yelled Kazemon as [URL=http://tdfn.dark-stars.net/Gallery/image.php?twg_album=Kazemon&twg_show=346.jpg]she pulled out a digivice[/URL] but it was a different model than the [URL=http://onlinedigimon.com/images/Season%205/Digivice-IC-1.gif]IC[/URL] which the tamers had, she then poined it in the direction of Ladydevimon's scattered data which entered it. Kazemon fell to the ground visibly tired then dedigivolved, all 4 of the tamers mouth's dropped as the saw a human were the digimon sat, Mira more than the others. " Skye, Skye is that really you?" Mira was stunned to see that the girl was her best friend. Zalina walked over followed by Azari and the other tamer whom they were never properly introduced to with Garurumon and Rylonamon right behind. "Yes it's really me and I'm so sorry I didn't tell you but my dad made me promise not to." Skye explained. "Your Dad." Azari added. "Yes My dad is one of the scientist's that made it possible for us to come to the digital world and he was working on a new program unlike anything before which allows for us humans to digivolve ourselves and become digimon, this process is called Spirit Evolution and it requiers this D-Tector digivice along with the spirits of ancient digimon. For each ancient digimon there are 2 spirits a human which have the power of champion digimon and a beast which have the power of ultimate digimon, mine are Kazemon and Zephrmon. My dad planned on creating 10 of these spirits but because he fell into a coma after a severe heart attack he was unable to finsh and had only created 4. The spirits of Fire, Light, Darkness, and mine Wind. I have been searching to see if any tamers survived the attack and I'm so glad to see that some did." Skye stated to the tamers who were all overwhelmed with all of this imformtion. "Attack?" replyed Zalina. " Yes, all of this was caused by an attack from the 4 digimon who have taken control of the digital world and destroyed the gate to the real world. [URL=http://thedigiport.com/02/Daemon.gif]Daemon[/URL] who contols the north, [URL=http://thedigiport.com/dex/duskmon.jpg]Duskmon[/URL] west, [URL=http://thedigiport.com/02/4.jpg]Blackwargreymon [/URL] south, [URL=http://thedigiport.com/beelzebmon.gif]Beelzemon [/URL] west." said Skye, wait a minute said Azari those are all mega. "Not all of them Duskmon is a Human Hybrid like I am when I am Kazemon you see somehow during [URL=http://thedigiport.com/dex/millenniummon_.jpg]Millenniumon's[/URL] attack when the computer systems at the digital headquarters in the real world were weak the spirts of darkness fell into the digital world and possed a digimon. I tried facing of against him 1 on 1 but I was no match because the spirts of darkness are the most powerful, I barely escaped. If we don't stop him he will find a way to use both the spirits to digivolve futher to the ancient mega digimon of darkness [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied/images/AncientSphinxmon.gif]AncientSphinxmon[/URL] then the 4 rulers will be unstoppable which is why we must go to the eastern sector of the digital world first and destroy him." Skye concluded and looked to the tamers who where so overwhelmed they were speechless. ooc: gosh that took forever to write.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]As Hawkmon's feather returned and he caught it Mira was stunned to see another tamer. "Oh my gosh we are so sorry for attacking you it's just when we saw your digimon we thought that she was evil. We've been fighting evil digimon all day." as Mira continued apologize she paused as the ground started to shake. It shook so hard that it woke a tamer and her Gabumon sleeping next to each other as the sound grew closer and closer the 3 tamers and their digimon hid behind a very large tree as to avoid being spotted by the large creature. Mira took out her d-terminal to look up the digimon and discovered it was [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied3/images/DarkTyrannomon.jpg]Darktyrannomon[/URL] as Hawkmon got up preparing to fight Mira pulled him back down. "You don't have the stength to digivolve remember, your going to get us killed." Mira whispered to her digimon as the large footsteps of Darktyrannomon disappeared. Mira stood up and faced the other tamers across from them. "Look a few hours ago when everyone started disappearing the portal to the real world closed and as the group of tamers I was traveling with was trying to fix it we were attacked by this powerful mega level digimon and his henchmen but I was the only one to escape and know I have to find the few remaining tamers left so we can rise up agianst them and bring back all the kids that disappeared, will you guy's help me?"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]"Oh my god, I can't believe what just happened back there." said Mira with tears pouring down her face. "Uhhh Mira please calm down, don't cry." said Aquilamon with confusion in his voice he didn't know what to do. "How can I calm down Aquilamon I just left my friends who just so happened to be the most powerful tamers in the digital world to die I mean there is no way they could have defeat that digimon. How are we ever going to bring them back?" Mira continued to cry. "Look.....we're the only one's here." Aquilamon replied. Mira looked up to see what her digimon was talking about. "Your right, I though what happend only happened in the northern sector of the digital world were we were but it's all over. Peoples bags and other belongings are just scatered around as if they just up and left without them." replied Mira but she knew that they didn't leave, it was something else the same thing that happened to the group of tamers she was training with and she knew it had something to do with them not being able to return to the real world but she didn't know exactly what. "Mira we've been wondering around for nearly and our and I'm getting tired, I can't stay in this form much longer." said Aquilamon. "Yeah I'm getting a little tired myself. Look there's a forest up ahead we can rest there." replied Mira. As soon as Mira and Aquilamon reached the forest Mira got off of Aquilamon and he dedigivolved back to Hawkmon. As they walked through the forest they saw a dog like digimon with blue stripes that they mistook for an enemy. "Get him Hawkmon." cried Mira, Hawkmon then jumped in front of her and grabbed the feather on the back of his head then threw it at the dog like digimon. "Feather Strike!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Linkk']I'm really excited to see it. Plus my friend who is an actor. Is in it. Well he's the photo double for the blond x-men with wings. Not sure what the character's name or the actor's name is. But my hot friend sure resembles him! Too bad he wasn't just playing the whole part. So I'm excited![/quote] Thats so coo that you know someone involve and the character is Angel the actor is Ben Foster. I am so excited to see my favorite X-Man Rogue I'm ecited to see why Iceman leaves her for Shadowcat.
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1] ooc: Sorry it's so long and these 3 characters will only be in this first post so don't use them. Vince (Leader): Gabumon, Garurumon, Weregarurumon, Metelgarurumon Suzy: Biyomon, Birdramon, Garudamon, Pheonixmon Ivy: Salamon, Gatomon, Angewomon, Magnadramon "Come on everyone hurry!" shouted Vince an 18 year old tamer who along with Suzy and Ivy was the first to get thier digimon to the mega level to defeat Millenniumon. "If those [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied3/images/Flymon.gif]Flymon[/URL] and [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/Snimon.gif]Snimon[/URL] catch us we're done for." he shouted as he encouraged his Garurumon that he was riding on to pick up the pace. Vince looked over head to see Suzy with her arms wrapped around her Birdramon's legs and Mira, Ivy, and Gatomon on top of Mira's digimon Aquilamon. "We can't keep running we have to fight them, they're getting closer and closer." yelled Suzy as she looked back to see the insectoid digimon gaining on them. As Vince looked to see he knew that she was right and they had to fight back. "Attack!" commanded Vince as his Garurumon turned around as did the other digimon. "Howling Blaster!" A powerful beam of blue energy blasted from the wolf digimons mouth taking out a couple of the Snimon. "Meteor Wing!" Birdramon flapped her wings and several balls of fire that looked like meteors were hurled at several Flymon. "Lightning Paw!" the tiny cat digimon used her powerful punch and jumped from Snimon to Snimon knocking them all down.As the tamers began to celebrate they looked up after they heard what sounded like a witch laughing, it was [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied4/images/LadyDevimon.gif]Ladydevimon[/URL] an ultimate digimon. "Let's see how you fare against a real digimon." she said as she prepared to attack. "Meteor Wing!" cried Birdramon but Ladydevimon effortlessly fought through the barrage of meteors."Lightning Paw!" Gatomon charged towards Ladydevimon but was thrown to the grown like a stuffed animal."Howling Blaster, Blast Rings!" Garurumon's powerful beam of blue energy and Aquilamon's blast of rings combined into a powerful multicolored blast that exploded upon contact of Ladydevimon but to no affect."My turn. Darkness Wave!" None of the digimon could withstand Ladydevimon's attack. "I'm sick of this.......Digivolve again!" yelled Vince. Garurumon, Birdramon, and Gatomon looked at their tamers as all the digivices began to glow except for Mira's. "Garurumon digivolve to.....Weregarurumon." "Birdramon digivolve to..... Garudamon." "Gatomon digivolve to..... Angewomon." Mira was amazed at how different the digimon looked in their ultamate forms and so was Ladydevimon but in a different way. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1](This video show what happens in the red text but disregard the buildings, and this takes place during night not day.)[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Aquilamon and Angewomon flew toward Ladydevimon but she blasted down Aquilamon with her Evil Wing attack."No Aquilamon." cried Mira as she stood beside Ivy. "Stay back Mira this is dangerous." he replied. "Aquilamon!" yelled Angewomon as she tried to help but was pulled back by Ladydevimon. The angel digimon and fallen angel digimon stared at each other for seconds before a cat fight broke out. As Garudamon and Weregarurumon grew closer Ladydevimon knew she couldn't defeat them all but she smiled then disappeared. The digimon looked around to see where she went to but didn't see anything.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Suddenly [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied3/images/Daemon2.gif]Daemon[/URL] appeared and Vince recognized him as a Mega digimon he knew that to defeat him the digimon would have to digivolve once agian. "Everyone you have to digivolve to your mega levels." he shouted. "But we can't, we are still weak from our battle agianst Milleniummon, we were barely able to digivolve to ultimate." explained Weregarurumon. The 4 tamers looked as if they knew the world was going to end they didn't know what to do but then Vince snapped out of it and got a fiery look in his eyes a look that Weregarumon knew all to well. Vince digivice followed by Ivy's and Suzy's giving their digimon more strength but no enough to digivolve to mega. "Wolf Claw!" "Wing Blade!" "Celestial Arrow!" The digimon launched their attacks toward Daemon but to no affect, as the continued fighting Vince ran over to Mira. "Go!" he said. "What!" Mira replied in confusion. "Look we don't have much time but if we survived then that must mean other tamers out there did as well go you have to find them together maybe you can find a way to fix this." Although she was in shock she knew what she had to do and agreed with him. She got on top of Aquilamon and was off looking back as the others stayed to fight a battle they knew they couldn't win. ooc: At this point thousands of kids that are normally in the digital world are gone except for a select few (us) and none of us know anything about what is going n but when we all get together I will bring in another charcter that will explain everything.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Thanks everyone for joining I'll have the rp up by the end of the day. girlofwolves I am bringing in a few characters one of which also has Gabumon but its ok because he is only going to be in the first post. Bloody_Moon Cyberdramon is an ultimate and this is his champion form [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/Strikedramon.jpg]Strikedramon[/URL] his attacks are Strike Fang, Strike Claw. edit: It's up[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Name: Marie Codename: Rouge Gender: Female Age: 19 Appearance: See attachment, Height 5'8" Weight 120 lbs. Alliance: X-Men Biography: Raised by her Aunt Carrie after tragedy befell her parents, Marie ran away from home and was taken in by Mystique and Destiny, whom Rogue came to regard as her surrogate parents. Rogue's mutant power first manifested in her early teens when she kissed Cody Robbins. Her mind filled with his memories, and he fell into a permanent coma. Eventually realizing she could never safely live among normal people, Rogue began participating in her foster mother's criminal endeavors and came to join Mystique's terrorist Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. On her first mission, the inexperienced Rogue clashed with [URL=http://uncannyxmen.net/images/costume/carol-bigcostume5.jpg]Ms. Marvel [/URL] and permanently absorbed her memories and powers, including super-strength and flight. Powers: Rogue absorbs memories, abilities, personality, and physical characteristics via skin-to-skin contact. Such absorption lasts for 60 times longer than the contact time, while extended contact may result in the possibility of permanent absorption. Permanently absorbed [URL=http://uncannyxmen.net/images/costume/carol-bigcostume5.jpg]Ms. Marvel's [/URL] powers which gives her the abilites of flight, superhuman strength, endurance, reflexes, and durability.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
I was hoping maybe 5 or 6 but it doesn't look like that will happen.
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Having your own digimon is absolutly fine.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][U][B]Story[/B] [/U] Shortly after the success of an animated show called Digimon in the early 2000's scientists began to wonder. Is there really another plain of existence other than our own? Is there a digital world inhabited with different kind of life forms? Now in the year 2036 the world's technology has become so advanced that marvelous achievements have been made in the way we all live our lives. Many electronic devices such as televisions can be operated using your voice alone. After decades of experimentation the greatest technological advancement of the world has occurred and scientists finally have the answer to the question they asked years ago. Is there a digital world, yes. A few short months later kids all over the world began traveling to the digital world become digimon tamers digivolving their digimon and using them to battle others, but that was all about to be changed. One day in the digital world where tamers were using their digimon to battle other tamers like they always did something happened in the computer system causing it to malfunction and create an evil hybrid digimon known as Millenniumon. The most skilled tamers used there powerful digimon together to ultimately defeat the evil digimon but what happened next was even worse. As he was being destroyed Millenniumon some how managed to use his dark energy to infect the computer system that maintained the digital world with a virus causing the digital world to fall into a state of darkness. While the digital world was in a state of darkness the virus caused a few dozen digimon that were created as partners for the tamers to be turned evil and 4 rose from them as the rulers of the digital world making all other digimon their slaves. The virus in the computer system closed the portal between the two worlds and it caused the data of the hundreds of digimon tamers to become frozen which the four digimon rulers took and used to digivolve to their mega forms. Hope was not lost, a select few of the tamers and there digimon were somehow unaffected by the virus but can they defeat the 4 digimon rulers to save the hundreds of children stranded in the digital world? After registering into the digital world you get a [URL=http://digivice.net/images/tech/ic/two.jpg]Digivice IC[/URL] and a [URL=http://digivice.net/images/tech/dterminal.jpg]D Terminal [/URL] which is used to communicate with friends, it also maintains your stats as well as your digimons. Our digimon will only be able to digivolve up to champion at first because we will all will be relatively new to the digital world but as you progress your digimon will be able to digivolve further. Your digimon's ability to digivolve past champion will be based on your experience. Once you gain enough exp. you will get a digital templet (equivalent to a crest) which will allow your digimon to digivolve to ultimate and eventually mega. [U]Sign Up [/U] Name: Color of Digivice IC: Age: Appearence: Digimon Parner/Digivolutions and Attacks: Name: Mira Color of Digivice IC: Red Age: 15 Appearence: Like Yolie with a hat instead of helmet. Digimon Parner/Digivolutions and Attacks: Rookie: Hawkmon (Feather Strike) Champion: Aquilamon (Grand Horn, Blast Rings) Ultimate: Silphymon (Static force, Astro Laser) Mega: Valkyrimon (Lightning Arrow, Feral Sword)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[U][B]Story[/B] [/U] Shortly after the success of an animated show called Digimon in the early 2000's scientists began to wonder. Is there really another plain of existence other than our own? Is there a digital world inhabited with different kind of life forms? Now in the year 2036 the world's technology has become so advanced that marvelous achievements have been made in the way we all live our lives. Many electronic devices such as televisions can be operated using your voice alone. After decades of experimentation the greatest technological advancement of the world has occurred and scientists finally have the answer to the question they asked years ago. Is there a digital world, yes. A few short months later kids all over the world began traveling to the digital world become digimon tamers digivolving their digimon and using them to battle others, but that was all about to be changed. One day in the digital world where tamers were using their digimon to battle other tamers like they always did something happened in the computer system causing it to malfunction and create an evil hybrid digimon known as Millenniumon. The most skilled tamers used there powerful digimon together to ultimately defeat the evil digimon but what happened next was even worse. As he was being destroyed Millenniumon some how managed to use his dark energy to infect the computer system that maintained the digital world with a virus causing the digital world to fall into a state of darkness. While the digital world was in a state of darkness the virus caused a few dozen digimon that were created as partners for the tamers to be turned evil and 4 rose from them as the rulers of the digital world making all other digimon their slaves. The virus in the computer system closed the portal between the two worlds and it caused the data of the hundreds of digimon tamers to become frozen which the four digimon rulers took and used to digivolve to their mega forms. Hope was not lost, a select few of the tamers and there digimon were somehow unaffected by the virus but can they defeat the 4 digimon rulers to save the hundreds of children stranded in the digital world? After registering into the digital world you get a [URL=http://digivice.net/images/tech/ic/two.jpg]Digivice IC [/URL] and a[URL=http://digivice.net/images/tech/dterminal.jpg] D Terminal [/URL] which is used to communicate with friends, it also maintains your stats as well as your digimons. Our digimon will only be able to digivolve up to champion at first because we will all will be relatively new to the digital world but as you progress your digimon will be able to digivolve further. Your digimon's ability to digivolve past champion will be based on your experience. Once you gain enough exp. you will get a digital templet (equivalent to a crest) which will allow your digimon to digivolve to ultimate and eventually mega. [U]Sign Up[/U] Name: Color of Digivice IC: Age: 15 Appearence: Digimon Parner/Digivolutions and Attacks: Name: Mira Color of Digivice IC: Red Age: 15 Appearence: Like Yolie with a hat instead of helmet. Digimon Parner/Digivolutions and Attacks: Rookie: [URL=http://digidex.ryux.net/images/h/hawk.jpg]Hawkmon[/URL] (Hawk Beak) Champion: [URL=http://digidex.ryux.net/images/a/aquila.jpg]Aquilamon[/URL] (Grand Horn, Blast Rings) Ultimate: [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/Silphymon.jpg]Silphymon[/URL] (Static force, Top Gun) Mega: [URL=http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied7/images/Valkyrimon.jpg]Valkyrimon[/URL] (Lightning Arrow, Feral Sword)
OOC: No No No Unborn Lord Xion John didn't bite my neck, it was the girl.
"Well we can't just sit around hear thinking I mean sure we'll get our hands dirty, our clothes torn, and get cuts & bruses all over our body...Ok eww, but we have to ya know like take action and stuff." As the group sat around a table looking at Raven like she was crazy she slowly got up from her seat. "Uh I have to go to the ladies room." While Raven was in a stall in the bathroom she heard the the door burst open. A girl had ran into the bathroom and callapsed onto the floor. Girl: John no Please! "John" Raven thought, As Raven remembered the name she quickly burst out of the stall to see John holding a dagger and standing over a terrified girl . John looked over to see Raven as she knocked him in the face with a roundhouse kick. As soon as he hit the ground he jumped back up and put on his game face. "Your the daywalking vampire." John: And your a slayer. John tried to cut Raven again and agian but she dodged it every time, he hit her in the face with the bottom of the handle. John: You think you can stop me. "See that's the weird thing about slayers we don't think we can we know. Raven kicked John in his manhood and went over to help the girl. "Are you o..." Girl: Behind you! As Raven turned around John's foot hit her face and she was on the ground, as Raven struggled to get up she turned to John. John: Know you made me hungry. John plunged his fangs into the girls neck.
As Raven walked through the cemetary she noticed her nails were dirty. "Ewwy slaying sure has taken it's toll on my nails. I wonder if this town has a place for me to get a manicure." After a few seconds of examining her nails Raven began to hear loud screams from a woman in pain, she ran over to where she heard the screams. "Oh my god! Are you ok?" Raven saw a woman covered in dirt an blood. Woman: We have to hurry she'll find me. "What are you tal...." Woman: AGHH! My baby. "Come on, I have to get you to a hospital now. Raven tried to bring the pregnant women to her feet but as she did she looked up and saw what looked like a teenage boy who had black eyes. When the woman saw the boy she dropped to the ground in fear. Boy: You aren't going anywhere, her child belongs to Lamia. The boy punched Raven knocking her agianst a tree. "Big mistake." Raven got up and kicked the boy in the face knocking him out. She got the woman to her feet and helped her to the hospital. After about 15 minutes Raven got the young mother to the hospital. Woman: Thank you, thank you so much. You are such a brave girl you saved me from Lamia. "Lamia who is this Lamia." A doctor took the tired woman away. "What is wrong with her?" Nurse: She's 2 months pregnant thats all I know for certain, your a brave girl for doing what you did. Raven walked out of the hospital without saying anything to the nurse and thought to herself. "It's not enough that I have to worry about a daywalking vamp but know something called a Lamia." Raven began to think of what her watcher would tell her to do but quickly snapped out of it. "I sould call the others....Ya know what maybe I shouldn't I mean maybe I don't need them for this I mean it's not like they aren't busy, this is something I think I can do alone." Raven walked to the library of Otaku Lake and looked around the pace not knowing where to begin. "Where's a brainy person when you need em." After about 2 hours of searching for info on Lamia Raven finally found something on the net. "Yay Im so proud of myself." [QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.deliriumsrealm.com/delirium/images/demons/lamia.gif[/IMG] Lamia were harmful spirits who killed infants & seduced sleeping men. She splits open pregnant women to devour the children developing inside. Her name is derived from lamias, the evil female demons with dragon heads at the end of their feet found in deserts. They are also known to haunt cemeteries, devouring the corpses and leaving nothing but bones.[/QUOTE] "Great know I have to kill an evil hag when I should be trying to find who is this daywalking vamp is.
Buffy: Because... okay, I?m cookie dough, okay? I?m not done baking yet. I?m not finished becoming... whoever the hell it is I?m gonna turn out to be. I make it through this, and the next thing, and the next... maybe one day I turn around and realize I?m ready. I?m cookies. And then if I want someone to eat m -- or, to enjoy warm delicious cookie-me, then that?s fine. That?ll be then. When I?m done. Xander: Party in my eye-socket and everyone?s invited! (beat) Sometimes I shouldn?t say words. Evil Willow: Well buckle up Rupert cause I've turn pro. Evil Willow: See what I did there.