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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Michelangelo [/i] [B]No I didn't hear that where did you get your info from? [/B][/QUOTE] From a movie database [URL=http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0362120/]IMDB[/URL].
Name:Katherine "Kitty" Pryde Code Name: Shadowcat Age: 25 Gender: Female Mutation/Powers: Corporal Intangibility Originally From: Illionois Affiliation: Xavier's School of the Gifted, X-men Current Location: Xavier's School for the Gifted, Bayville Known Family: Mr. and Mrs.Pryde (Parents), seen in X-Impulse Personality: Although she's matured a lot and become a much more responcible person since High School Kitty is still the happy go lucky person she's always been. Kitty is very friendly to people and loves to help them as well. Biography: Kitty grew up in Northbrook, an affluent area outside Chicago -- utterly normally suburban, with her utterly normal parents. They will be shocked to discover how different their "little kitten" is, and they'll be in total denial. When Professor X offers to help Kitty and displays his other students, the Prydes will be utterly horrified and turn down the Professor. But after seeing the X-Men in action, the Pryde family will do an about-face. Kitty will join the Institute, as well as the team. As Kitty grew to became more mature she realized that Lance really wasn't the man for her and that her soulmate was her best friend Kurt.
I think it might be kinda funny. Did anyone know their already making plans for a 4th.
Kelly: Oh, Hi I'm Kelly and this is Aquilamon. Aquilamon can you believe it finally we have found another human. Aquilamon nodded at the boy and his partner digimon, as Kelly jumped off Aquilamon she looked at her D3 which had a few seconds ago showed her 3 signal but know showed her one. Aquilamon: Kelly there must still be another signal from the looks of it not to far just past this forest on a beach.
Hawkmon: Come on let's go we haven't got time to waste. Kelly: All right all right. As Kelly stood up her D3 began to beep. Kelly and Hawkmon looked at the screen. Hawkmon: It must detect the signal of another D3 nearby, we must hurry. As the two partners began to follow the signal they saw that the only way to get of the cliff was to fly down but Hawkmon couldn't carry Kelly. Kelly: Well do you have any bright ideas? Hawkmon: Let's just look for something that can help us down. While they were searching for a way down they became distracted by what sounded like chanting from the cave they were near. Kelly: Do you here that? Hawkmon: A voice. Kelly: Maybe whoever is in there can help us. Hawkmon: Let's see. The two walked into the cave as they went deeper they saw a small fire with different vials and potions around them. Kelly: Nobody in...... Kelly was knocked to the ground and whatever hit her pinned down on Hawkmon with a staff. Hawkmon: Wizardmon? Wizardmon: What do you want? Kelly: Take it easy pal. As Kelly began to get up Wizardmon realized that he had knocked down a human. He let up Hawkmon and focused on her. Wizardmon: Thunder Ball! Wizardmon used his free hand to thrown a ball of electricity at Kelly but Hawkmon talked her just in time to bring her down. Kelly: What is your problem idiot. Wizardmon: Humans, because of your kind many great battles were waged here in the Digital world leaving it in ruins. Devimon, the Dark Masters they all tried to destroy the world because of your kind. Hawkmon: No your wrong humans defeated the great evils that threatened to destroy the wold which is why she is here now. Wizardmon: You lie, you are just as bad as any human scum you disgrace. Thunder Ball! Hawkmon flew into the are as he gently pushed Kelly to the side. Hawkmon: That's enough. Buzz Saw! Hawkmon grabbed the feather behind his head and threw it, the feather had the speed of a saw. Wizardmon used the golden top of his staff to throw the feather back at Hawkmon. He then held up his staff and shouted. Wizardmon: Magical Game! A large streak of electricity jolted from the staff and blasted Hawkmont on the ground outside of the cave. Kelly went to pick up her partner. Kelly: Stop it we don't want trouble. Wizardmon thrashed Kelly hard sending her and Hawmon of the mountain. Kelly: AHHHHHH! Kelly's load screams woke up the knocked out Hawkmon and he began to glow with the D3. "Hawkmon digivolve to Aquilamon!" The gigantic bird digimon flew under Kelly and she fell onto him. Aquilamon: Hang on tight. Wizardmon: Magical Game! Aquilamon dodged the electric streaks with ease. Aquilamon: Blast Rings! Aquilamon blasted on Wizardmon hard with his attack knocking far to the back of the cave, the cave began to shake and boulders fell nailing the entrance shut. Kelly: Wow! I am so totally impressed you well bigger. Aquilamon: I digivolved into Aquilamon, because of you and the power of the D3 Kelly. Kelly: The D3. Kelly looked at the D3 which showed her her's and another D3 signal. Kelly: Strait ahead Aquilamon.
Kelly looked at Hawkmon with a strange look in her eyes. While she stood up Hawkmon flew up to her to be directly in her eye contact. Kelly: What are you? Hawkmon: I am your digimon your partner. Kelly: Hawkmon huh, ok well what do you mean we have work to do? Hawkmon: I'll explain on the way back to your house, here take this. Hawkmon handed Kelly the digivice and she stared at it looking confused. Kelly pressed a button and it started to beep she pressed it again and it stopped. Hawkmon: That is your D3 digivice. You have a computer don't you. Kelly: Yeah. As Kelly and Hawkmon walked back to her house she saw that the trash had been taken out. Kelly: Save the digi......well she'll be primed and ready to yell. Hawkman: What? Kelly: Nevermind, be very very quiet. Kelly grabbed Hawkmon around the stomach, opened the door and slowly made her way to her room where she saw that her computer was still on. Kelly: That's strange, well anyway you say put it to the screen and where there. Kelly let go of Hawkmon and he hovered beside her as she put the D3 to the screen. Kelly: Ow! She had fallen on her back as she and Hawkmon entered the Digital World. Hawkmon: Are you ok? First trips always the roughest. Kelly looked around and saw that she was on a mountain.
Kelly's mom: Kelly did you take out the garbage? Kelly: Sure mom, bye. Kelly stormed out of the front door as her mom walked to see if she really did take out the barbage but she didn't the barbage can was practically overflowimg. As Kelly was walking down the street to the bakery she saw a weird red light glowing in an alley which apparently no one else could see. Kelly: What the... Kelly walked into the alley and saw a small something floating on the ground as she got closer she heard something behind her so she turned around to see what was their but nothing was. Kelly turned back around and a red bird with a belt around it's head quickly flew up to her. Kelly: Ahh! Kelly screamed and fell on her butt. The bird picked up the yellow digivice and it stoped glowing he gave it to Kelly with a rather confused look on his face. Hawkmon: Hello there I'm Hawkmon pleased to meet you. Come on, we have work to do.
Circéus could you make me a crest for honesty?
I'll have the crest of Honesty.
Name: Kelly Age: 15 Digimon: Hawkmon Digimon Attacks: Hawk Beak, Buzz Saw Digivice: Yellow D-3 Crest: [URL=http://circeus.free.fr/art/chonesty.gif]Honesty[/URL] Digivolutions: Aquilamon (Blast Rings, Grandhorn), Sylphymon (Static Force), Valkyrimon (Feral Sword) Bio: Two years ago she stole every thing she got her hands on and ever since being caught has promised herself to be honest and to do the right thing. Although sometimes she still isn't completly honest. Personality: Honest, Hesitant Description: Long Red hair, Brown eyes, Khaki cargo pants, White shirt (Digimon) : [URL=http://www.theotaku.com/digimon/digidex/pictures/hawk.jpg]Hawkmon[/URL]
Name: Elizabeth Legg Color: Yellow Power: Flight Weapon: Daggers Human Apperance: long blonde hair, blue eyes, medium height. Ranger Appearance: Yellow Ranger with white diamond/triangles Zord: Bear Ninja Zord
Name: Jubilation Lee X-Name: Jubilee Mutant Ability: Project pyrotechnics as energy plasmoids that release blinding light and concussive impact. Children: None Good or bad: Good
As Tali went to see what the explosion was she paused and felt the power of the evil surge through her. "That feels amazing." Tali looked up to see four boys floating in the air. "Were is that power coming from." Tali looked up to see what looked like a dot moving faster and faster toward the collisium. "What"
Buffy carried Willow in her arms away from the shadows which didn't seem to hurt Spike. Spike: This spell Willow put on me isn't going to last forever and when I find a way to break you'll my wrath. As Buffy ran she turned around and saw that the shadows had gone she turned back around and ran directly into Xander who was running so fast she could not see him. Willow pulled her mind together and reversed the spell. "Sumessi" Xander became normal Xander agian.
****MAJOR SPOILERS THE FINAL EPISODES OF BUFFY**** [QUOTE]Episode 19 [spoiler]Clem leaves town Buffy is taking the latest defeat hard Caleb tracks down Buffy at the school Caleb kicks Buffy's butt, again Xander did lose an eye in the last battle The Scoobs research Caleb and his ring The First and Caleb are guarding a vineyard A local Mission has another seal Spike and Andrew investigate the mission Faith takes the SIT's to the Bronze Faith and the SIT's have a run-in with the cops Buffy feels they need to investigate the vineyard The gang abandons Buffy and sides with Faith The Scoobies want Faith to be their leader Buffy is asked to leave, and does 20 Faith takes command of the Scoobs Kennedy seems to want to have some control as well The Scoobs come up with a plan to capture a Bringer Buffy kicks someone out of their home Spike is furious that the Scoobs kicked out Buffy Spike and Faith go at it Spike goes off to find Buffy The Scoobs learn from a Bringer about their plans The First visits Faith as the Mayor Faith and Wood have sex So do Willow\Kennedy and Xander\Anya Buffy leaves Spike to find a mystical weapon Faith and the SITs follow the info from the Bringer Buffy encounters Caleb and finds the Scythe Faith encounters Bringers and finds a bomb Spike finds Buffy and spends the night Buffy and Spike do not have sex 21 Faith and the Potentials are lured into a trap Buffy has recovered a weapon of great power Ubervamps are back in the picture Buffy asks Xander to get Dawn out of town Dawn doesn't go along with Buffy's plan Buffy meets a mysterious woman Caleb kills the woman and attacks Buffy Angel arrives in Sunnydale Buffy and Angel kiss Spike witnesses Buffy and Angel's reunion Buffy seems to succeed in killing Caleb 22 Spike sacrifices himself to save the world Buffy tells Spike that she loves him Angel brings Buffy a mystical amulet Spike uses the amulet to apparently seal the Hellmouth Buffy sends Angel back to LA Buffy wonders if she can have a future with Angel Buffy kills Caleb for good Spoiler Zone Likely The final battle takes place near the seal Anya and Amanda(Dawns friend from school a potential) die in the finale Willow's hair turns white (might not be permanent) The Hellmouth is closed for good Sunnydale is destroyed in the process Willow activates all the potentials Buffy decides to open the Hellmouth The First is apparently defeated [/spoiler] [/QUOTE] [color=green]Please put a spoiler tag on your spoilers. You have no idea how hard it was to edit this post without reading any of that. :p --Endymion[/color]
As Tali changed and prepared for battle she observed her opponent. Tali could tell that Priest wasn't like any fighter she had ever met. He had a purity which she had never seen in a fighter, only in people she killed. Tali tried to calm herself by meditating but all she could think about was the people she killed. (Thinking)"Man being good is so hard." Tali heard the announcer talking meaning it was time for the first match.
As Tali and the other fighters went into the bracket room she looked at the group of fighters that did not make it and she saw that familiar looking girl agian who looked back at her. (thinking)"I know I've seen her somewhere before. Well I guess it really doesn't matter now." Tali grabbed her bag and sat down in the bracket room.
Tali slowly entered the World Martial Arts Colissium with a smile on her face. (Thinking) "Well here goes my first good deed. I'll enter and of course win the competition and donate the money to the homeless. Tournament Worker: "Excuse me miss, Your name please?" "My name is Tali." Tournament Worker: "Your age? "21" Tournament Worker: "Please preceed to the breifing room right over there miss." Tali walked into the room to see many big buff men along with one familiar looking girl.
Name: Tali Bio: Tali is a strong warrior that was raised to be evil by her father. Her father was always a good man who faught for justice until his wife was killed. Tali has just turned 21 and has just learned the truth about her mother being killed from a stranger. She then goes to her father for strait answers and gets them he tells her all about how her mother was the most loving woman alive and how she would never think to do anything that was wrong he tries to make it up to Tali but he doesn't get the chance. She leaves her father upset about how she has been living a lie for 20 years, she cools down go to her father and sees him dead at the hands of the stranger. He tells her about how he was the one that killed her mother, in an angry fit Tali uses her best move to kill the stranger. Tali has now decided to fight for good in memory of her mother. Description: Tali is a beautiful girl with dark brown hair that stops at the top of her sholderblades. She is 5'8 and weighs 130. She wears a red-brownish skirt with small shorts underneath and a top of the same color with 3 straps on each sholder. Personality: Usually Tali is very stubborn and independent. Everytime someone does something for her she thinks that they are trying to say she is weak causing her to be very comepetative. Tali means well but she can be quite wild sometimes. Tali is becoming much more mature and is starting to be more positive toward everything.
"Buffy Stop. I think Im gonna throw up" Buffy: God Willow know? "Uh yeah" Buffy sat Willow on the ground and she began to throw up. Spike: Well look what I found. Buffy: Spike not now ok. Willow's cursed and Evil shadows are everywhere trying to kill us so make yourself useful for once and go away.
"No No No!" Willow began to scream as she turned through the pages of the big leather book. Voice: You amateur! You couldn't possibly understand the powers you are playing with. "What?" Willow became completly still as she saw her room become completly covered in shadows. "Ahhhhhhhhh" Willow felt her brain boil like a pot of water. Buffy: Willow? Buffy burst through the door and saw Willow completly covered in shadows in unbearable pain. Buffy: Willow! Buffy burst through the shadows as fast as she could and pulled Willow out. Buffy: We gotta get out of here. Buffy turned around to she the door entrance blocked. She ran through the shadows holding Willow in her arms and burst through the bedroom window landing on her feet. "Good thing my moms never home." With that Willow fainted.
"Oh my god, what have I done? Xander!" Willow chased after Xander as he moved rather quickly." "Xander" As Willow got closer Xander became a human roadrunner running so fast he blazed through the streets. "Uh Oh"
As Willow and Xander got closer to the entrance they heard a gang of vampires talking. Xander: Shhh be wery wery quiet were wunting demons. "Xander stop it." Xander: Wi....... Xander had fell on a trash can and alerted all 5 vampires. "I don't suppose you wanna go for tea and crumpets." Xander and Willow began running the vampires not far behind them. Xander: I guess thats a no. Willow turned around and shouted. "Issemus" The vampires stood still in their tracks giving Willow and Xander a few seconds to get away. "It worked I can't believe it. It's......" Xander: Will more running less talking."
As Willow and Xander continued to walk to the Bronze began to talk about magic. "Xander I've been thinking remember when Buffy and Faith faught that demon it put Faith in a coma and nearly killed them both. I've been working on this spell which contains three magical herbs for strength Barberry Root, Bay Laurel,and Buckthorn Bark. The problem is I can't seem to proportion them right but I think I'm getting close to it meaning easier slaying for them both." Xander: Will do you really think you should be messing with all this magic, I mean what if it goes wrong. "Xander relax what could go wrong? You know how careful I am with magic nothing could possibly go wrong."