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Everything posted by Rei

  1. Rei

    X Men: The Beginning

    [COLOR=darkblue][i]Amara watched in amazement as Magneto crushed the 2 police cars together with the policemen trapped inside. Amara used this chance to destroy her mother and father.[/i] Amara: Now you die. [i]Amara threw lightning at her parents but Magneto shielded them with a magnetic forcefield.[/i][/COLOR]
  2. Rei

    Dub Names?

    Nooo I mean for the pokemon.
  3. Rei

    Dub Names?

    Does anyone know the dub names for the new Ruby and Sapphire versions, or will the just keep those confusing hard to pronounce ones?
  4. Yeah it's okay if you use season 2 just think of them as tamers, Angewomon's other attack is Heavens Charm, and for Magnadramon pick 2 of these Fire Tornado, Dragon Fire, Hermit Fog, Apocalypse, Head Slam.
  5. Rei

    X Men: The Beginning

    [COLOR=darkblue][i]Amara's hands glew with electricity and she was about to fire on her family when she felt a force pull her to the ground.[/i] Amara: Magneto! [i]Amara blew powerful winds onto Magneto but he only moved back a little bit. Amara's rage made snow come from the storm clouds but Magneto didn't move. Amara flew up to Magneto and tried to beat him the old fashioned way but was thrown aside, by now the police had come and before they coud stop Magneto had turned the cars over.[/i] [/COLOR]
  6. Well Kairi cloud and Darncoolguy1 when I said new parents I mean't ones that weren't in the other seasons but its ok I guess. Biomerge and mega are the same thing.
  7. Rei

    X Men: The Beginning

    [COLOR=darkblue][i]Amara had arrived in Texas. She searched for the house that Trace a had told her about until she found it. Amara hid in the bushes while she saw a car drive into the driveway. Amara was astonished to see her father go into the backseat of the car and help out a little boy no more than 7 or 8. She also heard heard her father say things like you are the best child in the world. Amara's blood began to boil with rage as she jumped from the bushes, her mother, father, and newly discovered little brother were startled.[/i] Amara: Betcha never thought you would ever see me again huh? You just forgot all about me and had a new child. [i]Amara's rage caused huge stroms to grow in the sky all over the country. Within seconds people from all over the country were turning to the news and seeing the damage the terrible storms were causing.[/i] Amara: Now it is time for my revenge! [/COLOR]
  8. Rei

    X Men: The Beginning

    [COLOR=darkblue]Trace: I have found the people you've asked, Now you will pay me. Amara: Where are they? Trace: In Texas. Amara: Texas Trace: Where is my payment? Amara: Here it is. [I]Amara threw lightning bolts from her hand and Trace flew threw a wall from the impact with multiple burn wounds. Amara then flew of to Texas.[/I] [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue]25 years after the destruction of the D-Reaper, the digital world has gained some peace and the world is more beautiful than ever before. Where there is good there will always be evil so of course their are still evil digimon in the digital world. The 4 digimon sovereign have combined their power into a beautiful beam of light in order to wipe out all of the darkness so that every digimon can truly live in peace. The beam spread through the sky like a rainbow and rained down on all of the evil digimon turning them good. By using all of their power to wipe out evil the great sovereign digimon where reduced to powerless digi-eggs. All of that evil had to go somewhere and it did into the center of the digital planet. While in the core of the digital world the the evil has mixed into data creating the perfect digimon, unfortunately the perfect evil digimon Eclipmon. The 11 destroyed devas were all long brought back and have gathered the 4 sovereign digi-eggs just in time for them to hatch into harmless baby digimon. The sovereign digimon were babies but could still sence the evil power of Eclipmon and have informed the devas of it. The sovereign digimon knew that the only hope they had were the tamers that had defeated the D-Reaper but they also knew the tamers were to old to fight against the forces of darkness agian but they also had another idea their children. The sovereign digimon knew that only the children of the great digimon tamers could help the digital world once agian against such a powerful evil. So the sovereign sent digi-gnomes to give the children D-Ark digivices just like their parnets had which held the eggs of their digimon partners who would hatch as rookies. Meanwhile in the real world each tamer has made their own dreams come true and even have kids to share those dream with. Takato and Jeri have married and so have Rika and Ryo. The tamers have all still managed to keep in touch though every now and then and their children have become good friends as well and like their parents are digimon lovers of course. The digimon tamers have added on to the digimon empire making new cards, new games, new movies and more. Can the new generation of tamers save the digital world? Sign Up Name: Parent(s): (you can make up new parent tamers if you want.) Color of D-Ark: Digimon Partner: Trademark Cards: Maximum 3 + the regular cards(you can use the old cards or your own made up card but nothing impossible to beat also no one can use Ryo's Goliath card at least not yet anyway. If new tell what it does) Digimon Parners Digivolutions: (if made up post attacks) My Sign Up Name: Marie Parent: Henry Color of D-Ark: Hot Pink Digimon Partner: Lopmon Trademark Cards: Fire Spirit(allows partner to spit out flames power of flames depend on digimons level), Size Suit(a glowing suit appears on your digimon making them become microscopic), Earthquake Wave(makes a wave that cause small earthquakes) Digimon Partners Digivolutions: Rookie: Lopmon Champion: Turuiemon Ultimate: Antylamon Biomerged Mega: Kerpymon[/COLOR]
  10. I would raise my LP because if my opponent threw out a stronger card I would be prepared with my monster already being stronger.
  11. Rei

    X Men: The Beginning

    [COLOR=darkblue][i]Amara flew into an old abandoned building within a deserted city and broke down a wall and saw a mutant standing infront of her in robes.[/i] Amara: Trace? Trace: Yes Amara: I have a job for you. Trace: I don't think so. [i]Trace turned around and began to leave the building. Amara threw lightning bolts at his back. [/i] Amara: Don't turn your back when on me! Your going to track down to people for me with this. [i]Trace got back up and turned to Amara. She took out her neckless and threw it to him.[/i] Amara: Trace down the last people to touch that besides me my parents. [/COLOR]
  12. Rei

    X Men: The Beginning

    [COLOR=darkblue][i]Amara flew up into the sky and started to think about her parents and how she would destroy them for what they did to her.[/i] Amara: How will I ever track them down, it'll be impossible. [i]Amara was in the sky for wondering what she would do until she remembered a mutant that she had heard of before when she broke out of the mutant facility.[/i] Amara: Trace he has the ability to sence where any person is by touching an object that they have touched. [i]Amara unzipped her leather jacket and pulled out a neckless from around her neck that had an angel charm on it that he parents gave to her on her 5th birthday. Amara didn't want for Magneto to know she was leaving so quietly and quickly flew away in hopes that Magneto did not see her.[/i][/COLOR]
  13. Kelly: Gee that was mighty quick! [i]The alarm went of agian and the rangers looked up the and saw Lokxen and Gorgon materialize with cyber putties and a nasty looking monster infront of Ryan.[/i] [img]http://www.rovang.org/wg/pics/repellator.jpg[/img] Tiffany: Don't they ever give up. Kelly: No and neither do we lets do it. Tiffany: ZEO RANGER 2 YELLOW!!! Kelly: ZEO RANGER 1 PINK!!!
  14. Rei

    X Men: The Beginning

    [i]Amara began to calm down and raised herself out of the water. Amara saw a mutant infront of her.[/i] Amara: I'll give you 3 seconds and then..... Magneto: Then what you'll blast me out of the sky. Amara: Pretty much yeah. Magneto: You can barely fly much less blst me out of the sky. Amara: Oh Really huh. [i]Amara raised her hands and shot out electric bolts that hit Magneto directly in the chest but he just laughed.[/i] Magneto: Don't you know electricity is good for magnets. I can help you learn to control your powers we don't have to fight because we have the same goal to get revenge on the human race and we can do it. Amara: Alright lets do it then.
  15. Rei

    X Men: The Beginning

    [i]By channeling her rage and hatred toward the world into her powers Amara had her complete control over them. Amara lifted her hands up into the air creating winds strong enough to lift her self into the sky. Amara flew through the sky above the ocean for hours trying to control her rage but couldn't then she exploded. Amara had lost the control she had over her powers and created tornado's that had swallowed her up. As Amara twirled inside the tornado she became more angry causing the tornado to grow larger until it touched the ocean causing it to create a cyclone.[/i]
  16. Rei


    Charmed season 5 will be released in the UK on February 15th, 2003.
  17. [COLOR=darkblue]Name: Amara Warren Age: 15 Nationality: African American Mutant Power: Storm's Bio: At 5 years old Amara went to a carnaval with her mother and father. At the carnaval Amara was lost in a croud of people and could not find her parents so Amara began to cry and as she did her eyes became white and a thunderstorm began. When Amara's parents had found Amara they saw her floating in the sky and they knew that it was her causing the horrible storm. So they sent her to a mutant facility. After Amara created the thunderstorm she has never been able to use her powers agian until she became 15. Amara has taken in all of the memories from her terrible childhood into a little ball until she could not take it anymore. The rage she felt allowed her to control her powers enough to destroy the entire building along with everyone inside. Description: Amara is tall and thin she also has brown eyes when using her powers white. Amara has long wild white hair and thin black eyebrows.[/COLOR]
  18. If Exodia's attack is infinite then how can these new cards beat it because their infinite?
  19. [i]As Kelly, Tiffany, and Blake watched the viewing screen the alarm went of and the screen changed to show the Red Ranger fighting Cyber Putties.[/i] Tiffany: We've got to help him. Kelly: Wait look at him he doesn't need our help he's throwing those Cyber Putties around like yo-yo's.
  20. Rei


    Charmed Season 5 has been started since September. New episodes are on Sunday nights at 8:00 but not today because they are showing the movie Wizard of Oz.
  21. [i]After being defeated by the monsters the rangers could not sustain their ranger forms so they demorphed and Tommy teleported back to the Power Chamber. The alarm began to sound of agian and the rangers watched the viewing screen.[/i] Kelly: What are those things? Tommy: Cyborg Putties Zed's newest creation along with an old monster of his that's has already been destroyed The Stag Beetle. [IMG]http://www.rovang.org/wg/pics/stagbeetle.jpg[/IMG] Kelly: I think I'm going to vomit I hate bugs. What are we going to do?
  22. Rei


    I love the show it's great. My most favorite episodes are the ones were Willow becomes evil after Tara died. She made a great enemy but who would have thought that Zander would save the world from her just by telling her that he loves her.
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