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Everything posted by Rei
I made a thread with the exact same name about the exaxt same thing. Anyways I love the show it is my #1 favorite show with real people. Have you guys heard about how Pheobe will get her new power Electrokinesis? If not this is what happens while Piper is heavily pregnant she will play a prank on Pheobe saying that her water is broke. Pheobe turns around startled and shoots electricity from her and blasting poor ol Piper through a wall. I can't wait to see it happen on the show.
Who is Rebecca? She must be from one of the shows I missed.
Does anyone know the names an have pics of the 3 cards that are better than Exodia that were in 1 of the new shows yesterday?
ooc: DarkOrderKnight it would be 2 mechanical contraptions (Zeonizers) not 1 Tiffany: What if the other 2 rangers come here and we are out fighting monsters. Kelly: Well I don't know about the rest of you but I'm going whether you join me or not. Tiffany: I'm not going to let you die alone so I'm right by your side. Blake: I'm going too no monsters going to scare me away. Tommy: The three of you go and I'll stay here and wait for the others. Kelly: Alright guys lets morph. Blake: Here goes nothing. ZEO RANGER 4 GREEN!!! Tiffany: ZEO RANGER 2 YELLOW!!! Kelly: ZEO RANGER 1 PINK!!! [i]The 3 rangers morphed and Tommy teleported them to the attack.[/i] Gorgon: So we meet agian Pink Ranger. Lokxen: Now Yellow Ranger you meet your doom. [i]The army of soldiers attacked(Schratn9 we need a name), the rangers faught through the soldiers one by on until Gorgon and Lokxen were left. The two monsters threw beams of energy athe rangers who from the blasts fell tothe ground, the monsters the materialized their swords.[/i] Kelly: Ok oww now what? Blake: Now we test out our Zeo powers on those idiots. Tiffany: Hello their about to attack us don't call them idiots. Kelly: Blake's right let's take these goons down. Gorgon/Lokxen: Idiots Goons! Kelly: Zeo Power Shield! Tiffany: Zeo Dual Nunchaks! Blake: Zeo Dual Hatchets! [i]The Rangers used their Zeo weapons to attack.[/i] [img]http://www.rovang.org/wg/pics/zeoranger1-attack2.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.rovang.org/wg/pics/zeoranger2-attack1.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.rovang.org/wg/pics/zeoranger4-attack2.jpg[/img]
[I]Tommy, Kelly, and Tiffany watched Blake teleport in he stood up and started asking the same questions as Kelly and Tiffany did when they arirved.[/I] Tommy: Hello. I am Tommy Olivar, and this is the Power Chamber. Apparantly, the Yellow and Green Zeo crystals has chosen you have chosen you Tiffany and you Blake. Now there are only two more Rangers and then..... [I]Tommy was interrupted by the alarm.[/I] Kelly: Oh No look. [I]The viewing screen showed the 2 monsters that Kelly and Tiffany had faught plus an army of solders(have a name for them yet Schratn9)[/I] Kelly: We have to do something or they'll destroy the city.
[I]Tiffany walked in her house were she lived with her legal gaurdian Jesse but she wasn't home yet. Tiffany heard a car noise outside.[/I] Tiffany: What the... [I]Tiffany sees a far being smushed with a man inside but nothing was smushing it. Tiffany went over to help the man who had passed out and in the process she went through an invisible forcefeild and saw a female monster using some telekinesis to smush the car. [/I] Tiffany: What are you. Monster: The last thing you'll ever see. [i]The monster used her telekinesis to choke Tiffany but two yellow lights came down from the sky and went onto Tiffany's wrist then the two lights on Tiffanys wrist transformed into Zeonizers. The monster stopped her attack on Tiffany and watched. A Zeo Crystal flew into one of the Zeonizers on Tiffany's wrist.[/i] Tiffany: What are these. [i]The monster shot a beam of energy at Tiffany but she ducked then put her wrists together.[/i] Tiffany: ZEO RANGER 2 YELLOW [I]Tiffany had become the Yellow Zeo Ranger.[/I] Monster: Nooo This can't be a Power Ranger. Tiffany: Wow 'm a Power Ranger I've never felt anything like this such power. [i]The Monster materialized a huge blaster and began shooting Tiffany. Tiffany dodged each blast and found herself doing moves that she never though possible she had beaten the monster.[/i] Monster: You haven't won yet. [i]The monster tried to fire on Tiffany.[/i] Tiffany: Yes I have, Zeo Pistol. [i]Tiffany drew her Zeo Pistol from her belt and stated to fire on the monster who from the blast fell to the ground beaten.[/i] Monster: You will die child that I promise you I am Lokxen and my master Lord Zed will destroy you. [i]With that Lokxen dissapeared, Tiffany helped the man out of his car then Tiffany started to feel funny as she began to glow she then teleported to the Power Chamber and took off her helmet.[/i] Tiffany: What Kelly? Kelly: Tiffany? Tiffany: Your a ranger too. Kelly: Yep. Tiffany: whispering(who's he and were are we.) Kelly: I'm still trying to process it myself.
[I]Kelly walked out of school as the school day ended, she waved goodbye to her friends and began walking home until she heard children on a playground screaming. Kelly ran over and saw the children screaming as if they were afraid of something but nothing was there.[/I] Kelly: What's wrong with you guys? [i]The children couldn't hear her , they started glowing and then collapsed. Kelly got onto the sandbox but as she did she felt weird because she had gone through and invisible forcefield. Kelly looked over and saw a horrible looking monster using a handheld machine to absorb the energy of the children.[/i] Kelly: Oh my God! Monster: Not quite [i]Kelly in attempt to rescue the children used on of the moves she had learned in her gymnastic classes but was thrown in the sand.[/i] Kelly: I won't let you hurt those children. [I]Kelly's forehead began to glow in the sign of the Pink Zeo Ranger the Oval. Her Zeonizers and crystal flew threw the portal and teleported onto her wrists. The crystal flew into one of the Zeonizers.[/I] Kelly: Huh? Monster: No this can't be. [I]Kelly put her wrists together and shouted.[/I] Kelly: ZEO RANGER 1 PINK! [img]http://www.rovang.org/wg/pics/zmorphing.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.rovang.org/wg/pics/zmorphing2.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.rovang.org/wg/pics/zmorphing3.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.rovang.org/wg/pics/zmorphing4.jpg[/img] [I]With that Kelly had morphed into the Pink Zeo Ranger.[/I] Kelly: I've never felt anything like this it's amazing. [i]The monster extended his hand and a huge sword appeared.[/i] Monster: Your power will be mine. Kelly: Bring it. Zeo Blade [i]Kelly reached on her belt and pulled out her Zeo Blade. Her and the monster sword faught Kelly quickly became the victor of the two. She then destroyed the machine and the children slowly recoverd also the forcefeild was destroyed.[/i] Monster: You think you have but you will never do so. I am Gorgon general of Lord Zed and you will pay with you life weakling. [i]Gorgon disappeared with a huge flash.[/i] Kelly: That takes care of that. [i]Kelly then helped the children return to their parents. Then somthing happened she began to glow and then teleported to the Power Chamber. Kelly took of her helmet and stared at Tommy[/i] Kelly: Where am I and who are you?
[i]Rei woke up in a cold sweat after having a terrible nightmare.[/i] Rei: What a nighmare, huh oh no I'm late. [i]Rei rushed to get dressed and handle her other morning business thn rushed out of the temple and within a few seconds she was in the empty halls of her private school. She walked into class trying to be unnoticed, Rei was called out in class by he teacher then was given back her test which had a 30 on it. [/i] Rei: (thinking) Gee what am I Serena? [I]After the school day was over Rei met her friends infront of their school.[/I] Rei: You guys won't believe the night mare I had last night. Aino(Mina): Let me guess you dreamt that Zoisite was back? Rei: Thats right How did you know? Aino(Mina): It seems all of us have had the same night mare. Rei: It seemed so real that machine monster looked so strong. Amy: Yeah but lucky for us Zoisite is gone.
Gee I didn't know that about Sailor Saturn having this Silence Reborn Revolution attack. Queen Asuka is it ok if we call you Mina like in the show instead of Aino?
Gee Schratn9 when do you plan on posting the rpg?
Pheonix: Maybe you could hush up boy. [i]Pheonix threw fire at Avalanche which she disintegrated before it touched him.[/i] Kitty: Gee for a good Pheonix you sure are bad. Pheonix: You [i]Pheonix grabbed a mutant up in the air.[/i] Pheonix: Where is your Portal Key? Mutant: It's been destroyed thats right we have destroyed it know you will never get back to your on time. Pheonix: Noooo [i]The Pheonix killed him and all of the other evil mutants with one large blast of fire .[/i]
Here is some info on Sailor Saturn Silence Glaive Surprise Sailor Saturn says this attack... there is a pause of total Silence, then a large explosion which destroies the enemy. Silence Wall This is Sailor Saturn's Defensive Attack and to post images look at the vB code put the web address of the pic in between [img][/img] [img]http://www.baynet.net/~philip/images/characters/saturn/saturn01.jpg[/img] I have posted the rpg, being that not that many people signed up we will have to play the other characters also if anybody else want's to sign up feel free to.
OOC: Those of you who are made up scouts will be new to town. [I]After the scouts are done talking about the good ol days the sky turned grey and everyone around them began to fall asleep. [/I] Rei: This is not good. [I]The scouts looked in front of them and saw a big machine monster spraying somekind of mist that made everyone fall to the ground. As the monster sprayed the mist the scouts looked up and saw a familiar face floating above it.[/I] Rei: Zoisite?
Zeo Megazord [img]http://www.rangercentral.com/zeomeg.jpg[/img] When things get too tough for the Zeo Zords, they can combine and form the Zeo Megazord. Usually in warrior mode with the Zeo V battle helmet, the Zeo Megazord can wear the helmet of the other four Zeo Zords as well. The Zeo Megazord presumably remains in storage in the Zeo Zord holding bay.
Zeo Zord 5 for pink [img]http://www.rangercentral.com/zord1.jpg[/img] The other half of the Zeo Zords' arsenal, Pink Ranger's Zord has side mounted missile launchers, and a powerful top mounted cannon. Both Pink and Yellow Rangers control this firepower with temperance and good judgement.
Zeo Zord 4 for yellow [img]http://www.rangercentral.com/zord2.jpg[/img] Half of the Zeo Zords' arsenal, Yellow Ranger's Zord is equipped with twin rockets on the top, and side mounted cannons. Its massive firepower makes monsters think twice about messing with this rolling marauder.
Zeo Zord 3 for blue [img]http://www.rangercentral.com/zord3.jpg[/img] The Blue Ranger's Zord has the mythical powers of the Sphinx, and has a powerful head mounted cannon.
Zeo Zord 4 for green [img]http://www.rangercentral.com/zord4.jpg[/img] This Zord of the Green Ranger's possesses the mighty strength of Taurus the Bull and can shoot electricity from its horns.
Here are the zords. Sorry in advance for the double posts I am going to make. [img]http://www.rangercentral.com/zord5.jpg[/img] This is Zeo Zord 5 for red Red Ranger's airborne Zord embodies the the spirit of the Phoenix. Anything the machine Empire can throw at it are no match for its fierceness and nobilty.
Each Zeo Ranger has his/her own Blade and Pistol, which can be combined for additional firepower. [IMG]http://www.rangercentral.com/weapons1.jpg[/IMG]
Here is a picture of the Zeo Weapons Red - Sword Yellow - Double Clubs Green - Hatchets Blue - Axes Pink - Disc [img]http://www.rangercentral.com/prz-ar-weapons.jpg[/img]
Name: Tiffany Sloan Age: 15 Short Bio: There is little known about Tiffany other than the fact that she is the sister of former yellow ranger Tanya. Also she has lived in africa all of her life meaning she knows a lot about wild animals. During the time of the attack on earth she and her parents were seperated when the evil forces tried to destroy africa. She has promised herself that she will do what ever it takes to stop the forces of darkness. Power you want: Yellow (temporarily until someone else signs up for it) Her is pic of Zeonizers which we use to transform. [img]http://www.rangercentral.com/prz-ar-zeonizers.jpg[/img]
[i]Kerketamon heard something in the room beside the one that she was in she became tiny molecules and she went through the wall.[/i] Kerketamon: Gee thats new WarAngemon T.Hybinmon?
Deedlit nice sign up but you can only be reincarnated from one of the Charmed Ones and since you want the power of Premonition then you would be reincarnated from Pheobe Halliwell and since you can't think of a third power how about levitation you don't have to but it's just a suggestion.
A few weeks ago I made this rpg but no one joined but DarkOrderKnight so I'm tryin again hre goes. Once their were three sisters the three legendary witches the Charmed Ones. These sister had the three powers that their ancestor Melinda Warren had. These three powers were Telekinesis (the ability to move things with your mind, Molecular Immobilization (the ability to slow the molecules of an object until stopping), Premonitions( the ability to see into the future and past by touching an object of importance), The Power of Three the combined power of the Charmed ones. Each of these sisters had one of these powers that they used to stop the forces of darkness and the Source of all evil. The eldest of these sisters was killed by the Sources assassin Shax. The two remaining sister found that they had a long lost sister who was half whitelighter(guardian angel for witches), because of this her power of telekinesis works differently. Instead of moving things with her mind she orbs them to were ever she desires. The charmed ones finally destroyed the Source two times around after 4 1/2 years. The sisters did not expect what happened next the Source came back by feeding off of the hate of everyone in the world and was more powerful than ever. The sisters went up against the Source for the 3rd time and this time failed. Now 30 years later the world has been taken over by the forces of darkness and has been reduced to ruins. Though hope lives agian threw the reincarnated Charmed ones that have just been born. The new generation of Charmed ones are all grown up and have just learned that they are witches after living their lives as orphans in a colony of humans. They have far more powerful powers than the first ones. Aside from each having the powers of their last life they have new stronger powers which they will soon discover when they can find the Book of Shadows. The fate of the world lies in their hands . I also need people to play demons and other forces of evil. Though nobody can be the source. Sign Up Name: Reincarnated from: (if charmed one) Age: Race: Witch, Demon,Warlock etc.... Powers: if charmed one powers of last life(telekinesis is taken) also new powers that you will soon gain, you may only have 3 powers. Personality: My Sign Up Name: Prue Reincarnated from: Prue Halliwell Age: 25 Race: Witch Powers: Telekinesis, Astral Projection(be in two places at once, when using this power your real body is unconcious), Earthquake Energy Balls(energy balls with the power of small earthquakes like being hit with super strength) Personality: Prue is very stubborn and her hate for the Source blinds her beyond words. She has a very good sence of judgement.