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Everything posted by Rei

  1. Well she has Venus Love and Beauty Shock and Venus Cresent Beam Smash and Venus Meteor Shower or something it's like a whole bunch of Cresent Beams. If anybody else wants to join then you should do it soon because I will start this thread tommorrow.
  2. Is anybody else going to join this rpg because I sure would like to start?
  3. Rei


    Piper: So how about it Blaise do you accept my challenge?
  4. Thats a nice pic and Schratn9 do you actually know how old Tommy is in 2013.
  5. [i]The Digimon walked through the hole that WarUltridramon had blasted. When the were inside the hole healed itself and was as good as new. Then each digimon grew weary and then dissappered and ended up in different places of the castle all of them alone.[/i] Kerketamon: This isn't good at all.
  6. Schratn9 will there be any other original Power Rangers in the rpg like Billy to give us the Communicators or will Tommy do it or what?
  7. Pheonix joined up with the group as they were going very slow. Pheonix: We must hurry. Pheonix speed past the group then she flew through the whole in the wall and landed on the floor surrounded by 5 mutants. Pheonix: I won't fight you. Jean: But I will. Jean gained control of her body and used her abilities to knock all 5 mutants on the gound then the X-Men showed up. The Pheonix then took control agian.
  8. Nightwing that is a nice pic but this is Power Rangers Zeo so you would look like this. [img]http://www.rangercentral.com/pics/pic-prz14.jpg[/img] And GotenksSSJ343 there is no black ranger in Zeo.
  9. Ok that is the maximum only three made-up scouts. Also ChibiTrunks you scout is Pluto not Uranus.
  10. Uriel5 I just wanted to tell you that Jason's last name is Scott unless you want to keep Asriel.
  11. Name: Kelly Hillard Age: 16 Short Bio: Kelly is a gymnast from Australia that has recently moved here to the United States. Kelly is the daughter of Kat's(a former pink ranger) big sister. Kelly is very much like her aunt meaning she is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone no matter what and she never gives up in what she believes in. Kelly's father died during the attack on earth in the air force. After her fathers death Kelly went from a female Bulk and Skull to the spliting image of her aunt. Power you want: Pink We are supposed to sign up as new rangers right or the old ones.?
  12. In SailorMoon SS Sailor Venus does have more attacks than Venus Love Chain. Or is that all you want to use?
  13. [i] The Pheonix quickly flew through the scraps and pieces of the destroyed X-Jet paying more attention to the flaming stars than the key until it flew infront of her face.[/i] Pheonix: The Key! [i] She grabbed the key and flew back to the unknown ship tp help the mutants of the X-Men and the Brotherhood.[/i]
  14. Well yeah If nobody else jons as the original scouts we will have to play them together.
  15. Juuthena and tursi and anyone else who is playing Sailor Scouts not in the show will be from another galaxy that have come here to help stop Beryl. Also ChibiTrunks this is Sailor Moon SS the time of the Super Sailor Scouts so you won't be able to use the Moon Cresent Wand or the Moon Sceptre or the Spiral Heart Moon Rod. All you can do is Moon Tiara Magic and Moon Gorgeous Meditation and the power of the crystal.
  16. After the Sailor Scouts had triumphed once agian over Queen Neherenia and Queen Vadilanne they enjoy a nice long day of relaxation. As they sit and reminisce about the good old days and all that they have done, all the evils of the negaverse they have defeated, and all the changes they have been through they bring up their first enemy Queen Beryl. At that exact moment when all of their minds are linked on Queen Beryl the anger the give off is consumed into a void. As the Sailor Scouts continue to hate Queen Beryl the void that is in another dimension grows bigger and deeper until it forms brings their thoughts to life. Queen Beryl is back and weak along with her minions Jadeite, Neflyte, etc. The fallin queen of evil and her Minions continue to feed off of all the anger from every living being on the planet. As Queen Beryl and her minoins get strong they begin to manifest back into our dimension. Stronger and more evil than ever before Queen Beryl is planing her revenge on the Sailor Scouts. Lately the weather has been out of control, sunny dry days the next frezzing hail storms the next. The Sailor Scouts know that there is and evil behind this and won't stop until they have stopped it and have save the world once agian. Play as any Scout except the Sailor Star Scouts seeing how they aren't around yet. Sign Up Name: Sailor Scout Name: (if any) Attacks: (can be made up) Discription(mental)/Personality: Extra Info: (Anything extra you want to add) My Sign Up Name: Rei Hino Sailor Name: Super (Sailor Mars) [img]http://www.baynet.net/~philip/images/characters/mars/mars-04.jpg[/img] Attacks: Mars Pyro Flames(Sailor Mars swings her hands and evil beings explode into flames only works on weaker monster, on stronger ones they just burn and get harsh wounds), Mars Celestial Fire Surround, Mars Flame Sniper, Sailor Mars can also throw anti evil signs which cause evil beings to become paralized for a moment or two. Discription(mental)/Personality: Rei has (in her opinion) the best leadership qualities of all the Sailor Scouts. As a teenager, she has gained popularity amongst those her own age. She goes out on dates, much more often than the others. At first, she disliked Serena and found her unfit, personality-wise, as being the leader. Later on however, she realizes the errors she made. She then helps Sailor Moon out. Being a strong shoulder during Sailor Moon's troubled times. We will all play the evil roles together no one can play any evil role alone. Also a Tuxedo Mask (Darien) and we will all also play Luna, Artimes, and Diana together. Enjoy!
  17. [I]While realizing that the X-Men were no match for these powerful mutants Jean created a whole in the wall of the ship and pushed her teammates and the Brotherhood out. They all tried their hardest to hold their breath but were unsuccessful. One by one they each died from shortage of air. The last one was Jean who was blacking out until she saw the Good Pheonix. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. I was a light red giant bird that telepathicly linked with Jean. The Pheonix and Jean merged into one being.[/I] Pheonix: I AM PHEONIX! [i]The pheonix threw blazing flames on the dead mutants of the X-Men and Brotherhood and revived them. She also made very thin layers of extra skin that made it possible for them to breath.[/i] Cyclops: Jean?!!! Pheonix: Storm use your powers to make winds to make the others fly as you do yourself and get the portal key of the mutants on the space craft it won't be easy my friends but you must try your best it is what makes you X-Men. I will look through the scraps and pieces of the X-Jet and try to find our key. Good Luck X-Men. [i]With that the Pheonix gracefully flew through the sky surrounded in beautiful flames.[/i]
  18. That would be amazing but I'm sure it would be so really expensive.
  19. [I]The X-Men and Brotherhood saw a mutant walk toward them.[/I] ???: You! [I]The mutant blew fire from his mouth which Jean telekinetically deflected. A few other mutants showed up.[/I] Jean: What is wrong with you why did you split the Pheonix? ???: So that we could send it back to your time and change the future and guess what we succeded. Everyone you've ever loved everyone you've ever known is dead and know it is time for you to join them. [i]The mutant used Areokinesis and blew the X-Men into a sticky wall that they could not get free of none of their powers worked.[/i] Jean: Kitty try and phase through. Beast: Kurt try to teleport. [i] Shadowcat and Nightcrawler tried using their powers but they somehow blocked and did not work.[/i] Shadowcat: Great what do we do know? Iceman: This. [i]Iceman froze the sticky goo on the wall and the mutants broke free.[/i]
  20. [I]As the unknown ship continued to fire on the X-Men plus Brotherhood Jean created an energy bubble that maintained for only a few seconds leaving Jean with a terrible migraine. Storm, Cyclops, Damage, Marrow, and Iceman launched thier attacks but it did know good. They were all running out of air and fast, the ship began to fire agian, everyone held hands and Nightcrawler with a big strain teleported them all to the unknow ship. The X-Jet was completely reduced to scraps.[/I] Shadowcat: Oh my good Kurt what were you thinking the X-Jet is history. Nightcrawler: It was either the Jet or us.
  21. [i]The mutants arrived on an island far away with a huge mountain and an entrance at the bottom.[/i] Jean: Finally! [i]They all entered the entrance of the cave, Damage held his hand out emiting a small ball of light he led the way. After walking a long way the mutants saw a huge wall that blocked their way. Cyclops and Damage tried blasting their way through but their blasts went right through.[/i] Beast: Stop that isn't the way through. [i]Beast approached the wall with the key which began to glow. Then the wall blasted all of them all the way outside and when they looked up they saw the portal.[/i] Beast: Hurry before the Dark Pheonix gets out, everyone on the X-Jet. [i]The mutants got onto the X-Jet and began flying to the portal when instead of going forward the X-Jet was going backward.[/i] Jean: Beast what are you doing? Beast: It's not me it's Hakx. [i]Hakx used his super strength to pull the X-Jet backward. The portal turned black in preparation for the Dark Pheonix.[/i] Storm: No! [i]The Pheonix emerged in black flames it looked like something you would see in a nightmare. Hakx then threw the X-Jet into the portal and within a few seconds the mutants were in outerspace in the future were the Pheonix was first seperated.[/i] Jean: Oh No we've failed the Dark Pheonix has been unleashed on the world. What are we going to do? [I]Just then a highly advanced type of spaceship was coming toward the X-Jet. Jean senced that the people on that ship were the same one's that seperated the Pheonix, the ship began to fire.....[/I]
  22. [I]The mutants had arrived at the destination of the final piece Paris.[/I] Shadowcat: Aww the City of love. Lamelle: Shadowcat Shut Up. Shadowcat: Alright Alright! [I]Avalanche created a whole in the ground using his powers. Nightcrawler teleported down and got the final piece and gave it to Beast, then Hakx appeared. Hakx used his electrokinesis power and shot the piece out of Beast's hand.[/I] Jean: Wow I did not know he could do that. [I]Right before Hakx could Quicksilver ran and picked up the key piece. Beast combined his two pieces to make 2/3 of the key. Avalanche shock the ground and Hakx fell on his back and his key piece fell out. Jean used her telekinesis and moved the piece to her hand, gave it to Beast who combined it forming the key to the time portal. Rouge tackled Hakx absorbing him and he passed out.[/I] Jean: That was a lot easier than I expected. [I]The mutants got into the X-Jet and flew in the direction of the time portal.[/I]
  23. [I]Iceman created a forcefield of ice around the beaten minions of Hakx.[/I] Jean: Ok We have got one piece to te key and so does Hakx so there's only one left. Cyclops: Hakx is bound to be at the next location so we have got to get there first then ambush him and take his piece. Kurt: Then what? Beast: Then open the portal but we can't keep it open for long or else the Evil Phoenix will get out. Jean: So we go to the future combine the Good and Evil Phoenix's and make sure the people that did this can't do it agian.
  24. Kerketamon: Know what? Let's get to some action.
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