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Everything posted by iggy

  1. hey cya guys later im retirong my name maybe forever maybe not well cya :(
  2. i havent seen KP and plume awwww man KP was one of my best friends on otaku
  3. great job in november would be my one year at otaku anniversary YAY
  4. happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday to mehappy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday to me and all the rest
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flik [/i] [B]Did u need to go to the hospital........ [/B][/QUOTE] course i got stitches and got like a soft cast
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I love the Simpsons.... I've seen every episode... and then I consistantly watch reruns.... My favorite character..... hmmm Duff Man :p I guess I don't really have a favorite character, i just like the show in a whole.... wait... no MR. SPARKLE! is my favorite charatcer... same with Flying Seizure Robots and Grimmy was cool too hahaha.... ::watches the Simpson's Trip to Japan episode:: ahh i love this episode... knife goes in, guts come out.. [/B][/QUOTE] love duffman then u have seen the episode when he goes "duffman can't breath oh yeah" that was so funny im a huge simpson fan never missed an episode i love bart hes the best lenny carl and moe are funny
  7. i was on this bad-*** big BMX track i was riding my GT and i went off this huge-*** jump and tried to do a tailwhip and biffed it frikin had i cut my cheeck and got 3 stitches there and i twisted my ankle so i had to frikin sit and do nothing for like 4 dasy it really blew. Allthough none of u care LOL Peace out
  8. i am i am not just yet but i am and i never oh almost never;) lie
  9. its like combine but worse well not for me really cause i was in an nearby middle school but this time more ppl dide and i am christian actually a baptist so im in favor of the prayer idea
  10. the one and only!:) :) :) ;) except i said list his username in this time in life but ill give it to u
  11. hey man i wish u and ur fiance a awesome life;)
  12. iggy


    i like it i made a section of my site to it
  13. favs -3 doors down -linkin park -limp bizkit -korn -incibus least favs -backstreet blows -*n crap -britney gays -christina gayfaglera -all the other gay singers
  14. dude man that must have been a frikin shock dude congrats:) :babble: i wanna have a kid but im gonna be only 13 so i gotta go a long way dude awesome congrats again but scince ur gonna have a kid ur probably not gonna be online long huh well congrats again:wigout: :) :babble:
  15. awesome thing dude well never played it but saw it a loved it
  16. lol this is weird happy b day to all ill be saying that to myself in a month
  17. 1.justin 2.hbomb or shinji p.s renee was never and admin i think uh r u Rizco Tranzig?
  18. iggy

    Top 3 PS2 games?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majin Gohan [/i] [B]1. Red Faction 2. Twisted Metal Black 3. NBA Street [/B][/QUOTE] More like 1.The Bouncer 2.Twisted metal black 3.midnight club
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