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Everything posted by iggy

  1. Im guessing its fuse with digispirit like in Frontier but I might be wrong
  2. Well no duh gouf I never said the board was better I just said exodia acts liekt the board and provides an automatic win
  3. Thats exactly right its just liket he puzzle piece which spells out Death if you D-E-A-T-H you automatically win same thing happens with Exodia
  4. Thats great adam this should get TheOtaku a lot more hits Keep up the great work
  5. That theme song is pretty good compared to the american ones They suck the only one I actually like was the JLC and the Original theme song
  6. It also depends on how well you manage fight or help other member and such But this should really be in another forum
  7. Thanks Ive waster close to 100 super repels and never found them eh oh well Ill try more. Thanks for the Dragonite one I though you had to trade it Mine is at level 52 so I though it was hopeless because usually pokemon evolve to their last stage in the lever 30's
  8. Ok i have 2 questions about crystal version here they are 1.Can you catch entei and raikou there? I've tried to use Repel and walked around for forever and couldnt even see them (yes ive caught suicune in the tower) but where do you find Entei and Raikou? 2. Do you have to trade Dratini to evolve it into a dragonite if not what level does it evolve at?
  9. I'll join :) Name:Iggy Nickname:Iggy Age:15 Digivice&color:Silverish Black Friends:no idea Personality:Courageous, Smart, Strong, Evil :devil: Side: (Good or Bad)Bad Bio:I am iggy I had a horrible life which caused me to go evil. Now I wont stop until I destroy everything...... Digimon-Rookie: Demdevimon Champion: Devimon Ultimate:Myotismon Mega:Piedmon Bio-Merge:Apocalymon Bio-Fuse:BlackSeraphimon
  10. That looks awesome I cant wait to get it when it comes out in the USA And the graphics look cool too It will be an awesome game when it comes out I bet they will release it in the spring or summer in the US
  11. I would never trade Mirror force for those cards. Yes they might be good like the dark magician or something like that but mirror force is way more valuable I would hold on to it if I were you
  12. Exodia can beat pretty much anything but I think if the god cards to come out in english they will have some kind of magic affect which protects them from Exodia maybe not Thats just a though And yeah exodia has no specific attack power the peices do but when combined exodia has no limit of attack strength
  13. In my book thats not really acceptible Marik and Malik sound totaly diffrent its horrible the people who made the names suck!!
  14. iggy

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    Uh oh looks like Blanko took off again no one to get this RPG started *crap*
  15. Yeah he did but I think even a moron would do that I mean its easier to win after your opponent has been weakened
  16. my name is really jacked its a russian name cause I was born in russia and crap like that my name is: Igor and its pronounced Egor and theres a nbunch of ways enemies make fun of it like Eeyore or Ihore and crap like that but I just ignore them and make an insult about them
  17. Whoa I guess Yugioh isnt really popular in NC But thats a pretty good deck like mace said if you went over to colorado you would probably be creamed too because of the way we build our decks but the deck is pretty cool
  18. iggy


    I have 4 I just need one more and I'll kick *** That would come great with my deck mostly built on Powerful monsters I just need one more. (left leg).
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GotenksSSJ343 [/i] [B]Millenium Dagger Description: its a green dagger with the eye symbol on the blade. and it has a flute built in the handle. Effect: can summon any monster to life (real life like imagine a man-eater bug next to you right now!) [/B][/QUOTE] Well there kinda allready is a dagger because of the millenium rod acts like a dagger and you can stab people. Just pointing that out. But the effect is cool.
  20. Hotmail and MSN get really messed up frequently but mostly the problems are temprorary liamc2 how long have you been having problems. I think it might be a virus but it might just be a problem with the HOTMAIL server
  21. Ok well lets just say they would tie or something
  22. If it was a virus his computer would start acting up in this case its only MSN but it might be a virus in the early stages I would be really careful if I was you.
  23. I dont think so pegasus would come close but he would fail Did you see how Yami Bakura handled the ring? He would win
  24. Microsoft jacks up MSN but I havnt really had that kind of crap happen But I think it might be a hacker or the server just messed up your account
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]One must wonder if that's actually a good thing. [/B][/QUOTE] I think it is a good thing
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