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Everything posted by hiachi

  1. hiachi


    I have been looking forward to this game since it was first announced, then by the name 'Project Ego' at E3 I think...
  2. Candies are for kids, yet we eat them all our life...just a thought on the "I'm too old thing"
  3. But its not voice acting ;) its just text-to-speech technology, which means it can (if it is actually pronounceable) say your name too, like my name on there is Igeryu (EE geh REE YUU), but it just calls me igeru...its trying, and I give it credit
  4. The Knight guy......dont know name..., and the spinning scarecrow thing..:-,
  5. I used to have my eyes set only on Nintendo, since this was post-'Me-owning-dreamcast' and I had only played o so few SEGA games, actually.....Sonic many times, and I'm sure I remember playing NiGHTS when I was younger...But now, SEGA and Nintendo are my two favorites, SEGA because of the sheer crazy-zany-(but most of all)creativly original games they make, games (as mentioned by Shinmaru...) Seaman(First virtual-pet simulation with voice-cognition), Space Channel 5(first music-based game that doesnt follow the 'copy the pattern on the screen while your character stands there' formula, instead she walks, shoots, and explores!), Samba De Amigo(never played it, but it has one of the coolest perhipherals ever...digital maracas!), Jet Set Radio(innovation popping through the seams, with great dance moves, fun and vivacious music, good game-play mechanics, new style game never tried before-taking real life stuff people do, like graffiti, skating, avoiding cops, competing with other gangs--and turning it into one hip game), Shenmue(one of the most realistic, living-breathing games ever, and it takes place in my favorite country too!), Phantasy Star(instead of going the way of the standard medieval RPG settings so very accustomed to games of its era, this game defied all odds and became a Sci-Fi, futuristic RPG), roomania #203(never made it to the states...yet...but it was yet another gameplay never tried, a sim that you neither were in the simulation, nor overhead with your god-like abilities, instead you just stayed in a small apartment building, with its cozy lil college student, and you basically either help or hind-no, destroy his entire life), and more that I cant currently think of yet
  6. I've always wanted an online simulation game, one in which consists of an entire world, and complex city systems (players can be bankers, car salesmen), and very few NPC's. Also it could have RPG-ish stats to allow some adventures in the unexplored areas of the world...that would be my ideal game
  7. As for absolute funn-ness (which to me is the finalizing factor in choosing my favorite game, over all else), Soul Calibur II is my favorite fighter as well, but for gameplay, I would have to say Virtua Fighter IV would deserve a lil more hype, seeing it requires more skill with the actual exectution of moves and a little more developed dodging system other than just timing...
  8. Well, you can still do multi....I stand by my statement that PSO Episode I&II is the best overall multiplayer on the GCN...
  9. Every time I see screens from FE, I cant help but think it looks a lot like Shining Force back on Genesis.....O_o
  10. Ack.......i have the beta game, and only have been able to play bout 2-3 times......was fun while it lasted though!
  11. Its more of an action/platformer similar to Shinobi, but very much different! Here's some screens to show you (although they are somewhat small) what the game looks like [img]http://sega.com/images/gametitle/otogi/ss_otogi_xbox_2_lg.jpg[/img] [img]http://sega.com/images/gametitle/otogi/ss_otogi_xbox_3_lg.jpg[/img] very nice textures there! [img]http://sega.com/images/gametitle/otogi/ss_otogi_xbox_6_lg.jpg[/img] you can see the air battles that you can initiate in the game! [img]http://sega.com/images/gametitle/otogi/ss_otogi_xbox_7_lg.jpg[/img] I think that is awesome lighting effects! [img]http://sega.com/images/gametitle/otogi/ss_otogi_xbox_10_lg.jpg[/img] Not only can you upgrade your weapons (for a RPG-ish feel too!), you also get magic in the game!!
  12. I recently played the demo for this game at the local EB-World, and absolutely love the game. The power you have in destroying the environment, the controls (you can 'fly' somewhat) and the fact that you can slam the bosses (if they are small enough....but it IS possible) against wall's/floors/other obstacles. It also looks and sounds very nice, with very good lighting effects, great textures and character/enemy concept, for what I've seen. Also, one note that doesnt affect the game, I just like the fact that all this killing demons business is called 'cleansing' which gives you seens in which you see the boss, and the voice that guides you tells you you must 'cleanse' it, but you know you really gotta waste it, no saving this helpless being!
  13. Looks very cool, much like Shinobi.....although I only played the one on PS2 about 2-3 times.....all in the first level, but all in all, it was great!
  14. *Refuses to understand how great graphics and character characteristics makes an RPG great..* but yes, the graphics are nice, though ive seen a lot of characters in there that have low quality, mainly the NPC's which [to me atleast] standout from the PC's....thats how i know who i'll play with soon ;) EDIT: Now that I think about it......this should really go in the SquareEnix forum, not this one...
  15. Also, some people only tend to accept the Japanese style rpg, whereas you play through a set story, which is normally good, yes, but you have very little freedom; American RPG's seem to be more open-ended, like Morrowind and KOTOR, yet some 'avid' RPG'ers dont understand that the japanese style RPG didnt define the genre, (infact, RPG's originated over here in the states with games like D&D!), they are just one style...
  16. I used to read those all the time, the were even a fad at my school...yes, it was [i]cool[/i] to read, lol...anyways, I had many, many of those......course they only held me for about 30 mins....then i would be done reading.....they were short!
  17. I have umm.... Phantasy Star Online-Maybe not a 'traditional' RPG, but still fills the application, and I love that game very much, the online competition/cooperation, very fun! Skies of Arcadia Legends-Final Fantasy may keep with the traditional style of the older RPG's, even though the 3D levels and other technological advances, but SOAL is my absolute favorite single-player RPG, I had more fun playing that than I've had playing any other RPG Phantasy Star(series)-Back when RPG's were fairly new for video games, the PS, FF, and DM series were the kings, and I love my king as much as any other FF/DM [i]pawn[/i]..i mean fan ;) loves their games..
  18. -You try to write music on a billboard, and expect everyone in town to sing/hum to your tune -You go to the dock with your GBA on, looking for a Kappa in a boat -You go to a tailor with a 64x64 pixel drawing, expecting to make a shirt -You try to give a cockroach to your local museum
  19. Oh yeah, forgot bout Poke'mon, though I dont have it anymore....Poke'mon's been to 'americanized' for me to think about it when i think of anime...
  20. If you mean one that looks like the anime-Robotech, if you mean a game that has an anime, Sonic, Zelda, and Mario (or was that an american cartoon?), final fantasy was an anime once also!
  21. No one's mentioned Harvest moon yet?? I spent many hours playing that game, very fun! Another game, i dono why no one seems to like it, but it was the first (well, it was either that or pokemon..cant remember) RPG i played, and knew what i was doing...
  22. yes, they copied the original, and added new moves, new concepts on the game, (like exploration in nintendo-inspired courses) trophies, even cooler chars, since ones that have never fought before are the coolest (namely:Mr. Game&Watch), used the environments in ways never even thought of in the original, added many new Vs modes, like the special melee, and tourney mode (up to 64 people can compete), and you can keep track of all your data with the use of profiles....yes....thats just a copy, if copy means the same thing cept completely revamped....:-/
  23. If your talking about the retail version, Viewtiful Joe, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, Splinter Cell, and Soul Calibur II.....cant think of a question
  24. He may be thinking of Speed Racer, although even with the similarites to F-Zero, its not that easy to confuse them......
  25. I have beaten the ONLY XBox game I have so far:StarWars Knights of the Old Republic, (on a Light-Side char, BTW...)
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