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About TerryHammond

  • Birthday 06/20/1985

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  1. so basically you saying that it is only a game to rent and not buy
  2. :wigout: :tasty: :flaming: :worried: :whoops: :naughty:
  3. I need to get my drawing under 100kb and under 800 pixles in width to put on otakuartist.com but i have no clue as to how to do it. can someone at least tell me how with microsoft photo draw
  4. no the is a game out for PS2 called Legoin of excaliber it just came out about a month a go
  5. has anyone played the new excablier game. if so is it any good??
  6. I think that movie wiil do slight some justice but on the other hand is they put big plastic hair for SSJ level then i will of myself. and if it anything like the PR movies then it will blow bad. PR = Power Rangers
  7. What if picon and piccolo fused together. What would you guy call him. Plus anyone got or know where to get good pics of picon and piccolo
  8. I am just wondering if anyone has played the Game BID OF POWER for the PC
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