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Masta Playa

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Everything posted by Masta Playa

  1. I disagree over a lot of the things that people have against FUNImation, and American DBZ in general. I think a lot of it is based on bias, and a lot of people follow the "funi is evil" thing blinded by a desire to fit into the community. Anyway, what are your opinions? Also, any word on new episodes on Cartoon Network? :P
  2. Ok, If this one doesn't cut it then I won't post anymore until i get better :toothy: I think i did a little better this time, but i could be mistaken.
  3. hmm.. it shouldn't.. try reloading :)
  4. This is my first splash page. I made it with Arcsoft Photoimpression, i'm not sure if anyone's ever heard of it but it came bundled with my printer :P
  5. It's not necessarily that hard to make a good banner in MSPaint. If you're looking not to spend any money(or downloading time) you can combine it with programs like IrfanView to make o.k. banners. The potential is out there!
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