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Everything posted by Sanek

  1. Episode 7 Mystery of Umourashou powers unlocked! Enter Garda! Last time on DB UB, the evil worm-like monster Atsu was beaten for good by Umourashou, and the two bounty hunters Reko and Appan. But now the monster is dead, is Umourashou's powers going to fade? Is there another purpose to the bonty hunter's visit? Or is this just the begining of a long story? Find out today! The two bounty hunters fly back to their ship. Reko:Well that went as well as to be thought..... Appan:Ha! That was easy! The worm didn't know what was coming to him! Reko:Yeah....but who was that kid? Appan:Must be one of the natives on this stupid planet. Reko:But how could he get so strong? The creatures here aren't surposed to be able to fire Ki Blasts! Appan:Let's see.... I use the scouter to find him. Hmmmm...... Wha! Power Level...... 1000! Reko:WHAT! No creature here could ever get that strong..... Compared to our 3000 each though, that nothing. Appan:It gets worse. That's his current power level. If he gets angry, I bet it'll go up! Reko:Amazing...... What is he? Appan:We worry about that later. In the meantime, we need to find out what Atsu was doing here before we get paid. Reko, you contact Veko and tell him we have destroyed the creature. DON'T tell him about the kid. Show him some of that gloop to prove it. Reko:Right. Let me guess..... you going to check the comet for clues..... Appan:Yep. He flies off towards the comet and looks round it. He spies what looks like a gap in it. He pulls it away and finds controls inside. Appan:So this was some kind of ship on a pre-chosen course. So that means that Atsu is working for someone. Or something. But why would they want him to come to Earth? He spies a Vid-screen, and presses a button. A vid-message comes on. Atsu (On screen): Nearing Sector 98 to the third planet. Detecting the energy emmisions. We were right. The 7 Dragonballs are on this planet. Soon immortality will be yours, master. End message. A picture shows up of a drawing of a Dragonball, then it goes black. Appan:So that what he was after. But what the heck are Dragonballs? And who's this 'master' he's talking to? Wait, immortality....... Yes, this is good...... Reko. Reko(Via scouter):Yes, what is it Appan? Appan:I think I just found our ticket to power..... Meanwhile, in space...... Voice:So their here, on planet Earth. The Dragonballs. And so's he. I knew he was here. And no one can stop me. The figure moves from the darknes into the light, revealing a man dressed in full armour. Man:No one..... can stop Garda. Garda the Sayian! Just who is Garda? What is a 'Sayian'? And is he the 'master' of Atsu? Will Umourashou be Earth's only hope? Or will Appan and Reko side with him? Why does Garda want the dragonballs? And is the offer of 'immortality' enough for Appan and Reko to find the Dragonballs too? Will they side with the Sayian, or will they find them themselves? All this, next time on DB UB! Episode 8 Power Level Unknown! Garda the Sayian! Previously on DBUB, Super Atsu got the suprise of his life as dieing in public.Appan had found out that Atsu had been under someone or something's orders to look for dragonballs.But if that was the case then who?And are Reko and Appan really Umourashou's friends or is he the victim?What is going on here?Answers will be answered today on DBUB! Episode 8 Power Level Unknown! Garda the Sayian! It's morning in the city of Krashu. Umourashou-I'm going to school mom! Umourashou's mom-Ok honey! Umourashou-(thinks)I can't believe my mom doesn't know about the school(snickers) Meanwhile on some other part of the planet... Appan-Reko!Wake up!We're meeting the kid here! Reko-Heh.Darn fool.Just wait till we tell him and see the expression on his face! Umourashou-Hey guys! Appan-Hey...uh...kid... Umourashou-Oh my name is Umourashou Appan-Heh.Thanks I'm Appan and this is uh... Reko-Reko Umourashou-Hi Appan-Yeah but for why you are here... Umourashou-Have you found out how I got my powers? Appan-No sorry. Umourashou-Oh Reko-But we believe it had something to do with the comet Umourashou-Huh? Reko-The comet.The one that hit your school Umourashou-How do you guys know about it? Reko and Appan eek and opened their eyes wide. Appan-Well uh...Soomeone told us about it...hehehe Umourashou-Oh.Hehe.Silly me. Appan-Yeah Umourashou-So what about it? Appan-Well it might have come with a ind of space junk that develops super powers. Umourashou-Huh? Appan-You know?Like if you were a human and you were hit by it it would develop super human strength! Umourashou-Oh yeah.Hehe.So do you think my friends were affected also? Appan-Well.If that's the case that if they were there at the time I'd say yeah. Umourashou-Holy [bleep!]I need to sheck this out! Reko-Glad your happy...Because... Then all of a sudden a spaceship arrived from the sky... Umourashou-What is that? Appan-Hmm...A spaceship of some sort? The spaceship landed in the park 100 feet away from where Umourashou and the others were standing. Umourashou-Let's check it out! They ran toward the ship to see it better.People ran from the park.The ship doors opened and out came a man wearing an armor suit. Umourashou-Huh?A human. The man in the suit said-Greetings earthings!We bring you peace! A woman screamed-Ahhh!Aliens! The man in the suit said-Yes we are aliens but we bring you peace!Unless you fight back!All hail you're new ruler Garda! Appan-Garda? Umourashou-You know him? Appan-Not really but I believe he's a saiyan. Umourashou-What's a saiyan? Reko-A saiyan is a space pirate that destroys eerything living on a planet and then sells it.They look just like humans except they're extremely powerful and have a tail which when they look in the moonlight transform into giant apes and are out of control! Umourashou-That's horrible! More saiyans in armor came out of the ship to protect their master.And then came out a giant saiyan bigger than the rest dressed in full armor! Umourashou-Is that Garda? Tall man-Greetings I am Garda!The most powerful warrior in the galaxy! Appan-Most powerful my [behind]! Garda-I shall rule you all and you shall all become my servants! Umourashou-Darn him! Garda-(Thinking)Just a matter of time those dragonballs will be in my possesion. Appan took out his scouter and put it over his eye. Umourashou-Huh?What is that? Appan-This is scouter.You use it to measure power levels. Umourashou-Power levels? Appan-Yeah it's how many energy you have in your entire body. Umourashou-Really?What am I? Appan-1000 Umourashou-Wow.What are normal humans. Appan-I don't know everything you know!!! Umourashou-Ok ok. Appan-Now let's check.1000.2000.3000.4000??? The scouter went up reading the power levels and soon: Appan-10,000? Umourashou-No way! Appan-Let's see.Ahhhh! The scouter broke. Umourashou-What did it stop at? Appan-10,837... Umourashou-No way!!!!!! Holy Cow!It seems Garda is probably invincible!If that scouter is correct Umourashou and the others are doomed!Can this be?Can they stop Garda?Is he the one that controlled Atsu?And what about the dragonballs?Can they get them?And why are the dragonballs so important!Find out next time on DBUB! Episode 9 Dragonball hunt, begin!Garda, ruler of earth? Done!!!!!
  2. Universal Battles... I made this on another board on dbzcardgame.com and it only has 8 episode (It's new) so I thought maybe there will be a diff version here...so I'll just post the 8 episodes here and c wat u guys think of it and c if u'll add more urself... Enjoy ^ ^ Episode 1 The adventure begins... It all began with a 14 year old boy named Umourashou (Ya-moo-ra-shoe).He was at school taking a test...this is our story "Darn it!How the heck are you suppossed to p*** this stupid test?Why do they even make test?" Umourashou asked.Umourashou was an ordinary boy with brown hair and blue eyes.And like most kids doesn't like school.He liked gym though.It was third period and in the next period was gym."Come on stupid clock hurry up!" He was taking a test in math period which he hated the most.5 minutes were left of the period and he was eager to go to gym this day because they were starting to play a new sport today...basketball (don't ask).It was his favorite sport.And he wanted to play it so much since he believes he can beat everyone who tries to beat him.Now the clock was at almost 10:04.Every second moving slower than a turtle walks.Umourashou was about to pop when the bell finally rang.He got off his seat and zoomed to the gym and didn't even bother to p*** his test to the teacher.He went to the gym beating everyone there.Then he put on his gym clothes...White shirt, black shorts and red sneakers.(Normal huh?).He ran out of the locker room happy with a smile on his face.But then the smile broke.When he realized his gym teacher was not there but a substitute.He realized that this was no ordinary substitute.It was a military luientanent.Then al the other boys came out and then the sub told them to line up against the walls.Then he told them "Now drop down and gimme 20." "Darn stupid sub" Umourashou said. Jirinai, Umourashou's best friend had said "Man this guy's strict." Then the sub told them to get up and said "My name is Mr.Butts!" Then the whole cl*** laughed.But then... Mr.Butts-How dare u laugh at me! The cl***-Stops Mr.Butts-Now for that drop down and gimme 50! Umourashou-Stupid teacher.I came here for basket ball and he makes us do military training. Jirinai-Sure does huh? Jirinai was a talented kid with great grades in every subject.Every grade higher than a plain B.(Smart kid huh?) Mr.Butts-Get ur sorry butts off the ground and line up. Cl***-Stands Mr.Butts-Now we shall play the game also known as dodgeball!Now play! Umourashou-Ur out!Yes! Jirinai-Alright!Look at these guys run! They played until the final 4.Umourashou, Jirinai, Hyumi and Hitsu.Hyumi was a geeky lookin kid but his looks mean nothing.He's actually a pretty good athlete.Hitsu was the school bully.Powerful but slow. Umourashou-Alright here we go!Say goodnight! Umourashou threw the ball at Hyumi and he fell down and didn't catch the ball. Jirinai-Alright man! Hitsu-Think fast! Jirinai-Huh?Ahh! A dodgeball hit Jirinai in the face and took him outta da game. Umourashou-U b@stard! Then he threw a ball at Hitsu and Hitsu was taken out of the game. Mr.Butts-Umourashou is the winner!Now hit the showers! Jirinai-Great game Umourashou! Umourashou-Heh.Thanks.It's just luck. Hitsu-It sure is and now I'm gonna kick your butt to the moon Itzu (Umourashou's last name). Umourashou-I'll like to c dat happen Hitsu just ignored it and left.Then the bell rang. Umourashou-O my god.Band cl***!C ya Jirinai. Jirinai-Right. Umourashou-Can't miss dis.If I fail dis cl*** with math I'll have to be left back. A couple distance miles from earth- Mysterious voice #1-There it is. Mysterious Voice #2-It's time. Mysterious voice #1-Hahaha! Then they both laugh. Umourashou enters cl*** but he hadn't expected the next thing that was coming.Outside the window a comet was heading to earth.And to top it off...it was heading toward his school. BOOM!!! The comet blows the school up and everything surrounding it for a couple hundred miles. Is dis da end or da begginin?Who r da mysterious voices?Will Hitsu beat up Umourashou?Y am I askin u these ?'s?Find out next episode! Episode 2 The Surivors of The world!Enter a monster? Previously on DBUB, Umourashou met the srictest gym teacher on the face on the planet, Mr.Butts.He made Umourashou and the others play dodge ball and do 70 push-ups.But if that wasn't enough it seems a comet has just hit his school!But is everyone okay?Or has everyone just died?Find out this episode of DBUB! Episode 2 The Surivors of The world!Enter a monster? BOOM!!! The comet has just hit the school.The ambulance and firemen arrive and help take out the flames.But the tention is killing them.Soon about an hour later the flames have been blown off. Jirinai-Umourashou!Hey you here! Umourashou-Yeah I'm here.See I'm fine. Jirinai-Oh that's good.Heh Both of them are covered in a darkish thing (You know the thing that looks like they got burned but they are fine). Umourashou-Hey did everyone come out a live? Policeman #1-Hey uh...Chaz has everyone come out alive? Chaz-Uh yup. Policeman-See?Everyone's fine. Umourashou-Thanks. Jirinai-What did he say? Umourashou-Everyone survived. Jirinai-That's good Umourashou-Sure is.Now school's out.For a while.Yes!No more ests! Jirinai-We have to transfer though. Umourashou-Oh.Nevermind. Jirinai-But I got a question. Umourashou-What is it? Jirinai-Satellites didn't expect a comet to hit for today.Nothing did actually. Umourashou-Wow.That's strange.Guess there was an error or something. Jirinai-Guess so huh? Umourashou-Well see ya later. Jirinai-Where are you goin? Umourashou-Home. Jirinai-Ok see you later. Umourashou-K bye Soon 3 hours after the crash everyone has left.Or has it?It seems the terror was just starting.Now that it's 5:00 P.M the light begins turning dark.But something was coming out of the middle of the crash.Where the meteor hit.A big giant slimy-like monster.Kinda like a giant worm disconfigured or turned inside out.And it was angry. Hundreds of miles above the earth though. Mysterious voice #1-Now go!My creation!Terrorize the humans.And eat them up. Mysterious voice #2-Eat them?Eww! Mysterious voice #1-Alright.Just kill them. Mysterious voice #2-That's better. It's now 11 P.M.Many people in the crash are already asleep cause they need rest for all that happened.But...that doesn't stop the worm. Mysterious voice #1-Now Atsu, kill them. Mysterious voice #2-We shouldn't have sent a worm to the an extra terristial's jobs should we? Mysterious voice #1-Nope huh?Oh well what's done is done. Mysterious voice #3-Don't worry.I checked Atsu's statistics and it should kill all species on a planet in about a day. Mysterious voice #1-(Sarcastically)Wow.I'd do it in 2 minutes. The city of Krashu is a big place.Busy.But unlike most cities it's not noisy in the night.Or is it? A noise rattles in the ground.And soon a earthquake comes out of nowhere.And people scream and run.People wake and run for their lives.And if that wasn't bad enough.Out of the ground appears none other than Atsu!He came out of the ground aand started breaking cars in tens to thousands of pieces with his giant,sharp teeth. Umourashou-What the [bleep]?What just happened? Then he comes down from his apartment down to the street level.Then he sees Atsu. Umourashou-What is that? And to make matters worse Atsu was staring at Umourashou. Mysterious voice #1-That's him!That's the one.Get him! Atsu-ROOOOAAAAAARRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Umourashou-Holy [bleep]! Umourashou starts running but Atsu gains up to him.Then he runs to an alley and thinks he lost him.But, Atsu tore the ground in 2 and hissed.And in a monsterous voice said: Atsu-NOW'S YOUR DEATH!YOU SHOULD BE HONORED!I AM AN ELITE WARRIOR ON PLANET ZECON! Umourashou now, has now no place to run.But could this actually be the end?Or the beggining?Didn't I say this last time?Will Umourashou escape the jaws of death from Atsu?What am I doing?Why am I making up these characters?Will someone help?Next time on DBUB! Episode 3 Deadly jaws of death!Umourashou a warrior?! Previously on Dragonballub, Umourashou's school was hit by a comet.Seeing this, firefighters and others put the flames out but when they thought it was over a hideous beast by the name of Atsu came growling out of the ground and started wreacking havoc in the city of Krashu.But it only got worse when he spotted his eyes on Umourashou.As it seems he only came to the planet for that reason.And to top it off Umourashou has no weapons with him to stop Atsu.Could this be the end? Episode 3 Deadly jaws of death!Umourashou a warrior?! Atsu-ROOOOOOOOAAAAARRR!!!!DIE YOU FREAK! Umourashou-What?!ME?!!!!!A FREAK?!?!?!?WHY YOU [BLEEP]! Atsu-You'll pay for that!WITH YOUR LIFE! Then Atsu opens his jaws and gets ready to gobble Umourashou up but then to his suprise he falls.Umourashou had his hands in a kamehameha kind of way and shot an energy blast at him! Umourashou-How?How did I do that? Atsu-Why you?How dare you do that to me! Atsu had a jelly-like fluid coming out of his body. Umourashou-I don't know.I...I...I...just...did...hat for the first time... Atsu-Stop lieing!For that I shall break your body in pieces! Then Atsu stuck his head out and rose up and tried to body slam Umourashou but Umourashou jumped up all the way to on a building. Atsu-I have no freakin idea how you do that but I'll make sure you won't do it again!Personally! Umourashou-I already told you.I don't know. Atsu-LIAR!You're hiding something from me and I wanna find out what it is! Umourashou-ARRRRRRRGHH! Then all of a sudden Umourashou shot out fire from his hand!Atsu seemed to be getting injured from fire as it was his weakness. Atsu-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH The sound of the scream made the whole city shake and soon Atsu started turning red! Umourashou-NO FREAKIN WAY! Atsu-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU [bleep]!!!!!!I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soon Atsu starts turning yellow and electricity starts coming out of him.Umourashou covers his eyes because of the flash.Atsu screamed and soon, it stopped.Umourashou uncovered his eyes and opened his eyes wide.Atsu was not a worm-like creature anymore.Instead now he's a worm except with electricity coming out of his body. Super Atsu-HAHAHA!Now I am INVINCIBLE!!! Umourashou-[bleep] him!(Nervously) Super Atsu-HAHAHAHAHA! Umourashou-Why you!Hyah! Umourashou shot a blast from his hands.Super Atsu blocks the attack with his tail and it hits a building instead. Umourashou-Darn it! Super Atsu-HAHAHAHAHA! Umourashou-Why you! Then he shot another blast at Atsu.It had no effect. Super Atsu-Do you think that you can beat me?HAHAHA!Think again!Goodbye!ROOOAAAAAARRRRR!!!!!!! Well now we can say ciao.But is it really the end of Umourashou?Why is he the main character?Why did it take me so long to type this episode up?What am I doing?Find ou next episde. Episode 4 Atsu defeated?World Saved!Or is it? Episode 4 Atsu defeated?World Saved!Or is it? Previously on Dragonball UB, the evil monster known as Atsu took on the newly-powered human Umourashou, and transformed into an even more powerful worm creature. With these amazing powers the worm now has, can our hero even make a dent in the worm-creature's power? Super Atsu:Heh heh..... You don't stand a chance against me now! Umourashou:Now what the heck do I do? Meanwhile, on another planet entirely, in a small village........ A large alien creature holds up a small dieing Namek-Like one, surrounded by many dead Namek-Like creatures. Large Alien:Tell me you fool, where is he? Where is Atsu? Namek-Like Alien:I...I don't know where he is..... Large Alien:You are lieing. You are the Elder, you should know. Tell me, or I'll snap both your hands off! Namek-Like Alien:All right...... He went to the third planet of Sector 98...... Large Alien:And why did he go there? Namek-Like Alien:Went for......the...Drauhhhhh..... It dies. Large Alien:Damm it! (Sighs) Reko, come in Reko. Reko(On radio):Yes, what is it Appan? Appan:The punk's headed for Sector 98. Reko:Why the heck would he want to go there? Appan:Who knows? Our orders are just to get that thing. I coming back. Prepare for launch. Reko:Right....... Just who are these two warriors, and why are they after Atsu? And what is the worm-like creature doing on Earth anyway? Find out next time on Dragonball UB! Episode 5:The Bounty Hunters Previously on DBUB, the fight of the century had begun with Umourashou and Atsu.Energy blasts after energy blasts.But soon the kiddie battle had ended as Atsu had now became Super Atsu and now it seems the mysterious Appan and Reko are searching for Atsu.It seems like the hunter has become the hunted. Episode 5 The Bounty Hunters In outer space... Appan-How long till we get there? Reko-I say about 2 hours or less Appan-Darn it!If I could only breathe in space!I'd be there in 5! Reko-Don't worry.I'm getting turbo set up. Appan-Good.Full speed ahead.(In his mind)Atsu it's payback.For destroying my planet I will destroy you and yours. *Flashback* Appan-Hey Reko how you doin there? Reko-I'm fine.I'd say 5 more minutes till it's finish. Appan-That's good.I can't wait till we have world peace and stop world hunger. Reko-Heh. BOOOOOOOM! (A bomb came from above and blew up the area Reko and Appan were working at.) Appan-Reko you alright? Reko-Yeah I...look out!!! (Reko pushes Appan out of the way and a bomb hits Reko) Appan-REKO!!! Reko-I'm fine! (Strange noise from underground) Atsu came out from the ground. Appan-What the heck is that?!?!? Atsu-I am Atsu the elite warrior of planet Zecon! Appan-What do you want? Atsu-YOU DEAD!!!HAHAHAHAHA!!! Then Atsu opened up it's deadly jaws and shot lasers at the planet! Appan-NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Then he covered his eyes from the flash.Soon he opened them and saw destruction in that city. Appan-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Atsu-HAHAHA!!! Appan-Reko, lets go! Reko-(Slowly)I can't...get up. Appan-Don't worry I'll help you buddy. Appan lifted Reko up slowly and they ran for their lives. Atsu continued destroying the planet Hyah. Appan-We'll hide here till it's over looking at the sewer.We'll have to stay here for the night. Reko-Ok.Hopefully everyone we'll be ok. Appan-Yeah.(thinking)Hopefully In the morning they went out and saw massive destruction. Appan-Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Anybody here? Nobody answered. Appan-Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silence. Appan-ATSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Flashback ends* Appan-I was searching for you for the past 25 years and worked up a few muscles.But I'll get you still. Meanwhile on earth... Umourashou-Ahh! Umourashou was dodging attacks and jumping far from them. Umourashou-EEK!!! Super Atsu-HAHAHA!If you think that is bad then try this one!Ucklyhamiteshe!(Uck-lee-ha-mit-i-tes-he) His antennas shot a ray of electricity directed to Umourashou. Umourashou-AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was electrocuted nearly to death. Umourashou-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Super Atsu-Suffer!!!!!HAHAHA!!! Umourashou-Oh yeah!Ryu-ken! Red light came out of Umourashou and hit Super Atsu and knocked him down.Super Atsu's attack had stooped.Umourashou was starting to bleed but looked in better condition than Super Atsu. Super Atsu-Why you!!! Umourashou-Hehe!(While rubbing his nose) Is this the end of Super Atsu?What about the bounty hunters?Is Umourashou's strange powers he had recieved have some connection wiith the meteor collision or the bounty hunters?And who is Super Atsu?Is he a space pirate or is he just confused?All answers and others will be answered next episode! Episode 6 The bounty hunters revenge!Umourashou's decision! Previously on DBUB, Umourashou and Super Atsu had a fight no one had seen before.(Clips of the battle)But as soon as Super Atsu had Umourashou moving no more Umourashou shot a blast of himself to knock down Super Atsu for the count and got him free.But the bounty hunters Reko and Appan are on ther way to earth. Episode 6 The bounty hunters revenge!Umourashou's decision! Umourashou-Give up? Super Atsu-Me?Give up to you?Never!(While getting up) Umourashou-Nice to hear that.Since I'm going to kill you! Super Atsu-Huh? Umourashou gathered power to shoot at Super Atsu and ran like the wind. Umourashou-Ryu-ken! Super Atsu-HOLY [BLEEP!!!] Super Atsu was there being burned by the blast while Umourashou stood there blasting him. Umourashou-Go home and leave us in peace. Super Atsu-Never!I never give up! Umourashou-Oh right then!FULL POWER! Super Atsu-AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHFor a hero you sure are a lot a like a villain! Umourashou-Guess so huh? Thn out of nowhere a blast had hit Umourashou and knocked him down.Super Atsu had gotten up and saw that the blast had came from Appan. Super Atsu-It's you!!! Appan-Yeah it's me you b@stard! Super Atsu-But I thought you were dead. Appan-Killing the president of the planet Hyah is not easy. Super Atsu-President? Appan-Yes president. Super Atsu-ARRRRGGGGH!!!!!!!!Go to heck!!!!!Hyuchackin!!!!! Then a blast came out of Super Atsu and was headed toward Appan.Then he had thought it hit him. Super Atsu-Yeah!!!Hehe. Appan-Why are you laughing? Super Atsu-Huh? Appan stood their undamaged with the smoke clearing up. Super Atsu-No way!!!But but... Appan-You can't beat me you big piece of jelly. Super Atsu-ARRRRRGGGGGGGH!!!!DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super Atsu charged and headed toward Appan but A blast came from nowhere and shot Super Atsu from behind.Super Atsu fell.And then he got up and saw that the blast had came from none other than Reko. Super Atsu-You too? Reko-Yeah me too.And you will pay for what you did. Umourashou-Alright so which one of you b@stards knocked me down? Super Atsu-Uh...sir Mr.uh...Human it was him (Pointing to Appan) Umourashou-Hey!Why did you do that for? Appan-Because I wanted to take care of Super Atsu myself puny human. Umourashou-Don't call me puny. Appan-Heh.Whatever. Umourashou-Don't whatever me! Super Atsu-Uh.Hey kids would you mind killing this guy? Umourashou-Help you?Never!You wanted to destroy me and you think I will help you?Not in your life! Appan-So you're on our side? Umourashou-You hurt me and think I'll help?But I agree that Super Atsu must be stopped though.Let's go! Super Atsu-What?!?!You want to kill me???????? Umourashou-No.We want to torture you and then kill you.Ryu-ken! Appan-Hitutsu!(Whatever that means) Reko-Agonistu! Super Atsu-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! White light covers up the whole city and when everyone opens their eyes it's covered with goo. Umourashou-At least he's dead. Appan-That's all that matters. Umourashou-I'll clean this up in the morning.(Runs away) Appan-Yeah me too.(Runs away) Reko-Me too(Runs away also) The evil of Atsu has ended but now that he's dead where will Reko and Appan head to?And will the mystery of Umourashou's powers be revealed?And will another evil take place on planet earth?Find out next episode of DBUB! Episode 7 Mystery of Umourashou powers unlocked!Enter Gardra! No this is not their format but hey that's too long...so wat do u think?Wanna change the version from here on end?Or do u want the story to be moved here?Find out next time on otakuboards!!!
  3. Satan...Is the way to pronounce it and his real name...u no?FUNI made Hercule...The original is Satan (the first a sounds like the word satin) heh...or somethin like it like the word something... It was changed for religous purposes...
  4. Don't bring female ssj's in juust yet...the explanation is that Toriyama and others were just not able to make 1.Why don't u try drawing a female ssj?Not so simple now is it?Unless you draw their original here and make it yellow.Not much of a transformation now is it?And if u put their hair up like guys have it, they would look like guys...
  5. As long as the original gaurdian passes the dragonballs to someone else it is the same such as guru and the other guy...Kami created the black star fused with piccolo before db. BTW-gt was NOT made by or had anything to do with Toriyama.He just did the character designs.
  6. Hmm...this is easy...If Bardock could take over planets and he was brave enough to take on frieza don't u think goku would have also?After all, as they say like father like son.
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