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Everything posted by KUNIVA

  1. Heres mine I like it alot. [URL=http://homepages.about.com/mew1234/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/untitled.jpg]Bahumut[/URL]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by 'King Sephiroth [/i] [B]well, every one likes it, i like it, they think you drew it, but ya didn't, i drew that same thing and put it on my friends site, you just gave it touch-ups man [/B][/QUOTE] [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue] Thats funny reeeeeeaaaaalllllll funny :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:. Like Dragonballzman said I wana see the pic that you drew that you think I gave some "touch-ups" on. I got the original one from some thing you probly dont even have. If you think I copied that from your stuff (witch i know I didnt ) and I cant draw at all just look at this its not final fantasy but it should do. I dont even know why I waste my time on you.. [/color][/font] [URL=http://homepages.about.com/mew1234/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/hhhh.jpg]My dog[/URL]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B]wow, articlynx, I'm goign to the same grade and I'm starting school the same day as you [/B][/QUOTE] [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue] Wow :eek: me too!! its a small world after all...[/color][/font]

    Megaman RPG..

    ------Meanwhile in a forest far, far away Protoman II hears a sound coming from the shrub behind him?. ------?Huh what was that?? Said protoman. The shrub shook again. This time Protoman charged up his Proto-buster rifle on his arm, jumped up into the sky and shot the bush to find out that there was nothing there. Protoman thought to his self ?where did it go to? But I could?ve sworn that it was right h?? Protoman sees something fast in the corner of his eye moving fast and tries to fire at it. He misses and tries to chase it down then later he realizes that its to fast and turns around and heads back to his camping ground. On his way back Protoman hears the same noise again. This time the noise comes from directly in front of him. Protoman does a quick lock-on and fires his second most powerful weapon the protozoan-Blast. The blast almost destroyed the robot but didn?t because he didn?t have enough time to charge up the attack. As Protoman walks towards the smoking robotic dog he switches on his beam saber and makes short work of whats left of the dog. After Protoman turns off his saber and puts it into2 the slot in his back he hears a voice coming from the side of him. ?Hey that was my best friend you just sliced and diced pal. ? Says the reploid. ?So? replies Protoman. Protoman looks at the replooid then what use to be a dog and he realized that it was pink. ?Your best friend was a pink dog?? ?Yeah, you got a problem with that?? ?Well actually I do?? [b]*BANG*[/b]. The reploids head was blown clean of his shoulders leaving sparks shooting out of his neck. Protoman blows the smoke from his buster rifle turns around and heads back to his camping grounds?

    This or that?

    [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]:) Cd or cassete?[/color][/font]
  6. [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue] I want to change my name to...Well not realy I just wish i didnt have all caps in it doing that was a huge misstake. :mad: :mad: [/color][/font]

    Megaman RPG..

    Is it to late to join? If its just ignore me.... If not: Name: Protoman II Age: 26(mentally) Robot body 3 years old Height: 6?3? Weight: 194 Weapons: Proto buster rifle and Duracraft beam saber Special attacks: Protozoan-Blast and Maxtor Eliminator ( Sword attack ) Bio/Info: Build to kill and prefers to travels alone. Appearance: Yall know how Protoman looks like right? But I have a black scarf and the grey parts are black and I don?t have a visor. If you don?t know what he looks like it?s a pic below (If you didnt figure it out im evil)

    which one?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tec-9 [/i] [B]I WANT YOU GUYS TO USE TO POLL! VOTE! DAT'S THE ONLY REASON I MADE IT!!!!!! ~[I]back to posting![/I] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]You cant do that if the polls are closed. Anyway I say Gamecube.[/color][/font]
  9. [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]Thats some strange stuff yet funny but very very strange. Thats probly a number 1 hit from where it came from. lol[/color][/font]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B]Lol, who voted for "What's a Soopur Sayyinn???"?? I was hoping someone would pick one of the bottom two just for sh*ts and giggles[/B][/QUOTE] I Did :D :D I think girls should be able to tur into Soopur...I mean Super saiyans
  11. [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]I am in Washington D.C.[/color][/font]
  12. [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]I go back on the 4th of September and im glad to be going back...wait a minute what am i saying *jumps out of window[/color][/font]
  13. [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]I Know how old you are. You are....(What did you say strange voice in my Head dont tell them? But why not? O.K. strange voice talk to you later). Any way I know your younger that 18 for a fact and your atl east 15. I say this because you draw you write storys your a mod andyou work thats alot of stuff to do. So i have narrowed it down to 1...(What you still dont want me to tell them strange voice? I dont care if you try to kill me Im going to tell them.) I think you turned 17.[/color][/font]
  14. [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]I liked the one with Kefca in it and that purple Octopus. Sadly I dont Know which one it is and im to lazy to go to my room to find out.[/color][/font]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Link doesn't work... Access denied... [/B][/QUOTE] [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]This time it should work[/color][/font] [URL=http://dafuture16.homestead.com/files/sig9a.jpg]Click here[/URL]
  16. [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]Great just a small numper of 477 more more post until My super custom avratar and I will rule all I cant wait. [size=1] Man I wish i had my old post back then it will only be half.[/size][/color][/font]
  17. KUNIVA


    [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]Am I the only that thinks that that game was great but just way to short. [/color][/font]
  18. [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]Nice pic Cera[/color][/font] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]andWhere did I find this picture? It rules. [/B][/QUOTE] [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]I made A banner with that pic a litte wile back before I found out about this place the one you have is the Sephiroth in the middle.[/color][/font] [URL=http://homepages.about.com/mew1234/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/evil_sephiroth.jpg]click her for it[/URL]
  19. [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]I like the winter time the most.[/color][/font]
  20. [font=Lucida Handwriting][color=Darkblue]Thak you to all the people who said they liked it[/color][/font]
  21. Besides the feet what do you think of it
  22. I got some to [img]http://www.egmmag.com/Ff/Images/36.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.egmmag.com/Ff/Images/22.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.egmmag.com/Ff/Images/24.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.egmmag.com/Ff/Images/26.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.egmmag.com/Ff/Images/2.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.egmmag.com/Ff/Images/6.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.egmmag.com/Ff/Images/12.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.egmmag.com/Ff/Images/34.jpg[/img]
  23. I had 12 hours hours on each disk but the last one cause I havent beaten it yet.
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