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About rMs

  • Birthday 02/02/1988

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  1. I don't dislike TiT I personly like it best. Then TM. Finally the one I lik the the least is TU.
  2. That was interesting. thx for the info. I should check into the story.
  3. I hate that because I love DBZ. Everybody thinks it's for litte kids. I always tell them if it is why is it on Cartoon Network? It usually works. You should try it sandramaxwell60.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]Actually, where in the rules does it say no favorite topics? I was looking but couldnt find it, though i been here awhile so i know its not allowed. Is it implied under the Spam rule? [/B][/QUOTE] Who gives a care.
  5. I've asked this question because I want to know I'm alone. Wich anime do you all like the most. My favorite anime is Gundam Wing. thx for answering my question.:babble: :wigout: :wigout: ;) :) :toothy: :mrt: :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :mrt: :toothy:
  6. I know what you mean. My brother always says that DBZ is getting wierder every time he sees it. I told shut the *$#& up and quit wacthing it. P.S. DBZ rocks.
  7. The ideal anime has to have a lot of dramatic endding to the episode, and lots action. thx for asking that question i wanted to say that for a while.
  8. The saddest moment was when tenchi got mad ryoko and she left the planet.
  9. thx for the great info.
  10. When Goku is seeping Krillen chucks a rock at Goku.
  11. Hey thx for the information, and Mat do you ever get tired of spamming.
  12. I could be wrong but I thought it was 7 chips. Sorry if it's wrong.
  13. I always thought they were green, but I can't see color very well.
  14. It was even about the topic you dumb people. Yu-Gi-Oh you remember that cool show.
  15. Shut the heck up. There's no way I was spamming. I just asked a simple question.
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