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Everything posted by Night_Day

  1. As Ryan was fighting he was not aware of the dragon next to him, the dragon Karina was throwing her througing stars at. The dragon Ryan was fighting opened his mouth and spit out a little flame at Ryan, he was forced to jump, right in front of a throwing star, A sceam of pain got everyones attention, As Valen and turned and Karina stared at Ryan holding his leg were the blade hit. Ryan: Karina, one more ice attack will kill it, try once more!
  2. Meanwhile Ryan was hiding in a crack in the wall. Karina: Ryan where are you?! Ryan was still hiding, little did Karina and Valen knew he was powering up for his next attack. Valen: Do you think we can hold them all? Karina: Sure why not? Ryan isn't much help in the first pla- All they could see was a blast of fire. When Valen and Karina turned around to see who did the attack Ryan was standing panting. The attack hit a dragon but since the dragons are of the element fire it did not hurt too much. The dragon twitched and a grin split across its face. Ryan: How much can these dragons take?!! Ryan drew his sword and started to run at the group of dragons.
  3. Ryan looked at Valen for a few seconds as if he was mad, then he looked away from him,and looked at the last living dragon. Ryan took another step towards it and pointed his sword at it to, he ways ready for anything at the moment...so he thought. When Ryan was catght of his gaurd the dragon multiplyed into five more dragons! Ryan: Of coarse! How could I have been so stupit?! When I came into this temple there was some writing on the wall saying "Try to fight them all but you will not live for the last" That must have meant the dragons! And the last dragon we will fight*gulp* we will likly not live.
  4. It was okay funny at some points but Yoshi didn't look like Yoshi, Mario and Luigi didn't look right and it was weird.
  5. I used to love the game but now I hate it, I guess once you get to level 29/30 it gets pretty easy.
  6. [i]While Valen was fighting the one dragon Ryan jumped at another dragon. Karina sighed and started to help Valen out in the mean time Venna was lying on the ground passed out, slowly all the life was going out of her. Ryan drew his sword and swiped at the dragons feet, the dragon jumped and spit a little flame at Ryan. Ryan tried to jump out of the way but the fire hit him, in his leg. He hit the ground hard, still alive and awake but badly burnt. The dragon toke a deep breath it looked like the end for Ryan, he shut his eyes but not for long because you could hear a roar of pain from a dragon. Ryan opened his eyes and there stood a little dragon, the baby dragon. From the looks of it that little dragon just blow a little fire in the way of the other dragon. It looks now like it is on our side.[/i] [i]Valen was attacking with his sword and Karina was throwing sharp blades that looked looked like stars from farther a way. Valen jumped a few yards away from the dragon and Karina throw a magic attack at it. The dragon fell to the ground, dead. That means only one left now.[/i] [i]Ryan stood up slowly and held his leg[/i] Ryan: How about we corner it then attack? [i]All he needed was a nod from Karina and Valen and he know that, that?s what they are going to do. They each toke a few steps forward and drew their weapons. At each step they toke the dragon toke a step back. This was the end...for the dragon.[/i]
  7. [i]Ryan sighed and just put his back up against the wall and sat down[/i] Ryan: Are we going to fight all these Dragons or what!? [i]Ryan stood up and was preparing for an attack. He bowed his head and started to chant. He chanted faster and faster each second then his eyes turned red and one of his palms started to glow red and the other one blue. He put both his hands together and chanted faster the wall he was standing beside started to shake a little and two little orbs formed in his palms. Then Ryan yelled.[/i] Ryan: Burning ice!!! [i]He used most of his power in that attack as he throw the little orbs at the dragons. He fell to his knees and gasped for breath.[/i] Valen: Umm...that was a fire attack wasn't it? Ryan: No, only part fire the other is ice. [i]Ryan forced himself up with the help of Karina. They all looked back at the dragons the attach didn't have much affect but it just stunned them for a second. There were five dragons left including the baby.[/i] Venna: The dragon! [i]Every one looked at the dragons and there walking towards them was the baby dragon. The dragon was only a few yards from the other dragons when the other dragons noticed that it was comeing towards them.[/i] Karina: Should we get the dragon or run for our lives? [i]The biggest Dragon smirked and toke a deep breath and same with the other dragons and shot a stream of fire towards the group. Anything that got in its way was burnt by the powerful flame. Nothing could stand in its way and no one did because when the smoke cleared Karina, Valen, Venna and Ryan were gone. It seems that when the dragons shot there fire they found a tunnel or did they? or did the flames burn there bodies?[/i]
  8. Yes, you can get 122 power stars in this game though I havent beat this game I know that you can get 122 for a fact. Maybe you have not got all the one hundred coin stars. I have a book that tells you where every star is in the game and there is 122 stars in this game. Keep trying.
  9. Good point there Defcon5. Well ya I can't live without it. But I can live with it.
  10. Weird. I have to go to scool five times a week. Oh well I do okay in school but I stink in french
  11. ???: Why? It dosn't look deadly in any way. Oh I forgot you all dont know my name do you well its Ryan. Ryan started to reach for a ripe blueberry or so it seemed on a vine. He nearly touched it but then a yelling voice made him stop and turn around. Venna: Don't!!! Ryan: Look I havent eaten for days and right know I see a whole wall of berrys in front of me and you think I will just ignore them and keep on walking? Karina: Do what she says or you will be killed. Ryan: Fine, and that was really stupit to yell because the dragons probably heard us and are about to come down this passageway. everyone: Then lets keep moving! Ryan sighed and did what everyone said and they started to run down the tunnel they made it to the end of the tunnel but three Dragons were standing right in front of them.
  12. After they walked in silence for a few minutes the younge kid that lead the baby dragon to them stopped. He toke a step back and bowed his head. Then he started to chant something over and over then he stopped the chanting and started to focus everything on the wall to the left of them. The wall was cracked and scrached up. Then there was a huge noise like a mini avalanche the group turned to see that kid grinning the group turned and faced the wall it was all distroyed and there was a passage way where the wall had fallen down. Karina: What did you do that for?! ???: A flock of dragons are coming this way. Quickly down here! I know fire magic I know they are coming.
  13. Well if you think about it,school is the thing that got us some of our friends. When we go to school we meet new people and they become our friends so...school got us some friends. I still don't like it though.
  14. [i]A noise was heard in one of the passages in the temple. It first sounded like a little echo then you could hear it like it was right beside you. It came from the passage way on the left of the center one. You could see a young boy it his late teens run out of the passage. Yelling and screaming he ran around the temple three times then stopped and looked around. He looked puzzled for one thing. Then he started to run again.[/i] ???: Dragon! Passage! Running after me! Karina: Not you...you...you followed me! [i]The others in the temple looked at him in a funny way then turned and looked at the passage way he ran out of. He was right a dragon was running after him but it was only about two feet tall and looked like it was just born. The Dragon stumbled over his little feet and smiled in a weird twisted way. The boy ran over to the others taking deep breaths.[/i] ???: Dont just sit there run for your lifes! [i]He looked at the dragon and sighed [/i] ???: not that dragon [i]The others looked confused.[/i] ???: that dragon! [i]He pointed at the passage that he ran out of a 15 foot tall emerald fire breathing dragon ran out of the passage. The others stood up and drew their weapons.[/i]
  15. If I had to chose beteewn one Mario game I would chose Super 64 Mario the graphics are okay and you have to get 122 stars. That is a fun game.
  16. I celebrate Christmas Easter Halloween I celebrate lots of times around the year but Christmas is the number one thing my family and I celebrate.
  17. I got out of School yesterday and I thought I was going to blow up! Why you ask? Oh well I think I all ready had enough school for this year.
  18. Okay so here it goes. How many of you people like school or dont like school? Poll above
  19. Well I want to know what do you people like more Cats or Dogs? Poll above.
  20. [i]The story line is set back 500 years on a late fall day. The leaves were changing colour and the light breeze felt wonderful when it went by you. Some kids from town were just playing in a clearing in the forest under a very big maple tree which was right by their homes. You could see in the distance some smoke from a few chimneys and a beautiful blue bird that always pasted their small town to its nest. The kids were playing with their large swords and small daggers and all of a sudden a huge noise was heard and a yellow beam of light appeared above them in the sky and it slowly came down from the sky. The three quickly took caution and went into fighting stance as the light hit the ground. It shook the earth like a mini earthquake after a few seconds when the light touched the ground a very short old man with a ripped robe , thick glasses, a long white beard, very long hair and was walking with a crooked cane walked out of the light and he said to the kids that there are four elemental monsters wind, ice, water and fire and they are trying to take over the world and THEY had to stop them before it was too late! With that the old man walked back to the light mumbled a few words and rose slowly back up in the sky. The kids stared at the light as it went higher and higher in the sky until you could no longer see it at all. They were all lost of words they didn?t know what to think of it. After a few seconds when they came too they noticed that what just happened wasn?t a dream it really did happen! And when the kids were about to run back to there homes and tell their parents what had just happened to them another yellow beam of light came quickly down from the sky to the ground and before they could even start running the light picked them up and rose to the sky. When they were up in the sky they started to fall the beam of light had dissipeared. They kept on falling and falling and then...they just stopped falling and appeared in a temple.[/i] (start from where I just left off)
  21. Im going to start this RPG now okey?
  22. Is their going to be any more people signing up? If there is no more people who are going to I could start the RPG right now.
  23. What one of these you mean Pinch me If I had a million dollers One of those? Here is a crappy song but you have to like it Linkin Park- My December
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B][color=blue][b]Who says I'm a good guy? I could be a demon... you didn't make us specify... heh heh hehhh [i]Valen's eyes turn a crimson color as he prepares for his role as an undecided. Will he be a demon, or will he help the people? Only time will tell...[/i][/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Has it been enough time yet it would help if you told us if you were good or bad.
  25. Okey we have enough good guys now if anybody would please sign up as a bad guy such as the monsters.
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