This is my first RPG so I hope you like it
The story line is set back 500 years on a late fall day. The leaves were changing colour and the light breeze felt wonderful when it went by you. Some kids from town were just playing in a clearing in the forest under a very big maple tree which was right by their homes. You could see in the distance some smoke from a few chimneys and a beautiful blue bird that always pasted their small town to its nest. The kids were playing with their large swords and small daggers and all of a sudden a huge noise was heard and a yellow beam of light appeared above them in the sky and it slowly came down from the sky. The three quickly took caution and went into fighting stance as the light hit the ground. It shook the earth like a mini earthquake after a few seconds when the light touched the ground a very short old man with a ripped robe , thick glasses, a long white beard, very long hair and was walking with a crooked cane walked out of the light and he said to the kids that there are four elemental monsters wind, ice, water and fire and they are trying to take over the world and THEY had to stop them before it was too late! With that the old man walked back to the light mumbled a few words and rose slowly back up in the sky. The kids stared at the light as it went higher and higher in the sky until you could no longer see it at all. They were all lost of words they didn?t know what to think of it. After a few seconds when they came too they noticed that what just happened wasn?t a dream it really did happen! And when the kids were about to run back to there homes and tell their parents what had just happened to them another yellow beam of light came quickly down from the sky to the ground and before they could even start running the light picked them up and rose to the sky.
Here is some things you should put in your post about your person.
Weapon: max 3
magic: if have any and your type of magic
history: optional
Ok here is my guy.
Name: Ryan
weapon: Katana,dagger
magic: Some with my Katana: Fire
Gender: Male