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~*!Rei Hino!*~

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Everything posted by ~*!Rei Hino!*~

  1. Yea I love Washu. She is so funny, and witty. :D And she *is* a cutie pie!
  2. - she's ugly -she's stupid -she's annoying -she never shut's up -ryoko belongs with tenchi -she is a moron ok? ok. ;)
  3. Well its no Tenchi Muyo in Love, but it was alright. I didn't like it all that much. I don't know why it was just weird...I did like that Ayeka/Ryoko moment. ;)
  4. Achika is, but I voted for Ayeka because I felt sympathy for her. :( LOL...She's too delicate to be the strongest. But she's still my favorite.
  5. Well the animation was really sloppy and I hated it. The plot was stupid. The way Tenchi treats the girls is horrid. Sakuya is a preppy moron with no intelligence what so ever. :rolleyes: The way the characters spazz out and just act downright stupid bothered me. And not only did the characters get ugly, but so did their clothes. It's just a disgrace. blech...it just doesn't compare to the other two. But that's just me.
  6. Tenchi in tokyo is crap. But I Love Tenchi Universe and Tenchi Muyo! And I really miss them. Even if the Toonami version edits a heck of a lot. ;)
  7. Well if any of you have seen the Tenchi movie, it's obvious he was born in 1979. But they created it in 96' so he is suppose to be 17, but officialy he is 23. LOL...:)
  8. I always would have liked if Faye and Spike hooked up...;)
  9. I definatly say Faye. She comes off as a slut (I don't know about you but thats the first word that came into my head when I saw her)...But she really isn't. She is a very in-depth character which we keep learning more and more about through the series.
  10. name: ~*!Rei Hino!*~ Fave character: Faye Valentine Fave session: Speak like a Child Fave song: Space Lion ^_^YaY!! I love Cowboy Bebop.
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