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Everything posted by ShadowX

  1. i think aliens lok just like u lol why would they look diffrent and i di believe in aliens
  2. some time we disagree but most of the time we agree
  3. i have to many strong points to list my weak points are i get angry quickly and hmm....... get on peoples bad side for fun but i would be just kidding with them am.....very get in to a argue ment easily but one of my strong points no two of them are i feel good when i help ppl and i concentrate hard when ineed to
  4. damn u guys who get to see all those animals are lucky i see the occational dog then thhier is pigeon and lizzards and peacoks lol
  5. ShadowX


    respect your parents descion i was in the same position they where older than me a ilooked up to them but the smoked and they hanged out with even worse friend and my dad told me not to play with them so i did the only really thing i miss is playing foot ball with them riding then i made new friends and hanged out with them
  6. hmmmm............either u made that all up or u just super freaky alcohol i would never touch that stuff u need to sit down and realyy relax lol and control your self
  7. yup and when i look at the grass out side my house or look at the veiw i brings back memories off when i caught butter flies and jumped around in bush lol right now i feel them flushing right back in
  8. i always act my self always oh and that jumping your brother thing i love to do thta with my sis
  9. passing for a good school and passing my music exam
  10. probably not enough though and not done in detail very well
  11. nah i`m not older than u but i sometimes do that and my mind just drifts away
  12. my name cuz i like to play in the shadows and like to sneak around my avatar for style till in can get a better one not saying that it is bad or any thing my the rest is just a blurr of nosense
  13. i would traing under gravity like say earths gravity is 35 g then i would start at 36 and go to 180 or so
  14. damn u guys are freaky anywayz i don`t have a problem cuz my school follows a dress code and aires should be able to wear any thing that is not degrading idon`t se why thats a problem
  15. nah not to me cuz when ever i am trying something new and it has a distintive colour when i eat it it doesn`t taste like that colour but its really hadr to explain
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