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The Real Amioc

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About The Real Amioc

  • Birthday 09/27/1989

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  • Biography
    Smart, Cool, Athletic and funny
  • Occupation
    I don't know

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  1. Sorry about that I didn't mean to double post but when do we start this rpg or do you want me to start? -The Real Amioc
  2. If I don't get anymore people I will just have to start off with the people that have signed up and if no-one signs up i'll just make up people so we have only have 2 days to get people so please get people to sign up so it get be successful but as I said if no-one else signs up in the 2 days the people that have signed up will be used only. -The Real Amioc
  3. Oh yeah i forget to put this in my partner is Atomomon. And when can we get this rpg started. -The Real Amioc
  4. Name: Joosh Crest: Bravery 1. Lin/to/mon 2. my/u/ka/mi/mon 3. Sli/mon 4. Do/ro/do/mon 5. Crux/i/fi/er/mon Facts Aout Joosh: 13, 5'4, 44lbs, wears Black shirt with a blue lightning bolt and wears red pants with green shoes and as the googles like Tikato. -The Real Amioc
  5. Name: Joosh Age: 17 rACE: Saiyan Weapons: Unknown Sword Bio: Joosh not knowing about any of his family was xcaptured by this unkown group but he had escaped before they could revive Goku. So he is out to ghet revenge cause the only thing he knows about the group is that...they killed his family. Joosh is on his own training everyday and everynight to get ready for them but ever since they revived goku he has been training 10x harder. Appearance: Taller than Average, Average weight wears a nice black and red jacket and black singlet with a pear of blue trousers and green shoes. Personality: Very strong and pretty calm but when he gets angry watch out! Stats: My stats are unknown
  6. OK here is Plot 1 You have heard from Kami that evil saiyans have come to destroy Earth. So it is our job to take them out. So you will either be training or sparring or just waiting. You can spar with someone in the story or you can just spar with a made up character. You only have 3 days which will be faster so hurry. This that a good enough plot. -The Real Amioc
  7. This is gonna be exactly like the dbz/gt episdoes. There will be tasks adventures and tournaments this is all you need. Name: Race: Age: Starting Manouver: This is mine Name: Joosh Race: Saiyan Age: 17 Starting move: Kamehameha There will be tournaments coming near the start but before that training and tasks such as androids coola ect. You may also use the gravitron room Kami's Chamber or The sparring room to train There is no amount of people so sign up. -The Real Amioc
  8. Name: Stickmon Digivolutions: Supermon Mugomon Slimon and Storogomon Digivice: Gold D3 Stickmon attacks: Stick Sludge and Sticky Paw Supermon attacks: Super Beam and Super Strenght Mugomon attacks: Volcanic Shake and Mugomon Earthshake Slimon attacks: Fire Destroyer and Slimon Tremble Storogomon attacks: Destroyer mountain and Light speed surfing. Oh Yeah and my name will be Joosh
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