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Everything posted by Lia

  1. heyhey! don't undermine the power of friends....if anythin you should stick with yer friendsinstead of the dude, friends last longer, bf/gf sh*t doesn't last forever...
  2. well good luck dude,u'll do fine!:D
  3. er.....forgot one thing reminded by travvy... Job: 2nd in comand of the Paladins
  4. damn u ken fer makin us sign up AGAIN -.-' poop head.... Name: Amber Age: 14 Race: Human and whatever that thing was i was last time...er....kenny boi,m what waz it called? Job: Paladin (er...was that last time) Special: Teleknesis Weapons: Cross Bow Appearance: Blonde hair, Green/Blue eyes Bio: brught ot the sight by treme, blah blah blah wanna know? go read the other one from the beginning......
  5. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *jumps out and smacks Fenor on the head with a plack of wood* Fenor: *turns around* u idiot! MORON! What was that for!?!?!? Amber: oops.....sorry...i couldn't see and u just seemed like u were an enemy, heh.... Fenor: *sweatdrop* -.- Amber: oh..um..watch out behind you *points to an oncomming demon* Fenor: *turns around snapping its neck, then turns back out to the fight* Amber: O.o;; *backs up back into the shadows*
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]Ok this is all the stuff I have to choose from..... Pro Skater Pro Guitarist Pro Baseball Player Pro Artist and technology stuff..... [/B][/QUOTE] O.O never call it a pro-artist -.-' :rolleyes: its called a visual major:p sry i'm very snappy when it comes to art:D
  7. Lia

    favorite song

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Ditto that Panny...Curt Cobain does rule;) [/B][/QUOTE] i hear ya! anyne who doesn't like him and likes rock,grunge,heavymetal,alterative,anythin in those lines has got to be shot or sumthin..hes the big cheese:D the oddball who stepped up and started it all *swoon* :love2: er....i'm quite finished with my short lecture..hehe
  8. Lia

    favorite song

    hmmmm....this is a hard question.......erm..... ANYTHING BY TOOL! :love2: eheh... Tool-Sober Tool-Colt Song (#69)
  9. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *drops to the ground* we have to...help Fenor... *starts to bang on the floor with her fists trying to find out how to open it*
  10. Lia

    Riders RP (Story)

    Amber: *gets up in the middle of the night, taking Shadow, mounts him and rides off towards the Orc territory*
  11. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: no...change if you need to Nabashi! save yourself! *kicks her dagger on the floor over to him*
  12. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *puts her hand up to one of the demon's chest sucking out their soul, she drops the dead corpse and watches it break down to ashes* without my dagger.........:smirk:
  13. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Demon: fighing without a weapon? *laughes* Amber: just try me..... *glares*
  14. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *look around focusing in the darkness* hmmm.... *she hears stiring behind her and turns around, surrounded by Demons, she screams then drops her dagger and freezes* Demons: we've got you cornered:demon: :demon: :demon: Amber: *silently watches them unmoving* bring it on..... *growls*
  15. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *flips up into an old warehouse building's window*
  16. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *look to them, slowly getting up and backing away* i don't know who any of u are anymore....your changing...... *looks to Nabashi saddenned* your eyes....and Fenor.....and.....I can't stay here *turn runnng jumps into the air flying off dissapearing*
  17. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *holds head* no...everyones changing...why!? i won't believe this! *turns running off into the shadows of the allis, continues running from them all*
  18. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *stares wide-eyed, backs up a bit and stares*
  19. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: Satan's daughter? you have got to be kidding me, i hate that arrogant ungrateful little....grrrrr...... *looks a fenor* You take the thrown? fine! i could care less about you and all your demon friends down in hell, in fact...i don't believe i'm the daughter of Satan...impossble!what a stupid idea! *crosses arms and scowls*
  20. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *slowly opens her eyes,remains still and watches them, she slowly closes her eyes again* and he was also killed..... *she says quietly*
  21. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *when thrown back hits her head against a brick wall, slides down the side of the wall blood flowing down her forehead, she closes her eyes unconcious*
  22. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *eyes grow wide and dim back to the normal color, runs over to Nabashi, shakes him* get up! u can't die now...get up... *continues shaking him* I KNOW U CAN HEAR ME! NOW GET UP!
  23. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *flies up behind Calla unexpectedly, takes her dagger and jabs it straight into Calla's back between her wing spots*:demon: *kicks Calls down to the ground, putting a foot on her back, rips out the dagger and slices Calla's frailed wing* can't fly away now can u? :flaming: and thats for Nabashi....
  24. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *spreads her wings, her eyes glowing red*:demon: we'll finish this today Calla....
  25. Lia

    Slayfest (play)

    Amber: *slightly smiles* yes...i accept.but as e speak i sense some darkness...Calla......
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