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Everything posted by Lia

  1. hm....i would bring my sketchbook and portfolio of art stuff O.o;; if i lost it i'd die.....um.....definately pictures of my mom:bawl:...my kitty and doggies and um...the fat guinea pig in a box that does nothin but squeak and be cute :rolleyes: um.....i'd bring my wallet :love2: and then i'd grab my laptop and run....eh the family would get themselves out so why bother picking them up and dragging them out*shrug*
  2. Lia


    Amiba: *leaning against a wall in teh shadows, eyes the metallic man, steps out fom the shadows waling towards the metallic figure*
  3. well i think hes cute:p a lil blondie :D heehee
  4. Amber: that adorible little doggy ate the main course -.-*looks around, then throws the dog a scrap* fat dogs r cute :D
  5. Amber: *watching from a neerby tree* hmm..more elemental creatures... *looks down at Kazul who is laying on the ground below the tree* Kazul:*opens her eyes and scans around lazily*
  6. Lia

    Riders RP (Story)

    Amber: *draws another fir-lit arrows back and aims at the trolls* gotcha!
  7. Human Name: Amber Gender: Female Age: 13 Element: Storm Appearence: blonde hair, blue/green eyes, usually wearing ragety looking black baggy pants and a black shirt, wears an ice blue/whit marble amult that carries her element controls for storm Weapon: Magic Bow (instant aiming) Animal Name: Kazul Animal: Dragon Abbilities: Lightning attraction, electric spit rods, highspeed winds by beating wings. Appearence: A rather large dragon with a slim(skinny, thin) cut body structure, looks very speedy has ice blue eyes, massive wings with a golden ridge on them, golden ridge above her brow, long golden claws and a golden tipped tail wth an electrical charge to it (sparks at times)
  8. Lia

    Riders RP (Story)

    Amber: *puts her bow away andrides at a trot to the outskirts of the pact traveling, stays out of view but watches them, keenly listening to the sounds around for danger*
  9. Lia


    Amber: hmmm.... *runs into a back ally and transforms into Amiba, jumps up onto the emprie state buiklding wall and climbs up swiftly like a spider person, flips and lands behind DarkMan* hmm....well who do we have here? *standing partly in the shadows*
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] Yes, now, HURRY UP AND GET UNDER MY TREE!!!! With the skimpest outfit u can wear please! [/B][/QUOTE] to a player with a million love slaves....nah uh! :p i beg to differ:butthead: :flasher: heehee
  11. O.o;; is that a compliment...
  12. Amber: oh fine *smiles and pulls off apron and throws it aside* but if the dog gets into the food again i'm not cooking anymore:D
  13. Lia

    Riders RP (Story)

    OOC: hey everbody i'm in school how interesting! -.-' oops....BELCH!........O.o;; ----------------------------------------- Amber: *rides in pulling out her dagger slicing its head off as she rides by, watches it drop dead and then pulls to a halt, smiles to Bryan and bows her head then clicks her tounge and Shadow begins to walk back into the brush*
  14. eh..... bad mike.....bad mike
  15. um...well i don't have any immaginary pets anymore...but does it count if u think yer pet is somthin else? like take for example...i think my horse is a fat oaf bottomless pit boar piggy thingy that came from some wierd planet of fat things:rolleyes: oh dear....well um....hes taking a liking to bubble gum....
  16. Amber: yea the surprize is THAT dog.... *glares down at dog who is sitting by stove looking up at her with puppy eyes* -.-'
  17. Lia


    Amber: *walking down the city streets waiting for night to come and ready for danger*
  18. Lia

    Riders RP (Story)

    Amber: *mounts shadow and starts off at a walking pace, looks around listening to the sounds of the forest* she who denies them will come and save them....maybe so.....none of them know the reason i left.....i can't be held in a pact.....but i will be there for them when the time comes...war is waging closer.....i know it will come sooner then expected.... *leans forward and strokes Shadow's neck* Shadow: *keeps his head up high with keen senses, ears perked* [I] they are by the camp......[/I] Amber: *straightens up and readys her bow, canters off to around the area where Zack and the other riders are* where!? Shadow: [I]there![/I] *perks ears in one direction.... Amber: *canters off in the direction, pulling out and arrow and drawing it back, lights the end and send it flying into a Troll killing it instantly, smiles to herlself* that'll teach Zack and Nabashi to say that i can't help from outside *smiles*
  19. Lia

    Riders RP (Story)

    Amber: *walking outside the camp, deep into the woods* i never said any of that...itold him i wanted to help...just not join...... Shadow: *lowered head* Amber: *sighes*
  20. Lia

    Riders RP (Story)

    Amber: *walking down the path to camp, looks to Shadow who is walking along side of her* wandering off? i can wander off as i please! i already told Zack that i wasn't joining a pact or anything....i jsut told him that i'd help him through this war....if i choose to wander off and get killed its MY fault.... Shadow: *snorts and nods his head* Amber: *strokes his muzzle*
  21. Lia

    Riders RP (Story)

    Amber: *senses the power of the sword, pulls out an arrow and draws it back* sorry i have to do this Nabashi....but its for your own good! *lets the arrow go, it lands straight in his hand causing him to drop the sword* *frowns* i didn't want to do it but what has to be done must be done.... *drops the bow and runs over pulling the arrow out and takes the scarf around her hand and wraps it around Nabashi's hand*
  22. Amber: O.o;; eh.....i'll cook more:D *pats charlie on the head and walks off*
  23. Lia

    damn preps

    um....sry ta burst yer bubble but there isn't such thing as "goth" people THINK they are goths when all they do is dress up as "wannabe punks" or just a bunch of people in black with spikes and chains but go look up the origin of goths and where it originated cause it definately isn't a style:p its was a sort of religion and belief in "goth" a satanic figure... sry i just absolutely hate it when people call themselves goths.....no offence to u....:blah: PS: i would call the battle PUNKS vrs. Preps (not goths vrs. preps):rolleyes:
  24. OOC: charlie is one of my horse's names...now u have me thinking of a big fat oaf horse jumping up and wagging its tail O.o;; eheh....sry ----------------------------- Amber: u....u...ur dog?:wow: ..................:angry2: THAT DOG ATE MY COOKING I SPENT HOURS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! *shakes fist at dog* :shifty: hm....but he is kinda cute:D
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