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Everything posted by Lia
Amber: *quickly staggers up and draws back another arrow and aims it at a troll,hits it*
Name: Amby class: Elf, Thief description: 500 years old, but she looks like a 13 year old human child with pointy-ish ears, has blonde hair with green streaks and wild green eyes. Usually wearing the classic elf suit (a dark green nature fabric vest, tied down in the front with a knee lengh uneven cut dark green skirt and a green anklet with no shoes. hopes: to be the most well known thief around! :D :naughty: dreams: to be the greatest monk/warrior around. abilities: able to aim a sling shot and hit at any distance wherever she wants, has smoke powder so when she wants a quick escape she throws it it blows up and she can get out through the smoke, and is an expert climber, can climb in trees like a monkey :D fun fun fun
Amber: *hears rusting and pulls shadow to a halt* *looks around* Shadow: *snorts, ears perking around listening to the sounds* ~a small pack of trolls come out through the brush~ Shadow: *rears and runs, amber slips falling off* ~the trolls surround her~ Amber: *looks up at them and reaches for her bow* *thinks: [I]theres too many..i'm outnumbered....[/I] Shadow: *runs all the way back to the camp*
YEA I KNOW! god the new one is sooooo adorible *sniff* i wanna use it but the old one keeps popping up, grrrrrr its UGLY!!!!! AHHH! um...a little help please?:angel: :help:
(( for some reason i feel i'm the only girl in here so far O.o;; )) Amber: *walking down the city streets at night, looks around a bit paranoid at men in trenches but stays calm, out of the corner of her eye spots glitches and unnoticeable misplaced things*
Name: Amiba Real Name: Amber Age: 13 Appearance: Appears to be a regular school girl when on normal days with Blonde Hair and blue eyes, but when danger calls she is transformed into her ability form, she appears as wearing all black to camoflage, her eyes turn red and have a nightvision stare, when spotted she has the ability to camoflage with her surroundings. She works mostly in the night. Ability: Her special ability is elements, she can create fear in her opponent/enemy's mind and show them whatever fear they have to weaken them, she can also metamorph into a black cat to make quick escapes. Bio: It all started when she was very young, she had a strong interest in dark magics and stuff and had a strong belief, when cornered by bullies she had passed out and later found out that her power had come forth, the bullies last said they had seen red glowing eyes and a flash of lights then had also passed out, creating...ther perfect super hero...AMIBA! (corny ain't it? :D heehee):naughty:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj babe [/i] [B]2 tell u the truth online love isn't real. i tested it last week and i am still testing it today. i made up a screenname on neopets since this kid is always on it. i wanted to see what he would say if i were to act as if i loved him. all he did was lie and say things that were not true. [/B][/QUOTE] but roxy, trevor is a player...if you find a decnet guy online and u trust him and he trusts you it will only be the truth:p eh...:love: ........um......*digs a hole and burries self*
Amber: *puts down apron and sets the food on the counter* *sweatdrop* finished! finally.......heh *takes a break for a while outside* ~a few hours later~ Amber: *walks back into the kitchen* Dog: *up on the counter eating the food* Amber: :wow: du...du....du.....DOG!!!!!! *gets out a frying pan and chases dog through kitchen* YOU STUPI:cussing: :cussing: :cussing: DOG! *BEEP* *BEEP* GO AWAY U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *BEEP* *BEEP* ~30 minutes later~ Amber: *running across the battle practice field chasing dog with frying pan* STUPID DOG!!!!!!
Amber: *senses something unusual in the air, mounts shadow and looks off towards the camp where she sees everything seems to be normal, clicks her tounge and shadow rear and gallops off in the other direction* ((italics is mind talk)) [I]somethings wrong i know it...but its too soon[/I] Shadow: [I] yes...i sense it too [/I]
Amber: did you make that up? *looks at him her wil green/blue eyes light up with curiousity*
OOC: ROXY!?!? HOW THE HELL DID U GET ONLINE U STUPID B*TCH! hehe j/k j/k um...but how did u get on? plus u have to sign up :p so off u go....away...and also..before u go is the party in Y's tommarrow? --------------------------------------- Amber: *laughes* for a second there i though u were gonna blow the kitchen up with your yelling
Amber: i have no idea what the hell your saying but it sounds interesting *laughes* but i like it
Amber: *standing in the kitchen wearing an apron* they don't seriously expect me to cook do they? :rolleyes: *hears all the commotion going on outside* Bryan: MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!!!!!!!! Amber: *looks out window*:wow: eh.....*shakes head and slightly laughes*
Amber: *follows Bryan* no....u don't need to stop *slight smile* it sounded peaceful...which is something we need around here......with the soon to be war....or whatever danger i know is coming our way....
Shadow: *nudges Leona playfully with his muzzle and snorts* Amber: *glares at Shadow* don't mind him...hes an impatient pig...... *pokes shadows muzzle* piggy....:D Shadow: *draws back his head and snorts*
Amber: *walks into the room, looks at kool* nice uh....weapons...heh..i see everybody is already getting ready...might as well.... *picks up a bow and sets and arrow in the hold, draws it up taking aim and pulls thumb back letting it go, watches the arrow hit an apple on the tabble and pin it against a wall* :wow: eh.....i did that? Kool: *nods* Amber: *puts down bow before she hurts someone* eheh...
Amber: The sun dying....and rebirth.....interesting concept....you may choose to believe or choose otherwise....i never know what to believe these days.....too much has happened.....
Amber: *walks up behind Leona and also looks out at the view* pretty isn't it? *smiles and sits down*
OOC: O.o;; er.....? :wow: um.....travvy u sure do have some imagination to stretch things.... *thinks a moment* never mind.....gutter....:shifty: ------------------------------------------ Amber: war so soon? we won't have time enough to get everything together!
Amber: *looks to zack* well when do you think this will start? Shadow: *nudges amber a bit impatiently with his muzzle*
Amber: *smiles and picks up the hammer and nails the slabs together*
Amber: *walks up to Bryan* need any help?
Amber: hmm...i felt the summoning but i wasn't sure i was ready to join a pact....i like more solo work...i hate being controlled....but i will agree to help you if you need..... Shadow: *whinnies and nods his head in agreement and fold back his massive black wings* Amber: *smiles* but its good to see the gathering of riders here...long time since i've seen 'em...its like they had all died out Shadow: *lowers his head and playfully snaps at zack*
Amber: *looks around again and dismounts and strokes Shadow's muscular broad neck to calm him down, then starts walking ahead* Shadow: *follows along side of her*
Shadow: *stops suddenly, ears perking forward* Amber: *leans forward, squinting ahead* whats wrong boy? Shadow: *snorts and paws the ground once* Amber: somethings there... *gives him a slight kick and lcicks her tounge* come boy....pace up..... Shadow: *edges forward a bit uneasy, his eyes scan the area and he lenghens his wings a bit* Amber: whats going on...i feel something strange..... Shadow: *whinnies and surges forward at a gallop* Amber: *grasps his mane quickly* WHATS GOING ON!?!? ~shadow rushes through bramble, low trees and brush after a while ends up a bit near the pact of riders, he suddenly stops* Amber: *straightens up and looks around* where are we?