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Everything posted by Lia

  1. Lia

    Riders RP (Story)

    Shadow: *padding through the woods his massive black wings folded neatly upon his back* Amber: *sitting on Shadow's back, inbetween his wings, looks out in front of them* we should meet up with someone soon.....i'm tired and hungry -.- Shadow: *nods his head in agreement*
  2. Amber: i get that part...but the paladin part confuses me......
  3. Amber: this is still very confusing... ((talk about long posts:rolleyes: ))
  4. Amber: *looks up* who was this Siren person?
  5. Amber: *sighs* too many changes....
  6. Amber: i'm confused....a warrior? with holy what!? TREME!
  7. 1.Monty Python and the Holy Grail 2.Caddy Shack 3.Rush Hour 2 4. Shreik i know what you did last summer(spoof) 5. The rest of the monty pythons they are all so damn hilarious!
  8. Amber: but treme! whats this about a paladin!?!?!?
  9. i'm a little late in the discussion but anywho.......my brother had a dream when he was 8 that he was in a box floating in the middle of the ocean...and the box started leaking...and sinking...and he woke up and had wet the bed:laugh: um...ok, hehe and for those of you wo sad u can't die in a dream? hehe...i have....i was in a fight with a friend of mine and dreampt that he took a gun and shot me...i was dead x.X and for some reason...some of the dreams i have relate to events that happen in the future...freaky...2 nights before my mom died i had a dream that i had a dream that my favorite childhood tree to climb was cut down and i cried which somewhat has something to do with loosing something you love, then my mom died and i sorta associated the dream and her death...freaky:wow: another freaky thing is, i used to have nightmares all the time when i was little...then one day i was in a dream and was being chased by a killer, then i suddenly stopped and turned around and said "i'm dreaming...i shouldn't be afraid...ur not rea" and the killer dissapeared and from then on, i knew when i was in a dreamand was fearless
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tursi [/i] [B]*tursi smiles at her room mate.* Tursi: at least i'm not alone in this *tursi walks up to the girl* Tursi: Hello my name is tursi. this is my first time in a school of this kind [/B][/QUOTE] Amber: My name is Amber *smiles* yea...same, i wanted to be able to expand in my ability, plus i thought it would be kinda fun to meet people like me:wave:
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Undying Angel [/i] [B]I used to have guinea pigs and prefer guinea pigs over hamsters. [/B][/QUOTE] me too...hampsters just...multiply...and multiply...and multiply....till all u see i the cage is a bunch of moving little fuzzy dots:therock:
  12. Lia

    New Beginnings

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Um....whats this rpg about? [/B][/QUOTE] exactly what i wanted to know...
  13. Lia

    Riders RP Sign Up

    Name: Amber What Animal your Riding: Winged Horse Animal's Type: Fire Animal's Name: Shadow Descriptions for both: Amber: blonde hair, asventurous blue/green eyes. Shadow: dark ebony coat, wispy long black firey mane and large black wings, has a muscular structure with a broad neck an powerful hooves.
  14. Amber: *decides to take a walk, wanders out of the village, thinking ofher past life and of the wars, wandering farther out into the darkness as she thinks*
  15. Amber: *look to Tursi who is sharing her dorm* another metamorphisiser....i didn't think there would be others....
  16. Name: Amber Race: Vampire Age: 160 yrs old (around 15 in human years) Weapon: Dagger Bio: A youthful vampire, out to satisfy her hunger for blood, but ready to side up with different races for power and to keep herself from her only hunger of blood Description: blonde hair, blue/green eyes, wears all black, usually cloaked.
  17. Amber: *getting things unpacked in her room at Finfield, checking her schedule over* metamorphing class....1rst period
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] GAH! *hides under desk* *in the fire swamp* Buttercup: what about the R.O.U.S.s? Wesley: Rodents of Unusual Size? i don't think they exist. *an R.O.U.S. flies out of nowhere & attacks Wesley* seriously, though, i had many guinea pigs... they drove me insane b/c all they did was squeak & keep me up at night... so i gave them away... they were cute as hell though. i used to let them loose in my room & they would chase my dogs (who are a rottweiler & a pit bull, they were freak out by the piggies, go figure). [/B][/QUOTE] i used to have a guinea pig named winni...it was squeeking and my brother threw it out the window :bawl: *sniff sniff* poor winni....um....but now i have another and its far out the reaches of my brother:shifty:
  19. yah, i'm at school too, but when i get home i'll downloaded asap :D
  20. vain? me? oh noooo..i'm not vain....:rolleyes: *cough* ok fine...i can be vain...especially bout my art :D well being a visual major u gotto have some vanity about ur art...hehe...um...i guess i can be a bit vain about my looks......um...i won't go further:angel: :D although...no...*shuts up*
  21. its just nameless how much stupid stuff i've done :D
  22. Amber: *wakes up* *yawns then begins to make breakfast*
  23. Amber: and who said we had to go to bed now its way too early? *sits down* well its alright for you to be paranoid... ---------------- OOC: well i gots ta go, talk to ya'll later, bibi!
  24. Amber: no bryan....u take your house...as treme said i'll go with him *slight smile* sleep well...
  25. Amber: i don't see anything wrong with mutants, theres no need for any revolting with the men...ignorant pigheads are all these survivors if they cant live in peace with different people...
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