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Everything posted by Lia

  1. sorry to bust yer bubble dude but neil is alot stronger than u:p
  2. WOOHOO!!! go supersayian4444&dbzman!:D
  3. Name: Amber Age: 14 Appearance: Shoulder lengh dirtyblonde/blonde hair, green/blue eyes. Bio: an EVA pilot in training, can get a bit frustrated with her EVA, a bit stuck up at times wanting to be the best EVA pilot ever, but knows it'll never happen ^^;;
  4. Amber: *runs back with packed stuff* i got what you told me to grandpa
  5. Amber: i...forgot..there was so much going on....
  6. OOC: what an entrance anti...... --------------------------------------- girl: his grandaughter *motions to chase* Amber
  7. i like hampsters....when i was 4 my brother and i had 2 hampsters...my brother was a year older and he was a meanie so he took my hampster and ran over it with a red wagon:bawl:.....it went smoosh...so for revenge i took his and smashed it in the dresser drawer...mean i know...but hey...i was a little kid....
  8. eh...i have science fair too....i have no idea what to do and frankly i don't care about winning...i'll drop an egg off a roof and say WALLAH gravity -.- how original...or maybe sumthing on radiation...who cares...its stupid anyways.....
  9. Do your profile like this: Name: Amber Age: 13 Starting spell: metamorphing enemies(turning enemies into things, hehe) School: Linfield Mage type: Metamorphasiser Weapon: sword and wand bio: a bit of a trouble maker, likes to be adventurious Description: blonde hair, blue/green eyes:D
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyaman [/i] [B][size=1][b] Oh yes the face of a tiny head drinking is just so cute.......I love this face.....":bow: ". That is cute.[/size][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] thats unethical...the alchohol one is cuter:p :alcohol: :alcohol: :alcohol:
  11. I LUV 'EM! :alcohol: how adorible...
  12. i well....i tried to jump over a set of hedges (bushes) and i...well...lets just say i didn't make it and i was stuck flopping around on the top for.......3 hours....then the bush broke...callapsed.....and i ran like hell..... i run into doors alot...i'm clumsy....i tripped over my dog and fell down the stairs......i sat on my guinea pig......i was skateboarding down a halfpike and couldn't turn and i flew off the ramp into a tree....i sat in an ant pile.........i attempted to stand up on my horse...i didn't succeed because a low tree branch caught me if u know what i mean...owch......when i was little i was chasing my brother and he ran inside and closed the glass sliding doors and i went BOOM into the glass.....another time in South Africa i was on vacation and there were monkey's outside my hut so one stole my apple and i threw a rock at it and then.....more monkeys came... eh...i've done plenty of stupid stuff....... i also tried to make a homing pigeon and i tied a note to my brother's parrot's foot and let it outside....it never came back......and um...he beat me up.....my horse bit me once and i bit it back and it kicked me....O.o;; eheh.... oh and in playing field hockey i got pissed at this girl that stole the ball from me so i ran up to her and wacked her with my stick in the head and they called a foul...but i said it was an accident *evil grin*
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj babe [/i] [B]my sis told me [/B][/QUOTE] i think i musta been high or sumthin then...:therock:
  14. uh....er...i can think of countless stupid embarrassing things i've done.....
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gee-enki Dama [/i] [B]What can go up a chimney down, but not down a chimney up? Romeo and Juliet are dead on the floor. Around them is glass and water and the windows flap in the stormy winds. Outside, it is raining heavilly. How did Romeo and Juliet die? A man is found hung from a rafter in an 11ft room with a pudlle of water on the floor. the rope is only 3 ft long. There is no trace of a ladder. How did the man hang himself? A man is heading straight towards the centre of a field, and knows very well that he is going to die, and cannot stop the fact that he will. Why? Classicly easy ones :) [/B][/QUOTE] 1. romeo and juliet were fish and the bowl broke 2. e stood on a block of ice ad waited til it melted 3.i duno the 1rst 2 were easy...
  16. ¬_¬ um..... *runs away* I'M STUPID!!!!! *comes back a few minutes later* well i'm happy....because i'm stupid...stupid ppl are happy because they don't thave the brain capacity and aren't smart enough to think about their problems, therefore they are happy :D like dogs...they are so incredibly hyperactive and always happy because they are incredibly uncontrollable STUPID! no offense...i have a few dogs..... but anywho...i'm happy! because....i'm stupid!:D :D :D
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]:) what has four feet, then two, then three but only has one voice and when it has the most feet its the weakest. if you answer wrong.. YOU DIE! ... lol j/p ^.^;; [/B][/QUOTE] a human being.... they crawl as a baby, grow up on two, then use a cane which is 3, and when its a baby its the weakest :p :D i got it! that was easy...thats a classic
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]Hmm....well obviously Nine Inch Nails is my favorite band, heh 2nd fav too. But after that...ah...Tool would be next, then A Perfect Circle, Manson...Tori Amos? Ah...then a buncha other bands are pretty good like nirvana, sound garden, red hot chili peppers, blahblahblah. Since I saw NIN, Tool, and APC in concert tho I can die happy, the rest of the bands pfft, heh I don't care about. [/B][/QUOTE] AH! how could i forget! Nirvana, NIN, red hot chilli peppers and Perfect circle! well i didn't forget tool....again...BRILLIANT! *rambles on about their brilliantness*
  19. Name: Amby House:Slytherin Broom:Firebolt Position: Chaser#2
  20. yah....i'm really sorry, i hope she gets better, but if not atleast shes not suffering...they only told me my mom was in the hospital a day before she died so i never really got to say goodbye....so visit her as much as possible
  21. is it too late to join? Name: Amby Age: 13 Year:4th Animal: Owl House: bah....k i'll be in slytherin Appearance: blonde hair, green/blue eyes
  22. Lia


    hehe... no problem :D
  23. ok, well i'm a little late into the topic, but i don't think its total bs what shadowgohan is saying..cause after all NOONE fully dies, our atoms always remain, so who knows, maybe ther are past lives...
  24. Lia


    no offense to anyone but i just say screw religion...its the base of all conflicts, it always has been and always will be and theres nothing anyone can do about it thats just how it is
  25. um...this should be in GD
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