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Everything posted by Lia
[quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]Welcome back. It was unusual to see your username cropping up in threads; I have not seen that in a long while, lol. Also, I suppose, nice to meet you.[/color][/QUOTE] It's my pleasure to meet you again, Ken. ... Please tell me you are Ken. If not, I am terribly sorry. I do have a pretty crap memory sometimes.
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Lia replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
I haven't been here in absolutely years. To be honest, when I was here about 7 years ago, I was using a persona that wasn't me. I think most of you that I knew back then already know that, but for those of you who don't... Here is a picture of the actual me. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v93/leewee/Liaa.jpg[/IMG] -
Well, firstly, I am no new member. I started here about... 7+ years ago? Regardless, I left a long time ago. However, I'm posting here, because I'm back! Or well, I'll be browsing now and then. I would like to clear up though, that the persona some of you may have known many years ago, was not who I was at all. So, I guess this is a fresh start (without a new username). So, I'm Lia. Contrary to the "Amber" some of you knew me as before.
According to most sociological theorists, people tend not to help in most passerby situations because they believe someone else will. What happens if everyone believes someone else is going to step in and help and then no one ends up doing so? I've always kept that in mind when I see someone in need of any kind of help. I guess it's also that do unto others as you would have etc. way of thinking. For example, when I first moved up to New York City, I got horribly ill one evening when on my way back to my apartment. I ended up getting really disoriented and went into the subway - Where I then proceeded to profusely vomit over the tracks and lose pretty much all comprehension. Some woman actually lifted me up, found me a bag to throw up in, got me on my train and stayed with me until my stop. Keep in mind, the train she was meant to be on was going in the complete opposite direction, so she went about eight stops out of her way. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if she had not come along. I would like to think if I ever saw someone in such a situation, that instead of walking away thinking "...Gross" or even assuming that they'd make it home safe - I'd actually do what I could to help that person home. Trust me, it sucks to be throwing up and blind in a subway at night. I definitely appreciated the help from that woman, and I'm sure someone would appreciate my help in such a situation.
Ear-grating Christmas music.
[size=1]Ahhhh, i came kinda late in the topic but oh well. Embarassing stories? geez I got alot but nothing that would match up to half the stuff thats happened to people that I've read in this topic... One day after school at dismisal I was running to get to a teacher's class to get an assignment before they locked up and i tripped over a backpack on the floor and like flew and fell flat on the ground all skidded up and sprawled...and I look up and guess who it is? The oh so "popular" crowd and i just kinda looked up and said "hey whats up guys?" yyyeeeaaa...I got teased about that for a while..for a year after that they were bugging me "slick Amber, very slick" blah.... I've had many embarassing expiriences with shower walk ins...My old bathroom didn't have a lock on the door and my brother just happened to think it was funny to let his friends walk in on me when i'm in the shower....-.- *grumble* Also one time one of my friends set up a surprize birthday party for me, and it was around 7:30 in my living room which...Well my dad was out and my brothers were out so i thought no one was home and I was in the shower and i was hungry so after I got out the shower and put on my underwear (just happened to be a G String -.- those things are on at the most inopprotune moments...) and just walked out how i was with just the underwear...I went into the living room to have the lights turn on and a bunch of my friends jump out and yell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" oh dear...the lesson to this story is not matter what the circumstances..always assume someones around...[/size]
[size=1]Heh, alot of those quotes like "I do what the little people tell me to" and "I listen to the little voices in my head" are quotes from the Hot Topic shirts so they really aren't original, but i still like 'em...like that "you laugh because i'm different, I laugh because your ugly" and TN's thing in his sig "Lets get one thing straight...I'm not" [/size]
[size=1]CHAR. NUMBER: 88 NAME: SeecSucher AGE: 18 LOCATION: WindHyte Plains Bio/history: SeecSucher has lived in the WindHyte Plains most her life or from what she knows, Alone...She doesn't really know much of her past due to her parents abandonned her and she was forced to grow up and survive on her own at a very young age. Nothing is really known about her, she seems to be a very mysterious character. Personality: Shes quiet and usually kept to herself, mostly because she travels alone and hasn't come in contact with any others. despite her tough stubborn attitude, she has a kinda heart. Weapon: A small dagger Items: She carries a small potion pouch and a napsack in which she keeps her food/water in. White Magic Spells: none Black Magic Spells: none Ability 1: She has the ability to hear and sense other living creatures within a large range around her. Ability 2: She also has the ability to keep her scent hidden while camoflaged.[/size]
[size=1]ahhhhh, what Piro said. If you act like someone your not we'll see right through it. Unless the girl your after is a real airhead....[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]*singing* Oh, when ever did I-I-I-I-Ayyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee.... Say that having sex nade you coooo-oooooool? I never said that, Ambeeeeeeeeeer. You're just a crazy littleeeeeee chiiiiiiiild.. *Shave, And a Haircut on tap shoes* *walks away* [/B][/QUOTE] Oh Neil your so mature, Wherever did you learn how to spell made? *sarcasm*
Thus proving this test is inaccurate...
That proves my point in immaturity :P AND you saying "I just don't want to be a little goody-goody" doesn't help the fact...Thats plane immature, just because peoples lives don't revolve around sex doesn't mean they are a "goody-goody" just means they are sensible.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]lol! I'm going to go with the benefit of the doubt on that one.... I think it was sarcasm. I'm glad other people see my point of view in some way though, sometimes I feel like I'm a part of a messageboard that's overrun by hyper-active horny little boys. :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Exactly...HPOD [Horny.Pieces.Of.Dirt] hehe. Well sorry if this is offense taken to anyone...but Ken..is 13..and he got a 13.whatever I don't remember, something along those lines....I'm sorry but I just don't really believe it; even if some people are ahead of their ages in maturity..that just seems unreal...[/size]
[size=1]O.o I'm trying to decide if that was sarcasm or not...[/size]
[size=1]Rick Hunter, I know its not an excuse for your score. In fact your score was very good. People prancing around saying "damn dawg! i need ta get more down and dirtaaayyy!" and crap like that are the immature ones here and in fact should be less pure (If that made sense O.o). I know for a fact some people are lying...Strange ya know...What makes it "cooler" to get a lower score? I just don't understand people these days...I think they are trying to get to the point where they sound more mature and expirienced...Well it doesn't:P[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]You are 73.5% pure. Hmm....... thought I'd get higher. And why the heck are people wishing their 'purity scores' were lower?? That's just stupid. You got what you got, it's not like you're going to be 'cooler' or something if you score a 0. :rolleyes: Kids these days..... [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]I know, people are happy and proud of their low scores...and looking at the age levels here I don't believe half of the scores...I think many lied to get lower to be "cooler" oh please....[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]I believe Downy is laundry detergent, not a diaper. [/B][/QUOTE] um..Fluffles? some diaper brand o.o;; commercials all seem the same, they all have a fluffy little bear and a baby....ok then um... those I'm-A-Big-Kid-Now diapers
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]:therock: Did you just crawl out of the cradle or what?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] lol. Yes kainashi dearest, would you like Huggies or Downy? *holds up the 2 different brand diapers*
[size=1]58.8% o.o; oh dear....Same as Delian though, I've taken another one of those with 100 questions or so and got more pure then this...[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]My sister likes to download those bonzi buddy and comet cursor things. I just go in and delete the files every time. I do believe I am the only person that knows where all the files are downloaded to on this computer, lol. Sometimes they'll stumble upon it, but what is really fun is changing the sounds this computer makes for certain things. For example, today AOL ( ::shudder:: ) has this thing for new sounds when you sign on, get mail, and log off. It is in "celebration" of the Scooby Doo movie, and you can get Shaggy saying "Like, Hi!!", "Zoinks! You've got mail!", and "See ya later, dude." Being the big fan of Scooby Doo I am I put those sounds in, meheheh. It drives my sister insane, and my mom could care less. Since it drives my sister crazy it means she doesn't spend as much time online, which means more time for me :p.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I got that too! heh, except I didn't get the Shaggy voice I got the Scooby one so its like "Reeeelcome!" "Roodbye" hehe...good thing my brother and I don't share a comp...
[size=1]THAT PURPLE MONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Yea whoever stated about the Bonzi Buddy thing...I HATED that, I hated it with a passion...The stupid..purple...monkey...EVERYWHERE! it was so horrifying it gave me nightmares(ok i'm exaggerating) but everytime i loaded a sit or went into hotmail or msn it'd pop up "would you like to_____" and it was sooo annoying! I tried uninstalling it but it came back, and for some odd reason the bonzi buddy site became my homesight when i would open IE or AOL....pissed me off....Everytime it would pop up it'd say in that annoying electronic voice "Hello. Amber" "How. Are. You. Today?" ARGH! but then I got a new computer recently *hugs it* and If that purple monkey comes back...i'm going to go mad and throw my precious computer out the window (yes thats really how annoying that monkey is).[/size]
[size=1]I live on Palm Beach Island in FL, so i'm basically surrounded by beaches...The beaches here are pretty but I'd have to say the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen are in the Bahamas around MarshHarbor. Nothing I've seen so far has compared to them...[/size]
[size=1]"the key to a [I]loving[/I] relationship is [I]trust[/I]" Funny thing is, there is my problem. I don't think I've ever been fully in love with someone. I have a very strong distrust in guys due to a past expirience obtaining to the "R..." word. Although I have cared very strongly for a person before but I wouldn't go as far as to call it [I][B]Love[/B][/I]... but hey! I'm still young and I have all the time in my life to blossom into love!.....Unless by some very misfortunate freak accident i get run over by a train or hit by a meteorite...Which I assure you WON'T happen... *skips off happily and trips on a rock, falls off a cliff landing on a sidewalk. Getting run over by a scooter, then a bicycle, then a skate board...* I'm o- *gets trampled by an old lady with a walker* I'm o- *Is wet by a dog making its mark. Is then kicked by a random little kid* *sits up* I'm ok.....hehe...YAY! Well it could have been worst...I could have been hit by a meteori- *is then smooshed by a giant meteorite* :drunk: [/size]
[size=1]i was saying the woodland creatures in general, i didn't specifically say the RATS LIVE IN REDWALL......and in that quote i was naming the creatures that take place in the book series[/size]