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Everything posted by Lia

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]You not hear punk, till you hear Japanese Punk.... that real punk! SPREAD BEAVER!
  2. i used to skateboard alot and was pretty good but then i got discouraged by being a girl -.- i would go to a skate park and EVERY single friggen guy in teh skatepark would freeze and just stare at me wondering what the hell a girl was doing there but i could grind better than any of them so screw them:p nah
  3. i like.... disturbed, mudvayne, slipknot, drowning pool, incubus, linkin park, stained, POD, sum41, blink182, system of a down, and many many more.....
  4. Lia

    Otaku War

    hi-tek: heeheehee ssj chic: *runs up behin hi-tek and hits him on the head with a sledgehammer* hi-tek: O.O *falls unconcious* i see birdies.... ssj chic: *snicker*
  5. Lia

    Otaku War

    *wheels slowly by ssj babe* his sister...bye sister.... *wheels on* here we come to save the day!
  6. uh...i'll do the dragon ball forum if noone has it?
  7. i'll be glad to sign up as a reporter...whats the scoop? any info i need ta know?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]system of a down, slipknot too :cool: [/B][/QUOTE] omg...sum1 agrees with me! YAY! slipknot rocks and system of a down kicks *****!
  9. Lia

    Otaku War

    *wheeling on, on her tricycle happily, whistles* happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy
  10. Lia

    Otaku War

    *is healed with senzu bean* thanku ^^
  11. Lia

    Otaku War

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lil_hell4t [/i] [B]shouts at his kirbies "FOLLOW ME NOW!!!' i jump infront of ssj chic and shout PROTECT THE CHICK!!! KAMEHAMEHA THE ENEMY NOW!!! [COLOR=darkred][B]..^^[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]//[/B][/COLOR][B](>")>[/B][COLOR=royalblue][B][SIZE=3](@>======
  12. Lia

    Otaku War

    ur really going to kill a lady? *sniff* i'm hurt....
  13. Lia

    Otaku War

    GAY LITTLE BIRDS!? U'LL PAY! *runs to tricycle, gets on and slowly starts peddling to the enemy*
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yuri [/i] [B]yea I see you leave me a lone [/B][/QUOTE] ur so mean dickhead *smacks michael* take that bastard MWUAHA
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yuri [/i] [B]life is so cruel:( [/B][/QUOTE] we know, i'm sitting 6 seats away from u...HI!!!!!!!! lol did u see them on the wheeler thingy? lol cj dropped me
  16. very true...everyone has to fear something.....well i fear lots of things but my main fear is living i would hate to live on watching my family and friends die therefore in a way i have a fear of living.... i also fear my sister when she has one of her phsycopathic tantroms *hides in a trash can* RUN!!!!!!
  17. Lia

    Otaku War

    can we start i got my pellets ready!:devil: :devil: :devil:
  18. yea i did but ben and u never listen -.-' but r u serious?travis is ina mental house? since when?
  19. Lia


    yea but u could have at least put some GOOD bands....
  20. anyways...i play a bit of drums, i don't really like to look at tabs i just make up my own stuff, and i play stratacaster guitar
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yuri [/i] [B]I play Bass, lead background vocals and I was in a local band untill our vocalist had to go to the mental facility no lie ask ssj chic if she remembers travis F and the band bullet image. I also do sound effects after recording and all the album covers and the site well I used to.....:( mow I just sit here and I'm just as my profile says I also write songs but I don't know I don't wright as much as I used to:sleep: [/B][/QUOTE] r u serious?i knew he got kicked out of scool but put in amental fcacility? omg...i never knew that...i never liked him anyways, lol
  22. my teacher rambles on about his S.H.I.T theory every ay r how he hates celine dion(sp?) or makes us watch the simpsons...ain't he great? lol
  23. Lia


    omg mike(yuri) u have got to do better than that...add sum more.....
  24. Lia

    Otaku War

    was that an idirect insult?
  25. Lia

    Otaku War

    grrrrrr...no us birdies shall conquer...HEY! WE RN'T BIRDIES! WE R...er...BIG BIRDS!!!!!! ya know...my foot and your @$$ should meet big birds shall conquer!
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